Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson

Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson

Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson


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<strong>Scott</strong> <strong>Foresman</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Street</strong> © 2008to theCommon Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS)Grade 5Common Core GeorgiaPerformance Standards – Grade 5ELACC5W6: With some guidance andsupport from adults, use technology,including the Internet, to produce andpublish writing as well as to interact andcollaborate with others; demonstratesufficient command of keyboarding skills totype a minimum of two pages in a singlesitting.<strong>Scott</strong> <strong>Foresman</strong><strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Street</strong> © 2008TE 1: WA6, WA9; 2: WA6, WA9; 3: 287k,315k, 363k, 383k, WA6, WA9; 4: 411k,435k, 503k, WA6, WA9; 5: 535k, 559k,581k, 603k, 625k, WA6, WA9; 6: 673k,725k, 753k, WA6, WA9These pages focus on the use of thecomputer to enhance writing skillacquisition with the object of productionand publication of writing. They also focuson skill application to meet curriculumexpectations.Research to Build and Present KnowledgeELACC5W7: Conduct short research TE 1: 41k, 67k, 89k, 111k, 133k; 2: 161k,projects that use several sources to build 185k, 207k, 229k, 253k; 3: 287k, 315k,knowledge through investigation of345k, 363k, 383k; 4: 411k, 435k, 457k,different aspects of a topic.483k, 503k; 5: 535k, 559k, 581k, 603k,625k; 6: 653k, 673k, 699k, 725k, 753kEach Teacher’s Edition lesson contains aweekly research project. The topic of thisresearch project is always tied to theQuestion of the Week and the topic of themain Student Edition selection. Theresearch project is divided into five steps—Identify Questions, Navigate/Search,Analyze, Synthesize, and Communicate—and one step is presented on each of thefive days in the lesson. Students begin byposing questions about the topic and endby presenting a brief report on the topic totheir classmates.ELACC5W8: Recall relevant informationfrom experiences or gather relevantinformation from print and digital sources;summarize or paraphrase information innotes and finished work, and provide a listof sources.TE 1: 41k, 67k, 89k, 111k, 133k; 2: 161k,185k, 207k, 229k, 253k; 3: 287k, 315k,345k, 363k, 383k; 4: 411k, 435k, 457k,483k, 503k; 5: 535k, 559k, 581k, 603k,625k; 6: 653k, 673k, 699k, 725k, 753kThe weekly research project in the NewLiteracies section of the Teacher’s Edition isdivided into five steps. During theNavigate/Search step, students gatherrelevant information from various sources,take notes, and organize their evidence.During Analyze and Synthesize, theyrestate the information they find. DuringSynthesize, they also collect and arrangeinformation from the sources they used.SE = Student Edition28TE = Teacher’s Edition

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