10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger 10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

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2A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, October 28, 2010WISE COUNTY‘Do something good’ ...Continued from page 1Aentence of life in prison without thehance of parole. On April 2, 2009,high-speed, cross-county chasended after York rammed a stolenvehicle into White’s patrol vehicle,killing the officer immediately.After reading the sentencing,those close to Randy White wereable to confront York.Janet used her victim impactstatement to talk about the type ofman her husband was and told Yorkhe could still be a good man himself.“My one request to you, and pleaselisten to me,” Janet said to Yorkacross the table. “Do something goodwith your life. Even though it will allbe in prison, I beg you, please makesomething good from the bad.”His large, hunched and brokenlookingframe was covered in theblack-and-white stripes of a jail uniform.During most of the statements,he looked straight down, shouldersshuddering from an occasional silentsob. But for one moment, Yorklifted his head and showed the widowhis bloodshot eyes.“You can hate cops, hate the D.A.for not offering something else oryou can change,” Mrs. White said.“You can spend the rest of your lifetrying to make good out of the bad.You’ll still get to visit your sons, seeuards and doctors, and even makeome friends. You’ll be able to influnceall of them.“You will spend the rest of yourife in prison, but you will still beble to make choices.”Janet conveyed how much the lossf her husband impacted her life,ut she was thankful the last wordshey spoke to each other were, “Iove you.”Several hours before White beganis final shift, he made sure he conveyedthat message.“He laid down and said, ‘I needyou to know how much I love you,’’’she said. “He always said that, butthere was something different aboutit.”At one point she pulled out asmall, brightly colored picture. Ithad been painted by her daughter,Jadyn. She found it folded in herslain husband’s wallet.“Even though he died when shewas only 5, she will always knowhow much her daddy loved her,” shesaid.Messenger photos by Joe DutyA MOTHER’S LOVE — After Judge John Fostel read the sentence Monday, Sgt. Randy White’s mother, Judy White,gave tearful testimony in Wise County district court. Below, the widow Janet White exits the courtroom and isgreeted by a host of law enforcement officers.She also described what a caringhusband he was. The last year hewas alive, Janet suffered through about with cancer. He went with herto every doctor’s visit.“He told me he didn’t care what hehad to do, or what it cost, or whatI looked like after my two surgeriesas long as he was able to grow oldwith me. I did beat my cancer, butI didn’t get to grow old with him,”she said.Judy White gave a powerful descriptionof what it’s like for a motherto lose a son.“I was Randy’s alpha; you werehis omega,” she said. “I brought himinto this world, and you took himout of it.“Because you deliberately killedmy son that day, you drug us all intothis abyss ... You hurt my little boy.He might have been 6’ 2”, but he wasmy little boy, not just some randompolice officer, my son.”She said she is constantly remindedof his absence from her life. Sheis consumed with wanting to knowevery detail of what happened toher son that fateful day alongsideTexas 114 in south Bridgeport.“You changed me,” Judy Whitesaid. “ ... I do participate in life, butI’m fake now because I don’t care. Iam just busy being busy.”Every Bridgeport police officerattended the sentencing. The WiseContinued on page 3ATIPS FORBREASTCANCERPREVENTIONOCTOBERIS NATIONALBREAST CANCERAWARENESS MONTHPhil MajorPresident & PublisherP.O. Box 149115 S. TrinityDecatur, TX 76234940-627-5987Fax 940-627-1004www.wcmessenger.comnews@wcmessenger.comLori WhiteAdvertising SalesMark JordanVice President/General ManagerKen RoselleSenior Account ExecutiveKristen TribeAssistant EditorBrandon EvansJulie NealRichard GreeneSports EditorLesa MajorEDITORIALBrian KnoxEditorErika PedrozaMack ThweattKeri Pritchard-WillertonGraphic ArtistJoe DutyPhotographerBUSINESS OFFICETeresa MayberryCLASSIFIEDSLori WhiteKelly GuessKristi BennettBusiness ManagerDonna BeanADVERTISINGLisa DavisAdvertising ManagerLaura BelcherMisty CogetPRODUCTIONTodd A. GriffithProduction Manager/WebmasterAndrew MayVideographerPierre MouaPeter FrancoSUBSCRIBER SERVICESLowell BurkettRoger WeberWesley RobinsonAnne UptonManagerDon’t smoke.Research suggeststhat longtermsmoking isassociated withincreased riskof breast cancerin some women.Need help quitting?Considerparticipating inWebQuit, theHutchinsonCenter’sonlinesmokingcessationstudy.Tim TerrellOffi ce SupplyBlake SimmonsJesse MathenyWISE COUNTYOFFICE SUPPLYTim TerrellLeisa GageManagerSue Carlson287BELLEVUEJACK COUNTYPALO PINTOCOUNTYJACKSBORO38081BOWIE28781BRIDGEPORTFORESTBURGMONTAGUE COUNTYWISE COUNTYDECATUR28781NEWS BRIEFSDENTON COUNTYTARRANT COUNTYKrumWestSwitchingStationGAINESVILLEKRUM3803535SANGERDENTONNON-UNANIMOUSROUTE — TheRiley-Krum WestCompetitiveRenewable EnergyZone route hasbeen decided. Thetransmission linewill run south, nearU.S. 287/81, beforejutting north justabove Decatur,then travels eastto the Krum WestSwitching Station.The route has beenapproved by thePublic UtilitiesCommission, butproperty ownersalong the route willhave the opportunityto choose ohwhich part of theirproperty the line willbe placed. This mapis a rough outlineconnecting points,but the actual routemay vary betweenthe points.James BradshawCarrie AdkinsShelly StokesHeather MiskiewiczSUBSCRIPTIONS$35 a year In-County$40 a year Out-of-County$45 a year Out-of-State$20 Digital Subscriptionwww.wcmessenger.com/subscribe________________________________Name________________________________________________________________Address________________________________City St. Zip________________________________Phone________________________________EmailMail to:Wise County MessengerPO Box 149, Decatur, TX 76234or call 940-627-5987TIP LINE:Phone: 940-393-3450E-mail: tips@wcmessenger.comSUBMIT NEWSSubmit News, Sports, Letters tothe Editor, Lifestyle, Obituaries andUpdate items onlinewww.wcmessenger.com/submitADVERTISINGContact Lisa Davis, Lori White,Michelle Bush, Kelly Guess or LauraBelcher at 940-627-5987www.wcmessenger.com/advertisingEARLY VOTING — Early voting for the Nov. 2general election continues 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. dailythrough Friday, Oct. 29, at the Decatur CivicCenter.BANDS COMPETE — Three Wise Countymarching bands failed to advance to the statecompetition Saturday. Northwest High Schoolparticipated in the Area A Marching Contestand advanced to the 5A finals, but placed 10th.Only the first five bands were chosen to move onto the state level. Decatur and Bridgeport HighSchools competed in the 3A preliminary marchingcompetition and placed 24 and 29, respectively.The first 10 bands that placed advanced to thefinal round.SUPPER — Bridgeport Intermediate School hostsits 16th annual Cornbread and Bean Supper 5to 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28, at the IntermediateSchool Cafeteria. Tickets are $4 each and can bepurchased at the school office or at the door. Formore information, call (940) 683-5784.CLEANUP DAY — The city of Bridgeport hostsContinued on page 9AUSPS Publication No.688940ISSN 0746-8679The Wise County Messenger (ISSN 0746-8679) is publishedThursday and Sunday by Wise County Messenger, Inc., P.O. Box149, 115 S. Trinity St., Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. Periodicalsclass postage paid at Decatur, Texas. Subscription rates: oneyear in Wise County $35, six months $18; one year out of county$40, six months $22; one year out of state $45, six months $23.An erroneous refl ection upon the character, standing orreputation of any fi rm, person or corporation, which appearsin the columns of this paper will be corrected upon due noticegiven to the publication at the Messenger offi ce.Postmaster: Send address changes to: Wise County Messenger,P.O. Box 149, Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. 940-627-5987.http://www.wcmessenger.com. E-mail: news@wcmessenger.com.© 2010 Wise County Messenger

DECATURCity asked to consider teen curfewBy PHIL MAJORPatricia Laderos requestedthe Decatur City Councilconsider a teen curfew Mondaynight.Mayor Joe Lambert askedPolice Chief Rex Hoskins,City Attorney Mason Woodruffand City Manager BrettShannon to study the issueand make a recommendation.Hoskins said the city doesnot have a juvenile crimeproblem, and if it did, hewould request such a curfew.“There are problems withteens around the neighborhood,”said Laderos, wholives on South Trenchard St.“They’re roaming the streetsat all hours.”She said there had beenan attempted break-in ather home.Fire Chief Mike Richardsonintroduced the city’s“new” ladder truck, a 1987model it purchased fromNorth Richland Hills for$21,500. It was deliveredMonday. It upgrades the firedepartment’s capabilitiesfrom the 65-foot truck nowin service. New, such a truckwould cost $1.2 million.Richardson said the truckwill be put into service afterfirefighters are trained onit.It will have a home in thenew fire station, but will notfit in the old one.Richardson said the contractoron the long-delayedfire station says the facilitywill be ready Dec. 1, buthe estimates it will be afterJan. 1.The chief said he has beeninvolved in several fire stationconstruction projectsand has never run into theproblems that have continuallydelayed this one.A bid for a fire station automatedalert system wasaccepted for $99,416. Thesystem was originally partof the construction projectbut had been removed fromthe bid.Richardson said it willnot impact the constructionbudget, since an allowancehad been made for the system.Approval was given for avariance for the Villa CappelliSalon at the southwestcorner of Walnut and Statestreets. The cantileveredsign will protrude from thebuilding over the sidewalkalong Walnut St.In planning and zoningmatters, the resignationsof Jerry Watson from thePlanning and Zoning Commissionand Miguel Suarezand Jody Adams from theWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, October 28, 2010Zoning Board of Adjustmentwere approved.Reappointed were BobBastian, Randy Bowker andCharlotte Williamson totwo-year terms on the P&Z.Pete Rivera was appointedfor two years and Susan Cocanougherfor one year tothe ZBA and Steve Goolsbyas a ZBA alternate for twoyears.In staff reports, engineerEarl Smith reported themain line water leak Oct. 1left the city without water,but there was about onemillion gallons in reservewhen crews completed repairsabout 3 p.m. The leakhad been discovered about 4a.m. when the water plantwas opened.The leak was just east ofthe Big Sandy bridge alongthe line running to LakeBridgeport.Subscribe Online.KAREN GARRETTI’D ENJOY HELPING YOU WITHYOUR NEW & USED-CAR NEEDS940-627-2177 jameswood.com3Awww.wcmessenger.com/subscribeBUICKCHEVYGMCHYUNDAIBo y d S t y l ’ i n&a r b e r s h o pPerm Specials Starting at $40Hilight & lowlight Specials Starting at $45Call Elaine or Lisa940.433.8899624 E Rock Island Blvd • (Hwy 114 East of Boyd)WISE COUNTY‘Do something good’ ...Free 7-pc. GiftMessenger photo by Joe DutyLIFE SENTENCE — Stephen York was sentenced to lifewithout the possibility of parole in Wise County District Courton Monday. Last month he pleaded guilty to the murder ofBridgeport Police Sgt. Randy White.ontinued from page 2ACounty Sheriff’s Departmentand the Decatur PoliceDepartment sent officers toover the city of Bridgeporturing the sentencing.Bridgeport police issuedstatement Monday thatxpressed satisfaction withhe sentence and with York’sdmission of guilt. It alsoraised White for his serviceo their department.“White was an honorablean and an outstandingolice officer who served theitizens of Bridgeport withignity and honor,” it read.He had a proud sense ofuty, honor and courage, allf which he exhibited, evenp to the moment of hiseath. Randy’s last wordswere to warn others to stayout of the way of the pursuit,and his last actions preventedinnocent citizens fromdriving into the path of thechase.“Our prayers continue tobe for Sgt. Randy White’swidow, Janet, daughter,Jadyn, and the entire Whitefamily as they cope with thetragic loss of their husband,father and son.”“All too often there aretragic cases that passthrough this court,” saidDistrict Judge John Fostelafter he read the sentence.“But none more so than thisone because of all the familiesit touches.”!E-mail Brandon at bevans@wcmessenger.com.Choose Your Lip and Eye Shades, Warm or CoolFree 7-pc. Giftwith any Estée Lauder purchase of 29.50or more. Worth over 80.00!Choose the lip and eye shades you love, warm or cool.Enjoy a 10-day supply of Advanced Night RepairSynchronized Recovery Complex and a 7-Day supply ofResilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Créme. Add 2croc-embossed Travel and Cosmetics Bags and more.More Free GiftsAdd 4 super-shiny High Gloss shades. Free withany Estée Lauder purchase of 55.00 or more.One gift per customer, please; while supplies last. $5 FLAT RATE SHIPPING.STORE LOCATOR!call 1-800-743-8730 orlog on at www.beallstx.comE-ALERTS!Receive advance notice of sales.Sign up at www.beallstx.comGIFT CARDS!* At www.beallstx.com1-800-743-8730 and in all stores.*Terms and conditions apply.Estee Lauder now available only at Bealls • 611 W. Ford Street, Decatur • Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. • Sun., - Noon - 6 p.m.

DECATURCity asked to consider teen curfewBy PHIL MAJORPatricia Laderos requestedthe Decatur City Councilconsider a teen curfew Mondaynight.Mayor Joe Lambert askedPolice Chief Rex Hoskins,City Attorney Mason Woodruffand City Manager BrettShannon to study the issueand make a recommendation.Hoskins said the city doesnot have a juvenile crimeproblem, and if it did, hewould request such a curfew.“There are problems withteens around the neighborhood,”said Laderos, wholives on South Trenchard St.“They’re roaming the streetsat all hours.”She said there had beenan attempted break-in ather home.Fire Chief Mike Richardsonintroduced the city’s“new” ladder truck, a 1987model it purchased fromNorth Richland Hills for$21,500. It was deliveredMonday. It upgrades the firedepartment’s capabilitiesfrom the 65-foot truck nowin service. New, such a truckwould cost $1.2 million.Richardson said the truckwill be put into service afterfirefighters are trained onit.It will have a home in thenew fire station, but will notfit in the old one.Richardson said the contractoron the long-delayedfire station says the facilitywill be ready Dec. 1, buthe estimates it will be afterJan. 1.The chief said he has beeninvolved in several fire stationconstruction projectsand has never run into theproblems that have continuallydelayed this one.A bid for a fire station automatedalert system wasaccepted for $99,416. Thesystem was originally partof the construction projectbut had been removed fromthe bid.Richardson said it willnot impact the constructionbudget, since an allowancehad been made for the system.Approval was given for avariance for the Villa CappelliSalon at the southwestcorner of Walnut and Statestreets. The cantileveredsign will protrude from thebuilding over the sidewalkalong Walnut St.In planning and zoningmatters, the resignationsof Jerry Watson from thePlanning and Zoning Commissionand Miguel Suarezand Jody Adams from theWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Zoning Board of Adjustmentwere approved.Reappointed were BobBastian, Randy Bowker andCharlotte Williamson totwo-year terms on the P&Z.Pete Rivera was appointedfor two years and Susan Cocanougherfor one year tothe ZBA and Steve Goolsbyas a ZBA alternate for twoyears.In staff reports, engineerEarl Smith reported themain line water leak Oct. 1left the city without water,but there was about onemillion gallons in reservewhen crews completed repairsabout 3 p.m. The leakhad been discovered about 4a.m. when the water plantwas opened.The leak was just east ofthe Big Sandy bridge alongthe line running to LakeBridgeport.Subscribe Online.KAREN GARRETTI’D ENJOY HELPING YOU WITHYOUR NEW & USED-CAR NEEDS940-627-2177 jameswood.com3Awww.wcmessenger.com/subscribeBUICKCHEVYGMCHYUNDAIBo y d S t y l ’ i n&a r b e r s h o pPerm Specials Starting at $40Hilight & lowlight Specials Starting at $45Call Elaine or Lisa940.433.8899624 E Rock Island Blvd • (Hwy 114 East of Boyd)WISE COUNTY‘Do something good’ ...Free 7-pc. Gift<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyLIFE SENTENCE — Stephen York was sentenced to lifewithout the possibility of parole in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> District Courton Monday. Last month he pleaded guilty to the murder ofBridgeport Police Sgt. Randy White.ontinued from page 2A<strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Departmentand the Decatur PoliceDepartment sent officers toover the city of Bridgeporturing the sentencing.Bridgeport police issuedstatement Monday thatxpressed satisfaction withhe sentence and with York’sdmission of guilt. It alsoraised White for his serviceo their department.“White was an honorablean and an outstandingolice officer who served theitizens of Bridgeport withignity and honor,” it read.He had a proud sense ofuty, honor and courage, allf which he exhibited, evenp to the moment of hiseath. Randy’s last wordswere to warn others to stayout of the way of the pursuit,and his last actions preventedinnocent citizens fromdriving into the path of thechase.“Our prayers continue tobe for Sgt. Randy White’swidow, Janet, daughter,Jadyn, and the entire Whitefamily as they cope with thetragic loss of their husband,father and son.”“All too often there aretragic cases that passthrough this court,” saidDistrict Judge John Fostelafter he read the sentence.“But none more so than thisone because of all the familiesit touches.”!E-mail Brandon at bevans@wcmessenger.com.Choose Your Lip and Eye Shades, Warm or CoolFree 7-pc. Giftwith any Estée Lauder purchase of 29.50or more. Worth over 80.00!Choose the lip and eye shades you love, warm or cool.Enjoy a <strong>10</strong>-day supply of Advanced Night RepairSynchronized Recovery Complex and a 7-Day supply ofResilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Créme. Add 2croc-embossed Travel and Cosmetics Bags and more.More Free GiftsAdd 4 super-shiny High Gloss shades. Free withany Estée Lauder purchase of 55.00 or more.One gift per customer, please; while supplies last. $5 FLAT RATE SHIPPING.STORE LOCATOR!call 1-800-743-8730 orlog on at www.beallstx.comE-ALERTS!Receive advance notice of sales.Sign up at www.beallstx.comGIFT CARDS!* At www.beallstx.com1-800-743-8730 and in all stores.*Terms and conditions apply.Estee Lauder now available only at Bealls • 611 W. Ford Street, Decatur • Mon.-Sat., <strong>10</strong> a.m. - 9 p.m. • Sun., - Noon - 6 p.m.

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