10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger 10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

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4A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, October 28, 2010OPINIONOUR VIEWSWe need to say goodbye to high speed pursuitsBy BRANDON EVANSWind howled beneathlow, gray skies on Monday.Behind pink granite wallsof the Wise County Courthouse,the second floorcourtroom was eerily quietdespite being packed to capacity.Anxiety and tensionwas palpable. Emotions inthe room were pulled tight,like invisible piano stringsstretched throughout.Sniffles echoed and bouncedaround the cold, woodenroom.It was the sentencing ofStephen York, who pleadedguilty to the murder ofBridgeport Police Sgt.Randy White last month.He received life withoutparole. He also heard firsthandthe anguish of White’sclosest survivors, his wifeand mother.Judy White expressed thepain a mother feels whenlosing a son in more vividclarity than I’ve ever heard.The constant reminders,the constant need to knoweverything that happened,the constant imagining ofwhat could have been andwhat should have beenwere described in detail.She eloquently and painfullyexplained the range ofemotions she suffered andthe apathy toward all otherendeavors in the death’swake.White’s widowed wifeJanet exhibited more grace,strength and restraint thanone could imagine. Despitehaving her best friend andconfidante ripped out of herlife a year-and-a-half ago,she showed grace and mercyto her husband’s killer.But what also stuck outto me was how grateful shewas that the last words theyspoke to each other were “Ilove you.”Imagine if they’d partedways that morning withharsh words or ill tempers.Despite all the love sharedbetween two people,if they part on badterms, no matterhow minor or insignificantthe tiffwas, it would foreverleave a stain on thelast moment of timethey shared togetheron this tiny blue andgreen planet hurtlingthrough emptyspace.And no matter howhealthy, safe or cautioussomeone is, we will alwayshave to remember a finalmoment with the peoplewe love. It’s usually one weusually never see coming.This case also evokedmy own set of difficult, andeerily similar, memories.My cousin, Bruce Evans,was killed in the line ofduty in hauntingly similarcircumstances to White.Bruce was a deputy withthe Jackson County Sheriff’sDepartment in Mississippi.On the night ofJuly 18, 2000, officerswere involvedin a high-speedpursuit. Thesuspect, ChristopherDavis, washeavily involvedwith methamphetamine,justlike York. BruceEVANS had helped setup a road blockon State Route 618, severalmiles in front of the approachingchase.About a mile-and-a-halfbefore getting to the roadblock, the suspect’s vehiclecame to a stop, and it appearedthe chase was over.York also pulled off the roada mile or two before reignitinghis pursuit.And on that Mississippinight back in 2000,shots were exchanged andthe chase re-ensued. Thesuspect, Christopher Davis,then drove off the road andcrashed into Bruce’s patrolvehicle. Bruce was outsidethe vehicle. He tried to flee,but the cruiser flipped overand crushed him, leavinghim dead at the scene.Davis went on to receivelife in prison without thepossibility of parole. Bruceleft behind a wife and twochildren.Both of these courageouslaw enforcement officerswere killed due to highspeedchases. These typesof death races on publicroadways are not only extremelydeadly for officers,but also for the ever-presentcivilians oblivious to the approachingdanger.Last year a stoned teenagerstole a cattle truckin south Wise County andled officers on a dangerouschase. He could have easilycrashed into a church vanalong the way and killed adozen pre-schoolers.Are these types of pursuitseven necessary? ln allthese instances, law enforcementcould have backed off,and the suspects could havebeen tracked down laterand arrested.When a criminal grabsa hostage and has a gunto their head, officers don’tjust start shooting wildly.Other techniques are firstexplored because every lifeinvolved is considered precious.That’s what makesour system so impressive,at least until it comes topursuing criminals.When a high-speedpursuit begins, it’s basicallylike every person nearthe path of that pursuit isbeing held hostage as thecars flash past. Of course,the ultimate responsibilityfor any injury or deathrests with the suspects, butmaybe Texas law needs tochange. There needs to be adifferent protocol as to howofficers respond when highspeedpursuits begin. Orelse we can guarantee moresenseless deaths as a result.YOUR VIEWSMurraybest qualifiedI hope the voters in Precinct 3 will join me in voting forhe candidate with the best qualifications for justice ofhe peace, Ken Murray. If you judge the two candidatesy their qualifications and not the party ticket they areunning on, then you will see that Mr. Murray far exceedsrs. Hays as the one who is best suited for the job.So let’s make the right decision for our precinct, andet’s elect Ken Murray as the next justice of the peace forrecinct 3.Winford CashBoydMedia outof touchHer tone and expression loudly stated that she wasenuinely baffled and confused on the matter. “How is ithat so many of these tea party members are women?”he even went as far as to call this a phenomenon. Shes one of the talking heads of Obama’s lap dog media. Mynitial reaction was a hardy laugh followed by disgust.It used to be that the press cut away at the shroud ofies encompassing politicians and lay bare, as best theyould, true intentions. It would seem that this form ofjustice is slowly fading away right along with the representativerepublic that allowed our country to become theshining city on a hill that it is today.The pretense of her question, which obviously insinuatedthat if you are a woman you should be a liberal, I’msure is offensive to many. This pretense is faulty, and Ibelieve gender is irrelevant to the answer.Today’s liberal model of expanding government, deficitspending and confiscatory wealth redistribution has failedeverywhere and every time it has been tried throughoutworld history. Poverty, decline, collapsing currencies, misery,disease and death have always been the result.It would seem that the phenomenon exists on the otherside. How is it that one can deny the facts of history evento the point of becoming totally out of touch with the majorityof the population?Be vigilant and vote to restore your country. We are ourchildren’s only hope.Forest CartwrightDecaturVotefor HaysAssert your constitutional right to vote this November.tudy the candidates. Ask yourself, “Who best representsy beliefs, my area and my country?”Precinct 3, take a good look at Mandy Hays for justicef the peace. As possibly your only encounter with theourt, people should look upon this person as available,rustworthy, compassionate to all and impartially firm inaking decisions. Law enforcement background is not reuired,and it may not seem impartial to those who comeefore the court. It may even make some feel the court isrejudiced against them. Regardless of background, alljustices must attend the same training before taking office.Graduating from college magna cum laude, Mandy’sability to achieve the skills needed is not questionable.Mandy Hays is a business owner, seven-year teacherwith English as Second Language certification, coach,UIL director, active member in her church, sponsor ofFellowship of Christian Athletes, National Rifle Associationmember and even Texas licensed to carry a concealedhandgun. Planning to work closely with area youth andputting the JP office online, she will be visible and an e-mail or phone call away.Mandy Hays hosted two meet and greet forums, but Iam more impressed with her door-knocking, block-walking,face to face, handshaking encounters with the votersof Precinct 3. Mention her name, and everyone replies,“Oh, I met her.” If you haven’t met her yet, you must nothave been home. She doesn’t just sit back and wait but isdeeply dedicated and driven day after day to come to you.Isn’t that what we need?Vote for Mandy Hays. She will open her door to you orknock on yours in her effort to serve you.Alice LeeRhomeExercise yourright to voteAs Americans, (whether Republican, Democrat oranything else) one of our greatest freedoms is the right toexercise our voice in government and vote.We are very fortunate in Wise County to have anextremely professional and conscientious election administratorin Lannie Noble and his staff of Dan Teed andKaren Valenzuela.The election also requires the dedicated service of electionjudges from both parties to effectively operate all ofthe polling locations in early voting and on Election Day.Many commentators have described this election as oneof the most important in our lifetime. I agree, but notethat all elections are important in order for this countryto remain strong and to lead the free world.I urge all citizens of Wise County to vote for your respectivecandidates. My grandmother always told us, “Ifyou don’t vote, you cannot complain about the results.”Allen WilliamsonWise CountyRepublican ChairmanCouncil interferingwith rightsSince several tapes of city council meetings here inNewark mysteriously became blank, I have been videotapingthe city council meetings. I do this at my own expense.I ask the city for nothing, and I upload them onto theInternet as a free public service.Instead of taking advantage of this free service, certaincity council members have interfered with my videotaping.Each and every time after I have completely set upmy equipment, I have been told to move, and I have complied.It takes several minutes to set up again, so thoseminutes are not recorded because the council refuses topause as the law tells them. I was relegated to the back ofthe building at the September meeting and only managedto record a silent movie.Continued on page 5A

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, October 28, 20105AWISE COUNTYFinding forgiveness ...Continued from page 1AYears ago, blinded by rage, Feokilled the man who raped his sister.Now, he has a delicate heartand counts Alexander’s youngestdaughter as his best friend.In fact, Bethany, 6, helped Feosee that love and family went beyondblood relationships. Duringhis first few weeks in the discipleshiphome, he had spent time withthe Alexander family. One day,Bethany looked at Feo and saidthat he was her best friend.“I cried that night. But now Inow I have family right hereand it’s nice,” Feo said. “Before,had a stone cold heart. Now it’sike toilet paper. You can squeezet.”David Simmons, a graduate ofhe ministry, spent six years inrison for intentionally burningis home after falling behind onills. He also suffered from a drugabit.“I wish I had these teachingshen I was younger,” he saidne day on the ministry’s radiohow, “Keepin’ it Real.” “I alwayshought I was a victim of my cirumstance.”Home directors Jay Fields andoe Diaz both spent many years aslaves to alcohol and drug addicions.Now, the two are in chargef the households in Crafton.“A little over a year ago, I lostMessenger photo by Joe DutyTHE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE — Now a house leader within the ministry, Joe Diaz celebrates the importantthings in life, like his family.everything I owned to cocaine addiction,”Diaz said. “But God’s restoringeverything back.”Fields, an alcoholic, was drunkwhen Alexander picked him up.Fields had several medical conditionsthat he says were healedafter living at the discipleshiphome.“The ministry has changed mylife,” he said.Resident Billy Jones has beento prison three times. He says hehas found salvation through forgivinghimself for his faults.“When I renewed my mind, ashe wants me to, that truth set mefree. Getting that revelation impactedme so much,” Jones said.“My thinking had been conformedto how the world saw me. I wasunable to break those beliefsabout me.”As each resident successfullycompletes another day in theministry, they look to a time whenthey will serve the ministry andtheir new relationship with God.“I want to teach people — 17, 18and 19 — what it’s like to be inprison. That ain’t a life,” Salazarsaid. “I want to talk to young peopleabout my testimony and gettheir life straight and to serve.“I’m going to be part of thisministry. I want to do everything.I want to serve. I might be apreacher. I might open up a homefor Hispanic people who can’tspeak English.”For Salazar and the other residents,their faith has cleared theway for a future they never believedthey’d have.“Look at me now. There is aGod,” Salazar said. “There has tobe a God. I’m here. I should havedone it a long time ago.”YOUR VIEWSContinued from page 4ASince I started videotapng,our city council haspent thousands of dollarsiring a gentleman to tapehe audio portion of theeetings. He, by contrast,as been given a seat ofonor at the same table ashe council members. Heas even asked to give thenvocation at last night’seeting. Once again afterhad set up, this time withy video camera directlyn front of me, not blockingnyone’s way, I was askedo move to the back. Myequest for a reason wasgnored, so I stayed put.ouncilman Wells thensked if law enforcementas available.According to Governmentode 551.023 these actionsy the city council interfereith the rights of citizenso videotape meetings. Itlso states they cannotmpair a person from exrcisingthis right. Movinghem while the meetings going on is impairingnd so is moving them to alace where audio and/orvideo cannot be picked up.They have their own peoplevideotaping in the front forover a year, but suddenlywhen my camera clicks on,it’s all wrong?You know, I don’t thinkRosa Parks got up thatmorning in 1955 planningto make a stand. She justboarded a bus like she hadalways done, only that dayshe was tired. She foundan empty seat, sat downand was ordered to moveto the back of the bus. Noreason given. Move it, Rosa.I think she was just tired— physically, mentallyand emotionally. Gettingup, suffering the degradationonce again and beingtreated like a lesser personwas just too much. Rosasat still. I get it. Last nightI was tired. Like always, Itried to set up my cameraso I wouldn’t be asked tomove again, but it didn’tmatter. I’m not one ofthe favorites and need tobe kept in line. Move it,Katrina. It was just toomuch. Arrest me if you will.I discovered last night thatstanding up for your rightssometimes means just sittingstill.Katrina EllisNewarkRecall petitioncirculatingWith a “short” city councilmeeting last Thursday,the business of the city ofNewark carried on. Twocouncil members and themayor were out of town.The mayor pro tem spokewell when she chose to doso. The rest of the time thedecisions were made by theonly male council memberpresent.When a citizen made hiscase that his water bill wasway past exorbitant, the finaldecision was made thatnothing was to be decideduntil further investigation.211,000 gallons by a residentneeded more study?What part of the errorcould not be seen?Since the mayor cannotseem to be availableregularly, a situation thatwas very common for himwhen he was a city councilmember, now the citysecretary will have administrativepowers, too. Socity council will not haveto be available? The citysecretary is very cooperativeand friendly, now shehas to carry more? This isthe change that we werepromised when they allpushed themselves onto usabout how Newark neededto be cleaned up?There is a recall petitionbeing presented tothe citizens of Newark.The petition is online andavailable at two of the localbusinesses in Newark.There are citizens contactingneighbors, too.There are a number ofcitizens who are very upset.They will be heard.Bonnie J. NealNewarkChristians needto speak outIs anybody else tired of“Christians” who won’tspeak up for their beliefs?Too many “Christians”want to hide behind thefour walls of church onSunday and live like therest of the world Mondaythrough Saturday.We are called to be thelight of the world; yet youcan’t tell the differencebetween someone who callsthemselves Christian andthe rest of the world thesedays — unless they areMuslim, of course.In California, they areabout to legalize the sale ofpot. Pastors and the churchare quiet. Where are theprotests? It’s high timepastors stood up for moralsand integrity.No, it won’t happenovernight. But it will neverhappen if we continue tokeep our “politics” to ourselves.You often hear peoplesay “don’t mix politicsand religion.” I say yourmorals and beliefs shoulddictate your politics.Too many “Christians”will vote for a certain candidate.How much would you sellyour soul for? Judas soldhis for 30 pieces of silver.Is yours worth an extra sixmonths of unemploymentinsurance? Or an extra$50 worth of food stamps?Maybe an extra tax rebatefrom the fed government?Wake up, Christians. Ifyou don’t stand for something,you will fall foranything.And by the way, wheneverthe government“redistributes” wealth, theyare violating the eighthand 10th commandments(notice it says “Commandments”and not “suggestions”).You may say “Well,the rich got their moneyby stealing from the poor.”Really? Do poor peopleContinued on page 6AWE’RE BREWING Up a POT to SAVE LIVES!Join Us ForThe Good Witch has loaned us her cauldron to acceptdonations for “Imagine No Malaria”EACH $10 SAVES A CHILD’S LIFE!!Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies of malaria.Treated bed nets protect children from themosquito which carries this deadly virus.For more information call our church offi ce at 940-644-5186.

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>5AWISE COUNTYFinding forgiveness ...Continued from page 1AYears ago, blinded by rage, Feokilled the man who raped his sister.Now, he has a delicate heartand counts Alexander’s youngestdaughter as his best friend.In fact, Bethany, 6, helped Feosee that love and family went beyondblood relationships. Duringhis first few weeks in the discipleshiphome, he had spent time withthe Alexander family. One day,Bethany looked at Feo and saidthat he was her best friend.“I cried that night. But now Inow I have family right hereand it’s nice,” Feo said. “Before,had a stone cold heart. Now it’sike toilet paper. You can squeezet.”David Simmons, a graduate ofhe ministry, spent six years inrison for intentionally burningis home after falling behind onills. He also suffered from a drugabit.“I wish I had these teachingshen I was younger,” he saidne day on the ministry’s radiohow, “Keepin’ it Real.” “I alwayshought I was a victim of my cirumstance.”Home directors Jay Fields andoe Diaz both spent many years aslaves to alcohol and drug addicions.Now, the two are in chargef the households in Crafton.“A little over a year ago, I lost<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyTHE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE — Now a house leader within the ministry, Joe Diaz celebrates the importantthings in life, like his family.everything I owned to cocaine addiction,”Diaz said. “But God’s restoringeverything back.”Fields, an alcoholic, was drunkwhen Alexander picked him up.Fields had several medical conditionsthat he says were healedafter living at the discipleshiphome.“The ministry has changed mylife,” he said.Resident Billy Jones has beento prison three times. He says hehas found salvation through forgivinghimself for his faults.“When I renewed my mind, ashe wants me to, that truth set mefree. Getting that revelation impactedme so much,” Jones said.“My thinking had been conformedto how the world saw me. I wasunable to break those beliefsabout me.”As each resident successfullycompletes another day in theministry, they look to a time whenthey will serve the ministry andtheir new relationship with God.“I want to teach people — 17, 18and 19 — what it’s like to be inprison. That ain’t a life,” Salazarsaid. “I want to talk to young peopleabout my testimony and gettheir life straight and to serve.“I’m going to be part of thisministry. I want to do everything.I want to serve. I might be apreacher. I might open up a homefor Hispanic people who can’tspeak English.”For Salazar and the other residents,their faith has cleared theway for a future they never believedthey’d have.“Look at me now. There is aGod,” Salazar said. “There has tobe a God. I’m here. I should havedone it a long time ago.”YOUR VIEWSContinued from page 4ASince I started videotapng,our city council haspent thousands of dollarsiring a gentleman to tapehe audio portion of theeetings. He, by contrast,as been given a seat ofonor at the same table ashe council members. Heas even asked to give thenvocation at last night’seeting. Once again afterhad set up, this time withy video camera directlyn front of me, not blockingnyone’s way, I was askedo move to the back. Myequest for a reason wasgnored, so I stayed put.ouncilman Wells thensked if law enforcementas available.According to Governmentode 551.023 these actionsy the city council interfereith the rights of citizenso videotape meetings. Itlso states they cannotmpair a person from exrcisingthis right. Movinghem while the meetings going on is impairingnd so is moving them to alace where audio and/orvideo cannot be picked up.They have their own peoplevideotaping in the front forover a year, but suddenlywhen my camera clicks on,it’s all wrong?You know, I don’t thinkRosa Parks got up thatmorning in 1955 planningto make a stand. She justboarded a bus like she hadalways done, only that dayshe was tired. She foundan empty seat, sat downand was ordered to moveto the back of the bus. Noreason given. Move it, Rosa.I think she was just tired— physically, mentallyand emotionally. Gettingup, suffering the degradationonce again and beingtreated like a lesser personwas just too much. Rosasat still. I get it. Last nightI was tired. Like always, Itried to set up my cameraso I wouldn’t be asked tomove again, but it didn’tmatter. I’m not one ofthe favorites and need tobe kept in line. Move it,Katrina. It was just toomuch. Arrest me if you will.I discovered last night thatstanding up for your rightssometimes means just sittingstill.Katrina EllisNewarkRecall petitioncirculatingWith a “short” city councilmeeting last <strong>Thursday</strong>,the business of the city ofNewark carried on. Twocouncil members and themayor were out of town.The mayor pro tem spokewell when she chose to doso. The rest of the time thedecisions were made by theonly male council memberpresent.When a citizen made hiscase that his water bill wasway past exorbitant, the finaldecision was made thatnothing was to be decideduntil further investigation.211,000 gallons by a residentneeded more study?What part of the errorcould not be seen?Since the mayor cannotseem to be availableregularly, a situation thatwas very common for himwhen he was a city councilmember, now the citysecretary will have administrativepowers, too. Socity council will not haveto be available? The citysecretary is very cooperativeand friendly, now shehas to carry more? This isthe change that we werepromised when they allpushed themselves onto usabout how Newark neededto be cleaned up?There is a recall petitionbeing presented tothe citizens of Newark.The petition is online andavailable at two of the localbusinesses in Newark.There are citizens contactingneighbors, too.There are a number ofcitizens who are very upset.They will be heard.Bonnie J. NealNewarkChristians needto speak outIs anybody else tired of“Christians” who won’tspeak up for their beliefs?Too many “Christians”want to hide behind thefour walls of church onSunday and live like therest of the world Mondaythrough Saturday.We are called to be thelight of the world; yet youcan’t tell the differencebetween someone who callsthemselves Christian andthe rest of the world thesedays — unless they areMuslim, of course.In California, they areabout to legalize the sale ofpot. Pastors and the churchare quiet. Where are theprotests? It’s high timepastors stood up for moralsand integrity.No, it won’t happenovernight. But it will neverhappen if we continue tokeep our “politics” to ourselves.You often hear peoplesay “don’t mix politicsand religion.” I say yourmorals and beliefs shoulddictate your politics.Too many “Christians”will vote for a certain candidate.How much would you sellyour soul for? Judas soldhis for 30 pieces of silver.Is yours worth an extra sixmonths of unemploymentinsurance? Or an extra$50 worth of food stamps?Maybe an extra tax rebatefrom the fed government?Wake up, Christians. Ifyou don’t stand for something,you will fall foranything.And by the way, wheneverthe government“redistributes” wealth, theyare violating the eighthand <strong>10</strong>th commandments(notice it says “Commandments”and not “suggestions”).You may say “Well,the rich got their moneyby stealing from the poor.”Really? Do poor peopleContinued on page 6AWE’RE BREWING Up a POT to SAVE LIVES!Join Us ForThe Good Witch has loaned us her cauldron to acceptdonations for “Imagine No Malaria”EACH $<strong>10</strong> SAVES A CHILD’S LIFE!!Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies of malaria.Treated bed nets protect children from themosquito which carries this deadly virus.For more information call our church offi ce at 940-644-5186.

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