10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger 10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

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8A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, October 28, 2010WISE COUNTYLooking for aghoul time? ...Continued from page 1Ahouse is downtown, next to Bulldog Car Washin the Panther Creek building. The cost is $5for adults and $3 for students and children.Barbecue sandwiches, water and hot chocolatewill be available for purchase.SPOOK HOUSE — The Alvord Class of 2011Project Graduation will host a spook house 7 to10 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, Oct. 28-30.The spook house will be at 108 E. Franklin St.AuroraTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31BoydRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31 (Hitttreet will be closed)BridgeportRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31AMILY FUN FALL FEST — First Baptist Churchill host Family Fun Fest 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday,ct. 31, at the Family Life Center at 1204 12tht. There will be a bounce house, obstacleourse, games, prizes, candy, food and drinks.ear costumes.POOKY FUN — The Bridgeport High Schoolrama Club presents “The Haunted Woods” forlder kids, and “Boo Forest” for younger goblins,t 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, at 11 Prairie Lane,just off Overland Drive. Admission is free with adonation of a non-perishable food item/cannedgood to benefit WARM.FALL FESTIVAL — The Bridgeport Parks andRecreation Department hosts its second annualSpooktacular Fall Festival 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Community Center andLawdwin Ballfields. The event is free. There willbe games, candy, inflatables, train rides, facepainting, goody bags, a photo booth, speed pitchand more.COSTUME PARADE — Meet in the Duckwall’sparking lot at 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, for acostume parade and trick or treating with HalsellStreet merchants. Customers can still accessdowntown merchants during the costume parade.HAUNTED HOUSE — Bridgeport High School’sMighty Marching Maroon will have its secondannual haunted house 7:30 p.m. to midnightThursday and Friday, Oct. 29-30, in the new bandhall at the middle school. Cost is $3.ChicoTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Saturday, Oct. 30DecaturTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31HALLOWEEN FEST — The Wise County AnimalShelter will host “Rabid Halloween Fest” 9a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30. The event willfeature a rabies clinic, fall festivities, games, hotdogs, chips and drinks. You and your dogs andcats are invited to dress in Halloween attire andwin prizes.HALLOWEEN PORTRAITS — Joe Duty’s Halloweenportraits will be 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31, atthe Wise County Messenger, 115 S. Trinity in Decatur.The photographed will receive a free 4x5 print.TRUNK OR TREAT — First United MethodistChurch will host Trunk or Treat and Children’sHalloween Carnival 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30,at 104 S. Miller. There will be a maze, popcornballdecorating, carnival games and funnel cakes.Donations will be accepted for WARM. Kidfriendlycostumes, please.TRUCK OR TREAT — First Baptist Church ofDecatur, 1200 W. Preskitt Road, will host Truckor Treat 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31. The eventwill include hot dogs, candy, games and hayrides.PUMPKIN PATCH — The Black Creek PumpkinPatch is open to the public 4 to 7 p.m. Mondaythrough Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday andSaturday, and 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday. For informationcall DeDe at (940) 627-5395 or (940) 389-0517or visit www.blackcreekpp.com.CHILDREN’S HALLOWEEN PARTY — The DecaturPublic Library will host a Halloween Party at 4p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28. The party will includebooks, games, a craft and snack. Costumes areinvited but not required. The program is free andrecommended for toddlers through students insecond grade. For information, call the library at(940) 627-5512.TRICK OR TREAT — Trick or treating at SeniorCare in Decatur is 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29.HALLOWEEN TRAFFIC — Trick or treaters in theContinued on page 9ACOMMISSIONER OFAGRICULTUREBackground:(50 words)Role: What do you see as the role of agriculture as Texas becomesTODD STAPLES (R)HANK GILBERT (D)RICK DONALDSON (L)Background: Having been involved in agriculture myentire life, I understand it’s the backbone of the Texaseconomy. As Agriculture Commissioner I will continue toensure we have access to the safest, most reliable, andaffordable food supply in the world, and I will continue toRole: We know that as Texas continues to grow we mustutilize new technology to ensure our farmers and ranchershave the tools necessary to be able to do more with less.We certainly don’t like being dependent on foreign oil, we must not becomeproperty owners’ rights and see that we have true eminent domain reform inTexas.Background: I’ve spent my entire adult life in Agriculture.For me, Agriculture is both a vocation and an avocation. Igraduated with my BS from Texas A&M. I’ve taught Agricultureas a public school teacher and has a 4H adviser. I’vebeen a rancher most of my life.Role: There’s a misconception about the role of the Com-tureoversees all transactions where a product is sold using aweight or measure, including a cash register. Every time someone uses a barsure the device is accurate. This is a role that is absolutely essential to bothurban and rural Texans.Background: I had a Pesticide Applicators License fromabout 1979 to 1985 when I decided to go Natural/Organic.I’ve been involved in Hands On Natural and Organic Agriculturesince 1985. Currently, I am a spring and Fall TruckFarmer and a Small Ruminant producer.Role: Texans need to be producing more from their ownproperties to better accommodate themselves and their communities.Texas Constitution Article VIII mandates all FarmProducts are tax exempt. Urban Farms, I believe, are to be included.Four-year term. Must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Texas for at least 12 months. Amongproducts; facilitates trade and market development of agricultural commodities. Current annual salary: $137,500Environment: What are the main environmental concerns for Texas(75 words)Other Issues: Aside from the issues above, what do you see as the two mostserious issues the Commissioner of Agriculture will face during the next fourEnvironment: Recently, the EPA has pushed forward with establishingcontroversial rules that would declare carbon dioxide (CO2) to be a pollutant.I feel that implementing this rule would have a very negative impact on Texasagriculture. Studies show it would kill jobs. As Texans we need the bureaucratsin Washington to step aside and let the true stewards of our land (farmersand ranchers) do their jobs.Other Issues: Texas is the envy of the nation. In order to continue to be successfulI’m committed to protecting private property owners’ rights, ensuringwe have the safest, and most reliable food supply in the world, protectingconsumers from the grocery store to the gas pump, promoting Texas productsthrough the GO TEXAN program, improving the health of Texas children andfamilies, and working to promote job opportunities and the Texas economy.Environment: Overall, the biggest threat is climate change since Agriculture,more than any other industry, is completely dependent on the environ-cywill increasingly play a roll in our state and I’m looking forward to workingwith the Legislature to address Agricultural concerns as they make waterpolicy for the next 50 years.Other Issues: The biggest issue is food safety, making sure that the food weas a result of one salmonella incident. It’s something that has to be addressednow. The other issue is eminent domain abuse which must be addressed withreal restrictions on the state.Environment: Water collection and consumption are two big issues thatneed to be improved. Texas Lakes and water collection tanks should bedredged and cleaned out when water levels are reduced to accommodate thiswork. Home collection should be encouraged and tax incentives should beimplemented to allow more Texans the ability to supplement their own waterneeds. Pesticide usage and water runoff from roadways should be more carefullyinvestigated and controlled. So called chemical usage (///)Other Issues: More Farmers Markets and Neighborhood Co-ops shouldbe created by the Free Market. The Texas Agriculture Commission shouldshould be re-evaluated and funded by Teas for Texans, if the need is there.be discontinued and let Texas take care of (///)IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING:ballot, but if it is determined that you are not registered in the precinct whereVOTING IN THE GENERAL ELECTIONyou vote, your ballot will not be counted, by Texas law. More information onprovisional voting appears on the Texas Secretary of State website www.sos.In the General Election in November, voters in Texas may vote for any candidate theystate.tx.us.wish, regardless of whether they voted in a party primary or participated in a party convention.All candidates from all parties are on the same ballot.VOTER REGISTRATIONQUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTINGYou must register to vote at least 30 days prior to an election. The last day youmay register to vote in the 2010 General Election is October 4. ApplicationsTo vote, you must be a citizen of the United States, registered to vote, a resident of theare available on the Secretary of State website and must be sent to your countytallyincapacitated by a court of law. If you have been convicted of a felony, you mayelections department. The registration will remain in effect until you move andregister to vote only after you have completed the punishment phase of your conviction,including any terms of incarceration, parole, supervision, or period of probation orderedforwarded to your new address. If you move within the same county, you mustby the court.notify your County Clerk or Elections Administrator in writing of your new ad-WHERE TO VOTE in your new county.consolidated vote center trial). Your precinct is listed on your registration card, or you -istrator(the League provides county web links at www.lwvtexas.org). Voting places are blue. If you are unsure of your voter registration, you can verify your status onalso listed in most newspapers. If you report to the incorrect polling place, you will be redirected to the correct site or offered a provisional ballot. You can vote by provisional5R AILROADCOMMISSIONERBackground:(50 words)Alternate Fuels: How would you balance the use of existing fuel sourcesDAVID PORTER (R)JEFF WEEMS (D)Background: I have spent three decades working withcialand tax counsel. As a small business owner from theAlternate Fuels: I believe we should encourage the explorationof alternative sources by incentivizing their developmentand production rather than issuing more mandates and regulations. As Texascontinues to grow daily, so does our demand for power. To keep our economygrowing, we must pursue every source of energy available to power our dailylives, while continuing to develop cleaner and renewable sources includingwind, solar, nuclear, clean coal and natural gas.ROGER GARY (L) - No reply receivedART BROWNING (G)Background: I worked offshore to pay for college. 1983high honors graduate from the University of Texas in PetroleumLand Management. Worked at Shell as a landman.1989 honors graduate from Texas Law School. Over 20years as an energy litigator, currently administrative partnerAlternate Fuels: I will promote the immediate expansionof natural gas as a transportation and power generation fuel.Texas has been blessed with abundant gas reserves, and this gas burns muchcleaner than coal, diesel, or gasoline in both transportation and power-generationuses. We must continue to explore for traditional oil and gas reserves. Atthe same time, we should encourage development of wind and solar power,although the Commission has no jurisdiction over these sources.Background: I have worked in the oil and gas business as ageologist since 1975, earned degrees at Ohio State, and holdtionand production on four continents where I have seen arange of practices in the business, good and not so good.Alternate Fuels: Oil and gas depletion means we simplyday production begins. Since we use fossil fuels faster thanMother Nature makes them, it is only prudent to switch to renewable fuels.Furthermore, we must come to terms with living in equilibrium with naturerather than believing that constant growth is possible. Only cancer does that,IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING:MOVINGIf you have moved since you last voted or plan to move before you vote this year, notifythe county elections administrator about your new address in writing. Transfer yourregistration to your new address as soon as possible. You may return to your previousprecinct to vote until your registration is transferred, provided you still live within theboundaries of the entity conducting the election. If you move from one Texas countyto another, you must re-register in the county of your new residence. You may be eligibleto vote a limited ballot for 90 days after you move if your new registration is notyet effective. However, the limited ballot is available only during early voting, not onEARLY VOTING IN PERSONAll registered voters may vote early by personal appearance at any early voting locationin their county. Check with your local newspaper or the county clerk or electionsadministrator for early voting times and locations. Early voting days for the November2, 2010, General Election are October 18-29.Six-year term (on a three-person commission). Must be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the United States, a resident and registeredvoter of Texas. Among duties: regulation of the oil and natural gas industry, including drilling production and environmental protection;natural gas utilities; natural gas and hazardous liquids pipeline safety; surface mining of coal, uranium, and iron ore gravel, includingthe use of clean-burning propane and researches new technologies for its use. Current annual salary: $92,217 - $137,5006Urban Drilling: What are the main health and safety issues related to oiland gas drilling and transmission in urban areas, and how would you addressOther Issues: Aside from the issues above, what are the two most seriousissues the Railroad Commission will face during the next six years, and howUrban Drilling: Air and water quality concerns are the most pressing concernsand are currently an area of debate with regards to the responsible statewith legislative authority, will consider air and water concerns in relevantcases.Other Issues: Budget cuts during a time of increased production in heavypopulated areas are a major issue. I will work to ensure that public safety isnever compromised. The Commission must do a better job informing Texansexactly we what we do, and make itself more accessible to Texans. I have proposedthat the Railroad Commission create an ombudsman, whose sole focuswill be to aid those who contact the RRC with questions or concerns.Urban Drilling:over air (from emissions) and water quality (from hydraulic fracturing andwater usage). The Commission must begin to monitor and oversee gaseousemissions from hydrocarbon facilities. Second, we must oversee frac’ing andpress the issue of water reclamation. We also must closely oversee pipelineoperations to reduce leakage and dangers from explosions. We could accomplishmore by creating a separate district for the Barnett Shale alone.Other Issues: The public has lost faith in the Commissioners. I want totributionswhen they are not running. We should focus our limited resourcestoward transparency and facilitating public input. We must stop starving thisfor better funding and implement a policy of getting more Commission employeesperforming inspections.Urban Drilling: Pipeline explosions in the news highlight the need for morepublic safety and resource preservation. Regarding urban drilling, possibletionaldrilling technology, there should be no need to issue permits for drillingwhere people live and work. This should also mitigate other issues includingOther Issues: must prove no invasion of aquifers by gas and injected chemicals before startingnew projects. The same applies to waste disposal wells. Constant monitoringin nearby water wells requires more staff. Overconsumption of limitedThe true cost of energy is not being paid, and inequities exist. The RailroadCommission cannot solve this alone.EARLY VOTING BY MAILsenteevoting). You may request a ballot by mail if you will be away from yourRequest an Application for Ballot by Mail (ABBM) from the early voting clerkin the county where you are registered, or download the form from Secretary ofState website: www.sos.state.tx.us. The completed form must be received bymail or fax by October 26. Note: postmarks don’t count. County elections addressesand fax numbers are also available on the SOS website.A ballot will be mailed to you, and you must return your completed ballot to yourmust be received, not just postmarked, by that date; and faxes are not allowed.

8A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>WISE COUNTYLooking for aghoul time? ...Continued from page 1Ahouse is downtown, next to Bulldog Car Washin the Panther Creek building. The cost is $5for adults and $3 for students and children.Barbecue sandwiches, water and hot chocolatewill be available for purchase.SPOOK HOUSE — The Alvord Class of 2011Project Graduation will host a spook house 7 to<strong>10</strong> p.m. <strong>Thursday</strong> through Saturday, Oct. 28-30.The spook house will be at <strong>10</strong>8 E. Franklin St.AuroraTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31BoydRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31 (Hitttreet will be closed)BridgeportRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31AMILY FUN FALL FEST — First Baptist Churchill host Family Fun Fest 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday,ct. 31, at the Family Life Center at 1204 12tht. There will be a bounce house, obstacleourse, games, prizes, candy, food and drinks.ear costumes.POOKY FUN — The Bridgeport High Schoolrama Club presents “The Haunted Woods” forlder kids, and “Boo Forest” for younger goblins,t 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, at 11 Prairie Lane,just off Overland Drive. Admission is free with adonation of a non-perishable food item/cannedgood to benefit WARM.FALL FESTIVAL — The Bridgeport Parks andRecreation Department hosts its second annualSpooktacular Fall Festival 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Community Center andLawdwin Ballfields. The event is free. There willbe games, candy, inflatables, train rides, facepainting, goody bags, a photo booth, speed pitchand more.COSTUME PARADE — Meet in the Duckwall’sparking lot at 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, for acostume parade and trick or treating with HalsellStreet merchants. Customers can still accessdowntown merchants during the costume parade.HAUNTED HOUSE — Bridgeport High School’sMighty Marching Maroon will have its secondannual haunted house 7:30 p.m. to midnight<strong>Thursday</strong> and Friday, Oct. 29-30, in the new bandhall at the middle school. Cost is $3.ChicoTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Saturday, Oct. 30DecaturTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31HALLOWEEN FEST — The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> AnimalShelter will host “Rabid Halloween Fest” 9a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30. The event willfeature a rabies clinic, fall festivities, games, hotdogs, chips and drinks. You and your dogs andcats are invited to dress in Halloween attire andwin prizes.HALLOWEEN PORTRAITS — Joe Duty’s Halloweenportraits will be 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31, atthe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, 115 S. Trinity in Decatur.The photographed will receive a free 4x5 print.TRUNK OR TREAT — First United MethodistChurch will host Trunk or Treat and Children’sHalloween Carnival 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30,at <strong>10</strong>4 S. Miller. There will be a maze, popcornballdecorating, carnival games and funnel cakes.Donations will be accepted for WARM. Kidfriendlycostumes, please.TRUCK OR TREAT — First Baptist Church ofDecatur, 1200 W. Preskitt Road, will host Truckor Treat 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31. The eventwill include hot dogs, candy, games and hayrides.PUMPKIN PATCH — The Black Creek PumpkinPatch is open to the public 4 to 7 p.m. Mondaythrough <strong>Thursday</strong>, <strong>10</strong> a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday andSaturday, and 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday. For informationcall DeDe at (940) 627-5395 or (940) 389-0517or visit www.blackcreekpp.com.CHILDREN’S HALLOWEEN PARTY — The DecaturPublic Library will host a Halloween Party at 4p.m. <strong>Thursday</strong>, Oct. 28. The party will includebooks, games, a craft and snack. Costumes areinvited but not required. The program is free andrecommended for toddlers through students insecond grade. For information, call the library at(940) 627-5512.TRICK OR TREAT — Trick or treating at SeniorCare in Decatur is 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29.HALLOWEEN TRAFFIC — Trick or treaters in theContinued on page 9ACOMMISSIONER OFAGRICULTUREBackground:(50 words)Role: What do you see as the role of agriculture as Texas becomesTODD STAPLES (R)HANK GILBERT (D)RICK DONALDSON (L)Background: Having been involved in agriculture myentire life, I understand it’s the backbone of the Texaseconomy. As Agriculture Commissioner I will continue toensure we have access to the safest, most reliable, andaffordable food supply in the world, and I will continue toRole: We know that as Texas continues to grow we mustutilize new technology to ensure our farmers and ranchershave the tools necessary to be able to do more with less.We certainly don’t like being dependent on foreign oil, we must not becomeproperty owners’ rights and see that we have true eminent domain reform inTexas.Background: I’ve spent my entire adult life in Agriculture.For me, Agriculture is both a vocation and an avocation. Igraduated with my BS from Texas A&M. I’ve taught Agricultureas a public school teacher and has a 4H adviser. I’vebeen a rancher most of my life.Role: There’s a misconception about the role of the Com-tureoversees all transactions where a product is sold using aweight or measure, including a cash register. Every time someone uses a barsure the device is accurate. This is a role that is absolutely essential to bothurban and rural Texans.Background: I had a Pesticide Applicators License fromabout 1979 to 1985 when I decided to go Natural/Organic.I’ve been involved in Hands On Natural and Organic Agriculturesince 1985. Currently, I am a spring and Fall TruckFarmer and a Small Ruminant producer.Role: Texans need to be producing more from their ownproperties to better accommodate themselves and their communities.Texas Constitution Article VIII mandates all FarmProducts are tax exempt. Urban Farms, I believe, are to be included.Four-year term. Must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Texas for at least 12 months. Amongproducts; facilitates trade and market development of agricultural commodities. Current annual salary: $137,500Environment: What are the main environmental concerns for Texas(75 words)Other Issues: Aside from the issues above, what do you see as the two mostserious issues the Commissioner of Agriculture will face during the next fourEnvironment: Recently, the EPA has pushed forward with establishingcontroversial rules that would declare carbon dioxide (CO2) to be a pollutant.I feel that implementing this rule would have a very negative impact on Texasagriculture. Studies show it would kill jobs. As Texans we need the bureaucratsin Washington to step aside and let the true stewards of our land (farmersand ranchers) do their jobs.Other Issues: Texas is the envy of the nation. In order to continue to be successfulI’m committed to protecting private property owners’ rights, ensuringwe have the safest, and most reliable food supply in the world, protectingconsumers from the grocery store to the gas pump, promoting Texas productsthrough the GO TEXAN program, improving the health of Texas children andfamilies, and working to promote job opportunities and the Texas economy.Environment: Overall, the biggest threat is climate change since Agriculture,more than any other industry, is completely dependent on the environ-cywill increasingly play a roll in our state and I’m looking forward to workingwith the Legislature to address Agricultural concerns as they make waterpolicy for the next 50 years.Other Issues: The biggest issue is food safety, making sure that the food weas a result of one salmonella incident. It’s something that has to be addressednow. The other issue is eminent domain abuse which must be addressed withreal restrictions on the state.Environment: Water collection and consumption are two big issues thatneed to be improved. Texas Lakes and water collection tanks should bedredged and cleaned out when water levels are reduced to accommodate thiswork. Home collection should be encouraged and tax incentives should beimplemented to allow more Texans the ability to supplement their own waterneeds. Pesticide usage and water runoff from roadways should be more carefullyinvestigated and controlled. So called chemical usage (///)Other Issues: More Farmers Markets and Neighborhood Co-ops shouldbe created by the Free Market. The Texas Agriculture Commission shouldshould be re-evaluated and funded by Teas for Texans, if the need is there.be discontinued and let Texas take care of (///)IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING:ballot, but if it is determined that you are not registered in the precinct whereVOTING IN THE GENERAL ELECTIONyou vote, your ballot will not be counted, by Texas law. More information onprovisional voting appears on the Texas Secretary of State website www.sos.In the General Election in November, voters in Texas may vote for any candidate theystate.tx.us.wish, regardless of whether they voted in a party primary or participated in a party convention.All candidates from all parties are on the same ballot.VOTER REGISTRATIONQUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTINGYou must register to vote at least 30 days prior to an election. The last day youmay register to vote in the 20<strong>10</strong> General Election is October 4. ApplicationsTo vote, you must be a citizen of the United States, registered to vote, a resident of theare available on the Secretary of State website and must be sent to your countytallyincapacitated by a court of law. If you have been convicted of a felony, you mayelections department. The registration will remain in effect until you move andregister to vote only after you have completed the punishment phase of your conviction,including any terms of incarceration, parole, supervision, or period of probation orderedforwarded to your new address. If you move within the same county, you mustby the court.notify your <strong>County</strong> Clerk or Elections Administrator in writing of your new ad-WHERE TO VOTE in your new county.consolidated vote center trial). Your precinct is listed on your registration card, or you -istrator(the League provides county web links at www.lwvtexas.org). Voting places are blue. If you are unsure of your voter registration, you can verify your status onalso listed in most newspapers. If you report to the incorrect polling place, you will be redirected to the correct site or offered a provisional ballot. You can vote by provisional5R AILROADCOMMISSIONERBackground:(50 words)Alternate Fuels: How would you balance the use of existing fuel sourcesDAVID PORTER (R)JEFF WEEMS (D)Background: I have spent three decades working withcialand tax counsel. As a small business owner from theAlternate Fuels: I believe we should encourage the explorationof alternative sources by incentivizing their developmentand production rather than issuing more mandates and regulations. As Texascontinues to grow daily, so does our demand for power. To keep our economygrowing, we must pursue every source of energy available to power our dailylives, while continuing to develop cleaner and renewable sources includingwind, solar, nuclear, clean coal and natural gas.ROGER GARY (L) - No reply receivedART BROWNING (G)Background: I worked offshore to pay for college. 1983high honors graduate from the University of Texas in PetroleumLand Management. Worked at Shell as a landman.1989 honors graduate from Texas Law School. Over 20years as an energy litigator, currently administrative partnerAlternate Fuels: I will promote the immediate expansionof natural gas as a transportation and power generation fuel.Texas has been blessed with abundant gas reserves, and this gas burns muchcleaner than coal, diesel, or gasoline in both transportation and power-generationuses. We must continue to explore for traditional oil and gas reserves. Atthe same time, we should encourage development of wind and solar power,although the Commission has no jurisdiction over these sources.Background: I have worked in the oil and gas business as ageologist since 1975, earned degrees at Ohio State, and holdtionand production on four continents where I have seen arange of practices in the business, good and not so good.Alternate Fuels: Oil and gas depletion means we simplyday production begins. Since we use fossil fuels faster thanMother Nature makes them, it is only prudent to switch to renewable fuels.Furthermore, we must come to terms with living in equilibrium with naturerather than believing that constant growth is possible. Only cancer does that,IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING:MOVINGIf you have moved since you last voted or plan to move before you vote this year, notifythe county elections administrator about your new address in writing. Transfer yourregistration to your new address as soon as possible. You may return to your previousprecinct to vote until your registration is transferred, provided you still live within theboundaries of the entity conducting the election. If you move from one Texas countyto another, you must re-register in the county of your new residence. You may be eligibleto vote a limited ballot for 90 days after you move if your new registration is notyet effective. However, the limited ballot is available only during early voting, not onEARLY VOTING IN PERSONAll registered voters may vote early by personal appearance at any early voting locationin their county. Check with your local newspaper or the county clerk or electionsadministrator for early voting times and locations. Early voting days for the November2, 20<strong>10</strong>, General Election are October 18-29.Six-year term (on a three-person commission). Must be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the United States, a resident and registeredvoter of Texas. Among duties: regulation of the oil and natural gas industry, including drilling production and environmental protection;natural gas utilities; natural gas and hazardous liquids pipeline safety; surface mining of coal, uranium, and iron ore gravel, includingthe use of clean-burning propane and researches new technologies for its use. Current annual salary: $92,217 - $137,5006Urban Drilling: What are the main health and safety issues related to oiland gas drilling and transmission in urban areas, and how would you addressOther Issues: Aside from the issues above, what are the two most seriousissues the Railroad Commission will face during the next six years, and howUrban Drilling: Air and water quality concerns are the most pressing concernsand are currently an area of debate with regards to the responsible statewith legislative authority, will consider air and water concerns in relevantcases.Other Issues: Budget cuts during a time of increased production in heavypopulated areas are a major issue. I will work to ensure that public safety isnever compromised. The Commission must do a better job informing Texansexactly we what we do, and make itself more accessible to Texans. I have proposedthat the Railroad Commission create an ombudsman, whose sole focuswill be to aid those who contact the RRC with questions or concerns.Urban Drilling:over air (from emissions) and water quality (from hydraulic fracturing andwater usage). The Commission must begin to monitor and oversee gaseousemissions from hydrocarbon facilities. Second, we must oversee frac’ing andpress the issue of water reclamation. We also must closely oversee pipelineoperations to reduce leakage and dangers from explosions. We could accomplishmore by creating a separate district for the Barnett Shale alone.Other Issues: The public has lost faith in the Commissioners. I want totributionswhen they are not running. We should focus our limited resourcestoward transparency and facilitating public input. We must stop starving thisfor better funding and implement a policy of getting more Commission employeesperforming inspections.Urban Drilling: Pipeline explosions in the news highlight the need for morepublic safety and resource preservation. Regarding urban drilling, possibletionaldrilling technology, there should be no need to issue permits for drillingwhere people live and work. This should also mitigate other issues includingOther Issues: must prove no invasion of aquifers by gas and injected chemicals before startingnew projects. The same applies to waste disposal wells. Constant monitoringin nearby water wells requires more staff. Overconsumption of limitedThe true cost of energy is not being paid, and inequities exist. The RailroadCommission cannot solve this alone.EARLY VOTING BY MAILsenteevoting). You may request a ballot by mail if you will be away from yourRequest an Application for Ballot by Mail (ABBM) from the early voting clerkin the county where you are registered, or download the form from Secretary ofState website: www.sos.state.tx.us. The completed form must be received bymail or fax by October <strong>26</strong>. Note: postmarks don’t count. <strong>County</strong> elections addressesand fax numbers are also available on the SOS website.A ballot will be mailed to you, and you must return your completed ballot to yourmust be received, not just postmarked, by that date; and faxes are not allowed.

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