inside: Fashion - Florida Wise

inside: Fashion - Florida Wise

inside: Fashion - Florida Wise


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Decorating<strong>Wise</strong>variety of color and/or pattern so thatthe room doesn’t end up feeling wimpy.If you and your child dearly want brightslike yellow, red or orange, temper theirboldness with areas of the room that aremore visually quiet, and considerincorporating some subdued lightingsources.• Think carefully about realistic spaceusage. It’s easy to create an adorablejuvenile bedroom that looks like it waspulled from the pages of a magazine,but few children truly live in rooms likethat. Visualize the room of your dreams,and then inject toys, books,entertainment equipment, posters anddirty clothes.• Creative and efficient storage pieces,attractive display spaces, multipurposestudy and entertainment units, and evenbeds that can convert to accommodatesleepovers are all good options toconsider.• Choose furnishings that can grow withyour child. Whether a crib whichbecomes a bed, or a changing tablewhich will later convert to a desk, lookfor children’s furniture which will standthe test of time, both in function anddurability. Invest in quality pieces withYour Child’s Bedroom: Fun and FunctionalByThe Design Professionals of Interiors by Decorating DenAs with any decorating project, weembark upon children’s rooms byevaluating how the space needs tofunction. Should the room have space forinfant care, feeding and changing, playareas and toy storage, or study andentertainment zones? Additionally, wemust keep in mind that these functionalneeds will change rapidly as ourchildren grow, in distinct contrast to themore stable uses of other areas in ourhomes.Regardless of the age or gender ofyour children, there are a few basicrules of thumb to follow. Using theseguidelines in planning andimplementation of your project will makethe process much more enjoyable andsuccessful.• Use the first two years of your baby’s8 April 2006life to exercise total control over howtheir room is decorated.• Refrain from the temptation to flood theroom with characters. Although youryoung child might be a Spiderman,Thomas the Tank Engine or Dora theExplorer fanatic, it’s a virtual certaintythat within a few short years thatcharacter will be dead in the water tohim or her. You will have much moreenduring and tasteful results if you keepthe licensed characters confined to bitplayer parts, which can easily bechanged as the child’s allegiancesevolve.• Choose colors that are both lively andrelaxing. How is that possible, you ask?Children of all ages need color, and loveit. Make sure it’s balanced, though. Ifyou want to use pastels, include enough

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