Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson

Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson

Scott Foresman Reading Street - Pearson


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<strong>Scott</strong> <strong>Foresman</strong> <strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Street</strong> © 2008to theCommon Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS)Grade 5Common Core GeorgiaPerformance Standards – Grade 5ELACC5RI3: Explain the relationships orinteractions between two or moreindividuals, events, ideas, or concepts in ahistorical, scientific, or technical text basedon specific information in the text.Craft and StructureELACC5RI4: Determine the meaning ofgeneral academic and domain-specificwords and phrases in a text relevant to agrade 5 topic or subject area.<strong>Scott</strong> <strong>Foresman</strong><strong>Reading</strong> <strong>Street</strong> © 2008SE: 111, 185, 345, 358, 363, 503, 576,673TE 1: 111; 2: 185; 3: 302, 345, 358, 363;4: 503; 5: 550, 576; 6: 662, 673, 708Questions in the Student Edition andTeacher’s Edition may direct students’attention to identifying the relationships ofevents or important concepts ininformational texts. Also, <strong>Reading</strong> AcrossTexts questions encourage students tocompare and contrast ideas in selectionswith similar topics, themes, or purposes butdifferent forms or points of view.SE: 92–93, 114–115, 144–145, 164–165,188–189, 210–211, 232–233, 290–291,318–319, 348–349, 366–367, 414–415,438–439, 486–487, 538–539, 562–563,606–607, 656–657, 702–703TE 1: 90l, 92b, 112l, 114b, LR28, LR30,LR31, LR33, LR34, LR36, LR37, LR39, LR40,LR42, LR43, LR45, DI•33–DI•35, DI•43–DI•45; 2: 162l, 164b, 208l, 210b, 230l,232b, LR10, LR12, LR13, LR15, LR16,LR18, LR28, LR30, LR31, LR33, LR34, LR36,LR37, LR39, LR40, LR42, LR43, LR45,DI•13–DI•15, DI•33–DI•35, DI•43–DI•45;3: 262l, 264b, 288l, 290b, 316l, 318b,346l, 348b, 364l, 366b, LR10, LR12, LR13,LR15, LR16, LR18, LR19, LR21, LR22, LR24,LR25, LR27, LR28, LR30, LR31, LR33, LR34,LR36, LR37, LR39, LR40, LR42, LR43, LR45,DI•13–DI•15, DI•23–DI•25, DI•33–DI•35,DI•43–DI•45; 4: 412l, 414b, 436l, 438b,484l, 486b, LR10, LR12, LR13, LR15, LR16,LR18, LR19, LR21, LR22, LR24, LR25, LR27,LR37, LR39, LR40, LR42, LR43, LR45,DI•13–DI•15, DI•23–DI•25, DI•43–DI•45;5: 536l, 538b, 560l, 562b, 604l, 606b,LR10, LR12, LR13, LR15, LR16, LR18, LR19,LR21, LR22, LR24, LR25, LR27, LR37, LR39,LR40, LR42, LR43, LR45, DI•13–DI•15,DI•23–DI•25, DI•43–DI•45; 6: 654l, 656b,700l, 702b, LR10, LR12, LR13, LR15, LR16,LR18, LR28, LR30, LR31, LR33, LR34, LR36,DI•13–DI•15, DI•33–DI•35SE = Student Edition10TE = Teacher’s Edition

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