inside: Fashion - Florida Wise

inside: Fashion - Florida Wise

inside: Fashion - Florida Wise


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Real Estate<strong>Wise</strong>Focus On the KitchenIf you’re selling your home, yourbest chance at cooking up a sale is inthe kitchen. For many of today’s homebuyers, the kitchen is the most importantroom in the house. This is an area wherefamilies spend the majority of their time.Children park themselves in the kitchenfor homework,the mail issorted dailyand evenguests at adinner partytend togravitatetoward thecenter of thehome … thekitchen. Thecondition of ahome’s kitchenis a major consideration when making apurchasing decision.A total extreme makeover is notneeded if you’re thinking of selling, butyou’ll want to help your kitchen to lookits best. Here are a few tips:Paint: A fresh coat of paint canmake a world of difference. Paint is aninexpensive way to brighten and reviveany room in the home. Stick with neutralcolors.Countertops: If your countertopsare old, cracked and in need of repair,think about new tile. This too can beinexpensive. Again, keep it neutral. Younever know what taste your potentialbuyers may have. Keep your countertopsclutter free. Place small appliances andcookbooks away. This is the time to ridyourself of old magazines and halfopenedmail.Knob check: Replacing yourcabinetry knobs and handles can lendA totalextrememakeover isnot needed ifyou’re thinkingof selling, butyou’ll want tohelp yourkitchen to lookits best28 April 2006ByJackie Ellisan entire new look to your kitchen.Home improvement stores have a grandselection. This will turn out to be the funpart of your mini-makeover.Faucets: Get rid of your old, dingyfaucet. Replace it with an updated,stylish model. The selection available isendless.Let the light shine in: Sunnykitchens are in. Open the blinds, cleanthe windows and tidy up any view thatyour kitchen is enjoying. If your view isa patio, tidy up the outdoor area andadd potted plants and flowers that canbe seen from your kitchen. Replace oldlight bulbs and double check that alllights are on during your showings.Above the cabinets: Addartificial greenery above your kitchencabinets. These faux plants can be foundin our local discount stores for just a fewdollars. Dress it up with a ceramic pieceor a vase not being used.Appliances: The cleaner thebetter. Buyers will sneak a peek in youroven. Hire a professional service to giveyour appliances a thorough cleaning.Aroma: When it’s time to sell yourhome, it’s time to grill your fish outdoors.Lingering smells can be offensive towould be home buyers. Go ahead …bake cookies.Now step back and admire yourwork. Is your kitchen inviting? Is it brightand cheery? Is everything in its place?You’re now ready for showings.For a quick reference guide toprepare your home for sale … giveJackie a call at 965-1225.— Jackie Ellis8188 Jog Rd., Suite 101Boynton Beach, FL 33437P: 561-965-1225JackieEllis.com ❂Out to change the wayyou think about real estateFor many people, your houseis your most importantinvestment. Don’t trust it tojust anyone.What makes Jackie Ellis suchan original in South <strong>Florida</strong> real estate?Quite simply, it’s the little things. It’s hercreative approach to marketing homes tomaximize their value. It’s her friendly,energetic personality. It’s her lifetime oflocal knowledge. And it’s her trackrecord of success more than 15 yearsstrong. When the time comes for yournext move, put your investment in thehands of A South <strong>Florida</strong> Original. GiveJackie Ellis a call today.Jackie Ellis, Realtor®Office: (561) 965-1225E-mail: jackie@jackieellis.comWeb sites: www.jackieellis.comwww.boyntonhomes.com8188 Jog Road, Suite 101Boynton Beach, FL. 33437

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