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MINUTES OF MEETING NO. 13OFTHE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGEMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 2013COUNCIL CHAMBERSUXBRIDGE, ONTARIOPRESENT: MAYOR GERRI LYNN O’CONNORREGIONAL COUNCILLOR JACK BALLINGERCOUNCILLORSBEV NORTHEASTPAT MOLLOYPAT MIKUSEJACOB MANTLEGORDON HIGHETSTAFF PRESENT: CAOINGRID SVELNISDIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVESERVICES/CLERKDEBBIE LEROUXDEPUTY CLERKPAUL SHIPWAYDIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKSAND OPERATIONSBEN KESTERFACILITIES MANAGER BOB FERGUSONThe Thirteenth Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Townshipof Uxbridge was called to order by Mayor O’Connor at 7:00 p.m.I. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURETHEREOF.There were none.II.ANNOUNCEMENTSa) Councillor Mantle congratulated the Honourable Erin O’Toole on his appointmentas Parliamentary Secretary of International Trade.b) Councillor Mikuse spoke to the brochure entitled “Savour the Season” and eventwhich takes place September 11 th to 22 nd , 2013, published by Durham Tourismand features the Urban Pantry and the Tin Mill.Councillor Mikuse also spoke to a publication by Durham Tourism promoting“Culture Days” which takes place September 27 th to 29 th , 2013 celebrating Tourismin Durham Region.c) Councillor Ballinger spoke to the 10 th Anniversary celebration of ShobrookGardens in Uxbridge.Councillor Ballinger also reminded Council of the upcoming Walk-a-thon onSaturday, September 28 th , 2013 in support of the New Animal Shelter.d) Mayor O’Connor spoke to the success of the Celebration of the Arts Gala featuringNatalie McMaster & Friends.

<strong>MINUTES</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>MEETING</strong> <strong>NO</strong>. <strong>13</strong><strong>OF</strong><strong>THE</strong> <strong>COUNCIL</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> TOWNSHIP <strong>OF</strong> UXBRIDGEMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong><strong>COUNCIL</strong> CHAMBERSUXBRIDGE, ONTARIOPRESENT: MAYOR GERRI LYNN O’CON<strong>NO</strong>RREGIONAL <strong>COUNCIL</strong>LOR JACK BALLINGER<strong>COUNCIL</strong>LORSBEV <strong>NO</strong>R<strong>THE</strong>ASTPAT MOLLOYPAT MIKUSEJACOB MANTLEGORDON HIGHETSTAFF PRESENT: CAOINGRID SVELNISDIRECTOR <strong>OF</strong> LEGISLATIVESERVICES/CLERKDEBBIE LEROUXDEPUTY CLERKPAUL SHIPWAYDIRECTOR <strong>OF</strong> PUBLIC WORKSAND OPERATIONSBEN KESTERFACILITIES MANAGER BOB FERGUSONThe Thirteenth Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Townshipof Uxbridge was called to order by Mayor O’Connor at 7:00 p.m.I. DISCLOSURES <strong>OF</strong> PECUNIARY INTEREST AND <strong>THE</strong> GENERAL NATURE<strong>THE</strong>RE<strong>OF</strong>.There were none.II.AN<strong>NO</strong>UNCEMENTSa) Councillor Mantle congratulated the Honourable Erin O’Toole on his appointmentas Parliamentary Secretary of International Trade.b) Councillor Mikuse spoke to the brochure entitled “Savour the Season” and eventwhich takes place September 11 th to 22 nd , 20<strong>13</strong>, published by Durham Tourismand features the Urban Pantry and the Tin Mill.Councillor Mikuse also spoke to a publication by Durham Tourism promoting“Culture Days” which takes place September 27 th to 29 th , 20<strong>13</strong> celebrating Tourismin Durham Region.c) Councillor Ballinger spoke to the 10 th Anniversary celebration of ShobrookGardens in Uxbridge.Councillor Ballinger also reminded Council of the upcoming Walk-a-thon onSaturday, September 28 th , 20<strong>13</strong> in support of the New Animal Shelter.d) Mayor O’Connor spoke to the success of the Celebration of the Arts Gala featuringNatalie McMaster & Friends.

<strong>COUNCIL</strong> 3SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong><strong>NO</strong>. <strong>13</strong>e) BOB FERGUSON, STU VANDERGEIST, BONNER BOYS re Splash Park UpdateBob Ferguson and Stu Vandergeist spoke on behalf of the Bonner BoysCommunity Club. Mr. Ferguson advised that 20<strong>13</strong> is the 10 th year of service to theCommunity and the Bonner Boys have raised 1 million dollars for the communityto date. Mr. Ferguson explained that the 25 active member club provides yearlyscholorships and participates in many community events. Mr. Ferguson spoke tothe Bonner Boys Splash Park as their latest and largest project to date andpresented a video showcasing the Bonner Boys Splash Park’s construction.Council recessed at 9:40 p.m. and reconvened at 9:50 p.m.III.APPROVAL <strong>OF</strong> <strong>MINUTES</strong>MOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Molloy“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge adopt the minutes of theRegular Council Meeting of September 9 th , 20<strong>13</strong>.”CARRIEDIV.CORRESPONDENCE208 Main Street Tower Committee re Proposed Cell Tower on the northwestern area of322 Main Street North.MOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Molloy“THAT Correspondence Item No. 208 be received for information;AND THAT a copy of same be forwarded to the Honourable Erin O’Toole,MP for consideration.”CARRIEDV. COMMITTEE REPORTSa) Report No. 25 of the General Purpose and Administration Committee ofSeptember 16 th , 20<strong>13</strong>MOVED by Councillor Highet, SECONDED by Councillor Molloy“THAT the Minutes of Report No. 25 of the General Purpose andAdministration Committee dated September 16 th , 20<strong>13</strong> be endorsed.”CARRIEDIX.MOTIONSa) Metrolinx Big Move Transit PlanRESOLUTION <strong>NO</strong>. 20<strong>13</strong>-06MOVED by Councillor Molloy, SECONDED by Councillor Mikuse“WHEREAS the Township of Uxbridge supports in principle the Big Movetransit and transportation plan recommendations put forth by Metrolinx forthe Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area based on the four principles of:1) <strong>THE</strong> DEDICATION <strong>OF</strong> REVENUES TO SPECIFICOUTCOMES: At all times the public should be able to seeexactly what they are paying for and have an assurancethat the funds are not diverted to other priorities.

<strong>COUNCIL</strong> 4SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong><strong>NO</strong>. <strong>13</strong>2) FAIRNESS: The costs and benefits of the InvestmentStrategy should be distributed fairly across all populationgroups. Tools should be selected so that no one grouppays too much or benefits too little.3) EQUITY ACROSS <strong>THE</strong> REGION: All parts of the regionshould benefit from the investment in transit andtransportation infrastructure. No community should be leftbehind.4) ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY: Whenimplementing the Investment Strategy tools and projectdelivery progress should be visible and the results publiclyreported on a regular basis, including on how funds arebeing collected, managed and spent.AND WHEREAS Township of Uxbridge residents shall only benefit from theBig Move by reductions in gridlock on arterial transportation corridors intothe City of Toronto and the core of the Greater Toronto Area and notthrough the improvement of local transportation infrastructure;AND WHEREAS for Metrolinx to respect the key principles of the Big Moveof ‘Fairness’ and ‘Equity Across the Region’, the Township of Uxbridgerequires significantly less investment in transit than its urban counterparts,as documented by the proposed transit infrastructure plans within the BigMove plan;AND WHEREAS prior to the implementation of any funding strategyoutlined in the Big Move plan, the Township of Uxbridge is finaciallyburdened by the lack of ability to develop and generate growth relatedrevenues by provincial land use policies, inclusive of the Oak RidgesMoraine Plan, Lake Simcoe Protection Plan, and the Greenbelt Plan, limitedservicing infrastructure and the ongoing Ontario Municipal Partnership Fundreductions;AND WHEREAS the Township of Uxbridge property tax base andconstrained development charges cannot support the capital needs and thefiscal sustainability required for funding the ongoing annual operating costsassociated with the Big Move;<strong>NO</strong>W <strong>THE</strong>REFORE BE IT RESOLVED:THAT the Ontario Provincial Government provide significant funding of theBig Move capital projects and provide annual, ongoing, and sustainablecapital and operating grant funding (an operating cost recovery fundingmodel) to municipalities for implementing and operating Big Move projectsand supporting local transit and transportation initiatives, based onincreases to the Province's own funding sources as they may determine;AND THAT the Federal Government adopt a National Transit Strategy thatwould include the Federal Government contributing funding towards thecapital costs for the Big Move plan and transportation infrastructure;AND THAT Municipalities be exempt from having to directly pay any newfee, tax or levy that will result in additional costs to municipalities;AND THAT revenues raised through the use of the various toolsrecommended by Metrolinx be spent on both roads and transit projectswithin the local municipalities in which they were raised;

<strong>COUNCIL</strong> 5SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong><strong>NO</strong>. <strong>13</strong>AND THAT a copy of this resolution be circulated to the Prime Minister,Federal Minister of Finance, Federal Minister of Transportation, theHonourable Erin O’Toole MP, Premier of Ontario, Provincial Minister ofTransportation and Infrastructure, the Honourable John O’Toole MPP,Metrolinx and the Township of Brock.”CARRIEDVI.REPORTS TO <strong>COUNCIL</strong>a) Report PW 57/<strong>13</strong> of Ben Kester, Director of Public Works and Operations, reTender U<strong>13</strong>-32 – Concession 3 BridgeMOVED by Councillor Northeast, SECONDED by Councillor Molloy“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge receive Report PW 57/<strong>13</strong> ofBen Kester, Director of Public Works and Operations for information;AND THAT Tender U<strong>13</strong>-32 be awarded to Signature Construction WindsorInc. for a price of $282,089.81 H.S.T. included;AND THAT any shortfall in funds for this project be secured from the DavisDrive culvert project;AND THAT the balance of the Davis Drive culvert funds be carried over to2014.”CARRIEDb) Report PW 58/<strong>13</strong> of Ben Kester, Director of Public Works and Operations, rePreserve DamMOVED by Councillor Molloy, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge table Report PW 58/<strong>13</strong> ofBen Kester, Director of Public Works and Operations regarding thePreserve Dam until the meeting of the General Purpose and AdministrationCommittee of October 7 th , 20<strong>13</strong>.”CARRIEDc) Report PR 11/<strong>13</strong> of Bob Ferguson, Facilities Manager re PlaygroundReplacement for Goodwood Park SouthMOVED by Councillor Northeast, SECONDED by Councillor Molloy“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge receive Report PR 11/<strong>13</strong> ofBob Ferguson, Facilities Manager for information;AND THAT Council approve the purchase of playground equipment fromHenderson Playground Equipment for the total price of $27,063.55 HSTincluded;AND THAT such equipment be installed in the Goodwood South Park.”CARRIEDVII.BY-LAWSBy-laws Requiring Three ReadingsMOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Highet"THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law Nos. 20<strong>13</strong>-140 and 20<strong>13</strong>-142to 20<strong>13</strong>-145 and the same be read a first and second time.”CARRIED

<strong>COUNCIL</strong> 6SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong><strong>NO</strong>. <strong>13</strong>20<strong>13</strong>-140 Being a by-law to authorize entering into a Community Vibrancy Agreementwith Roseplain Solar Farm Partnership.20<strong>13</strong>-142 Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with Local AuthorityServices (LAS) for the provision of Closed Meeting Investigator Services20<strong>13</strong>-143 Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with J. PatrickHiggins Enterprises Ltd. o/a Canadian Tire Associate Store with respect tothe operation of the Pro Shop in the Uxbridge Arena20<strong>13</strong>-144 Being a by-law to Prohibit and Regulate the Discharge of Firearms or Bowswithin the Township of Uxbridge20<strong>13</strong>-145 Being a by-law to amend By-law 20<strong>13</strong>-027, as amended, being a by-law toestablish and requiring the payment of fees for information, services,activities and use of Township property, to reduce the fee for a TemporaryUse By-law Renewal fee to $1,200.00.MOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT By-law Nos. 20<strong>13</strong>-140 and 20<strong>13</strong>-142 to 20<strong>13</strong>-145 be now read athird time, finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk duly sign and seal same.”CARRIEDMOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Highet"THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law Nos. 20<strong>13</strong>-141 and the samebe read a first and second time.”This motion was CARRIED by the following recorded vote requested by CouncillorMolloy:<strong>COUNCIL</strong>LOR YEA NAYNortheastMolloyMikuseMantleHighetBallinger√√√√√√MAYORO’Connor√20<strong>13</strong>-141 Being a by-law to name the former ‘Kennedy Fields’ ‘The Fields of Uxbridge’MOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT By-law Nos. 20<strong>13</strong>-141 be now read a third time, finally passed andthe Mayor and Clerk duly sign and seal same.”

<strong>COUNCIL</strong> 7SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong><strong>NO</strong>. <strong>13</strong>This motion was CARRIED by the following recorded vote requested by CouncillorMolloy:<strong>COUNCIL</strong>LOR YEA NAYNortheastMolloyMikuseMantleHighetBallinger√√√√√√MAYORO’Connor√IX.UNFINISHED BUSINESSa) Ingrid Svelnis, CAO spoke to matter of installing bike racks at various areasthroughout the Township. The Region of Durham has requested that theTownship reconsider installing bike racks.MOVED by Councillor Mikuse, SECONDED by Counicllor Highet“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge support the installation of abike rack at the Uxbridge Heritage Train Station;AND THAT such bike rack be at the sole expense of the Region ofDurham.”CARRIEDb) Councillor Molloy advised that Goodwood Kartways removed trailers andrecreational vehicles from the north end of their property. Councillor Molloy spoketo the issue of placing recreational vehicles at the north end of the property to actas a temporary noise abatement measure.MOVED by Councillor Molloy, SECONDED by Councillor Mantle“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge direct that recreationvehicles be parked at the north end of the Goodwood Kartways property todetermine if the noise concerns are minimized;AND THAT said recreational vehicles be removed at the end of October.”CARRIEDX. O<strong>THE</strong>R BUSINESSa) In-Camera Meeting re litigation or potential litigation, including matters beforeadministrative tribunals, affecting the Municipality.MOVED by Councillor Mikuse, SECONDED by Councillor Ballinger“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge go into ‘In-Camera’ at 10:15p.m. as the matters to be discussed concern litigation or potential litigation,including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Municipality.”CARRIED

<strong>COUNCIL</strong> 8SEPTEMBER 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong><strong>NO</strong>. <strong>13</strong>MOVED by Councillor Mikuse, SECONDED by Councillor Ballinger“THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge rise from in-camera at10:23 p.m. with nothing to report.”CARRIEDXI.CONFIRMING BY-LAWMOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 20<strong>13</strong>-146 being a by-law toconfirm the proceedings of Council at its Regular Meeting of Monday,September 23 rd , 20<strong>13</strong> and the same be read a first and second time.”CARRIEDMOVED by Councillor Ballinger, SECONDED by Councillor Highet“THAT By-law No. 20<strong>13</strong>-146 be now read a third time, finally passed andthe Mayor and Clerk duly sign and seal same.”CARRIEDXII.ADJOURNMENTThe Mayor adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:25 p.m.____________________________MAYOR____________________________CLERK

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