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Community Sports & Recreation“Happenings” By Rob ChiavettaCommunity ProfileCody Meyer, Baseball Player— West Boynton Little LeagueCody Meyer, age 11, of West Boynton Little Leagueis talented, but it is his character makeup that sets himapart from most other little leaguers. His coaches atevery level boast about how coachable he is and thathe works to perfect everything he is taught on thebaseball field. When he is on the field with younger orless experienced players, Cody is the first to lend aguiding hand. As you might guess, his favorite MajorLeague player is Jeff Conine. Conine,recognized as “Mr. Marlin” is theconsummate professional and team player.One that Cody emulates.In sports, it’s usually the “flashy” starsthat get all of the hype and attention. Theygrab headlines not only with spectacularplays, but with controversial comments oroff-the-field antics. However, as any coachwill tell you, in order to win achampionship the key ingredient is a solid,reliable, on-the-field leader that can becounted on with clutch performances whenthe game is on the line.One really big play that demonstratesCody’s clutch style of play was in the 9-year-old All Star game in June of 2004. Thegame was against North Palm Beach AllStars and Cody was playing for WestBoynton All Stars. It was the championshipgame and it went into extra innings. Codywas playing shortstop, bases were loadedfor North Palm, and there was one out. If the runner on thirdscored, West Boynton would lose the game. The ball was hit upthe middle and deflected off the pitcher’s glove. Cody came inbehind the pitcher, barehanded the ball, and fired it home to getthe runner out by a step or two. The next batter grounded out andWest Boynton got out of the inning. Cody's play kept WestBoynton’s championship hopes alive and sent the game intoanother extra inning. West Boynton went on to win the game in11 innings and became the District 7 County Champions in the 9-year-old division. That year Cody went on to play on the 9- and10-year-old team that won the District, Sectional and eventuallythe State Championship. He was the only 9-year-old on the team.Cody started playing in West Boynton at age 5, but he wasabout 3 when the pastor at his church got him started withbaseball. Cody’s family was at a church picnic and the olderchildren were playing baseball. Cody tried to get involved, buthis mom, Tami, went over and told Cody to let the big kids playbecause he wasn’t old enough for baseball yet. The pastor put abat in his hand and helped him play. Ever since then, Cody haslived for baseball. His parents would take him to Marlin gameswhen he was only 3 and he would watch the game intently likean avid adult fan. He would yell for the players to swing or get“Cody Meyer is a natural baseball player,”says former coach James Dickiethe out. People around him would comment onhow attentive he was for his age. One maneven remarked that his wife didn’t pay as muchattention to the game! Cody’s room is totallybaseball themed: wallpaper, lamps, clock, etc.One entire wall is filled with the trophies andmedals he has won.Cody is an honor roll student at OdysseyMiddle School and dreams of playing collegebaseball at the University of Miami and latermaking it to the Major Leagues. “Cody is anatural baseball player,” says one of his former coaches JamesDickie. Coach Dickie adds, “When you combine Cody’s naturalability with his strong character, his future is endless.”For information on all sports and recreation programs inyour area contact:City of Boynton Beach Sports & Recreation Center, 742-6550.City of GreenacresCommunity Sports &Recreation Center,642-2090.City of Lake WorthSports & Recreation,540-5133.West Boynton Parks& Recreation Center,355-1125.Village ofWellingtonRegistration Desk,791-4005 or791-4747. ❂Are you part of a team orprogram that you are proud of?We would like to profile or list yourcommunity program, league, team orindividual sports announcements,accomplishments or results in upcomingissues. Please email tosports@floridawisemagazine.com orcontact Rob Chiavetta at P: 714-8542.Action photos welcomed! We can onlyuse High-Res photos so call or email fordetails. Photos of people will requirerelease authorization.<strong>Florida</strong><strong>Wise</strong> Magazine 25

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