Nodavirus infection causes mortalities in hatchery produced larvae ...

Nodavirus infection causes mortalities in hatchery produced larvae ...

Nodavirus infection causes mortalities in hatchery produced larvae ...


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116 Dis Aquat Org 63 113-118, 2005heavy and complete necrotlc vacuolation of the bra<strong>in</strong>and splnal cord (Fig le,f) by 20 dphElectron microscopy of the braln and splnal cord<strong>in</strong>dicated typical membrane bound cytoplasmic <strong>in</strong>cluslons(Fig 2a,b) wlth densely packed pockets of vmonsVlrions released Into the surround<strong>in</strong>gs of the cellmeasured 28 to 30 nm m dlameter (Flg 2c) Several ofthe nerve cells m the splnal cord showed marg<strong>in</strong>atednucleus and emptled cytoplasm after the vlral mclusionswere shed <strong>in</strong>to the extracellular spaces (Flg 2d)RT-PCRArnphficatlon wlth speclfic pnmers for RNA2 encodmgthe T4 regon of coat proteln gene of nodavlrusresulted In the expected PCR product slze of 430 bp asshown <strong>in</strong> Flg 3DISCUSSIONObservations made <strong>in</strong> the present lnvestlgatlon onabnormalltles In body colouratlon, feed<strong>in</strong>g and swmm<strong>in</strong>gbehavlour were similar to those reported bymany workers lnvestlgatlng nodavirus-associated <strong><strong>in</strong>fection</strong>s<strong>in</strong> Asian sea bass and other fish species(Glazebrook et a1 1990, Yoshlkoshl & Inoue 1990,Munday & Nakai 1997, Breull et a1 2001, Barker et a12002) In the present lnvestigatlon more than 60 S/o ofthe <strong>larvae</strong> dled wlthln 48 h of onset of observed cl<strong>in</strong>icalsymptoms, <strong>in</strong>dlcatlng the severity of the nodavirusFig 2 Electron micrographs of the central nervous system (a) Membrane bound viral particles m the cell organelle (arrows) and(b) viral <strong>in</strong>clusions (double-ended arrows) depict~ng lntracytoplasm~c localisatlon of the virus (c) Vlral particles measurmg 28 to30 nm <strong>in</strong> the lntracellular spaces, (mset) very high magnlficatlon of the viral partlcles (dl Nerve cell of the splnal cord ~ t hemptied cytoplasm and cornered nucleus Arrows <strong>in</strong>dicate probable exit po<strong>in</strong>ts of viral particles VP vlral partlcles M muscle,N nucleus Magnrfication (a,b) 70 OOOx

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