Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson

Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson

Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson


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<strong>Scott</strong> <strong>Foresman</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Street</strong> © 2008to theCommon Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS)Grade 5Common Core GeorgiaPerformance Standards – Grade 5d. Use concrete words and phrases andsensory details to convey experiences andevents precisely.e. Provide a conclusion that follows fromthe narrated experiences or events.<strong>Scott</strong> <strong>Foresman</strong><strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Street</strong> © 2008SE: 359, 453, 499, 553TE 1: 65, 111g, 129, 133h; 2: 229g–229h,WA5; 3: 281g, 359, 363g–363h; 4: 453,503g–503h, WA4; 5: 553Both the Student Edition and Teacher’sEdition lessons emphasize the importanceof word choice in writing. In addition todiscussing specific examples of concreteand sensory words and phrases in modelsin the Student Edition and the Teacher’sEdition, a lesson may focus on word choice.In addition, Literary Terms lessons focusingon word choice and sensory words anddetails help students identify effective wordusage, which they can then apply to theirown writing. (See TE 1: 79; 5: 543.)SE: 205, 339, 359, 433, 453, 499TE 1: WA2; 2: 205, 207g–207h, WA5;3: 339, 345g–345h, 359; 4: 433, 453,457g–457h, 499, WA5The drafting and revising stages of writinglessons as well as models, graphicorganizers, and checklists either provideexamples of, support the writing of, orremind students about the need for aconclusion as an important part of thestructure of their narrative writing. Inaddition, ask students to reread theconclusions of several favorite stories orbooks and note how these authors wrap uptheir narratives in satisfying ways. Suggestthat students then evaluate how well theirconclusion performs the same task.SE = Student Edition26TE = Teacher’s Edition

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