inside: Fashion - Florida Wise

inside: Fashion - Florida Wise

inside: Fashion - Florida Wise


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Features<strong>Fashion</strong><strong>Wise</strong>Palm Beach <strong>Fashion</strong>Week 2006 ... 12Decorating<strong>Wise</strong>Your Child’s Bedroom:Fun and Functional ... 8Beauty<strong>Wise</strong>Alternatives to PlasticSurgery ... 15Arts & Entertainment<strong>Wise</strong>Calendar ... 18Hiding Victoria ... 19Summer Camp & SummerEntertainment GuideTraditional orSpecialized ... 26Real Estate<strong>Wise</strong>Focus On the Kitchen ... 28Development Dynamics inSouth <strong>Florida</strong> ... 29April 2006Publisher/Marketing DirectorDawn M. AndersonCo Publisher/Executive Vice President of ProductionAnthony J. AndersonChief EditorStephanie ColettoManaging EditorRebecca AccardiPhotographer/Graphics DesignerStacey E. RybakContributing PhotographerMichael DavidoffContributing WritersRob Chiavetta, Chef Joe,Brian Dzubinski, Jerry Desiderio,Jackie Ellis, Dr. Arthur G. Handal,Dr. Sally Goldberg, Michael Gorga,Per Lindskog, Ruchi Harnal,Pam Rogers, Neil Shpritz,Marc ZatorskyAccount ManagerStacey E. Rybak<strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> Magazine is published 11 months a year (1 month distributed todouble circulation) by <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> Magazine LLC, P.O. Box 541600Greenacres, FL 33454-1600. Copyright 2006, All rights reserved. Contents ofthis magazine in whole or in part may not be reproduced without the writtenpermission of <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> Magazine LLC. The publishers’ accept no liability andmake no claims to the accuracy of advertiser’s statements and accepts noresponsibility for errors or omissions for advertisements beyond the cost of paidadvertisements. <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> Magazine LLC reserves the right to refuse anyadvertiser. <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> Magazine LLC is not responsible for typographical orproduction errors and accepts no responsibility for submitted materials.DepartmentsDining<strong>Wise</strong>Leila’s ... 4Sports<strong>Wise</strong>Are You A Fantasy BaseballGeek Too? ... 24Local “Happenings” ... 25Health<strong>Wise</strong>Fitness For the Family ... 16Shopping<strong>Wise</strong> ... 11Advice<strong>Wise</strong>Investing: What Asset ClassWill “Fit” You Best? ... 21ADD and ADHD Prevention:Right From the Start ... 22Do You Have AnyMillennials? ... 23Social<strong>Wise</strong>A Day to Remember JessicaLunsford ... 20Resource<strong>Wise</strong><strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> Directory ... 30About the CoverPhotography by Stacey RybakShot on location at Mar-a-Lago’sexquisite ballroom<strong>Fashion</strong>s by KoelCongratulationsTo this month’s “Subscriber”prize winners!Shirley Sladko of Wellington won agift certificate to the Jetsetter Loungeat 1132 N. Dixie Highway in“Uptown” Downtown Lake Worth.Candi Depka of Boynton Beach wona gift certificate to Beef O’Brady’sFamily Sports Pub at the S.W. cornerof Hypoluxo Road and Military Trailin Boynton Beach.Ann Pernai of Lake Worth won a giftcertificate to L’Opera’s ParisianBrasserie at 224 Clematis Street inWest Palm Beach.Thank you for subscribing andreading <strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> Magazine andplease continue to honor our sponsors.Dear Readers,Some of oursubscribers may noticethat this letter hasalready been printed inour March issue. Do toour alternating mailinglist, we find it necessaryto print this letter again so we are sure thatall our valued readers are informed.Did you miss receiving your<strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> Magazine in the mail lastmonth? If so, you’re not alone! Many of ourvalued readers missed receiving theirmagazine last month, so much so that somehave called to inquire about why they didnot receive it. This was not an accident. Weare still publishing a new magazine everymonth, however; we are using analternating mailing list to expand our reachto even more readers in the areas of WestPalm Beach, Royal Palm Beach, Wellington,Lake Worth, Greenacres and BoyntonBeach. We did this to help our sponsors,advertisers and community resources extendtheir message to more readers and stillreap the advantages of getting theirmessage out monthly to a reach of over20,000 affluent households. With thiscriteria based, alternating mailing list, theywill now double their reach to over 40,000affluent households with an expectedreadership of 140,000 bimonthly. We alsowanted to ensure that more readers areaware of all the valuable products, servicesand resources locally available to them.Our subscribers will continue to receive anew issue of <strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> Magazine everymonth so, don’t miss another issue!Subscribe to <strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> atwww.floridawisemagazine.com andcontinue to receive your magazine as aFree gift in the mail. Unfortunately, this offeris only free for residents of Palm BeachCounty with zip codes beginning with334__. If you live outside the 334__ zipcode area and would like to receive ourmagazine at a discounted rate, see oursubscription coupon on Page 30.As a bonus to our subscribers,every month three subscribers will bechosen at random to win fabulousprizes and gift certificates from oursponsors and the chance to appear in<strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> Magazine.Sincerely,Dawn M. AndersonPublisher

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