10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger

10-26-2010-Thursday - Wise County Messenger


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VOLUME 131 - NO. 86 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 20<strong>10</strong> DECATUR, TEXAS 88 PAGES IN FOUR SECTIONS PLUS INSERTS 75¢TAKEN AWAY— Authoritieslead anemotionallydrainedStephen York,45, out of thecourtroomMondayafter heheard heartwrenchingstatementsfrom Sgt.Randy White’sclosest familymembers.<strong>Messenger</strong> photoby Joe DutyWISE COUNTY‘Do something good’Widow tells York he can changeBy BRANDON EVANSJanet White, the widow of slain Bridgeport PoliceSgt. Randy White, managed to give a positivemessage when she confronted her husband’s killerin a crowded courtroom Monday afternoon.Law enforcement officers, friends and familyof both White and the defendant, filled the <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> district courtroom and spilled outside theglass doors.In September, Stephen York, 45, of Bridgeport,pleaded guilty to a capital offense of murdering apolice officer. On Monday, he received the officialContinued on page 2ABy MANDY BOURGEOISA year has passed since Feodor“Feo” Salazar called for help.High on drugs and fighting theurge to kill his brother, he soughtrefuge at a resource center in hishometown of Weatherford. Thatis where he first met Kevin Alexander,founder of U-Turn WorldMinistries.“I was high. I wanted to kill mybrother because he tore up mymom’s house,” Salazar said.Originally walking to buy moredrugs, Salazar said that he “madea U-turn” and walked to the centerinstead.“Now look where I am,” he said.Salazar spent a year in the U-Turn WorldMinistries discipleship home in Crafton, andhe now works full time at a market in Bedford.“My co-workers are good, my boss is good,God is good,” he said. “I’m blessed.”Salazar is one of many men who have madethe initial one-year dedication to living in thediscipleship home. After a year of working andWISE COUNTYFinding forgivenessWatch Joe Duty’s video andread all three stories in theseries at wcmess.com/uturn<strong>Messenger</strong> photos by Joe DutyNEW LIFE — Feodor Salazar served 18 years in prison, but he is now a student of the discipleship ministry. He works at a food marketin Bedford and spends his free time giving his testimony.After making a U-turn, men put faith in actionMESSENGER — Members of U-Turn World Ministriessee themselves as messengers for Jesus.learning, Salazar has moved onfrom a past that includes an 18-year stint in prison for the murderof his sister’s rapist, interactionswith gangs and drug use.“I ain’t never going back,” Feosaid of his past lifestyle. “Jesus isthe only way. God is the only way.If you really want to change, thenremember the cross. That willtake everything away.”Alexander has met many of thehome’s residents when they wereat rock bottom. Drunk or high,severely depressed and homeless,Alexander has taken the menunder his wing and taught themabout the Bible, hard work and,most of all, how to forgive themselves.“These are people battling addictions, whoare beat up or beat down,” Alexander said.“The goal is to change the way they think. TheBible is our guide, our curriculum. You changethe way a man thinks, you change the way aman acts.”The same men who once surrounded themselveswith drugs, drink or violence now yellhearty “amens” during Alexander’s sermons.Continued on page 5ADECATURMankilledin crashBy BRANDON EVANSA wreck killed Sergio Gonzalez,37, of Decatur, earlySaturday morning.A sheriff’s deputy foundGonzalez’ pickup truck in afield near Acorn Drive andU.S. 380, a few miles west ofDecatur, at approximately 6a.m., several hours after thecrash.“For an unknown reasonhe drove into the centermedian (of U.S. 380),” saidTrooper Mitchell Collinswith the Texas Departmentof Public Safety. “He tried toregain control and drove offthe road through a fence.”Gonzalez careenedthrough a field on the southside of the highway beforestriking a tree and comingto a halt approximately 50yards from the road.Mitchell said Gonzalezwas driving alone, and noother vehicles appearedto be involved in the accident.Because there wereno known witnesses, it washours before a deputy onpatrol found Gonzalez deceasedinside his truck.Investigators estimate thewreck occurred as early as 1a.m. The accident remainsunder investigation.!E-mail Brandon at bevans@wcmessenger.com.WISE COUNTYLooking for aghoul time?Here’s a list of area Halloweenand fall festival events.AlvordTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT— Saturday, Oct. 30HAUNTED HOUSE — TheAlvord Class of 2014Project Graduation will host“The Town That DreadedSundown” 7 to 11 p.m.Saturday and Sunday, Oct.29 and 30. The hauntedContinued on page 8A<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149115 South TrinityDecatur, Texas 76234www.wcmessenger.comINDEXNews Briefs . . . . . . . .2AOpinion . . . . . . . . . . .4AObituaries . . . . . . . .<strong>10</strong>ASports . . . . . . . . . . .18AClassifi eds. . . . . . . .11A<strong>Wise</strong> Business . . . . .17AVOTERS GUIDESee wherecandidates forstatewide officestand with theLeague of WomenVoters of TexasVoters Guide.See pages 6-9SPECIAL FEATURESWe highlight localbusinesses in our annualBusiness <strong>Wise</strong> sectioninside this issue. In today’sAll Around <strong>Wise</strong>, you’ll findthe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sheriff’sOffice annual sex offenderinformation.ELECTIONS WEBSITEFind local candidateprofiles, adownloadable sampleballot, helpful links andmore at our Elections20<strong>10</strong> web page,www.wcmessenger.com/election.WEATHERThu<strong>10</strong>/2871/45Abundant sunshine. Highs in thelow 70s and lows in the mid 40s.www.wcmessenger.com/weather

2A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>WISE COUNTY‘Do something good’ ...Continued from page 1Aentence of life in prison without thehance of parole. On April 2, 2009,high-speed, cross-county chasended after York rammed a stolenvehicle into White’s patrol vehicle,killing the officer immediately.After reading the sentencing,those close to Randy White wereable to confront York.Janet used her victim impactstatement to talk about the type ofman her husband was and told Yorkhe could still be a good man himself.“My one request to you, and pleaselisten to me,” Janet said to Yorkacross the table. “Do something goodwith your life. Even though it will allbe in prison, I beg you, please makesomething good from the bad.”His large, hunched and brokenlookingframe was covered in theblack-and-white stripes of a jail uniform.During most of the statements,he looked straight down, shouldersshuddering from an occasional silentsob. But for one moment, Yorklifted his head and showed the widowhis bloodshot eyes.“You can hate cops, hate the D.A.for not offering something else oryou can change,” Mrs. White said.“You can spend the rest of your lifetrying to make good out of the bad.You’ll still get to visit your sons, seeuards and doctors, and even makeome friends. You’ll be able to influnceall of them.“You will spend the rest of yourife in prison, but you will still beble to make choices.”Janet conveyed how much the lossf her husband impacted her life,ut she was thankful the last wordshey spoke to each other were, “Iove you.”Several hours before White beganis final shift, he made sure he conveyedthat message.“He laid down and said, ‘I needyou to know how much I love you,’’’she said. “He always said that, butthere was something different aboutit.”At one point she pulled out asmall, brightly colored picture. Ithad been painted by her daughter,Jadyn. She found it folded in herslain husband’s wallet.“Even though he died when shewas only 5, she will always knowhow much her daddy loved her,” shesaid.<strong>Messenger</strong> photos by Joe DutyA MOTHER’S LOVE — After Judge John Fostel read the sentence Monday, Sgt. Randy White’s mother, Judy White,gave tearful testimony in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> district court. Below, the widow Janet White exits the courtroom and isgreeted by a host of law enforcement officers.She also described what a caringhusband he was. The last year hewas alive, Janet suffered through about with cancer. He went with herto every doctor’s visit.“He told me he didn’t care what hehad to do, or what it cost, or whatI looked like after my two surgeriesas long as he was able to grow oldwith me. I did beat my cancer, butI didn’t get to grow old with him,”she said.Judy White gave a powerful descriptionof what it’s like for a motherto lose a son.“I was Randy’s alpha; you werehis omega,” she said. “I brought himinto this world, and you took himout of it.“Because you deliberately killedmy son that day, you drug us all intothis abyss ... You hurt my little boy.He might have been 6’ 2”, but he wasmy little boy, not just some randompolice officer, my son.”She said she is constantly remindedof his absence from her life. Sheis consumed with wanting to knowevery detail of what happened toher son that fateful day alongsideTexas 114 in south Bridgeport.“You changed me,” Judy Whitesaid. “ ... I do participate in life, butI’m fake now because I don’t care. Iam just busy being busy.”Every Bridgeport police officerattended the sentencing. The <strong>Wise</strong>Continued on page 3ATIPS FORBREASTCANCERPREVENTIONOCTOBERIS NATIONALBREAST CANCERAWARENESS MONTHPhil MajorPresident & PublisherP.O. Box 149115 S. TrinityDecatur, TX 76234940-627-5987Fax 940-627-<strong>10</strong>04www.wcmessenger.comnews@wcmessenger.comLori WhiteAdvertising SalesMark JordanVice President/General ManagerKen RoselleSenior Account ExecutiveKristen TribeAssistant EditorBrandon EvansJulie NealRichard GreeneSports EditorLesa MajorEDITORIALBrian KnoxEditorErika PedrozaMack ThweattKeri Pritchard-WillertonGraphic ArtistJoe DutyPhotographerBUSINESS OFFICETeresa MayberryCLASSIFIEDSLori WhiteKelly GuessKristi BennettBusiness ManagerDonna BeanADVERTISINGLisa DavisAdvertising ManagerLaura BelcherMisty CogetPRODUCTIONTodd A. GriffithProduction Manager/WebmasterAndrew MayVideographerPierre MouaPeter FrancoSUBSCRIBER SERVICESLowell BurkettRoger WeberWesley RobinsonAnne UptonManagerDon’t smoke.Research suggeststhat longtermsmoking isassociated withincreased riskof breast cancerin some women.Need help quitting?Considerparticipating inWebQuit, theHutchinsonCenter’sonlinesmokingcessationstudy.Tim TerrellOffi ce SupplyBlake SimmonsJesse MathenyWISE COUNTYOFFICE SUPPLYTim TerrellLeisa GageManagerSue Carlson287BELLEVUEJACK COUNTYPALO PINTOCOUNTYJACKSBORO38081BOWIE28781BRIDGEPORTFORESTBURGMONTAGUE COUNTYWISE COUNTYDECATUR28781NEWS BRIEFSDENTON COUNTYTARRANT COUNTYKrumWestSwitchingStationGAINESVILLEKRUM3803535SANGERDENTONNON-UNANIMOUSROUTE — TheRiley-Krum WestCompetitiveRenewable EnergyZone route hasbeen decided. Thetransmission linewill run south, nearU.S. 287/81, beforejutting north justabove Decatur,then travels eastto the Krum WestSwitching Station.The route has beenapproved by thePublic UtilitiesCommission, butproperty ownersalong the route willhave the opportunityto choose ohwhich part of theirproperty the line willbe placed. This mapis a rough outlineconnecting points,but the actual routemay vary betweenthe points.James BradshawCarrie AdkinsShelly StokesHeather MiskiewiczSUBSCRIPTIONS$35 a year In-<strong>County</strong>$40 a year Out-of-<strong>County</strong>$45 a year Out-of-State$20 Digital Subscriptionwww.wcmessenger.com/subscribe________________________________Name________________________________________________________________Address________________________________City St. Zip________________________________Phone________________________________EmailMail to:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>PO Box 149, Decatur, TX 76234or call 940-627-5987TIP LINE:Phone: 940-393-3450E-mail: tips@wcmessenger.comSUBMIT NEWSSubmit News, Sports, Letters tothe Editor, Lifestyle, Obituaries andUpdate items onlinewww.wcmessenger.com/submitADVERTISINGContact Lisa Davis, Lori White,Michelle Bush, Kelly Guess or LauraBelcher at 940-627-5987www.wcmessenger.com/advertisingEARLY VOTING — Early voting for the Nov. 2general election continues 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. dailythrough Friday, Oct. 29, at the Decatur CivicCenter.BANDS COMPETE — Three <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>marching bands failed to advance to the statecompetition Saturday. Northwest High Schoolparticipated in the Area A Marching Contestand advanced to the 5A finals, but placed <strong>10</strong>th.Only the first five bands were chosen to move onto the state level. Decatur and Bridgeport HighSchools competed in the 3A preliminary marchingcompetition and placed 24 and 29, respectively.The first <strong>10</strong> bands that placed advanced to thefinal round.SUPPER — Bridgeport Intermediate School hostsits 16th annual Cornbread and Bean Supper 5to 7 p.m. <strong>Thursday</strong>, Oct. 28, at the IntermediateSchool Cafeteria. Tickets are $4 each and can bepurchased at the school office or at the door. Formore information, call (940) 683-5784.CLEANUP DAY — The city of Bridgeport hostsContinued on page 9AUSPS Publication No.688940ISSN 0746-8679The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> (ISSN 0746-8679) is published<strong>Thursday</strong> and Sunday by <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, Inc., P.O. Box149, 115 S. Trinity St., Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. Periodicalsclass postage paid at Decatur, Texas. Subscription rates: oneyear in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> $35, six months $18; one year out of county$40, six months $22; one year out of state $45, six months $23.An erroneous refl ection upon the character, standing orreputation of any fi rm, person or corporation, which appearsin the columns of this paper will be corrected upon due noticegiven to the publication at the <strong>Messenger</strong> offi ce.Postmaster: Send address changes to: <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,P.O. Box 149, Decatur, Texas 76234-0149. 940-627-5987.http://www.wcmessenger.com. E-mail: news@wcmessenger.com.© 20<strong>10</strong> <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>

DECATURCity asked to consider teen curfewBy PHIL MAJORPatricia Laderos requestedthe Decatur City Councilconsider a teen curfew Mondaynight.Mayor Joe Lambert askedPolice Chief Rex Hoskins,City Attorney Mason Woodruffand City Manager BrettShannon to study the issueand make a recommendation.Hoskins said the city doesnot have a juvenile crimeproblem, and if it did, hewould request such a curfew.“There are problems withteens around the neighborhood,”said Laderos, wholives on South Trenchard St.“They’re roaming the streetsat all hours.”She said there had beenan attempted break-in ather home.Fire Chief Mike Richardsonintroduced the city’s“new” ladder truck, a 1987model it purchased fromNorth Richland Hills for$21,500. It was deliveredMonday. It upgrades the firedepartment’s capabilitiesfrom the 65-foot truck nowin service. New, such a truckwould cost $1.2 million.Richardson said the truckwill be put into service afterfirefighters are trained onit.It will have a home in thenew fire station, but will notfit in the old one.Richardson said the contractoron the long-delayedfire station says the facilitywill be ready Dec. 1, buthe estimates it will be afterJan. 1.The chief said he has beeninvolved in several fire stationconstruction projectsand has never run into theproblems that have continuallydelayed this one.A bid for a fire station automatedalert system wasaccepted for $99,416. Thesystem was originally partof the construction projectbut had been removed fromthe bid.Richardson said it willnot impact the constructionbudget, since an allowancehad been made for the system.Approval was given for avariance for the Villa CappelliSalon at the southwestcorner of Walnut and Statestreets. The cantileveredsign will protrude from thebuilding over the sidewalkalong Walnut St.In planning and zoningmatters, the resignationsof Jerry Watson from thePlanning and Zoning Commissionand Miguel Suarezand Jody Adams from theWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Zoning Board of Adjustmentwere approved.Reappointed were BobBastian, Randy Bowker andCharlotte Williamson totwo-year terms on the P&Z.Pete Rivera was appointedfor two years and Susan Cocanougherfor one year tothe ZBA and Steve Goolsbyas a ZBA alternate for twoyears.In staff reports, engineerEarl Smith reported themain line water leak Oct. 1left the city without water,but there was about onemillion gallons in reservewhen crews completed repairsabout 3 p.m. The leakhad been discovered about 4a.m. when the water plantwas opened.The leak was just east ofthe Big Sandy bridge alongthe line running to LakeBridgeport.Subscribe Online.KAREN GARRETTI’D ENJOY HELPING YOU WITHYOUR NEW & USED-CAR NEEDS940-627-2177 jameswood.com3Awww.wcmessenger.com/subscribeBUICKCHEVYGMCHYUNDAIBo y d S t y l ’ i n&a r b e r s h o pPerm Specials Starting at $40Hilight & lowlight Specials Starting at $45Call Elaine or Lisa940.433.8899624 E Rock Island Blvd • (Hwy 114 East of Boyd)WISE COUNTY‘Do something good’ ...Free 7-pc. Gift<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyLIFE SENTENCE — Stephen York was sentenced to lifewithout the possibility of parole in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> District Courton Monday. Last month he pleaded guilty to the murder ofBridgeport Police Sgt. Randy White.ontinued from page 2A<strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Departmentand the Decatur PoliceDepartment sent officers toover the city of Bridgeporturing the sentencing.Bridgeport police issuedstatement Monday thatxpressed satisfaction withhe sentence and with York’sdmission of guilt. It alsoraised White for his serviceo their department.“White was an honorablean and an outstandingolice officer who served theitizens of Bridgeport withignity and honor,” it read.He had a proud sense ofuty, honor and courage, allf which he exhibited, evenp to the moment of hiseath. Randy’s last wordswere to warn others to stayout of the way of the pursuit,and his last actions preventedinnocent citizens fromdriving into the path of thechase.“Our prayers continue tobe for Sgt. Randy White’swidow, Janet, daughter,Jadyn, and the entire Whitefamily as they cope with thetragic loss of their husband,father and son.”“All too often there aretragic cases that passthrough this court,” saidDistrict Judge John Fostelafter he read the sentence.“But none more so than thisone because of all the familiesit touches.”!E-mail Brandon at bevans@wcmessenger.com.Choose Your Lip and Eye Shades, Warm or CoolFree 7-pc. Giftwith any Estée Lauder purchase of 29.50or more. Worth over 80.00!Choose the lip and eye shades you love, warm or cool.Enjoy a <strong>10</strong>-day supply of Advanced Night RepairSynchronized Recovery Complex and a 7-Day supply ofResilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Créme. 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4A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>OPINIONOUR VIEWSWe need to say goodbye to high speed pursuitsBy BRANDON EVANSWind howled beneathlow, gray skies on Monday.Behind pink granite wallsof the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Courthouse,the second floorcourtroom was eerily quietdespite being packed to capacity.Anxiety and tensionwas palpable. Emotions inthe room were pulled tight,like invisible piano stringsstretched throughout.Sniffles echoed and bouncedaround the cold, woodenroom.It was the sentencing ofStephen York, who pleadedguilty to the murder ofBridgeport Police Sgt.Randy White last month.He received life withoutparole. He also heard firsthandthe anguish of White’sclosest survivors, his wifeand mother.Judy White expressed thepain a mother feels whenlosing a son in more vividclarity than I’ve ever heard.The constant reminders,the constant need to knoweverything that happened,the constant imagining ofwhat could have been andwhat should have beenwere described in detail.She eloquently and painfullyexplained the range ofemotions she suffered andthe apathy toward all otherendeavors in the death’swake.White’s widowed wifeJanet exhibited more grace,strength and restraint thanone could imagine. Despitehaving her best friend andconfidante ripped out of herlife a year-and-a-half ago,she showed grace and mercyto her husband’s killer.But what also stuck outto me was how grateful shewas that the last words theyspoke to each other were “Ilove you.”Imagine if they’d partedways that morning withharsh words or ill tempers.Despite all the love sharedbetween two people,if they part on badterms, no matterhow minor or insignificantthe tiffwas, it would foreverleave a stain on thelast moment of timethey shared togetheron this tiny blue andgreen planet hurtlingthrough emptyspace.And no matter howhealthy, safe or cautioussomeone is, we will alwayshave to remember a finalmoment with the peoplewe love. It’s usually one weusually never see coming.This case also evokedmy own set of difficult, andeerily similar, memories.My cousin, Bruce Evans,was killed in the line ofduty in hauntingly similarcircumstances to White.Bruce was a deputy withthe Jackson <strong>County</strong> Sheriff’sDepartment in Mississippi.On the night ofJuly 18, 2000, officerswere involvedin a high-speedpursuit. Thesuspect, ChristopherDavis, washeavily involvedwith methamphetamine,justlike York. BruceEVANS had helped setup a road blockon State Route 618, severalmiles in front of the approachingchase.About a mile-and-a-halfbefore getting to the roadblock, the suspect’s vehiclecame to a stop, and it appearedthe chase was over.York also pulled off the roada mile or two before reignitinghis pursuit.And on that Mississippinight back in 2000,shots were exchanged andthe chase re-ensued. Thesuspect, Christopher Davis,then drove off the road andcrashed into Bruce’s patrolvehicle. Bruce was outsidethe vehicle. He tried to flee,but the cruiser flipped overand crushed him, leavinghim dead at the scene.Davis went on to receivelife in prison without thepossibility of parole. Bruceleft behind a wife and twochildren.Both of these courageouslaw enforcement officerswere killed due to highspeedchases. These typesof death races on publicroadways are not only extremelydeadly for officers,but also for the ever-presentcivilians oblivious to the approachingdanger.Last year a stoned teenagerstole a cattle truckin south <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> andled officers on a dangerouschase. He could have easilycrashed into a church vanalong the way and killed adozen pre-schoolers.Are these types of pursuitseven necessary? ln allthese instances, law enforcementcould have backed off,and the suspects could havebeen tracked down laterand arrested.When a criminal grabsa hostage and has a gunto their head, officers don’tjust start shooting wildly.Other techniques are firstexplored because every lifeinvolved is considered precious.That’s what makesour system so impressive,at least until it comes topursuing criminals.When a high-speedpursuit begins, it’s basicallylike every person nearthe path of that pursuit isbeing held hostage as thecars flash past. Of course,the ultimate responsibilityfor any injury or deathrests with the suspects, butmaybe Texas law needs tochange. There needs to be adifferent protocol as to howofficers respond when highspeedpursuits begin. Orelse we can guarantee moresenseless deaths as a result.YOUR VIEWSMurraybest qualifiedI hope the voters in Precinct 3 will join me in voting forhe candidate with the best qualifications for justice ofhe peace, Ken Murray. If you judge the two candidatesy their qualifications and not the party ticket they areunning on, then you will see that Mr. Murray far exceedsrs. Hays as the one who is best suited for the job.So let’s make the right decision for our precinct, andet’s elect Ken Murray as the next justice of the peace forrecinct 3.Winford CashBoydMedia outof touchHer tone and expression loudly stated that she wasenuinely baffled and confused on the matter. “How is ithat so many of these tea party members are women?”he even went as far as to call this a phenomenon. Shes one of the talking heads of Obama’s lap dog media. Mynitial reaction was a hardy laugh followed by disgust.It used to be that the press cut away at the shroud ofies encompassing politicians and lay bare, as best theyould, true intentions. It would seem that this form ofjustice is slowly fading away right along with the representativerepublic that allowed our country to become theshining city on a hill that it is today.The pretense of her question, which obviously insinuatedthat if you are a woman you should be a liberal, I’msure is offensive to many. This pretense is faulty, and Ibelieve gender is irrelevant to the answer.Today’s liberal model of expanding government, deficitspending and confiscatory wealth redistribution has failedeverywhere and every time it has been tried throughoutworld history. Poverty, decline, collapsing currencies, misery,disease and death have always been the result.It would seem that the phenomenon exists on the otherside. How is it that one can deny the facts of history evento the point of becoming totally out of touch with the majorityof the population?Be vigilant and vote to restore your country. We are ourchildren’s only hope.Forest CartwrightDecaturVotefor HaysAssert your constitutional right to vote this November.tudy the candidates. Ask yourself, “Who best representsy beliefs, my area and my country?”Precinct 3, take a good look at Mandy Hays for justicef the peace. As possibly your only encounter with theourt, people should look upon this person as available,rustworthy, compassionate to all and impartially firm inaking decisions. Law enforcement background is not reuired,and it may not seem impartial to those who comeefore the court. It may even make some feel the court isrejudiced against them. Regardless of background, alljustices must attend the same training before taking office.Graduating from college magna cum laude, Mandy’sability to achieve the skills needed is not questionable.Mandy Hays is a business owner, seven-year teacherwith English as Second Language certification, coach,UIL director, active member in her church, sponsor ofFellowship of Christian Athletes, National Rifle Associationmember and even Texas licensed to carry a concealedhandgun. Planning to work closely with area youth andputting the JP office online, she will be visible and an e-mail or phone call away.Mandy Hays hosted two meet and greet forums, but Iam more impressed with her door-knocking, block-walking,face to face, handshaking encounters with the votersof Precinct 3. Mention her name, and everyone replies,“Oh, I met her.” If you haven’t met her yet, you must nothave been home. She doesn’t just sit back and wait but isdeeply dedicated and driven day after day to come to you.Isn’t that what we need?Vote for Mandy Hays. She will open her door to you orknock on yours in her effort to serve you.Alice LeeRhomeExercise yourright to voteAs Americans, (whether Republican, Democrat oranything else) one of our greatest freedoms is the right toexercise our voice in government and vote.We are very fortunate in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> to have anextremely professional and conscientious election administratorin Lannie Noble and his staff of Dan Teed andKaren Valenzuela.The election also requires the dedicated service of electionjudges from both parties to effectively operate all ofthe polling locations in early voting and on Election Day.Many commentators have described this election as oneof the most important in our lifetime. I agree, but notethat all elections are important in order for this countryto remain strong and to lead the free world.I urge all citizens of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> to vote for your respectivecandidates. My grandmother always told us, “Ifyou don’t vote, you cannot complain about the results.”Allen Williamson<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Republican ChairmanCouncil interferingwith rightsSince several tapes of city council meetings here inNewark mysteriously became blank, I have been videotapingthe city council meetings. I do this at my own expense.I ask the city for nothing, and I upload them onto theInternet as a free public service.Instead of taking advantage of this free service, certaincity council members have interfered with my videotaping.Each and every time after I have completely set upmy equipment, I have been told to move, and I have complied.It takes several minutes to set up again, so thoseminutes are not recorded because the council refuses topause as the law tells them. I was relegated to the back ofthe building at the September meeting and only managedto record a silent movie.Continued on page 5A

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>5AWISE COUNTYFinding forgiveness ...Continued from page 1AYears ago, blinded by rage, Feokilled the man who raped his sister.Now, he has a delicate heartand counts Alexander’s youngestdaughter as his best friend.In fact, Bethany, 6, helped Feosee that love and family went beyondblood relationships. Duringhis first few weeks in the discipleshiphome, he had spent time withthe Alexander family. One day,Bethany looked at Feo and saidthat he was her best friend.“I cried that night. But now Inow I have family right hereand it’s nice,” Feo said. “Before,had a stone cold heart. Now it’sike toilet paper. You can squeezet.”David Simmons, a graduate ofhe ministry, spent six years inrison for intentionally burningis home after falling behind onills. He also suffered from a drugabit.“I wish I had these teachingshen I was younger,” he saidne day on the ministry’s radiohow, “Keepin’ it Real.” “I alwayshought I was a victim of my cirumstance.”Home directors Jay Fields andoe Diaz both spent many years aslaves to alcohol and drug addicions.Now, the two are in chargef the households in Crafton.“A little over a year ago, I lost<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyTHE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE — Now a house leader within the ministry, Joe Diaz celebrates the importantthings in life, like his family.everything I owned to cocaine addiction,”Diaz said. “But God’s restoringeverything back.”Fields, an alcoholic, was drunkwhen Alexander picked him up.Fields had several medical conditionsthat he says were healedafter living at the discipleshiphome.“The ministry has changed mylife,” he said.Resident Billy Jones has beento prison three times. He says hehas found salvation through forgivinghimself for his faults.“When I renewed my mind, ashe wants me to, that truth set mefree. Getting that revelation impactedme so much,” Jones said.“My thinking had been conformedto how the world saw me. I wasunable to break those beliefsabout me.”As each resident successfullycompletes another day in theministry, they look to a time whenthey will serve the ministry andtheir new relationship with God.“I want to teach people — 17, 18and 19 — what it’s like to be inprison. That ain’t a life,” Salazarsaid. “I want to talk to young peopleabout my testimony and gettheir life straight and to serve.“I’m going to be part of thisministry. I want to do everything.I want to serve. I might be apreacher. I might open up a homefor Hispanic people who can’tspeak English.”For Salazar and the other residents,their faith has cleared theway for a future they never believedthey’d have.“Look at me now. There is aGod,” Salazar said. “There has tobe a God. I’m here. I should havedone it a long time ago.”YOUR VIEWSContinued from page 4ASince I started videotapng,our city council haspent thousands of dollarsiring a gentleman to tapehe audio portion of theeetings. He, by contrast,as been given a seat ofonor at the same table ashe council members. Heas even asked to give thenvocation at last night’seeting. Once again afterhad set up, this time withy video camera directlyn front of me, not blockingnyone’s way, I was askedo move to the back. Myequest for a reason wasgnored, so I stayed put.ouncilman Wells thensked if law enforcementas available.According to Governmentode 551.023 these actionsy the city council interfereith the rights of citizenso videotape meetings. Itlso states they cannotmpair a person from exrcisingthis right. Movinghem while the meetings going on is impairingnd so is moving them to alace where audio and/orvideo cannot be picked up.They have their own peoplevideotaping in the front forover a year, but suddenlywhen my camera clicks on,it’s all wrong?You know, I don’t thinkRosa Parks got up thatmorning in 1955 planningto make a stand. She justboarded a bus like she hadalways done, only that dayshe was tired. She foundan empty seat, sat downand was ordered to moveto the back of the bus. Noreason given. Move it, Rosa.I think she was just tired— physically, mentallyand emotionally. Gettingup, suffering the degradationonce again and beingtreated like a lesser personwas just too much. Rosasat still. I get it. Last nightI was tired. Like always, Itried to set up my cameraso I wouldn’t be asked tomove again, but it didn’tmatter. I’m not one ofthe favorites and need tobe kept in line. Move it,Katrina. It was just toomuch. Arrest me if you will.I discovered last night thatstanding up for your rightssometimes means just sittingstill.Katrina EllisNewarkRecall petitioncirculatingWith a “short” city councilmeeting last <strong>Thursday</strong>,the business of the city ofNewark carried on. Twocouncil members and themayor were out of town.The mayor pro tem spokewell when she chose to doso. The rest of the time thedecisions were made by theonly male council memberpresent.When a citizen made hiscase that his water bill wasway past exorbitant, the finaldecision was made thatnothing was to be decideduntil further investigation.211,000 gallons by a residentneeded more study?What part of the errorcould not be seen?Since the mayor cannotseem to be availableregularly, a situation thatwas very common for himwhen he was a city councilmember, now the citysecretary will have administrativepowers, too. Socity council will not haveto be available? The citysecretary is very cooperativeand friendly, now shehas to carry more? This isthe change that we werepromised when they allpushed themselves onto usabout how Newark neededto be cleaned up?There is a recall petitionbeing presented tothe citizens of Newark.The petition is online andavailable at two of the localbusinesses in Newark.There are citizens contactingneighbors, too.There are a number ofcitizens who are very upset.They will be heard.Bonnie J. NealNewarkChristians needto speak outIs anybody else tired of“Christians” who won’tspeak up for their beliefs?Too many “Christians”want to hide behind thefour walls of church onSunday and live like therest of the world Mondaythrough Saturday.We are called to be thelight of the world; yet youcan’t tell the differencebetween someone who callsthemselves Christian andthe rest of the world thesedays — unless they areMuslim, of course.In California, they areabout to legalize the sale ofpot. Pastors and the churchare quiet. Where are theprotests? It’s high timepastors stood up for moralsand integrity.No, it won’t happenovernight. But it will neverhappen if we continue tokeep our “politics” to ourselves.You often hear peoplesay “don’t mix politicsand religion.” I say yourmorals and beliefs shoulddictate your politics.Too many “Christians”will vote for a certain candidate.How much would you sellyour soul for? Judas soldhis for 30 pieces of silver.Is yours worth an extra sixmonths of unemploymentinsurance? Or an extra$50 worth of food stamps?Maybe an extra tax rebatefrom the fed government?Wake up, Christians. Ifyou don’t stand for something,you will fall foranything.And by the way, wheneverthe government“redistributes” wealth, theyare violating the eighthand <strong>10</strong>th commandments(notice it says “Commandments”and not “suggestions”).You may say “Well,the rich got their moneyby stealing from the poor.”Really? Do poor peopleContinued on page 6AWE’RE BREWING Up a POT to SAVE LIVES!Join Us ForThe Good Witch has loaned us her cauldron to acceptdonations for “Imagine No Malaria”EACH $<strong>10</strong> SAVES A CHILD’S LIFE!!Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies of malaria.Treated bed nets protect children from themosquito which carries this deadly virus.For more information call our church offi ce at 940-644-5186.

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>7AHERBGONZALES, JR (G)ATTORNEY GENERALBackground:(50 words)Consumer Fraud: What are the most serious areas of consumer fraud inGREG ABBOTT (R) - No reply receivedBARBARA ANNRADNOFSKY (D)JON ROLAND (L)COMPTROLLER OFPUBLIC ACCOUNTSSUSAN COMBS (R)Background: My experience is based on studying and being actively involvedin politics and government. I have a BA in polisci and was a representativefor student group in student government. I was elected precinct chairand a delegate to Green convention. I have been campaign coordinator in cityand county.Education: The present system is in need of dismantling and creating afortune 500 corporations that whether they are chartered in Texas or not willBackground: Wife, mother, teacher, mediator. Lawyer for30 years. I’ve represented people and businesses of everyVinson & Elkins (retired 2006). Listing “Best Lawyers inAmerica” for the past 17 years. Outstanding Young Lawyerof Texas 1988.Consumer Fraud: Wall Street misconduct harmed Texansand our economy. Texas’ top ten investments lost$35 billion (2007-2009). I will: Fight to get back our billions-Background: Founder and president of the ConstitutionSociety, and webmaster of its website. Editor of the mostimportant works, online there, on constitutional history, law,and government. Author of several peer-reviewed and otherarticles on constitutional issues. Intervenor in several courtcases, and co-author of Supreme Court amicus briefs.Consumer Fraud: The two most important and neglectedare for the public as consumers of government contracting,and as consumers of government services, especially at the local level. Thereis too much cronyism, bribery, and intimidation taking place, especially at thelocal level, that has compromised local judges, prosecutors, and law enforcementagents. Would open grand juries to complaints by private citizens, andBackground:(50 words)Data:Background: Have managed the CPA for 4 successfulyears, comprehensively reformed online transparencyefforts; served in state legislature and understand budgetbusiness owner for 30 years; former prosecutor; have foundnearly $173 million in tax underreporting; pushed Texas tobuy smarter.Data: We frequently update legislators on economic conditionin preparation for the Biannual Revenue Estimate. I developed two programscalled “Where the Money Goes” and “Where the Money Comes From”so that people everywhere can search where the money is allocated from andwhat it is used for. All state funds come from the taxpayer and it’s my job toFour-year term. Must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Texas for at least 12 months. Among duties:lawyer for the state; defends the laws and Constitution of the state; represents the state in litigation; approves public bond issues;enforces health, safety and consumer regulations; collects court-ordered child support; administers Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund.Current annual salary: $150,000Four-year term. Must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Texas for at least 12 months. Amongprovides estimates of revenue for the coming year; provides economic development assistance to local governments and businesses;audits the performance of Texas schools. Current annual salary: $150,0003Transportation: Texas should begin to invest in transportation that will beused by all to reduce and eliminate the need of oil and gas. Urban areas mustinggreenhouse gases. Monies should be directed at creating not toll but roadwaysthat are for public transportation electric and rail and to create a systemto rebate citizens who use public transport instead of privately (///)Function:who reside in Texas.Regulations:Responsibilities: What advisory and enforcement responsibilities of theRegulations: The Texas Attorney General should protect the economic andhave led to sky high electrical and insurance rates and Texas’ number oneranking of several key pollution measures. The Attorney General should beenforcing the law, instead of suing the EPA to protect polluters.Responsibilities:shipfrom the top, respect for the career employees, training and resources toserve the public. Reform Child Support, correcting computers to properlythe Texas Youth Commission scandal.Regulations: Would seek to have them handled by grand and trial juries,and insist that issues of law be argued in the presence of juries. Would seekto reduce unproductive paperwork and meddling by anonymous bureaucrats.public corruption. Would insist constitutions be defended in all cases, and thatwhistleblowers be adequately represented as required by law.Responsibilities: Would work to institute a Federal Action Review Commission,a grand jury empowered to hear citizen complaints about unconstitutionalfederal activities, and authorize disobedience of them by state agents andcitizens. Would seek to move most child support enforcement to the countylevel. Would seek a new, clean State Constitution, with greater protection ofrights, providing for “superstatutes” approved by referendum that are superiorto ordinary statutes but inferior to constitutional provisions.Spending: What measures do you support to make sure that state tax moneyOther Issues: Aside from the issues above, what do you see as the two most(75 words)Spending: As a small business owner I understand the importance of spend-harness the buying power of purchasing in bulk and have saved the state over$51 million. I have put all state expenditures online and have worked to balancethe books of other state agencies. By making state spending transparent Ihave uncovered various ways to see Texas government work smarter.Other Issues:sionin 2011 will cause shortages of funds for state programs and agencies.statewide unemployment rate, though one of the lowest in the nation, mustimprove. I will work tirelessly to allocate money to job training and the creationof jobs statewide.The Voters Guide is protected by copyright. For permission to duplicate the Guide,Comptroller of Public Accounts, continuedMARY RUWART (L)EDWARD LINDSAY (G)COMMISSIONER OFGENERAL LAND OFFICEBackground:(50 words)Coastal Lands: What are the most serious threats to Texas coastal lands andHECTOR URIBE (D)JAMES HOLDAR (L)Background:the sciences has given me ample training in computationalanalysis. In addition, I have kept the books for a number ofsmall businesses throughout my career, as well as analyzingbudget items for the Libertarian National Committee.Data: Because government entities in the United States usecash basis accounting, anyone monitoring the books seeswhat the State of Texas has already paid, but not necessarily what it still owes.The Comptroller can provide more transparency and accuracy by includingadditional information, such as outstanding bills, in its reporting to mimic theaccrual accounting system used by most businesses. Otherwise, even consci-Background: Married 34 years, 3 children, Vietnam Eraematics,School Administration, Administration), LicensedInsurance Broker, Licensed Real Estate Broker, past Treasurerof the Texas Junior College Teachers Association,Data:for collecting state revenue, tracking state expenditures, and monitoring theaccountants and attorneys who are experienced in state budgets, ad valoremand occupation tax records, bonds, and computers. I will work closely withthe State Legislative Branch and the media.JERRY PATTERSON (R) - No reply receivedBackground: Thirteen years in the Texas legislature andservice on the Finance, Education and Natural Resourcescommittees prepared me to plan for the future funding,educational and environmental needs of our state. I chairedthe Senate’s standing sub-committee on Water and vicechairedthe joint subcommittee on Oil Spills and WaterPollution (///)Coastal Lands: Coastal development, off-shore and intercoastalwaterways drilling, sea level rise and dams - thatincreasingly starve our coastlines of sediments that feed beaches and limithabitats are threats to coastal lands and habitats. I oppose eforts to divertwater and sediment in our rivers from our environmentally sensitive coastallands and support greater funding for a rapid and comprehensive response toan oil spill.Background: Age 67 years. Resident of Texas since 1969.Military: US Army. Education: BSCE Civil Engineering.Registered Professional Land Surveyor. Registered ProfessionalEngineer. Owned an engineering and land surveyingCoastal Lands: The most serious threats to Texas coastalwork to change laws and regulations to allow private property owners to protecttheir lands from erosion, while preserving the public’s right to the publicbeach easement. This will include energy dissipating structure when practical.I will work with the coastal counties to allow the maximum local controlof the public beach.Four-year term. Must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Texas for at least 12 months. Amongduties: management of state lands and mineral-right properties totaling 20.3 million acres and providing revenues for the PermanentSchool Fund; repository of state land documents; responsible for the prevention of and response to oil spills that occur on “submerged”lands out to <strong>10</strong>.3 miles in the Gulf of Mexico. The Commissioner also serves as a chairman of seven state boards, including the SchoolLand Board, the Veterans Land Board, and the Coastal Coordination Council. Current annual salary: $137,500Spending:tationof accounting controls are used in the private sector to cut fraud andwaste. The Comptroller should demonstrate the potential savings from theseappropriate controls. The Comptroller can then recommend that other Texaseconomy, they should expect their government to do the same.Other Issues:--spending and then by exposing the government agencies which fail to followits example.Spending: Measures I support to make sure that state tax money is spentwisely are to provide close monitoring of proposed state budgets to insureitems comply with state law, to ascertain if revenues meet expenditures, andto collect data to insure tax monies are being spent on their intended purposes.Furthermore, I will make recommendations for retiring any debt which thestate has incurred.Other Issues: The two most serious issues the Comptroller will face involvecollection of tax revenues and authicating the use of taxpayers’ money fortheir intended purposes. With a projected shortfall of nearly $18 billion, itis imperative that tax dollars be collected and used for legitimate means. Iintend to address these issues through diligent efforts, capable personnel andtireless energy for the people of Texas.Energy Revenue: How will emerging alternate energy sources affect theBeachfronts: In managing Texas beachfronts, how would you balance theconcerns of taxpayers, ecologists, environmental groups, residents andEnergy Revenue: Texas owns submerged lands (<strong>10</strong>.3) miles in the Gulf.The GLO should promote the development of wind farms on our submergedlands to provide a clean and renewable source of energy to our coastal citiesthat would also create a new and permanent source of funding for our PSF.The installation of approximately 5000 wind turbines would generate as muchincome as generated by our mineral leases in our peak year - 1984.Beachfronts: Our beaches belong to all Texans. Our coastal communities aregreat income generators for state and local businesses. I support the enforce-ordinance making powers to counties to address beachfront development. I‘llbe a strong advocate for beach replenishment programs. Engineering solutions- seawalls, breakwaters and groynes, are often ineffective. Beach replenishmentis preferred on both economic and conservation grounds.Energy Revenue: Alternate energy sources should not affect the revenuesto the Public School Fund. I will work at leasing state lands for alternateenergy development. I will work at insuring the oil and gas lessees developtheir leases to maximize revenues from the leases. I will work at leasing statelands to produce the maximum revenue.Beachfronts: I will work at developing ecological preserves on land that isnot under pressure for development by private property owners. I will workState and public. This will include increase property values, increased recreationaluse by the general public. I will encourage protection and develop-The League of Women Voters: Nonpartisan since its founding in 1919YOUR VIEWSContinued from page 6AMurrayis qualifiedLet me start by explaining that as a resident ofChico, I have no personal stake in the outcome ofthe Justice of the peace Precinct 3 election. I dohowever have an opinion about Mr. Ken Murray’squalifications, not the qualifications that can belisted on paper, but the intangible qualificationsthat make up a person’s character.Mr. Murray and I were both employed by ChicoI.S.D. for a number of years. When it comes totalking about a person’s character, there is no finerman than Mr. Murray. As a teacher, he always conductedhimself in a professional manner regardlessof who he was dealing with.He worked hard with his alternative placementstudents to ensure that they received a qualityeducation, and at the same time, he treated thosestudents with respect, and received respect inreturn.Mr. Murray is an honest, hard-working familyman who is constantly seeking out ways to staycurrent in the field of education and in law enforcement.He does not let his personal bias interferewith his ability to solve conflicts, which is so importantin the role of a judge. Organization, communicationand the ability to follow the letter of the laware positive traits that he can bring to the office ofjudge.With Mr. Murray you get a man who is honest,the type of man that people can say, “His handshakeis as good as his word.” A judge should be aperson who can bring dignity, respect, knowledgeand a love of the law to the bench, and that typeof judge can be had in Precinct 3 if Mr. Murray iselected.Ann FergusonChicoHays istrue conservativeMy wife and I attended the meet and greet forMrs. Hays on Saturday, Oct. 23. We are both veryimpressed with her. She’s a true conservative thatknows where she stands and stands firmly on herprinciples without wavering.Some of the things Mrs. Hays covered as shespoke to the group (of about 70 or so when we arrived)included her desire to serve the communitywhere she grew up. She also spoke about how awife, mother, teacher and regular person can do thejob of justice of the peace because the state of Texassays that office is closest to the average citizen, andthat’s what she is, rather than a typical politician.She also looked us in the eye and pledged to puther work ethic, knowledge, education and abilitiesto work for our community if elected. She has beenvisiting justice courts in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> and othernearby counties to prepare for the possibility ofserving us. She also offered to answer questionsone-on-one after asking the group if there were anyquestions.Her plans for the website are very forward thinking,where standard forms and other resourcescould be made readily available. Her small businessexperience will translate to good stewardshipof the budget for that office. This true conservativeis just what we need.Bryan BarnettBoyd✔EASE✔VALUE✔SELECTION✔SERVICE115 S. Trinity, Decatur 940-627-5987Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Public Fax 940-627-<strong>10</strong>04 7:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri.MORE UP-TO-DATE THAN GPS!WE HAVE ATLASES FORTEXAS & THE USAOFFICEFURNITURESPECIALISTSOrder Online atmessengerofficesupply.com

8A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>WISE COUNTYLooking for aghoul time? ...Continued from page 1Ahouse is downtown, next to Bulldog Car Washin the Panther Creek building. The cost is $5for adults and $3 for students and children.Barbecue sandwiches, water and hot chocolatewill be available for purchase.SPOOK HOUSE — The Alvord Class of 2011Project Graduation will host a spook house 7 to<strong>10</strong> p.m. <strong>Thursday</strong> through Saturday, Oct. 28-30.The spook house will be at <strong>10</strong>8 E. Franklin St.AuroraTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31BoydRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31 (Hitttreet will be closed)BridgeportRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31AMILY FUN FALL FEST — First Baptist Churchill host Family Fun Fest 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday,ct. 31, at the Family Life Center at 1204 12tht. There will be a bounce house, obstacleourse, games, prizes, candy, food and drinks.ear costumes.POOKY FUN — The Bridgeport High Schoolrama Club presents “The Haunted Woods” forlder kids, and “Boo Forest” for younger goblins,t 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, at 11 Prairie Lane,just off Overland Drive. Admission is free with adonation of a non-perishable food item/cannedgood to benefit WARM.FALL FESTIVAL — The Bridgeport Parks andRecreation Department hosts its second annualSpooktacular Fall Festival 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.Saturday, Oct. 30, at the Community Center andLawdwin Ballfields. The event is free. There willbe games, candy, inflatables, train rides, facepainting, goody bags, a photo booth, speed pitchand more.COSTUME PARADE — Meet in the Duckwall’sparking lot at 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30, for acostume parade and trick or treating with HalsellStreet merchants. Customers can still accessdowntown merchants during the costume parade.HAUNTED HOUSE — Bridgeport High School’sMighty Marching Maroon will have its secondannual haunted house 7:30 p.m. to midnight<strong>Thursday</strong> and Friday, Oct. 29-30, in the new bandhall at the middle school. Cost is $3.ChicoTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Saturday, Oct. 30DecaturTRICK OR TREAT NIGHT — Sunday, Oct. 31HALLOWEEN FEST — The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> AnimalShelter will host “Rabid Halloween Fest” 9a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30. The event willfeature a rabies clinic, fall festivities, games, hotdogs, chips and drinks. You and your dogs andcats are invited to dress in Halloween attire andwin prizes.HALLOWEEN PORTRAITS — Joe Duty’s Halloweenportraits will be 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31, atthe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, 115 S. Trinity in Decatur.The photographed will receive a free 4x5 print.TRUNK OR TREAT — First United MethodistChurch will host Trunk or Treat and Children’sHalloween Carnival 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30,at <strong>10</strong>4 S. Miller. There will be a maze, popcornballdecorating, carnival games and funnel cakes.Donations will be accepted for WARM. Kidfriendlycostumes, please.TRUCK OR TREAT — First Baptist Church ofDecatur, 1200 W. Preskitt Road, will host Truckor Treat 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31. The eventwill include hot dogs, candy, games and hayrides.PUMPKIN PATCH — The Black Creek PumpkinPatch is open to the public 4 to 7 p.m. Mondaythrough <strong>Thursday</strong>, <strong>10</strong> a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday andSaturday, and 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday. For informationcall DeDe at (940) 627-5395 or (940) 389-0517or visit www.blackcreekpp.com.CHILDREN’S HALLOWEEN PARTY — The DecaturPublic Library will host a Halloween Party at 4p.m. <strong>Thursday</strong>, Oct. 28. The party will includebooks, games, a craft and snack. Costumes areinvited but not required. The program is free andrecommended for toddlers through students insecond grade. For information, call the library at(940) 627-5512.TRICK OR TREAT — Trick or treating at SeniorCare in Decatur is 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29.HALLOWEEN TRAFFIC — Trick or treaters in theContinued on page 9ACOMMISSIONER OFAGRICULTUREBackground:(50 words)Role: What do you see as the role of agriculture as Texas becomesTODD STAPLES (R)HANK GILBERT (D)RICK DONALDSON (L)Background: Having been involved in agriculture myentire life, I understand it’s the backbone of the Texaseconomy. As Agriculture Commissioner I will continue toensure we have access to the safest, most reliable, andaffordable food supply in the world, and I will continue toRole: We know that as Texas continues to grow we mustutilize new technology to ensure our farmers and ranchershave the tools necessary to be able to do more with less.We certainly don’t like being dependent on foreign oil, we must not becomeproperty owners’ rights and see that we have true eminent domain reform inTexas.Background: I’ve spent my entire adult life in Agriculture.For me, Agriculture is both a vocation and an avocation. Igraduated with my BS from Texas A&M. I’ve taught Agricultureas a public school teacher and has a 4H adviser. I’vebeen a rancher most of my life.Role: There’s a misconception about the role of the Com-tureoversees all transactions where a product is sold using aweight or measure, including a cash register. Every time someone uses a barsure the device is accurate. This is a role that is absolutely essential to bothurban and rural Texans.Background: I had a Pesticide Applicators License fromabout 1979 to 1985 when I decided to go Natural/Organic.I’ve been involved in Hands On Natural and Organic Agriculturesince 1985. Currently, I am a spring and Fall TruckFarmer and a Small Ruminant producer.Role: Texans need to be producing more from their ownproperties to better accommodate themselves and their communities.Texas Constitution Article VIII mandates all FarmProducts are tax exempt. Urban Farms, I believe, are to be included.Four-year term. Must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of Texas for at least 12 months. Amongproducts; facilitates trade and market development of agricultural commodities. Current annual salary: $137,500Environment: What are the main environmental concerns for Texas(75 words)Other Issues: Aside from the issues above, what do you see as the two mostserious issues the Commissioner of Agriculture will face during the next fourEnvironment: Recently, the EPA has pushed forward with establishingcontroversial rules that would declare carbon dioxide (CO2) to be a pollutant.I feel that implementing this rule would have a very negative impact on Texasagriculture. Studies show it would kill jobs. As Texans we need the bureaucratsin Washington to step aside and let the true stewards of our land (farmersand ranchers) do their jobs.Other Issues: Texas is the envy of the nation. In order to continue to be successfulI’m committed to protecting private property owners’ rights, ensuringwe have the safest, and most reliable food supply in the world, protectingconsumers from the grocery store to the gas pump, promoting Texas productsthrough the GO TEXAN program, improving the health of Texas children andfamilies, and working to promote job opportunities and the Texas economy.Environment: Overall, the biggest threat is climate change since Agriculture,more than any other industry, is completely dependent on the environ-cywill increasingly play a roll in our state and I’m looking forward to workingwith the Legislature to address Agricultural concerns as they make waterpolicy for the next 50 years.Other Issues: The biggest issue is food safety, making sure that the food weas a result of one salmonella incident. It’s something that has to be addressednow. The other issue is eminent domain abuse which must be addressed withreal restrictions on the state.Environment: Water collection and consumption are two big issues thatneed to be improved. Texas Lakes and water collection tanks should bedredged and cleaned out when water levels are reduced to accommodate thiswork. Home collection should be encouraged and tax incentives should beimplemented to allow more Texans the ability to supplement their own waterneeds. Pesticide usage and water runoff from roadways should be more carefullyinvestigated and controlled. So called chemical usage (///)Other Issues: More Farmers Markets and Neighborhood Co-ops shouldbe created by the Free Market. The Texas Agriculture Commission shouldshould be re-evaluated and funded by Teas for Texans, if the need is there.be discontinued and let Texas take care of (///)IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING:ballot, but if it is determined that you are not registered in the precinct whereVOTING IN THE GENERAL ELECTIONyou vote, your ballot will not be counted, by Texas law. More information onprovisional voting appears on the Texas Secretary of State website www.sos.In the General Election in November, voters in Texas may vote for any candidate theystate.tx.us.wish, regardless of whether they voted in a party primary or participated in a party convention.All candidates from all parties are on the same ballot.VOTER REGISTRATIONQUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTINGYou must register to vote at least 30 days prior to an election. The last day youmay register to vote in the 20<strong>10</strong> General Election is October 4. ApplicationsTo vote, you must be a citizen of the United States, registered to vote, a resident of theare available on the Secretary of State website and must be sent to your countytallyincapacitated by a court of law. If you have been convicted of a felony, you mayelections department. The registration will remain in effect until you move andregister to vote only after you have completed the punishment phase of your conviction,including any terms of incarceration, parole, supervision, or period of probation orderedforwarded to your new address. If you move within the same county, you mustby the court.notify your <strong>County</strong> Clerk or Elections Administrator in writing of your new ad-WHERE TO VOTE in your new county.consolidated vote center trial). Your precinct is listed on your registration card, or you -istrator(the League provides county web links at www.lwvtexas.org). Voting places are blue. If you are unsure of your voter registration, you can verify your status onalso listed in most newspapers. If you report to the incorrect polling place, you will be redirected to the correct site or offered a provisional ballot. You can vote by provisional5R AILROADCOMMISSIONERBackground:(50 words)Alternate Fuels: How would you balance the use of existing fuel sourcesDAVID PORTER (R)JEFF WEEMS (D)Background: I have spent three decades working withcialand tax counsel. As a small business owner from theAlternate Fuels: I believe we should encourage the explorationof alternative sources by incentivizing their developmentand production rather than issuing more mandates and regulations. As Texascontinues to grow daily, so does our demand for power. To keep our economygrowing, we must pursue every source of energy available to power our dailylives, while continuing to develop cleaner and renewable sources includingwind, solar, nuclear, clean coal and natural gas.ROGER GARY (L) - No reply receivedART BROWNING (G)Background: I worked offshore to pay for college. 1983high honors graduate from the University of Texas in PetroleumLand Management. Worked at Shell as a landman.1989 honors graduate from Texas Law School. Over 20years as an energy litigator, currently administrative partnerAlternate Fuels: I will promote the immediate expansionof natural gas as a transportation and power generation fuel.Texas has been blessed with abundant gas reserves, and this gas burns muchcleaner than coal, diesel, or gasoline in both transportation and power-generationuses. We must continue to explore for traditional oil and gas reserves. Atthe same time, we should encourage development of wind and solar power,although the Commission has no jurisdiction over these sources.Background: I have worked in the oil and gas business as ageologist since 1975, earned degrees at Ohio State, and holdtionand production on four continents where I have seen arange of practices in the business, good and not so good.Alternate Fuels: Oil and gas depletion means we simplyday production begins. Since we use fossil fuels faster thanMother Nature makes them, it is only prudent to switch to renewable fuels.Furthermore, we must come to terms with living in equilibrium with naturerather than believing that constant growth is possible. Only cancer does that,IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT VOTING:MOVINGIf you have moved since you last voted or plan to move before you vote this year, notifythe county elections administrator about your new address in writing. Transfer yourregistration to your new address as soon as possible. You may return to your previousprecinct to vote until your registration is transferred, provided you still live within theboundaries of the entity conducting the election. If you move from one Texas countyto another, you must re-register in the county of your new residence. You may be eligibleto vote a limited ballot for 90 days after you move if your new registration is notyet effective. However, the limited ballot is available only during early voting, not onEARLY VOTING IN PERSONAll registered voters may vote early by personal appearance at any early voting locationin their county. Check with your local newspaper or the county clerk or electionsadministrator for early voting times and locations. Early voting days for the November2, 20<strong>10</strong>, General Election are October 18-29.Six-year term (on a three-person commission). Must be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the United States, a resident and registeredvoter of Texas. Among duties: regulation of the oil and natural gas industry, including drilling production and environmental protection;natural gas utilities; natural gas and hazardous liquids pipeline safety; surface mining of coal, uranium, and iron ore gravel, includingthe use of clean-burning propane and researches new technologies for its use. Current annual salary: $92,217 - $137,5006Urban Drilling: What are the main health and safety issues related to oiland gas drilling and transmission in urban areas, and how would you addressOther Issues: Aside from the issues above, what are the two most seriousissues the Railroad Commission will face during the next six years, and howUrban Drilling: Air and water quality concerns are the most pressing concernsand are currently an area of debate with regards to the responsible statewith legislative authority, will consider air and water concerns in relevantcases.Other Issues: Budget cuts during a time of increased production in heavypopulated areas are a major issue. I will work to ensure that public safety isnever compromised. The Commission must do a better job informing Texansexactly we what we do, and make itself more accessible to Texans. I have proposedthat the Railroad Commission create an ombudsman, whose sole focuswill be to aid those who contact the RRC with questions or concerns.Urban Drilling:over air (from emissions) and water quality (from hydraulic fracturing andwater usage). The Commission must begin to monitor and oversee gaseousemissions from hydrocarbon facilities. Second, we must oversee frac’ing andpress the issue of water reclamation. We also must closely oversee pipelineoperations to reduce leakage and dangers from explosions. We could accomplishmore by creating a separate district for the Barnett Shale alone.Other Issues: The public has lost faith in the Commissioners. I want totributionswhen they are not running. We should focus our limited resourcestoward transparency and facilitating public input. We must stop starving thisfor better funding and implement a policy of getting more Commission employeesperforming inspections.Urban Drilling: Pipeline explosions in the news highlight the need for morepublic safety and resource preservation. Regarding urban drilling, possibletionaldrilling technology, there should be no need to issue permits for drillingwhere people live and work. This should also mitigate other issues includingOther Issues: must prove no invasion of aquifers by gas and injected chemicals before startingnew projects. The same applies to waste disposal wells. Constant monitoringin nearby water wells requires more staff. Overconsumption of limitedThe true cost of energy is not being paid, and inequities exist. The RailroadCommission cannot solve this alone.EARLY VOTING BY MAILsenteevoting). You may request a ballot by mail if you will be away from yourRequest an Application for Ballot by Mail (ABBM) from the early voting clerkin the county where you are registered, or download the form from Secretary ofState website: www.sos.state.tx.us. The completed form must be received bymail or fax by October <strong>26</strong>. Note: postmarks don’t count. <strong>County</strong> elections addressesand fax numbers are also available on the SOS website.A ballot will be mailed to you, and you must return your completed ballot to yourmust be received, not just postmarked, by that date; and faxes are not allowed.

✪✪✪✪<strong>10</strong>A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>DEATHSSergio Reginaldo Gonzalez1973-20<strong>10</strong>Mary Belle Lumsden1912-20<strong>10</strong>SERGIO GONZALEZFuneral for Sergio RegialdoGonzalez, 37, of Deaturwas to be <strong>10</strong> a.m.ednesday, October 27, atecatur Church of Christith Rick Ross officiating.urial was to follow at OakawnCemetery.Gonzalez died Saturday,ct. 23, 20<strong>10</strong>, in Decatur.Born Jan. 1, 1973, in Zaraoza,Mexico, to Jesus Noend Gloria Ozuna Gonzalez,e graduated from Decaturigh School in 1991 and wasmployed by David Rogersonstruction in Bridgeports foreman. Gonzalez wasmember of the Church ofhrist.He was preceded in deathy his father, Jesus Noeonzalez Sr.Gonzalez is survived byon, Tyler Gonzalez of Decaur;daughter Jocelyn Wheelrof Norfolk, Va.; mother ofis children Victoria JoAnnonzalez of Decatur; brothrsJesus Jr., Juan, Feliciao,Jose, Antonio, Roberto,arlos and Armando Gonzalez,all of Decatur; sistersMaria Ochea and ChristinaMartinez, both of Decaturand Brenda Sonora of Uvalde;mother Gloria Gonzalezof Decatur; and numerousnieces and nephews.Pallbearers were to beTyler Gonzalez, Juan Gonzalez,Michael Vess, AntonioGonzalez, Armando Gonzalez,Robert Gonzalez, CarlosGonzalez, Johnny Gonzalez,Jose Gonzalez and JesseGonzalez.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>MARY LUMSDENNo funeral is planned forary Belle Lumsden, 98, ofubbock.Lumsden died Saturday,ct. 23, 20<strong>10</strong>, in Lubbock.Born Sept. 9, 1912, in Chio,she was a teacher for 34ears and taught in Chicond Bridgeport. Lumsdenas a member of the Firstnited Methodist Churchnd Order of the Easterntar. In retirement, she gaveany hours as a volunteer.She was preceded in deathy her first husband, V.S.argent in 1942 and secondusband Jerry Lumsden in984.Lumsden is survivedy sons Tommy Largentf Lubbock, Don Largentnd wife, Lu, of Roaringprings and Finis Largentnd wife, Rose, of Arlington;randchildren Cathy Fostelof Bridgeport, SuzanneGardner of Keller, MichelleHalpin of Arlington, DawnWilliams of Muleshoe, JillBarnard of Wakita, Okla.,Carrie Barden of Littlefieldand Terri Shaw, Rusty Byrdand Rob Byrd, all of Boyd;and 13 great-grandchildren.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Patricia Helen Coale1944-20<strong>10</strong>A private memorial serviceill be held at a later dateor Patricia Helen Coale, 66,f Runaway Bay.Coale died Tuesday, Oct.9, 20<strong>10</strong>, in Runaway Bay.Born March 27, 1944, inallas to Bob and Helenarden, she married RobrtDeLarios on January 1,005.Coale is preceded ineath by her brother, Bobbyarden.She is survived by sonsilly Ray Jarrard and wife,eggy, of Nevada and Johnric Angell and wife, Cindy,f Runaway Bay; grandaughterErica Kaye Anellof Dallas; grandsonohnathan Charles Angellf Fort Worth; sisters Bar-PATRICIA COALEbara Williamson of Chattanooga,Tenn., Susie Maretand Debbie Martin, both ofPlano and Linda Johnson ofGeorgetown.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>,October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Need A New Set Of WheelsTry the classifieds online at www.wcmessenger.com/class?CLASSIFIEDSWISE COUNTYMESSENGER CLASSIFIEDSBy JULIE NEALWISE COUNTYLocal tea partyis brewed andready to serveA new political entity met for the first time lastweek and hopes to become a reckoning force soon.The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Tea Party Patriots (WCTPP)held an organizational meeting to plan the futureof their group. The main topic of discussion washow to get money, said Antoinette Dunlap, eventsplanner for WCTPP.“I’ve been learning as I go, but sometimes what Ifind is quite alarming,” she said.Dunlap has been an “armchair cheerleader” ofthe tea party movement for more than a year andfound WCTPP organizer Mark Allen’s phone numberon a national website. She thought she wouldhave to go to Fort Worth to be involved in the movementbecause there was nothing like it in <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong>, she said.According to their website, “We exist to protestour government’s rampant and near continuoustrampling of The Bill of Rights and our naturalrights as citizens.“We protest those actions that are in violation ofthe very limited powers that the U.S. Constitutiongrants the federal government, and are aimed atevery member of the federal government who takespart in such abuses of power.”Dunlap does not consider herself to be a part ofany political party, but describes her political viewsas conservative-independent. The group is a bi-partisanone, but she began her recruiting at a <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> Republican Women’s meeting.So far, 20 people have signed up.“We are all individuals, but we don’t all hear thesame things and have the same political beliefs,”she said.Dunlap herself has only been involved in theWCTPP for about three weeks, but she is takingadvantage of every chance she can to launch hergroup. She has attended other counties’ tea partymeetings and hopes the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> membershipexplodes in a few months.However, because the current general election isso near, WCTPP is not planning anything.“We’re looking for people of all generations whocare about the United States,” Dunlap said. “Peopleare upset. They don’t like the way things are going.”!WCTPP has a website, wisecountytparty.webs.com, or for information, call Dunlap at (940) 393-1962.!E-mail Julie at jneal@wcmessenger.com.The Update is just a simple click away...wcmessenger.com/updateFlu ShotsAvailableCost $25Meria Aulds, M.D.2014 Ben Merritt Dr. Suite A-2, DecaturMon., Tues., Thurs., 8a.m.-5p.m. • Wed., Fri., 8a.m.-Noon940-6<strong>26</strong>-0052POLITICAL✪✪✪✪Jan Morrow(Republican)- IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Jan Morrow, Decatur, TXClay Poynor(Republican)- IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Clay Poynor, Bridgeport, TXKevin Burns(Republican) IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Kevin Burns, Dan Faires, Treasurer, Decatur, TXTerry Ross(Republican)- IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Terry Ross, Kelly Ross, Treasurer, Bridgeport, TXHATSINTHERINGWISE COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PCT. 3Mandy Hopkins Hays(Republican)Paid pol. adv. by Mandy Hopkins Hays, Rebecca Parr, Treasurer, Boyd, TXKen Murray(Democrat)Paid pol. adv. by Ken Murray, David A. Pearson IV, Treasurer, Boyd, TXWISE COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PCT. 1WISE COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PCT. 2Terri Lynn Johnson(Republican)- IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Terri Lynn Johnson, C. Douglas Johnson, Treasurer, Decatur, TXWISE COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PCT. 4WISE COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PCT. 2WISE COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PCT. 3Harry Lamance(Republican)Paid pol. adv. by Harry Lamance, Cindy Lamance, Treasurer, Boyd, TXWISE COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PCT. 4WISE COUNTY TREASURERKatherine Canova Hudson(Republican) IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Katherine Canova Hudson, Bridgeport, TXWISE COUNTY CLERKSherry Coursey Lemon(Republican) IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Sherry Coursey Lemon, Bridgeport, TXWISE COUNTY JUDGEBill McElhaney(Republican) IncumbentPaid pol. adv. by Bill McElhaney, Phil Ryan, Treasurer, Bridgeport, TXWISE COUNTY DISTRICT CLERKWe honor most all funeral plansoffered by any funeral home.1401 Halsell • Bridgeport940-683-1704Brenda Starnes Rowe(Republican)Paid pol. adv. by Brenda Starnes Rowe, Matthew Rowe, Treasurer, Paradise, TXGENERAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2

EQUAL HOUSING®MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE®®MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEMESSENGER CLASSIFIEDSReal Estate for Sale Rentals Employment Services Farm and Ranch• Real Estate for Sale• Acreage• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplexes• Homes• Lots• Mobile Homes• Wanted to Buy• Apartments• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplex Housing• Homes• Mobile Homes• Rooms• Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots• For Lease• Wanted to Rent• Wanted to Lease• Facilities• Storage Buildings• Business Opportunity• EmploymentInformation• Adult/Elderly Care• Childcare• Food Service• Medical/Dental• Miscellaneous• Offi ce• Retail/Sales• Trades• Work Wanted• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• TutoringPets Merchandise for Sale Transportation Announcements Notices• Pets• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud Services• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• Auctions• Boats• Cars• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks• Accessories• Trailers• Wanted to Buy• Card of Thanks• Let’s Swap• Lost & Found• Personal• WantedREAL ESTATE FOR SALEWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>• Farm Equipment • Livestock Stud Service• Fencing• Livestock Supplies• Lawn & Garden • Miscellaneous• Livestock• Mowing• Livestock Care/ • Pasture & FeedTraining • Poultry• Livestock Lost & Found• Legal Notices• Public NoticesCALL 940-627-5987 & GET RESULTS!Business HoursMonday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Deadlines:Classified Line Ads<strong>Thursday</strong> Edition: <strong>10</strong> a.m. on TuesdaySunday Edition: <strong>10</strong> a.m. on FridayClassifi ed Gold: <strong>10</strong> a.m. on FridayReal Estate Ads<strong>Thursday</strong> Edition: 3 p.m. on <strong>Thursday</strong>the week beforeSunday Edition: 3 p.m. on TuesdayClassified Display Ads<strong>Thursday</strong> Edition: Noon on FridaySunday Edition: Noon on WednesdaySpecial Offers:Business Services: Place a paid ad forfour weeks in the Business Services classification of the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>for $50. Receive a bold heading and thefi fth week is FREE. Run the same ad inClassifi ed Gold for an additional $32 forfi ve weeks (price based on 20 words orless ad).For Sale: Place a paid ad with a boldheadline for two weeks for $25, and ifyou don’t sell your item at the end of twoweeks, you’ll receive the next two weeksFREE. Run the same ad in Classifi ed Gold11Afor an additional $16 for four weeks (pricebased on 20 word or less ad).Classified Advertising Policy:Classifi ed ads for the Sunday/<strong>Thursday</strong>edition are $12 per week for 20 words orless (each additional word is 60¢). Runthe same ad in Classifi ed Gold for anadditional $8 per week (20 words or less;each additional word is 40¢).Error Responsibility:Customers are asked to check their ad immediatelyafter it appears in the paper andreport at once any error found. Claims foradjustment should be made at that time.The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> is responsiblefor an incorrect ad only the fi rst time itruns, so check your ad carefully.Classified Gold goes into 21,000additional homes.Payments:In person:115 South Trinity St., DecaturBy mail:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149Decatur, TX 76234-0149ALL CLASSIFIED ADS APPEAR ONLINE AT WWW.WCMESSENGER.COM/CLASSGREAT LOCATION! Updated 3/2/2 brick with granite countertops andsparkling pool in oversized yard. Fireplace accents living room. Move inReady for your family. Call Agent Sandy Onks at 940-389-0846.Sue Ann Denton, Inc.Decatur1606 W. Bus. 380940-627-3080Rhome817-638-5<strong>10</strong>0Bridgeport192 W. Hwy. 380940-683-3080www.century21sueanndenton.comWISE COUNTY’S #1 REALESTATE COMPANY(per MLS statistical data)Get your property listed as theFEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK! CallLori at 940-627-5987 for more information.Acreage1.43 ACRE LOTBayette Street, in Alvord city limits.Heavily wooded. $17,000.(940)393-3666.14 ACRESa few miles south of Decatur off FM51 South. Water well, septic & electricityin place. (940)399-8183.• W of Sunset 185 acres, large brick homeoverlooking bottom land. Beautiful place,call for details. Owner Anxious!• N. Sunset - 20 acres Hwy <strong>10</strong>1, $<strong>10</strong>0,000• Alvord 13.05 acres, 1/2 minerals.$6,500 per acre• South of Bowie 71 acres, goodrecreational place, hunt, fish, run cattle orhorses. $3,500 per acre• N of Alvord - 16.41 acres. Prime Hwy287 frontage & 2 CR frontage. Shop, well.$250,000• Lake Bridgeport - Waterfront property,2/1.5 remodel. $95,900• Sunset 167 acres, good cattle & horseplace, 40x40 building, stock tank, well &septic. $2,995 per acre• W of Park Springs 72.82 acres, olderbrick,PENDINGneeds repair. Nice truck shop.$3,950 per acre• Sunset 28.45 acres, coastal, Good levelproperty for horse ranch or build home.Owner Financing $140,000• Alvord ISD - 4.71 acres, no mobiles.$9,000/acre• Sunset Hwy <strong>10</strong>1 30x40 commercialbuilding. Good business or makes a nicehome. $69,500 Seller anxious• Sunset <strong>26</strong>+/- acres, new stock tank. $5,000acre. Owner Finance.• Alvord 9.14 acres, heavily wooded area.Owner Anxious! Reduced $45,000• Paradise 4/2.5 country home on5+ acres. $289,000 Motivated Seller!• Decatur 5+ acres, good Hwy 380 frontage$145,000• Alvord 5+ acres, Alvord school, heavilywooded $35,000• N of Bowie 160 acres, rough and rugged$2,595/acreSun Set Realty - Jim Boyd,Associate940-845-2120FOUR WOODED <strong>10</strong>-ACRE LOTS$65,000/each, <strong>10</strong>% down, <strong>10</strong>%owner finance. Restricted, CR3451,Paradise. (940)393-<strong>10</strong>20.Condos/town homesBEAUTIFUL UPDATED 3/2Must see! Possible owner finance.Full-size appliances stay. Ready tomove in. Mac, American Dream Realtors,(940)575-4464.Homes$500 MOVE-IN$1,000 CASH BACKAFTER CLOSINGNew 3-5 bedroom brick homes.Payments as low as $850/month.FREE washer/dryer, refrigerator, 2”blinds & closing costs on selecthomes. $24,000 tax credit still available.Credit issues OK.(817)887-0764.2-STORY HOMEFSBO in Bowie on WagonsellerRoad. 3/3 on 3 wooded acres withpasture, 3 miles from town.(940)872-4743 or (940)841-0488.3-BEDROOM, 2-BATHCH/A, carport w/11.7 acres, fenced,in coastal; 4-stall horse barn, storag e b u i l d i n g . $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 .(940)507-1778.BIG HOUSE ON PRAIRIE4-bedroom, 2-bath, family room,mini ranchette, acres. $199/down,$701/month. Decatur schools.(940)6<strong>26</strong>-4334.Preferred Properties940-627-19901814 S. FM 51 • DecaturEach office is independently owned and operated.164 acres Montague <strong>County</strong>! Nice level fenced acreage, great for grazing or farming, a set of pens forcows, and a beautiful grove of oak trees.Your view is for miles from the 2/1 rock house.$557,600 Call RhondaWow, huge price reduction! Here’s the whole package for your horse ranch!! 76.59 acres with a greatview.This property is a minute away from the LBJ Grasslands, multiple barns, horse walker, in groundpool, fenced and cross fenced, and even a house for your ranch hand. Come see all the possibilities!$495,000 Call RhondaBeautiful piece of property! 55+/- gorgeous acres with amazing views, pasture, pond, large oak trees.$4,500/acre Call MarilynOPPORTUNITYImmaculate is an understatement! Newer 3/2/2 granite counters, neutral colors, open concept, splitmaster. $165,900 Call BernadetteMove to Paradise! 4/2/2 brick with split floor plan, granite counters, large living area, WBFP, coveredpatio on 8.48 acres with pond. $<strong>26</strong>9,490 Call MarilynBrand new brick and stone 3/2/2, floor to ceiling stone fireplace, spacious island kitchen, granitecounters, split master, covered patio and 2 acres of beautiful oak trees for $215,000! Call Marilyn3/2/2 home on 2.41 acres. NOT A DOUBLEWIDE. 1/2 slab & 1/2 pier & beam foundation, 2,400 sq. ft.building w/work area and storage, 300 sq. ft. barn w/water & electric.$142,900 Call Pamwww.remax-preferredproperties-decatur-tx-us.comCOZY 2/1/1in Alvord on +/- an acre. Pecantrees, convenient to town andschools. $59K. Call (325)647-8853or (940)389-1801.FOR SALE OR RENT2/1 house on 2 lots, big yard, verywell kept, H/AC. Decatur.$ 7 5 0 / m o n t h o r $ 6 9 , 9 0 0 .(940)399-7<strong>10</strong>6.FSBO HOME AT 1508 VINE ST.Bridgeport. 1/2 block from MiddleSchool, 2 blocks from ElementarySchool. 3-bedroom, 1.5-bath, 1-cargarage, concrete patio w/steel roof,2 small outbuildings, large fencedlot. Estate. Call for appointment,(940)627-6188, (214)460-9246,(214)460-4<strong>10</strong>3.GREAT PLACEto raise your family in the country!29 acres, brick, 5/3, gameroom,50’x30’ workshop, coastal & on apaved road in Bowie. $335,000.Evans & Associates Realty,owner/broker, (940)841-<strong>10</strong>72.KOZY KOTTAGE3-bedroom, 2-bath, privacy galore.$99/down, $599/month. EZ qualify!!!(940)6<strong>26</strong>-4334.NEW HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYSBrand new brick homes on acreage.$1,069/month, total payment. <strong>10</strong>0%financing available. (817)733-3444.SPACIOUS 3-BEDROOM2-bath home on 3 acres, secludedhilltop view, pond, meadow, fireplace,vaulted ceilings. Financingavailable with low down payment.(972)978-1686VERY PRETTY3-bedroom, 2-bath, updated homewith 3-stall barn; 2-bedroom, 2-bathbarn apartment on 6.5 acres ormore. Can be sold separately.$2<strong>10</strong>,000. (940)627-<strong>26</strong>82.Sue Ann Denton, Inc.Decatur1606 W. Bus. 380940-627-3080LotsFSBO, RUNAWAY BAY LOTHaynie Dr. 90'x135' residential lotwith trees. Asking $2,450/OBO.Seller will pay 50% closing costs.(806)683-9317.Mobile Homes3-bedroom, 2-bath double wide on 4acres, Boyd ISD. Owner finance.(817)281-4311.3-BEDROOM, 2-BATHnew double wide on 4-acres inBoyd, off Highway 114. FSBO.$150,000. (817)228-5638.4/2, 2004 OAK CREEKmobile home, 1,804 square feet,2-living areas, excellent condition,all appliances included. $46,500.Must be moved. (817)597-8402.OWNER FINANCEBad credit OK. Double wides onland, $5k down. (817)637-1357.OWNER FINANCENO BANKSNewark area, low monthly payments.2/2, 14x56, $17,000. 2/2,14x68, $17,500. 2/2, 14x56,$15,000. (682)286-0693. Agent,0036227.RBMOBILEHOMES.COMMove, set-ups, re-levels. In & out ofstate. Licensed, bonded, insured.R e p o s . F r e e e s t i m a t e s .(940)683-5547. RBI #36191.WILLIAMS MOBILE HOME SERV.Best deal on moving, set up &trim-outs. Bonded, licensed & insured.(940)433-3117.Rhome817-638-5<strong>10</strong>0Bridgeport192 W. Hwy. 380940-683-3080• Jana Bearden • Lynn Clay • Martha Cleveland • Jay Conquest• Joey Duncan • Sue Ann Denton • Natalie Gary • Bob Grommesh • Kim Holt• Steve Jones • Angie Kasner • Jane Kasner • Robert Meek • Sue Meek• Sandy Onks • Tonya Shaffer • Kay Stanfield • Angie UseltonRhome-This immaculate 48 acre Park like ranch has rollingcoastal fields and private 2<strong>10</strong>0’ grass runway. The fullyequipped guest/bunk house provides great living space forvisitors, workers or family. The casual yet elegant ranchhouse has wooden floors, plantation shutters and a hugemaster suite with ample room for a sitting room and office.Relax and enjoy the large shaded patio overlooking thebeautifully manicured land.Decatur- Wonderful location in quiet subdivision. Perfectfor families or those who want close access to hospital andmedical centers. Newer home on corner lot was custom builtby Randy Neighbors Construction and is well maintained.Split floor plan, with either a study or formal dining,granite countertops in kitchen and large living area withgas fireplace. Corner lot allows for easy side entry garageparking.Bridgeport- GREAT PLACE ON THE LAKE! 3 bedroom, 2 bath large open living/dining/kitchenarea. New siding and metal roof. Immaculate condition, 21x23 man cave with great shop and boat ortoy storage and fantastic view of beautiful Lake Bridgeport! Priced to sell quick!Lake Bridgeport-Location! Location! Waterfront home on Lake Bridgeport. Deepest water on thelake. Unique 2 story with game room. Rustic finish inside with knotty pine cabinets, stained concretefloors and stainless steel appliances. Faux rock retaining wall with waterfall. 50x40 shop. Shallowsandy beach owned by water board but used by Aston Dr. residents.Bridgeport- Great location for your new dream home. Approximately 15 acres of rolling land withscattered trees and good country road frontage. Close to schools, shopping and restaurants. Eventuallythis will be close to the new college.Chico-Three plus acres in the gated community of Moonlight Bay. This property includes access toLake Bridgeport, a 12,000 acre boating and fishing paradise. Amenities of this exclusive subdivisioninclude paved streets, private water system, underground utilities, and community pool and boat ramp.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s#1 Real Estate Company(per MLS statistical data)www.century21sueanndenton.comRENTAApartmentsRENTALSFIRSTREALTY• Apartments • BusinessProperty • Condos/TownHomes • Duplex Housing• Homes • Mobile Homes •Rooms • Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots • For Lease •Wanted to Rent • Wanted toLease • Facilities • StorageBuildings$300/DEPOSIT2/1 apartment in Chico.$600/month. No pets. Call(940)644-2713 or (817)929-1930.Bridgeport Housing Authority is nowaccepting applications for 3-bedroomapartments. (940)683-27<strong>10</strong>;1508 Cobb Street, Bridgeport;Tues.-Thur., 8a.m.-4p.m.Cabins, cottages & efficiency apartmentsfor rent in Boyd area. Excellentlocation. (940)433-3133.Eighter Decatur Apartments. Furnished,cable, all bills paid.(940)799-7572.Business propertyFor lease: 3,000 square foot buildingfor business/offices and 900square foot office. Both Highway287, 5 miles north Decatur.(940)627-0085; (940)389-3824, cell.Office building for rent close toCourthouse. 3 offices, reception,kitchen & bath. $675/month, 1st,last & deposit. (940)395-82<strong>10</strong>.SPACE FOR RENTRetail/office in historic building offDecatur square. New paint & carpet,display window. Call Robin,(940)627-8080.Quality space for lease. Great location,medical/office. 3,368 squarefeet available. Call (940)627-2778for information.Condos, town homesLAKEFRONT CONDO3/2 at Runaway Bay, upstairs unit,swimming pool. Boat ramp & golfcourse nearby. $775/month plus deposit.(817)988-3530.Runaway Bay, 1-bedroom, 1-bathcondo. $575/month, $500/deposit.Call Donna, (940)389-1615.Danny Hodges Realtor ®940-393-1339LANDDecatur- 34 acres on hill overlooking coastal field w/large oak trees.Nocona - 20, 50, 60, 150, 223 acres, coastal & native, some trees and wildlife.Decatur- Grassland Estates, several lots to choose from. 2 – 3 acre lots, trees, beautiful viewswith great building sites, paved road, wildlife, adjacent to LBJ Grasslands. REDUCED!Alvord- 14, 36, 50 acre tracts, all with Hwy 287, great commercial or residential property.Alvord- 11.9, 25, 30, 65, 80 acres, 2 stock tanks, wildlife, corral, beautiful building sites.Alvord- 40, 50, 52, 75,or 200 acres available. Close to LBJ Grasslands. REDUCED!Call agent for many more land listings.HOMESAlvord- 21.31 acres with 3/2.5 metal home, with 2/1 apartment. Wood floors, large master suite w/office,coastal, large trees, joins LBJ Grasslands.Bridgeport- 3/2 brick, 2 large lots, game room, large utility & kitchen.Sunset- 3/2 brick, <strong>10</strong> acres, remodeled, hardwood floors, 3 stall barn w/lighted roping arena.Alvord- 3/2/2, fenced backyard, bay window, PENDING breakfast nook, WBFP, faux paint, trees. Hurry to see this one!Decatur- Great 3/1/1 starter family home or investment property.Alvord- 5/3/4 Austin Stone with media room on 318 acres. Wrap around porches withoutside FP, granite countertops in gourmet kitchen. Horeman's dream w/stables, ponds.Alvord- Brick 3/2/2 home on 5 acres, barn, corrals, corner property, across from LBJGrasslands, cellar, 20X20 hobby house with sink and elect., covered patio, landscaped,gorgeous Knotty pine cabinets in kitchen, carpet, tile, laminate flooring, full RV hook-up,split bedrooms, pellet burning stove, knotty pine walls in living area. Must see! REDUCED!Bowie- 3/2/2 home on 208 acres with upstairs game room, WBFP, bay window breakfastnook. Large utility room, lots of windows, barns, corrals, ponds, lots of wildlife, guestapartment. Coastal fields, treed, workshop, storage buildings, fenced, beautiful views.Alvord- Custom 3/2.5/3 home on 6 PENDINGacres, gourmet kitchen, 2 WBFP, large living and more.Alvord- Brick 3/2 home with stained concrete floors, floor to ceiling windows, 4 acresdetached garage, barn with elect. and water, pine baseboards, fire pit and patio, fenced, trees.Alvord- 3/2/2CP brick home on <strong>10</strong>.01 acres, large pond, porches, multi decks, trees, barn, corral.Alvord- Secluded brick 4/2 home on 2.15 acres, lots of trees, vaulted ceilings, WBFP, patio.Alvord- 3/2 brick country home on 5.095 acres, custom built home, many extras, trees, pond.Alvord- 11.82 acres with 4/2 DW, 2 stall horse barn, 1,800 sq. ft. storage building, stocktank, 16X48 deck, WBFP, new roof, newly painted. Too many amenities to list. $129,000Alvord- 3/2 home on 2 acres, trees, large bedrooms & stain concrete. Priced to sell!MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEEach office is independently owned & operated. 940-665-03761205 Serving Halsell theSt, Bridgeport area• since 940-683-4008 1968Fred Meyers, BrokerJared McComis, Realtor • 940-399-7530Mary Ann HodgesBroker Associate940-393-0414940-627-5940Just Listed! Great Starter 2/1 home in Decatur features handwood floors thru-out, new CH/A,ceramic tile floors and freshly painted fenced backyard with detached garage and priced at $89,5001<strong>10</strong>5 Hovey - Looking to put your business with Hwy frontage, then this building is for you. Couldhave multi-users since it has separate spaces. Off Hovey/Hwy 114 next to James Wood Motors.Priced at $149,900Great location on Halsell Street for your business. Lots of potential here, could be restaurant,office space or gym. Has recently been remodeled and priced at $92,000158 CR 3432 – Extremely nice 3/2 frame home on 6.52 acres has room for your animals. Interiorhas been completely remodeled including a magnificent master bathroom, walk-in shower, marblefloors, granite countertops, new paint throughout the home. Priced at $170,0001702 Edgewood – Investors look here! Well established apartment complex in Bridgeport.Complex features 11 – 1 bedroom, <strong>10</strong> – 2 bedroom, 2 store rooms, laundry room and lot foradditional unit. Call office for details.2205 Woodville – This country home that is within minutes of Bridgeport has been recentlyremodeled with new flooring, paint, stained wood. Features open living/dining//kitchen, sunroom,large walk-in pantry with desk & phone, WBFP, dining area with built-in & much more all situatedon 1 acre. Reduced to $172,000<strong>10</strong>5 PR 1647 - <strong>10</strong>0+/- acres with scattered to heavily wooded areas and pasture land, creek,hunting cabin, lots of wildlife, well. Within 5 minutes of Chico. Reduced to $3,200/acre1309 Henderson – Older 3/2 home on Henderson St. with wraparound porch sits on a largecorner lot. Backyard has a privacy fence with wood deck. This home is very open for entertaining,arches in living and dining area. $89,500CR 3678 - <strong>10</strong>+/- acres with good mix of trees and coastal, has that great spot to build your homewith a pond that stays full and plenty of wildlife to roam on property. $79,900153 Terrace Ct. in Springtown- to be sold “as is”. 3/1 home situated on 2.68 acres with largemature trees, workshop and partial fenced and 2nd pad for additional home. $50,000Segundo Dr. - Corner Lot in Runaway Bay with scattered trees. Priced at $7,0001505 16th St. - Fixer upper in Bridgeport. 3/2/1 frame home with fenced backyard within walkingdistance of downtown and stores. Priced at $58,000<strong>10</strong>4 Hackberry Ct. - Gorgeous 2 story, 4/2.5 home, granite countertops, commercial gradeappliances, 2 gas FP, wet bar, wine storage area, stone columns, hand scraped wood floors,heated play pool and much more. A must see!215 Hart Ct. Immaculate 2 story brick home on 2 landscaped lots with an unbelievable view of thegolf course. Custom features crown molding, wood floors, vaulted ceilings and island in kitchen,study, game room and much more.587 CR 1743 - Owner says sell this great weekender or permanent home. 2/1.5 furnished homewith water view of Lake Bridgeport, 4 RV hook-ups, water purifying system, shade trees. $59,900Tryall Drive – Golf course lot with scattered trees would make a great place for your home.Reduced to $18,000Ridgewood Dr.- Looking to build that dream home on interior lot with several trees in BISD. $30,000Halsell St. - Great commercial possibilities in this 5,000 sq. ft. building located in downtownBridgeport. Currently used as cleaners with separate offices and entrance. Priced at $199,500EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY

12A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENTEMPLOYMENTSERVICESFARM ANDRANCHRUNAWAY BAYlovely 1-bedroom condo, view of thelake, all appliances included, HOAswiming-pool. $500/month + deposit.Call Maria at (972)834-8111.Duplexes3-BEDROOM, 2-BATHduplex for lease in Alvord.$675/month plus $400/deposit.Please call (940)427-7375.3/1 brick duplex, 1,200 square feet,storage shed, fenced, 13 miles NEDecatur. Water included,$695/month. (940)466-9702.For rent, large 2-bedroom duplexwith fenced yard. Available Nov. 1.R e f e r e n c e s r e q u i r e d .(940)393-3842.Homes1-bedroom, 1-bath country home,n e a r B o y d . $ 4 7 5 / m o n t h .(817)281-4311.1-bedroom, small frame house,close in to Decatur. (940)627-0000.2-bedroom, 1-bath, Rhome. Nopets. $650/month, references required.Call Pam, (817)296-9050,agent.2/2, Bridgeport ISD. $550/month,$200/deposit. (817)688-3586.3-bedroom, 1.5-bath home in Decatur.$1,050/month, $950/deposit. Nopets, references required.(817)504-2751.CALL CANNON REALTYfor all your rental needs. 3-bedroom,2-bath Decatur and 1-bedroomc o n d o R u n a w a y B a y .(940)368-1811.For lease, Alvord, 3/1, large cornerlot, fenced, $695/month, $500/deposit.Also, for sale, $59,900 or rentto own. (817)764-9996,foresightmgmt.frontdesk@gmail.com.Home for rent near Decatur square.2-bedroom, 1-bath, CH/A.$ 8 0 0 / m o n t h , $ 5 0 0 / d e p o s i t .(817)988-2817, no calls after 6p.m.Home for rent, Decatur. 3-bedroom,1-bath, 502 West Main Street.$775/month plus $700/deposit.CH/A, updated, fenced. Call(817)439-8893.HOUSE FOR RENT3/2, 2-car garage, privacy fencedbackyard. 300 S. Trenchard, Decatur$1,<strong>10</strong>0/month. (940)627-9981.House for rent, 1<strong>10</strong>0 N. Church, Decatur.Approximately 1,200 squarefeet, 3/1, Living, dining, big yard.$ 8 5 0 / m o n t h , $ 8 5 0 / d e p o s i t .(940)368-8885.Runaway Bay, 3-bedroom, 2-bath,appliances, washer/dryer connections,CH/A, fenced backyard.$850/month, $1,000/deposit. CarouselProperties, (940)389-2005.Mobile Homes2 & 3-bedroom homes for rent startingat $350/month. (940)683-2919.2-bedroom, 1-bath mobile in Bridgeport.$500/month plus deposit.(940)433-2004.2-bedroom, 1-bath mobile nearJustin on 5 acres. Horses welcome.$650/month plus deposit.(940)482-3909, (817)300-6357.2-bedroom, 1-bath, $525/month.2-bedroom, 2-bath, $600/month.Located in Chico. Call Kevin,(719)660-5992.2-bedroom, 1-bath, CH/A, newfloors, brick garage/storage building,washer/dryer/trash pick up included.3/4 acre, 13 miles NE Decatur.$600/month. (940)466-9702.3-bedroom, 2-bath double wide on1 acre lot, Boyd ISD. For rent orsale. Call (817)281-4311.3-bedroom, 2-bath double wide, <strong>10</strong>miles east of Decatur. $750/month.(940)783-2892, (940)867-7140.FOR RENT2001 double wide, 4/2, clean & wellkept, large lot, Chico city limits, byElementary. $800/month, $600/deposit;(817)673-7531.MOBILE HOMESParadise ISD, 2/1, $400/month plusdeposit. Boyd ISD, 2/1, $450/monthplus deposit. No pets. Garbage included.(817)220-8033.Nice 1-bedroom trailer, furnished,electric & water paid. Bridgeport.$450/month. (940)683-2442,(940)393-9500 or (940)683-4166.Nice 3/2 double wide for rent, southof Boyd. No pets. $650/month,$650/deposit. (682)552-6442.RoomsDecatur, rooms for rent.$450-$500/month, utilities & cableprovided. Deposit & references required.No smoking, no pets.(940)393-3819.All real estate advertising in thisnewspaper is subject to the FairHousing Act which makes it illegalto advertise “any preference, limitationor discrimination based onrace, color, religion, sex, handicap,familial status or national origin,or an intention, to make any suchpreference, limitation or discrimination.”Familial status includes childrenunder the age of 18 living withparents or legal custodians, pregnantwomen and people securing custodyof children under 18.Spaces & lotsPUBLISHER’S NOTICE:SUNSET RV PARKCentrally located between Decatur,Bridgeport, Bowie on Highway 287.Full hook-ups, free laundry, freewireless Internet. (940)845-2007.Storage BuildingsDECATUR SELF STORAGEBest ofWISE2009www.decaturselfstorage.netThis newspaper will not knowinglyaccept any advertising forreal estate which is in violation ofthe law. Our readers are herebyinformed that all dwellings advertisedin this newspaper are availableon an equal opportunity basis. Tocomplain of discrimination callHUD toll-free at1-800-669-9777. Thetoll-free telephonenumber for thehearing impaired is1-800-927-9275.VOTED BEST SELFSTORAGE IN WISECOUNTYFree lock with rental of unit• We sell boxes and moving supplies• Climate controlled units available• U-Haul Dealer - Trucks, Trailers, etc.Ask about our special!1<strong>10</strong>0 E. Bus. 380 • Decatur940-627-6434Toll Free: 877-718-8875EMPLOYMEmployment information!!ATTENTION!!Advertising under this classificationis normally not a bona fideopportunity. Typically, companiesadvertising here offer informationabout potential employment.Some are selling this information.We suggest that ourreaders thoroughly investigatethese advertisers before investingany money.ChildcareEMPLOYMENTDaycare teachers needed. Apply inperson, 1403 Hovey Street, Bridgeport.(940)683-5620.First Baptist Church Learning Centerof Alvord is seeking a Christiandaycare teacher to work Mon.-Fri.,full-time. Possible part-time position.Must be dependable & love children.Competitive pay. Please callLori, (940)427-5740, for interview.VICTORY KIDS CAREAccepting applications for daycareteachers. Apply in person at 400 W.H i g h w a y 3 8 0 , D e c a t u r .(940)393-9320,www.victoryfamilychurch.com.Food serviceJOB OPENINGSfor experienced meat cutter andmeat wrapper. Apply at MarketPlace, 1202 FM 51 or:www.marketplacegrocery.com.Wendy’s Decatur now hiring. Applyat Wendy’s, 1180 FM 51 South, Decatur.Medical/DentalSenior Care Health &Rehabilitation CenterNow hiring for the following positions,due to growth• F/T CertifiedMedication Aide• 2-<strong>10</strong> CNAApply In Person At701 West Bennett Rd., DECATURor call940-6<strong>26</strong>-2800EEO M/F/D/VDoctor’s office in Azle needs RegisteredMedical Assistant. Must becompetent in all aspects of medicalassisting and giving childhood immunizations.Must have 5-years experience.Must be able to pass drugtest and background check. Fax resumeto (817)270-8657.Part-time MA or LVN needed forurology office in Decatur. Computerskills required. Fax resume with salaryrequirements to (940)627-0288.Miscellaneous• Business Opportunity• Employment Information• Adult/Elderly Care• Childcare• Food Service • Medical/Dental • Miscellaneous• Offi ce • Retail/Sales• Trades • Work WantedPart-time evening, experienced officecleaners. Team needed,$750/month. Decatur area. Cell(214)535-8738, Bob.EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITYOPEN POSITIONSHPS, LLC, Decatur, TX has openingsfor the following positions:A) Inside sales rep (office administration).B) Order processing person.C) Maintenance worker (helper).For more info and to apply, pleasego to:www.papilio.com/employment.Part-time maintenance/porter. Noexperience necessary, will train.Must pass drug test, backgroundcheck. Bring resume to CrestviewPlace Apartments, 950 W. Thompson,Decatur.Various positions open for truckmanufacturer. Supervisors, officestaff and shop help needed. Mustbe detailed oriented. Prior experiencein production and/or truckmanufacturing helpful. Fax your resumeto: (940)683-5475. Apply inperson, 500 FM 1658, Bridgeport,TX 764<strong>26</strong>. Email resume to:shyla@bridgeportmfg.comRetail/SalesLooking for reliable delivery personto work 3-4 hours daily, perfect forretiree. Must have excellent drivingrecord and references. Please call(940)627-1208.Valu-Rite Pharmacy has immediateopening for a clerk that is friendly,honest, reliable, and loves helpingpeople. Computer skills, food serviceexperience preferred. Pleasecome by 709 Woodrow Wilson RayCircle, Bridgeport, for an application.TradesCDL drivers needed, sand/gravelhauling. (940)427-2033.Full-time Barber or Cosmetologistwanted. Apply Boyd Styl’in & BarberShop, 624 E. Rock Island.(940)2<strong>10</strong>-4<strong>26</strong>3.Hiring CDL drivers. Tanker endorsementand end dump. (940)389-2579or (940)427-4953.Part-time position available. Experiencewith satellite, cable or low voltageproducts preferred. Pleasesend resume and cover letter totxfarr@yahoo.com.Shale Tank Trucks is seeking dieselmechanics and CDL drivers withtank endorsement at the Ponderyard. (940)482-9670.Social Service Agency seeks contractindividual to provide HomeBased Parent Education to ChildProtective Services clients. Individ -ual must possess a Bachelor’s Degreein Human Services. Positionsavailable in several counties. Sendresumes to 1(254)471-5909 orrobin@mauneyandassociates.com.SERVICChildcareSERVICES• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• TutoringREGISTERED IN-HOMECHILD CAREIn Rhome, now enrolling day, night,and some weekend care. For details,call Angela at (214)686-0342.Stay-at-home mom has room for 2-3children, any hours available,pre-school only. $25/deposit.940-627-5571,kikimast78@yahoo.com.BusinessRick’sENVIRONMENTAL SERVICESRoll/Off ContainerService forTrash & Debris RemovalHaz-Mat Containment &Removal940-683-3770Bridgeport, TX 764<strong>26</strong>ANS WASTEWATERAerobic septic system maintenancecontracts. “WILL BEAT ANYPRICE.” Installations, pumps andcompressors.answastewater.com,(817)232-5593,service@answastewater.com.BRENDA DUGAN’S PAINTINGInterior & exterior. Paint & staincabinets. Free estimates. CallBrenda Dugan, (940)389-0845 or(940)433-2557.JOE TUCKER DRYWALLSheetrock ✣ Tape ✣ Bed ✣ Texture.New construction, remodeling,add-ons. Call (940)389-0029.KEEL EXCAVATION& Construction, serving <strong>Wise</strong> & surroundingcounties for over 15-years.Lease road repairs/maintenance,commercial/residential. Free estimates.Gary, (940)393-0688; BJ,(940)389-83<strong>10</strong>.MR. SWEEP’SChimney Cleaning Service. Chimneycaps, dryer vent cleaning & fireplacerepairs. Call, ask for $20 discount.(817)692-5624.“ODD JOBS” FOR HIREGarage/barn cleaning, reorganization.Fence row cleaning, repair.Yard services and much more. CallJeff, (940)577-2717.HousecleaningAFFORDABLE HOME CLEANING18-years professional experience in<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Special 1-time oron-going services available. Dependable,thorough, current localreferences. All supplies provided.(940)389-4236.LOCAL CLEANING SERVICECommercial, residential. Makeready, 1-time or repeat. We cleanwhat others miss. penny<strong>Wise</strong>Cleaning Service, (940)2<strong>10</strong>-5450.Let me fix itA+ HANDYMAN SERVICEAll Home/Auto Repairs: from ceilingfans to door knobs. Window screenreplacement, tune-ups, etc. Karl,(817)995-7960.ELECTRICAL WORKCommercial and residential. Lighting,outlets, service and repairs.New construction, remodels. Masterlicense and insured. Free estimates.(940)627-0072.HOME REPAIRSCarpentry, minor electrical & plumbing.Free estimates. (940)389-0582.MIKE’S RV SERVICEService calls, insurance work, fullrepairs, parts, washing/detailing.Also work on horse/enclosed trailers.Michael, (940)399-7565.REMODELING AND ALL HOMErepairs including masonry, painting& roofing. Honest, dependable, expe r i e n c e d . C a l l C a r l t o n ,(940)394-6138; or Royce,(940)394-6164.TELLERTo Join Our Fun and Growing Teamof Professional Bankers TodayExcellent Communications Skills • Outgoing PersonalityDetail-Oriented • Able to Multi-Task • Bilingual a PlusExperience Preferred, but Not RequiredPLEASE BRING YOUR RESUME TO661 W. Thompson, DecaturEqual Opportunity EmployerLooking for justthe right job?<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifieds Onlinewww.messenger.com/classSKILLED CARPENTER20-years experience. Remodeling,repairs, upgrades & additions. Smallor large projects. Free estimates,any location. (214)334-6440.SKILLED CARPENTRY & MISC.Decks, small barns, remodels, tiling.No job too small. Free estimates.J e s s e , ( 9 4 0 )627-7414 o r(913)596-8487.WELDING AVAILABLEMetal buildings, carports & fencing.No job too big or small. Call for deta i l s . ( 9 4 0 ) 4 2 7 - 2 2 5 4 ,(940)427-9045.MiscellaneousFREELANCE WEB DESIGNGRAPHIC ARTISTLocal web designer and graphic artistwith more than 15 years experience.Reasonable rates.www.toddagriffith.com.Go Green <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Applianceremoval: washer, dryer, AC, refrigerator,freezer. Free pick up. Call(940)577-4835 for details.TWEAKING YOUR INTERIORDecorating for every occasion, includingparties & holidays. I’ll workw/your budget. References available.Call Carol, (940)627-0881.FARM AND RANCHFARM ARANCFarm Equipment2-HORSE BUMPER PULLBought new & hauled less than 500miles. $2,950. Call Bill,(940)393-3674.MILLER BOBCAT WELDER180 gas drive w/accessories, onTexas Bragg trailer. Excellent condition,barn stored. $4,250.(940)427-2366.SHOW PIGSDonald Hilscher, (940)872-5785.Vermeer 605 round baler. Excellentcondition. $8,500. (972)998-4096.Fencing3D FARM & RANCH SERVICESAll types fencing, sheds, carports,custom gates, entrances, mobile &shop welding. YOU NAME IT, WEDO IT!! (940)2<strong>10</strong>-1242.3H FENCE(817)501-0333, www.3hfence.com.Family owned & operated. Free estimates.All types of fencing. Wood,chain link, iron, farm/ranch, gates,retaining walls, concrete.AFFORDABLE FENCINGAll types, including chain link, woodprivacy, vinyl, farm fencing. Installationor repair. (940)6<strong>26</strong>-9290.www.affordablefencing.net.AL SALINAS FENCINGPipe, braces, cable, tubing, gates,cattle guards, entryways and allkinds of wire fences. (940)577-0878or (940)2<strong>10</strong>-0789.BOBBY’S FENCEAll types fencing. Free estimates.Over 25-years experience.(817)444-3213.FARM & RANCH FENCINGPipe & cable, non-climb, barbedwire, entrances, solar gate operators,repairs. Made in USA. Jim,(940)367-7505.Lawn and garden• Farm Equipment • Fencing• Lawn & Garden • Livestock• Livestock Care/Training• Livestock Lost & Found• Livestock Stud Service• Livestock Supplies• Miscellaneous • Mowing• Pasture & Feed • PoultryTREES TRIMMED & REMOVED36 years in business, insured. Allmajor credit cards accepted.(817)444-0861, Teater.Fence Pipe and Supplies2 3 /8 -2 7 /8 -3 1 /2 -4 1 /2 -5 1 /2Square & Rectangle TubingC-PurlinDomed Caps and SpringsAll Types of SteelAuthorized DealerFlusche Enterprises, Inc.940-759-2203 Muenster, TXWE PRINTWEDDING INVITATIONSENGRAVED NAPKINSTHANK-YOU NOTES–SPANISH AND ENGLISH •QUICKLY AND AFFORDABLY –115 S.Trinity, Decatur940.627.5987Public Fax 940.627.<strong>10</strong>047:30-5:30 Monday-Fridaymessengerofficesupply.comLivestock6 YOUNG GENTLEcross-bred cows. $850/each.(940)389-3816.ALL NATURAL BEEFstraight from the ranch. Young, tender,no growth hormones/antibiotics.Grain or grass fed. Whole, half.(940)2<strong>10</strong>-9614.C BAR M TACK-FEED-HORSES143 CR4396, Decatur, TX. Cash,c h e c k s , c r e d i t c a r d s .www.cbarm.net, (817)929-3612.I BUY & SELLall kinds of animals & trailers.Horses, cows/calves, pigs, sheep,goats. All kinds poultry. Fred,(817)223-4477.LLAMASweanlings (6-months-old), adults,bred females, guardians & pet quality.We provide training & supportfor new owners. (940)433-5897.Precious mini horses for sale, lots ofc o l o r . $ 1 5 0 - $ 2 5 0 / e a c h .(940)395-82<strong>10</strong>.Livestock care/trainingHorse boarding, pasture & stalls.$60/month & up. (940)433-2004.HORSESHOEING & TRIMSOffice, (940)969-2700; cell,(940)399-8580.J-2 HORSESHOEING/TRIMMING15-years experience, certified. Bestrates in town. Clay Johnson,(940)453-2364.Livestock supplies2 GOOD USED 14” SADDLES1 barrel saddle, 1 roping saddle.$350/each. (940)2<strong>10</strong>-0990.MowingACREAGE MOWINGTractor services. Plowing, seeding,aerating, tilling, fertilizing available.Tommy, (940)482-6578.X WORKS TRACTOR WORKReasonable rates, quality performance.Mowing, fence clearing,tree/brush removal, general tractorwork. Brandon, (817)992-0405;Craig, (682)521-6746.Pasture and feed20<strong>10</strong> COASTAL, 2ND CUTTING4x5 net-wrapped, $45-$55. Round &square baling. $5 discount on <strong>10</strong>+b a l e s . ( 9 4 0 ) 6 4 4 - 6 6 6 9 ,(940)399-8484.21 COASTAL ROUND BALES4x5, buy all $735. Located on NorthFM 730/North FM 1655. Will load.Call (940)427-21<strong>10</strong>.5X5 LARGE ROUNDSof coastal. 5 miles west of Decatur.Clean, $45/bale. Few stickers,$40/bale. (940)577-24<strong>26</strong>, TomRawle.CLEAN, FERTILIZEDhorse quality coastal hay. Squarebales, $5/each. Round bales,$50/each. Cell, (940)393-9835;home, (940)627-1966.COASTAL HORSE HAYsquare bales, fertilized. $4.25, nominimum. We help load. Deliveryavailable. Between Decatur/Alvord,(817)991-7625.CUSTOM ROUND/SQUAREbaling, mowing, plowing, grain drill,trees trimmed, gardens tilled. Smalldump trailer available for hauling.C a l l ( 9 4 0 ) 3 9 3 - 9 6 1 6 o r(940)683-3148.Visa MasterCard AmericanExpress Discover

s r r TMWISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>13AFARM ANDRANCH MERCHANDISE FOR SALE NOTICESHAY FOR SALEFertilized coastal, 4x5 round bales,$45. Fertilized Johnson grass, 4x5round bales, $35. (940)433-<strong>26</strong>78,(940)337-1728.LONESOME DOVE FEEDAuthorized Bryant feed distributor,owned & operated by the JaynesFamily since 2007. Selling Hay,Natural Longhorn Beef & Sioux CitySarsparilla. (940)389-2945,(940)433-5902; 1231 CR4380, Decatur.✭COASTAL HAY✭Large round bales, heavily fertilized& herbicided. Near Alvord, will load.(940)872-2197.PREMIUM HORSE QUALITYhay, round or square. Guaranteed.(817)944-9451.Pets• PetsPETS!!ATTENTION!!We suggest that our readers thoroughlyinvestigate any advertiserbefore investing any money.AKC LABRADORSchocolate/black. Great huntingbloodlines. Pups are playful, readyto go. UTD on shots and wormed.$450. (940)465-6695.CKC BASSET HOUNDpuppies, 4 females, 3 males,shots/wormed, parents onsite. Longears, sad eyes, full of personality.$250. (817)648-4334.Free kittens. Call (940)577-0964.Free to good home, 1-year-old,male Blue Heeler. (940)393-2825.Free to good home: male EnglishMastiff, 3-years old. Registered.(940)2<strong>10</strong>-4827 or (940)2<strong>10</strong>-4850.IN MILITARYDogs need homes! Male SpringerSpaniel mix. Female Pit Bull. MaleRat Terrier. Female Blue Heeler.(469)288-3716.NSDR MINIATURE AUSTRALIANShepherd Puppies. 2 females and 3males. Vet checked and 6-weekshots. $400. Please visit our websi t e f o r p i c t u r e s ,www.tx3dranch.com. Call today tocome take a look (940)2<strong>10</strong>-1242 or(940)368-1659.PUPPIES FOR SALEToy Shih Tzu, AKC registered, bornAug. <strong>26</strong>. Black w/white markings,1st shots. 2 females, $375/each, 3males, $325/each. (940)531-<strong>26</strong>54.REGISTERED MINI BEAGLES4 males, 3 females. $200/each.(940)683-5223.YORKIES, AKCShots, wormed, health guarantee.See pictures on website,www.URNextpup.com.(940)507-0082.Pets lost and foundFound: Blue Heeler dog at DecaturWal-mart parking lot. Please call(940)627-7888.Lost: Red Australian Shepherd,named Tater. Approximately5-years-old, last seen near Sears,Decatur, Oct. 15. Reward.(940)6<strong>26</strong>-1944.MERCHANFOR SAAppliancesDISHWASHER, RANGEWhirlpool dishwasher & matchingsuper capacity, slick top self-cleaningelectric range. $<strong>26</strong>0/both.(940)644-5927.SAVE ON LEASE RETURNSWe leased it first and now you cansave big. Cleaned and sanitizedmattress sets, both for $139. Sofaand love, both for $349. New 60inch Mitsubishi TV, $1299. Lamppairs, $19. 3-piece accessory tablesfrom $79. Laptop computer from$289. Refrigerators, washer-dryersand much more. Quantities limitedand vary by store. Aarons, 1300 S.FM 51, Suite 300, Decatur, next toDollar General. (940)627-5043, askfor Miles.FurniturePETSBLACK REFRIGERATOR1-year-old, paid $950, asking $400.Queen mattress & box springsw/headboard, excellent condition,$150. Black rocking chair, $25.(940)2<strong>10</strong>-0990.Garage sales• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud ServicesMERCHANDISE FOR SALE• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• AuctionsDecatur, 207 Ridgeview Court, Oct.29-30, Fri., 7:30a.m.-5p.m., Sat.,7:30a.m.-noon. Left-handed golfclubs, golf balls, 7.5’ Christmas tree,foot spa, whirlpool for bathtub, miscellaneousitems.!!ATTENTION!!Garage sale ads must be called inBEFORE <strong>10</strong>a.m. Tuesday to run inthe <strong>Thursday</strong> edition. If you wantyour garage sale ad in All Around<strong>Wise</strong> also, it MUST be called in before<strong>10</strong>a.m. Friday THE WEEK BE-FORE the sale. We do not run garagesales the weekend before thesale.Boyd, 8<strong>10</strong>1 S. FM 51 (2 miles southof Highway 114), Fri.-Sat., Oct.29-30. Rain/shine, covered. Furniture,baby items, toys, adult clothes,tools, trolling motor, etc.Decatur, 1<strong>10</strong>1 N. Miller, Sat., Oct.30, 7a.m.-2p.m. Great stuff! Lowprices! Furniture, clothes, toys,shoes. Something for everyone!Decatur, 1628 Preskitt Road,Fri.-Sat., Oct. 29-30, 8a.m.Go-carts, TVs, water heater, ridinglawn mower, strollers, clothes, toys,miscellaneous items.Decatur, 2707 S. James, Fri.-Sat.,Oct. 29-30. Tools, kid’s & plus sizeclothes, household items.Decatur, 304 Circle Drive, (Brookhollow)Sat., Oct. 30. Moving, allmust go! Furniture, electronics,clothes, appliances, tools, yarditems, miscellaneous items.Decatur, 3201 S. Garland, Fri.-Sat.,Oct. 29-30. 3-family sale. Christmasdecorations; lots nice winter clothing,all sizes; shoes, lots miscellaneousitems. Priced to sell!Decatur, FM 51 South to 337 & 315Travis Road, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 29-30Furniture, bedding, books, antiques,baby stuff, clothes, jeans, dog beds,bird houses, kitchen & miscellaneousitems.Decatur, 407 S. State, Sat., Oct. 30,7:30a.m.-3p.m. Rain/shine. Garagesale, lots clothes, miscellaneousitems. Baby bed, like new, $50.(940)683-5587.Decatur, 4195 S. FM 51, behindCobb Rental, Fri. only, Oct. 29,8a.m.-2p.m. Yard sale.Decatur, CR2<strong>26</strong>4 at 157 Pond ViewDrive, 152 Pond View Drive, 280Lone Tree Drive, Thur.-Fri., Oct.28-29, 8a.m.-5p.m. Community yardsale. 1994 Ford F350 flatbed, 7.3diesel. 5x8 all metal trailer, electricscooter, hall tree, washer/dryer,dressing table, dining table/chairs,tools, new Cobra CB, old creamseparator, antiques, school desks,aluminum wheels/tires, riding lawnmower, clothes, many miscellaneousitems. Information, call(940)255-4055.Decatur, Highway 287 South to FM2<strong>26</strong>4, 3.5 miles to 511 PR 4215,Sat.-Sun., Oct. 30-31, 8a.m.-4p.m.Antiques, tools, electronics, miscellaneousitems.Rhome, 472 Kincannon Lane,Fri.-Sat., Oct. 29-30, 8a.m.-5p.m.Clothes, furniture, tools, etc.Runaway Bay, follow signs to 238Jim Walters, Fri.-Sat., Oct. 29-30,7:00a.m.-1p.m. Clothing, housewares,miscellaneous items.FirewoodFIREWOODfor sale, oak. (940)389-3413 or(940)389-8511.OAK FIREWOODseasoned, split. $<strong>10</strong>0/cord. Sunset.(940)845-4732.SPLIT WOOD$65/pickup load. Your truck, ourload. All major credit cards acce p t e d . ( 8 1 7 ) 4 4 4 - 0 8 6 1 ,(817)690-4011.MiscellaneousSHOW PIGSDonald Hilscher, (940)872-5785.35% OFFGuitars&SaddlesPlease No Layaways2-K PAWN &GUN SHOP1605 Bus. 380 W. • Decatur940-627-7800Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.MusicalBEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE PIANOFull, trichord, iron frame check action.Needs a new home.(940)399-3765.MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSElectric lead guitar, JohnsonFender style with amp, in case, excellentcondition, $200. Alto Sax,excellent condition, case & fullset-up, $300. (940)394-6027.TRANSPORTCarsTRANSPORTATION• Boats• Cars• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks• Accessories• Trailers• Wanted to BuyTOP DOLLAR PAIDfor junk cars & trucks.(817)220-5682.IF YOU NEEDa good, dependable car or truck for$3,500 or less, come by CowgirlAuto Sales, 804 Business Highway287, Decatur, TX; (940)6<strong>26</strong>-0070.Ask about our inventory. Let’s dobusiness!2008 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA1-owner, excellent condition, newtires, 56k miles. $15,500.(940)577-5114.Will buy wrecked or not running cars& pickups. Ford, Chevy & Dodgeparts for sale. (940)433-2255.I’LL BUY THOSE YARD CARSas well as your good used cars.Arvin, (817)925-8768.2000 MERCURY GRAND MARQUISloaded, 115k miles, new tires, excelle n t c o n d i t i o n . $ 6 , 9 5 0 .(940)427-3290.1994 Chrysler LeBaron convertible,runs good, good AC & heat. 122kmiles. $1,900/OBO. (940)389-1466,(209)403-7865.Recreational vehicles2005 DAMON34’ motor coach, 4,400 miles, V-<strong>10</strong>engine, handicap equipped, manyextras. $57,000. (940)627-2723 or(940)389-7195.Pickups/Vans/SUVs2002 CHEVY S-<strong>10</strong>extended cab, 4.3 liter, bed-cover,right hand drive conversion kit installed,used for postal delivery.$5,500/OBO. (940)577-3331.1990 CHEVY PICKUPsteel work bed, 4-wheel drive. Willtrade for small car. Call for details,(940)427-2174.2003 DODGE RAM1/2 ton, regular cab, short bed,127,024 miles, V-6, 5-speed.$4,800/firm. (940)2<strong>10</strong>-2011.1999 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEELaredo. Nice, gold, leather seats,deluxe infinity sound, low miles, V-8,all wheel drive. $5,200/OBO.(214)686-3921.Parting out: 1997 Tahoe, 1997 Fordpickup, 1997 Ford 4-door duallyPower Stroke, 2003 Ford Explorer,1998 Chevy pickup short-bed.(940)433-2255.NEED CREDIT?THAT’S OUR BUSINESS!Regardless of Credit Ratingor Credit Score...WE CAN HELPVisit with Our ProfessionalSales Team atJAMES WOODFINANCE LOTWe’ll qualify you in minuteson the vehicle of your choice!Hwy. 287 south in DecaturLegal noticesNOTICENotice is hereby given that, actingunder and pursuant to the Ordinancesof the City of Rhome, Texason or after the 18th day of October20<strong>10</strong>, Devon Energy ProductionCompany, L.P. will file with the GasInspector of the City of Rhome, anapplication to drill, complete and operatea well (WCCO4- W.M. Miller#11H) for gas upon property located3.5 miles NW of Rhome in the Smith<strong>County</strong> School Land Survey, Blk.59, A-744, <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Rhome,Texas, more particularly shown onthe map of record in Volume 756,Page 765, Real Records of <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong>, Texas, or per Tax TractNumber R000016793, <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Texas.NOTICENotice is hereby given that, actingunder and pursuant to the Ordinancesof the City of Rhome, Texason or after the 18th day of October20<strong>10</strong>, Devon Energy ProductionCompany, L.P. will file with the GasInspector of the City of Rhome, anapplication to drill, complete and operatea well (WCCO4- W.M. Miller#12H) for gas upon property located3.1 miles NW of Rhome in the Smith<strong>County</strong> School Land Survey, Blk.59, A-744, <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Rhome,Texas, more particularly shown onthe map of record in Volume 756,Page 765, Real Records of <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong>, Texas, or per Tax TractNumber R000016793, <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Texas.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE4J’s Mini Storage300 S. Hwy. <strong>10</strong>1Chico, Texas 76431940-644-5565Sale begins at <strong>10</strong> a.m., Saturday,October 30, 20<strong>10</strong>. Contents will besold in lots to highest bidder. Sellerreserves the right to reject any bid.Sale will consist of furniture, TV’s,household items and tools.Contents belong to the followingpersons: Angie Watson, NormanMcWhorter, Regan Stevens, Vernice-BobSeeyle, Loven Nielson.Payments: cash only.OfficeFurnitureLet us help you custom configureyour workspace or office.OrderOnlineOrder it online now,get it tomorrow!PrinterSuppliesHuge selection of cartridges andpaper, in-stock and ready to order.ORDINANCE NO. 20<strong>10</strong>-05-153CITY OF NEW FAIRVIEWAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITYOF NEW FAIRVIEW, TEXAS,ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THEFISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTO-BER 1, 20<strong>10</strong>, AND ENDING SEP-TEMBER 30, 2011; APPROPRIAT-ING THE VARIOUS AMOUNTSREQUIRED FOR SUCH BUDGET;PROVIDING FOR RECORDING OFTHE ORDINANCE; PROVIDINGFOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDI-NANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVID-ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATIONIN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER;PROVIDING FOR ENGROSS-MENT AND ENROLLMENT; ANDNAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.PASSED, APPROVED ANDADOPTED by the City Council ofthe City of New Fairview, Texas, onthis 12th day of October 20<strong>10</strong>.Bids & ProposalsINVITATION TO BID<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> is accepting formalsealed bids for the following:EMS UNIFORM JACKETSROAD OILS WITH RECYCLEDMATERIALSSealed bids will be accepted inthe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Asset Control Officeat 400 W Walnut, or P.O. Box952 Decatur, TX 76234 by DianaAlexander, Asset Control Specialist,until <strong>10</strong>:00 a.m., <strong>Thursday</strong>, November4, 20<strong>10</strong>. Specifications and bidforms may be obtained by contactingthe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Asset ControlOffice at 940-627-3312. Bids will bepublicly opened and read at <strong>10</strong>:00a.m., <strong>Thursday</strong>, November 4, 20<strong>10</strong>in the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Asset ControlOffice at 400 W Walnut, Decatur,TX. The Commissioners' Court of<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> will consider bids foraward at the next regularly scheduledCommissioners' Court at thelocation posted on the agenda.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> reserves the right toaccept and/or reject any and all bidsfor any reason whatsoever.www.wcmessenger.com/businessdirectoryCopyCenterFull and self-service.School andTeacherSuppliesPrepackaged and individual.BusinessCards...plus business stampsand stationary.Notice to CreditorsNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given that originalLetters of Administration for the Estateof Bryan Eric Moore, Deceased,were issued on October 6, 20<strong>10</strong>, inCause No. PR-3001, pending in theProbate Court of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>,Texas, to: Bobby Don Moore.All persons having claims againstthis Estate which is currently beingadministered are required to presentthem to the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law.c/o Bobby Don Moore2391 FM 1204Greenwood, Texas 76246DATED the 18th day of October,20<strong>10</strong>.Vicki Thornton ReddenState Bar No.: 16660700Jeffrey N. BogostState Bar No.: 0256225<strong>10</strong>300 N. Central Expy.Suite 325Dallas, Texas 75231Telephone: (214)987-0854Facsimile: (214)987-0855Attorneys for ApplicantPublic HearingsNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGSFOR ANNEXATIONThe City of New Fairview, Texaswill hold two public hearings at CityHall, 999 Illinois Lane, New Fairview,<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Texas, at 7:00p.m. on November 9, 20<strong>10</strong> and at7:00 p.m. on November 16, 20<strong>10</strong>, toconsider whether or not the parcelsthat are not inside city limits, but arecontiguous with New Fairview inboth Denton and <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> of theapproximately 1600 acres owned bythe Glenn Paul Shoop Trust, theMerilou Shoop Love Trust and theNancy Caver Jeffery Trust shouldbe annexed to the City of New Fairview,Texas.The public is invited to attend andparticipate or submit written comments:New Fairview999 Illinois LaneNew Fairview, TX 76078Phone 817-638-5366fax 817-638-5369newfairview@embarqmail.com115 South Trinity • Decatur940-627-5987Public Fax: 940-627-<strong>10</strong>04Order online:<strong>Messenger</strong>OfficeSupply.com

4A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>SPORTSFOOTBALLDragons try to end skidBy RICHARD GREENEStill in search of their first win,the Chico Dragons will hit the roadto take on the Valley View EaglesFriday night.The Dragons (0-8, 0-3) and Eagles(4-4, 1-2) will kick off at 7:30p.m. at John Kassen Field.Currently, Chico is coming off a54-7 loss to Collinsville last week.The Dragons, who have only onestarting lineman from the start ofthe season, Chris Young, managed48 yards of offense against Collinsville.Chico is starting nine sophomorescurrently.“We’re young,” said Chico coachStephen Carter. “But the kids keepworking hard and playing hard.”The Dragons face an Eagles teamthat entered the season with highhopes behind a third-year startingquarterback, senior Scott Willis.But after beginning the seasonwith wins over Gunter and TomBean, Valley View has droppedfour of six.Muenster beat the Eagles 21-8last week to put them on the brinkof missing the playoffs out of District5-A. Valley View will probablyneed to beat Chico and Lindsay tomake the playoffs.While Valley View has struggledto get wins over the past six games,Carter said they are still very dangerous.“They are better than their record,”he said. “They are big on bothsides of the football. A.J. Kassenand Willis are special athletes.”Willis managed just one scorelast week against Muenster’stough defense. The week before ina blowout of Petrolia, he ran forthree scores, threw for two andcaught one.FOOTBALLPanthers look for rebound against PonderBy RICHARD GREENEAfter starting the season at 5-0, the Paradise Panthers are suddenlyon the brink of falling outof the District 5-2A playoff race.The Panthers (6-2, 1-2) wereput in the precarious positionlast week with a 35-14 loss to rivalBoyd.“We’re in a must-win situationnow,” said Paradise coach DannyNeighbors after last week’sgame.The first of the Panthers’ twomust-win games is Friday whenthey welcome the Ponder Lions(2-6, 0-3) to Panther Stadium.Against Boyd, the Pantherswere plagued by mishaps. Paradiseturned the ball over fourtimes.“We made too many mistakes towin the game,” Neighbors said.The Paradise defense, whichcame into the game allowing just248 yards, surrendered 463 toBoyd.The Panthers will try to reboundagainst a Ponder teamthat has struggled to score pointsin district play. In losses to Callisburg,Pottsboro and Howe, the Lionshave been outscored 148-28.Ponder is coming off a 43-<strong>10</strong>loss to Howe.Quarterback Dalton Brownleads the Lions, throwing for 824yards and five touchdowns. Healso has 122 yards rushing.Brown’s top target is Reid Sanderswith 22 grabs for 328 yards.Logan Marchman leads Ponderin rushing with 377 yards and ascore.<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyPUSHING AHEAD — Paradise’s Andrew Sims fights for yards against Boyd last week. The Panthers will try to keep their playoff hopes alive Fridayagainst Ponder.FOOTBALLEagles eye title try ...Continued from page 18Abe fighting to get to the playoffs.”Decatur went into its late-seasonpen date off a 47-20 victory overake Worth.The victory and the open weekave the Eagles confident as theyreturn to the field.“We feel as good and confident asever,” said Decatur linebacker ColemanStapp. “The off week helpedus learn their offense. Now, we’refocused on Mineral Wells. We knowthey are a good team and have somegood players. But we know we havethe defense to stop them.”That defense will have to slowa Mineral Wells offense that haskeyed the Rams’ five straight winsafter beginning the season 0-4.Quarterback Hunter McCoy hasthrown for 1,5<strong>10</strong> yards and <strong>10</strong>touchdowns. Lorenzo Johnson leadsthe Rams with 36 catches for 448yards.Minerals Wells also features adangerous running game with GilbertCastorena and A.J. Poole. Castorenahas 589 yards on <strong>10</strong>9 carries.Poole has added 441 on 83 totes.The Rams like to work the ballto the versatile and dangerous TamarkusCarter in both the runningand passing games. He has a combined425 yards of offense.“They have good speed all over thefield,” Story said.Some of that speed is on defense.The Eagles will need to break<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyMAKING RUN AT TITLE — Decatur’s Haden Carpenter runs around the end.Carpenter is part of the Eagles’ running attack that will take on 7-3A leaderMineral Wells Friday.through that defense with its runninggame led by Tyler Hodges,who ran for 202 yards against LakeWorth. Hodges has 851 yards thisseason despite missing two games.FOOTBALLAlvord setfor showdownBy RICHARD GREENEFor a second straight season,the Alvord Bulldogs’playoff hopes hinge on amatchup against the JacksboroTigers.Jacksboro prevented theBulldogs from making theplayoffs last year with awin. The Bulldogs (4-4, 1-2)will head to Jacksboro ISDStadium to try to change thetrend against the Tigers (4-4, 2-1) Friday at 7:30 p.m.Alvord fell to District 3-2A’s lone unbeaten team,the Holliday Eagles, lastweek 30-6. The setback putthe Bulldogs behind fourother district teams — Holliday,Henrietta, Jacksboroand City View — with twogames to play.Alvord coach Don Dewebersaid they have just onepath to the playoffs.“We’ve got to win the nexttwo games,” he said. “That’swhat it comes down to.”That change starts withtaking down the potent Tigers,led by quarterbackCarson Earp. The sophomorehas thrown for 2,400yards and 28 touchdowns.“He throws the ball well,”Deweber said. “He’s the sonof one of the assistants andis a smart kid and knowstheir offense. They also havea couple of good receivers.”Dalton Tisdale has caught51 passes for 937 yards and14 scores. Taylor Spear alsohas more than 50 catchesand 750 yards.Deweber expects his secondaryto be up for the taskof trying to slow the Tigers.“We’ve been working onwhat they do, and I feel goodabout our secondary,” hesaid.The Bulldogs will needits rushing attack, led byColton Redman, to keep theball away from Jacksboro.Redman has 1,<strong>10</strong>2 yardsthis season. He ran for 90last week against Holliday.“Hopefully we can sustainsome drives and notturn the ball over,” Dewebersaid. “They’ve given up somepoints.”

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>15ASPORTSCROSS COUNTRYParadise earns region bidy RICHARD GREENEEven with one of their top runners battlingbadly sprained ankle, the Paradise Panthersere able to fight their way to a regional crossountry berth Monday morning in Millsap.The Panthers finished third with 79 pointst the District <strong>10</strong>-2A meet to earn a spot athe Class 2A Region II meet in Arlington Nov..Paradise beat out fourth-place Millsap by 12oints and was just two points behind secondlacePeaster. Brock won the meet with 27.By RICHARD GREENEThe first step to state or regionals for theNorthwest Texans and Lady Texans cross countryteams may be the hardest.Both will try to advance out of one of the top5A districts in the state <strong>Thursday</strong> morning atthe 7-5A meet at Grapevine’s MeadowmerePark. The meet will start with the girls’ 3200meter race at 9 a.m. The boys’ race will follow.The meet will feature three teams that competedat state last year — the Keller Centralboys, Southlake Carroll girls and Coppell girls.Both Carroll boys and girls teams are rankedNo. 1 in the latest Class 5A Cross CountryCoaches Association of Texas poll. The Coppellgirls are eighth in the poll.Paradise coach Todd McCormick was proudof his team.“I didn’t know if we could get out,” hesaid. “One of our top runners, Michael Kelly,sprained his ankle. He battled through it. Wecould have done better if he was healthy. We’llget him rehabbed, and we’ll have two moreweeks to prepare and see what happens.”Kellly ran a 21:33 in the 5K on the bad ankle.Godley’s Dylan Littlejohn won the <strong>10</strong>-2A individualtitle in 17:45.Dalton Blankenship posted the Panthers’Northwest coach George Lutkenhaus said itstacks up to be a tough meet.“There’s going to be some really good teamsthat stay at home,” he said. “We just have to runour race and do our thing. We’re going to have torun well, and we still might not make it out.”Northwest junior Troy Taylor leads the Texansinto the meet. The Rhome resident hasbeen consistent throughout the season, turningin the best times of his career and winning severalraces.At his final tune-up Oct. 16 at the Rick NeillInvitational, Taylor ran a 15:32 to take second.He ran a season-best 15:24 in the 5K Oct. 2 atthe Round Rock McNeil Invitational.“Troy has a shot to win it,” Lutkenhaus said.“He won the Southlake meet earlier in the year.lone top-<strong>10</strong> performance, finishing ninth in19:45.“I felt good until the last part,” Blankenshipsaid. “I’m happy to get to go to regionals. Thisis my first year of cross country. Hopefully, Ican drop 30 seconds off my time [by regionals].”The Panthers’ Zack Fletcher took 14th in21:02. Chance Dial was 17th in 21:22. JarrettHolt closed Paradise’s top five, finishing 23rdin 21:56.Michael Cassen ran 22:09 for 24th. BlakeBryant finished 35th in 23:45.CROSS COUNTRYDecatur runs into districty RICHARD GREENEAfter months of long runs, temoand speed work, the real seaonfor the Decatur cross countryeams will begin <strong>Thursday</strong> mornng.The Eagles and Lady Eaglesill run at the District 7-3A meett Joe Wheeler Park in Decatur,oping to nail down spots at thelass 3A Region I meet and laterhe state championships.The Lady Eagles will start theeet in the girls 3,200 meter eventt 9 a.m. The Eagles will follow inhe 5K race at 9:30 a.m.Decatur coach David Park saidthis is the time of year that hisathletes have worked for.“You throw out the times, andall that matters is place,” Parksaid. “Sure you want to run goodtimes, but the main thing is whereyou place.”With their place as back-to-backstate champions, the Lady Eaglesenter the 7-3A meet as the favorite.They are coming off a strongshowing at the Haltom StampedeOct. 16, finishing fourth. SeniorHanna Galloway took second in11:32.Behind Galloway, the Lady Eagleshave a consistent top five inZuleima Palomo, Morgan Haney,Natalie Neighbors and VeronicaTorres.“Our depth is what we get peopleon,” Park said.Castleberry may give the LadyEagles their strongest test <strong>Thursday</strong>behind Brittany Adams, whotook eighth at state last year in12:08. Adams finished just a spotback of Galloway at state.“Castleberry is a good team,”Park said. “I look for them to dowell at regionals.”In the boys race, Decatur freshmanTaylor Clayton is coming offrunning a lightning-fast 15:40 inthe three-mile event at Haltom.Clayton is part of a young groupof Eagles who have steadily improvedthroughout the year. Theteam had its best showing at Haltomwith all five of the top runners— Clayton, Michael Smyers,Gunner Dailey, Remington Mayand Brandon Rivera — placing inthe top 38.“These guys have come a millionmiles throughout the season,”Park said. “It’s been fun to see.They need to keep racing like theydid at Haltom. Our two throughfive not only ran tight, but fast.”CROSS COUNTRYNorthwest prepares for 7-5A meetHe just needs to run a smart race.”Behind Taylor, the Texans will need strongraces from Zach Kirkland, James McCann, JaredWard, Zach Jones, Nick Flower and TrentonBeaufeaux.The Lady Texans should be in contention fora regional berth.Freshman Kellee McCann and senior JasmineBoutte have been consistent in leadingthe team. McCann posted a personal-best 11:19at Birdville Oct. 9. Boutte ran a 12:06 at themeet.“Kellee and Jasmine are going to run theirrace,” Lutkenhaus said. “It comes down to ourthree, four and five runners having their bestrace.”CROSSCOUNTRYAlvordwinscrownLed by junior Jordan Ward’sfourth-place finish, the AlvordLady Bulldogs captured theDistrict 9-2A title Monday atLake Wichita Park in WichtaFalls.The Lady Bulldogs won thetitle with 36 points, four pointsless than second-place Hollidayat 40. Krum was third with 50points.“They did really well,” saidAlvord coach Sheena Schmucker.“We reached our first goal,making it on to regionals.”Alvord will run in the Class2A race at the Region II meetin Arlington Nov. 6.Krum’s Caylee Thomas wonthe 3,200-meter race in 12:34,followed by Holliday’s MorganLewis and Kristen Anderson at12:49 and 12:51 respectively.Ward ran 13:06, finishing fiveseconds ahead of teammateAshley Musgrave, who crossedthe finish line in fifth.“They showed up when theyneeded,” Schmucker said.Finishing third for the LadyBulldogs and eighth placeoverall was Chelsey Steelewith a 13:27 clock out. Shewas consecutively followed byninth and <strong>10</strong>th place RebeccaEvans and Ariel Rogers, running13:30 and 13:33 to closeout the Alvord top five.Marissa Schedcick was 13thin 13:45 and Madi Lynch 14thin 13:56.Mason Mitchum turned inthe Alvord Bulldogs’ top timewith a 19:34 for 18th.He was followed by JonathanMusgrave at 20th in 19:45,Dustin Griggs in 20:39 for 25thand Avi Patel for 30th in 21:22.Jake Hurley rounded out theBulldog’s top five, finishing32nd in 21:42.Logan Enis finished 33rdin 21:46, followed by KeygunBeaver at 36th in 22:38.Alvord finished fifth with125 points overall, behind firstplaceKrum with 47 points. Noconafinished second, followedby Ponder and Holliday.VOLLEYBALLSissies fallin fiveThe Bridgeport Sissies missed a chance to clinch alayoff spot out of District 7-3A Friday.The Castleberry Lions rallied from two games down toeat the Sissies in five, 14-25, 19-25, <strong>26</strong>-24, 27-25, 15-7.Bridgeport (14-20, 3-4) entered Tuesday needing a winver Decatur and a Castleberry loss to Mineral Wells toarn a playoff spot. If both teams lost, they would playor third place. Castleberry could earn the spot with ain and a Bridgeport loss.Bridgeport coach Lynn Larson likes her team’s chancsif they see Castleberry for a third time. The teamsplit their district meetings with both matches goingve games.“If we get a chance to play them for third place, I amonfident that we will be able to beat them,” Larsonaid.Bridgeport was strong in the first two games, winninghe first by double digits and taking the second by six.“We came out really strong, and I was glad of the waye competed tonight,” Larson said.But the match got away from them late.The duo of Madyson Hancock and Mariah Clayton hadtrong matches at the net. Clayton finished with 14 killsnd four blocks. Hancock had 11 kills and four blocks.Becky Grinnell put down nine kills.Setter Taylor Henson recorded 19 assists. Tiffanyawkins had 16.Henson served four aces. Hawkins and Angelica Reyesad three each.Reyes led the defense with 21 digs. Kasey Wages finshedwith 15 and Hawkins 11.VOLLEYBALLDecatur addsto streakThe Decatur Lady Eagles stepped outof District 7-3A Friday to play WichitaFalls Christ Academy.The result was no different as theLady Eagles cruised to a sweep, 25-14,25-12, 25-9.The Lady Eagles (28-9, 7-0) extendedboth their match winning streak to nineand consecutive games won to 24.Decatur eyed a close-to-perfect runthrough 7-3A Tuesday night with itsfinal regular season match againstBridgeport.The Lady Eagles will get a byethrough the bi-district round of the playoffs.They will open the playoffs Nov. 4-6 with a Class 3A Region I area matchagainst the winner of the 6-3A runnerupand the 5-3A third-place team.Friday, Decatur controlled the matchat the service line with 20 aces. IngridBoatman and Kortney Tompkins eachfired six. Lynzee Jordan had five.Sara Oxford continued her dominanceat the net with 15 kills and two blocksto go along with four digs and two aces.Tompkins put down six kills. She alsomade six digs and served up six aces.Joey Redwine recorded <strong>26</strong> assists andmade seven digs. Boatman had five assists.VOLLEYBALLChico rallies to winThe Chico Lady Dragons kepttheir playoff hopes alive Friday witha five-game victory over Gold-Burg.Chico rallied from two gamesdown to win the match, 12-25, 20-25, 25-22, <strong>26</strong>-24, 15-7.“This was a tough win,” said Chicocoach Lyndsey Keck. “We didn’t playwell at all the first two games, andwe struggled throughout the rest.Fortunately, we pulled together thelast three games and were able totake the win.”With the victory, Chico enteredTuesday’s season against Saint Jowith a chance to force a tie for thirdplace. If Chico wins, the two willplay a tiebreaker for the spot Saturday.Saint Jo will take third outrightwith a victory.The Lady Dragons’ serving letThe Paradise Lady Pantherscruised to their fourth District <strong>10</strong>-2A victory Friday over the BoydLady Yellowjackets.Paradise took the match, 25-16,25-19, 25-20.Courtney Andrews buried <strong>10</strong>kills and made 12 digs.VOLLEYBALLthem down against Gold-Burg. Chicomade 16 service errors and hadjust two aces.Keck said her team also struggledwith hitting, managing only 23 killsin the five games.“We didn’t have the hitting thatwe normally do,” she said. “Defensivelywe were digging their hits,but offensively we couldn’t get anythinggoing until the end.”Hannah Avants finished with <strong>10</strong>kills. Ann Turlington, Malori Mossand Nikki Weatherly all chipped infour.Avants had four block and 13 digson defense.Kim Workman made 15 digs andMoss 12.Molli Umphress recorded 13 assistsand Workman <strong>10</strong>.Paradise tops BoydRachel Runnels put down sevenkills to go along with seven digsand four aces.Sky Mayfield added five kills.Makenna Burt had five kills, fourblocks, three aces and five digs.Libero Jennifer Buell dug 21shots and Alison Caruthers 17.

16A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>SPORTSWEEK NINEAREA LEADERSRushingPlayer, Team Rush Yards TDColton Redman, Alvord 193 1<strong>10</strong>2 12Toi Glover, Paradise 167 <strong>10</strong>31 15Gabe Huerta, Bridgeport 115 880 <strong>10</strong>Tyler Hodges, Decatur <strong>10</strong>1 851 16Garrett Muehlstein, Decatur <strong>10</strong>4 631 7Colton Lyon, Boyd 84 464 9Andrew Sims, Paradise 72 394 2Jarrett Roper, Paradise 90 383 6Jacob Jones, Northwest 74 368 3Haden Carpenter, Decatur 68 274 2Casey Kirkland, Boyd 69 <strong>26</strong>9 0Michael Reed, Northwest 61 <strong>26</strong>6 1Barrington Thorpe, Northwest 62 238 2Cody Henson, Bridgeport 59 217 4FOOTBALLPassingPlayer, Team C Att Int Yds TDCody Henson, Bport 173 277 13 2,760 <strong>26</strong>Jared Cate, Boyd <strong>10</strong>5 186 12 1,395 11Toi Glover, Paradise 61 <strong>10</strong>4 6 885 9Trevor Hardee, Alvord 58 135 13 855 5Alec Laffoon, N’west 63 91 4 855 4Garrett Muehlstein, Dec. 48 115 4 692 3Hunter York, Chico 56 143 6 666 3Tyler Hodges, Decatur 39 85 2 658 6ReceivingPlayer, Team Rec. Yards TDTrent Schuett, Bport 48 824 7Garrett Mullins, Bport 33 757 7Jace Hudson, Bport 42 615 <strong>10</strong>Junior Whatley, Boyd 31 525 6Matt Minix, Bport 32 403 2Luis Maldonado, Alvord 23 388 2Dale Simpson, Paradise 19 317 0Dillon Quinn, Decatur 17 306 2Alec Torres, Decatur 13 305 2Travis Williams, Boyd 21 275 1Andrew Sims, Paradise 17 274 4Tyler Bingham, Chico 19 247 1Allen Young, Northwest 22 244 0Cameron Boyers, Boyd 15 240 2Brandon Climer, Decatur 16 181 2Jarrett Roper, Paradise 9 166 2TacklesPlayer, TeamTacklesDalton Bracken, Bport 99Luis Maldonado, Alvord 91Jeff Stevens, Northwest 84Coleman Stapp, Decatur 81Colton Parker, Decatur 78Stormy Mishnick, Bport 77Brady Boyd, Bridgeport 72Blake Haney, Decatur 69Austin Hicks, Bridgeport 64TJ Houston, Alvord 61Kaleb Montes, Decatur 59Clay Hopkins, Alvord 56Marcus Dwinell, Decatur 51Dale Simpson, Paradise 51Colton Lyon, Boyd 50Cody Harrison, Alvord 49Ethan King, Decatur 45SacksPlayer, TeamSacksTyler Overstreet, Paradise 8Cody Harrison, Alvord 7Ethan King, Decatur 6Tyler Horne, Bport 5Jonathan Alling, Decatur 4Shane King, Northwest 4Daniel Wilson, Northwest 3Dillon Lingo, Bport 3Stormy Mishnick, Bport 3Dale Simpson, Paradise 3InterceptionsPlayer, TeamInt.Brady Boyd, Bridgeport 4Austin Bowen, Alvord 3Austin Ratliff, Boyd 3Colton Parker, Decatur 2Austin Hicks, Bridgeport 2Logan Bailey, Paradise 2Drake Tracta, Paradise 2Rushing OffenseTeamYards/AvgParadise 272Decatur 234Alvord 177Bridgeport 156Northwest 127Boyd <strong>10</strong>6Chico 36Passing OffenseTeamYards/AvgBridgeport 312Boyd 176Decatur 168Paradise 133Alvord <strong>10</strong>6Northwest <strong>10</strong>6Chico 79Boyd continues playoff pushBy RICHARD GREENEThe Boyd Yellowjackets opened theirhome turf last week with a victory thatkept their playoff hopes alive.Boyd (2-6, 1-2) will attempt to make ittwo in a row in its new Yellowjacket Stadiumand try to keep the push to the playoffsgoing against the Callisburg Wildcats (2-6,1-2) at 7:30 p.m.Boyd coach J.G. Cartwright is hoping foranother energized atmosphere Friday.“I hope we can match the atmosphere,”the veteran coach said. “It definitely had aplayoff feel. It gave us a taste of what weneed to do to get there.”That recipe for a playoff berth is likelysimple — win out and hope district leadersPottsboro and Howe keep winning. Thosetwo will play this week.“If we win out, we’ll be involved in somecapacity,” Cartwright said. “I know we needto keep winning and win the next two.”That is easier said than done, consideringthe first of the remaining two is againstCallisburg, a Class 2A Division II semi-finalistfrom last year with a record identicalto Boyds’.The Wildcats have played a tough scheduleso far and battled injuries throughout.But they did take down the Class A’s toprankedteam, Goldthwaite, in week threeof the season.“They are a good team,” Cartwrightsaid. “They played some of the same toughpeople we did in non-district, Gunter and<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Joe DutyHOLDING ON — Boyd’s Harley Jackson holds up Paradise’s Toi Glover during the Yellowjackets’ win last week. Boyd will playCallisburg Friday in a pivotal 5-2A game.Grapevine Faith.”Callisburg gave undefeated Pottsboro allit wanted last week in a 21-14 loss.Colton Holder threw for a touchdown,and Clay McKenzie ran in another againstPottsboro.“Their quarterback [Holder] does a goodjob of getting the ball out,” Cartwright said.“[McKenzie] is really something for a sophomore.”Boyd is coming off a breakout performanceoffensively with its 463 yardsagainst Paradise. Colton Lyon ran for aseason-high 125 yards.“Paradise has a good defensive line,”Cartwright said. “We blocked them well,and we were able to run it and have somesuccess.”<strong>Messenger</strong>’s Weekly Pick’emTotal OffenseTeamYards/AvgBridgeport 468Paradise 405Decatur 402Alvord 283Boyd 282Northwest 233Chico 115Rushing DefenseTeamYards/AvgParadise 111Alvord 176Bridgeport 184Northwest 200Boyd 235Decatur 278Chico 290Passing DefenseTeamYards/AvgDecatur 85Chico 86Alvord <strong>10</strong>0Boyd 127Bridgeport 145Northwest 152Paradise 161Total DefenseTeamYards/AvgParadise 272Alvord 276Bridgeport 328Northwest 352Boyd 362Decatur 363Chico 376Alvord at JacksboroBoyd vs. CallisburgChico at Valley ViewDecatur vs. Mineral WellsNorthwest at Keller CentralParadise vs. PonderBaylor at TexasTexas Tech at Texas A&MUNT at Western KentuckyMissouri at NebraskaMcMurray at Hardin-SimmonsDallas vs. JacksonvilleWEEKOVERALLPhil MajorPresident & PublisherBrian KnoxEditorRichard GreeneSports EditorBrandon EvansEditorialLolaCanine PrognosticatorJacksboro Alvord Jacksboro Alvord AlvordBoyd Boyd Boyd Callisburg BoydValley View Valley View Valley View Valley View ChicoDecatur Decatur Decatur Mineral Wells DecaturKeller Central Keller Central Keller Central Keller Central Keller CentralParadise Paradise Paradise Paradise PonderTexas Texas Baylor Texas BaylorTexas A&M Texas Tech Texas A&M Texas Tech Texas A&MWKU WKU UNT WKU UNTNebraska Missouri Missouri Nebraska NebraskaH.S. McMurray McMurray H.S. McMurrayJacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Dallas11-1 8-4 <strong>10</strong>-2 7-5 7-569-27 65-31 67-29 60-36 51-45

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>17AWISEBUSINESSSPRAYFOAMROOFING & INSULATIONIT’S THE BEST!Call George DavisFor Free Estimates817.7<strong>26</strong>.7669LONE STARLAWN & LANDSCAPEFull Service Residential &Commercial Lawn CareLawn Care FertilizationLandscaping Weed ControlSprinkler Systems Skid Steer ServiceRetaining Walls Exterior Pest ControlOutdoor Kitchens Sod & HydromulchingQuality and Experience940-627-6384Licensed & InsuredSteven OatesTX IRR Lic. #8747 • TDA Lic. # 387038www.lonestarlawnandlandscape.comToms Pool ServiceTom’s Pool ServiceCompetitivepriceson:• Gravel• Base• TopsoilFor Prompt, Friendly Service call:940-399-9481Rodney LisbyDecaturHeat & AirSale • Service • InstallationBe Safe...Be Efficient...Schedule YourHEATINGSERVICESPECIALToday!940-627-1616Prompt & Trusted Service on allMakes & Modelswww.decaturheat-air.comTACLA489IC TACLB28913EFull Service Swimming PoolsNew Construction, Remodeling, RepairCIRCLE SSTORES1201 South FM 51 • DecaturVOTEDBESTCONVENIENCESTORE940-627-363799¢HamburgersWednesdays11a.m. - 2 p.m.Hot Breakfast &Folger’s CoffeeBrewed DailyCall In Deli Ordersfor FASTER SERVICE!940-627-3637TablesInside & Outsidefor Your DiningConvenience!Store Hours: Mon.-Sat., 5 a.m. - <strong>10</strong> p.m.Grill Hours: Mon.-Fri., 5 a.m. - 2 p.m.Deli Box Hours: Mon.-Sat., 5 a.m. - 6 p.m.LarryMader940-627-4523940-627-90<strong>10</strong>Representing <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>and surrounding areas,Ready to help with all ofyour real estate needs,1705 S. FM 51, Suite <strong>10</strong>4 • Decaturwww.decaturcountry.comNEW CONSTRUCTION,RENOVATIONS & REPAIR• Custom gunite pools• Maintenance repairon all poolsOVER 40 YEARS IN BUSINESSColby Williams940-393-3944Serving <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> for over 40 yearsColby Williams940-393-3944✔EASE✔VALUE✔SELECTION✔SERVICE115 S. Trinity, Decatur 940- 627-5987Public Fax 940-627-<strong>10</strong>04 Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express“THE Authority on0907501TXCary F Bohn CLU ChFC, Agent402 W Walnut StDecatur, TX 76234Bus: 940-627-5616www.carybohn.comCar+ HomeSavingsTotal average savings of$696*Let me show you how combininghome and auto policies can reallyadd up. Like a good neighbor,State Farm is there. ®CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7*Average annual household savings based on national 2009 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching.Each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products.State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (auto), Bloomington, IL,State Farm Lloyds (home), Dallas, TXCUMMINSDIESELOIL CHANGE$68.95Mopar®Oil Diesel Libertys $68.95GAS VEHICLES:$29.505 quarts of Mopar Oil + Filter+16-point Service CheckImports & performance vehicles slightly higherKLEMENT“Doin’ Business Right”US 287 North, Decatur940-627-6700 817-430-8416SERVICE & PARTS7:30-6:00 Monday-FridayShop & Repair Locally.Save Money & Time AtSALES NEW & PRE-OWNEDConsignment SaleRental SpecialsParts & Service DepartmentMobile ServiceRubber Roof ReplacementMetal ReplacementCollision Repair1-800-906-6632940-6<strong>26</strong>-82003496 S. US HWY 287 • DECATURwww.smithrvcenter.comThe Lone Star State”WITH UTILITY COSTS RISING,EFFICIENCY COUNTS!MANNREFRIGERATION INC.HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING • SINCE 1950DON’T MISS THESESAVING OPPORTUNITIES!Federal Tax Credits up to$1,50012 Year Parts & laborCall for details!940-683-6<strong>26</strong>6940-627-2278#TACLA009463CCertifi ed ArboristTree RemovalTree TrimmingChipper ServiceStump GrindingStorm Damage CleanupFully Insured940-393-2724Free Estimateswww.ondutytrees.comClassicFLOORCOVERINGSServing <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> and Beyondwith over 30 years experience.• Wood • Ceramic• Carpet • Vinyl • Laminate• Stained Concrete• Luxury Vinyl PlankVisit Our Showroom at900 W Thompson • Decatur(behind Prada Shops)940-6<strong>26</strong>-0014Financing and Late AppointmentsAvailablewww.classicfloorcoverings.netCeCe Lisby940-399-9141OrderOnline atwww.messengerofficesupply.comYourREALESTATEneeds willbe met!Lisa Caraway940-393-2476301 S. Washburn, Suite D, Decaturwww.parkerpropertiestexas.com

8A WISE COUNTY MESSENGER, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>SPORTSFOOTBALLEagles eye title tryBy RICHARD GREENERested from their week off, the DecaturEagles return to action Friday witha chance to re-enter the fray for the District7-3A title.The Eagles (5-3, 1-1) will take on theleague’s lone unbeaten team, the MineralWells Rams, with a chance to stakea claim to the district lead. Decatur andMineral Wells (5-4, 3-0) will battle atEagle Stadium at 7:30 p.m.Decatur coach Kyle Story said it’s agreat opportunity for his team to getback in the district race after they lostthe league opener to Bridgeport.“We just need to get after MineralWells, and if we win we have a good shotat getting a share of district and makingthe playoffs,” Story said. “But if not, we’llContinued on page 14ACHARGINGAHEAD— DecaturquarterbackTyler Hodgesfightsthrough atackle. Hewill try tolead theEaglesFriday pastMineralWells andinto a tieatop 7-3A.<strong>Messenger</strong> photoby Joe DutyCAVEMAN EXTREMEExtremeconditionsAthletes battled not onlythe 47 obstacles in frontof them Saturday at theCaveman Xtreme but alsoheavy rain and wind duringthe event. Luke Bates ofWichita Falls turned inthe best time on the 5Kobstacle course, finishingin 30:<strong>10</strong>. Laura Mucho ofDallas was the top female,finishing in 34:38. Fivehundred thirty-four peoplefinished.<strong>Messenger</strong> photos by Joe DutyCROSS COUNTRYSides, Lady Yellowjackets run to regionalsBy RICHARD GREENEAll season, Paradise’s BaileySides has set her sights on tryingto stay with Brock’s Kamy Coleand Boyd’s Katie Mark.Monday morning in Millsap, thefreshman did better than that,finishing ahead of both to takesecond at the District <strong>10</strong>-2A crosscountry meet.Sides ran a 12:29 on the 3,200-meter course. She was 24 secondsbehind the district champion, RachelWilliams of Tolar.Cole was third in 12:38 andMark fourth in 12:41.“The Brock girl and Katie arereally fast, and I’ve tried my hardestto stay with them,” Sides said.“I never beat either one of themuntil today.“I think this was my best time.It felt like my best race.”Sides will advance to run as anindividual in the Class 2A race atthe Region II meet in ArlingtonNov. 6.Paradise coach Jason Moralesexpects her to make a strongshowing after her run at district.“She ran really well, and I’m reallyproud of her,” Morales said.“She took 20 seconds off her besttime. She’s got the talent and thedrive. She has a legit chance to goon. She’ll probably need to drop<strong>10</strong> seconds off her time at thispoint.”Sides will be joined by the BoydLady Yellowjackets, who finishedthird with 80 points. Boyd held offMillsap by five points to earn theregional bid. Brock won the meetwith 70. Jacksboro was secondwith 77.“I thought we were going to befourth,” said Boyd coach OscarHernandez. “We ran as hard aswe could.”Mark’s fourth-place finish ledthe Lady Yellowjackets. She is advancingto regionals for a fourthstraight year.“I ran the best I have all season,”she said. “I’ve still got a lotto improve. I think with the propersleep and nutrition that I canget back to 12:20.”Boyd’s Courtney Sanders took11th in 12:59. Skylar Truly ran13:04 for 12th. Dancey Jordanwas 25th in 14:02. Jade Mooretook 28th in 14:07 as Boyd’s fifthrunner.Bailee Lutrell ran 14:38 for34th.Paradise finished fifth with 98points.Kim Sadler ran a 13:12 for 17th.Makala Neighbors took 19th in13:22. Shanee Gober was 29thin 14:11. Monika Qualls finished31st in 14:14 as the Lady Panthers’fifth runner.Angela Powers took 32nd in14:<strong>26</strong>. Kourtland Smith was 39thin 14:59.NEARING THEFINISH —Boyd’s DanceyJordan makesher way tothe finish lineat the <strong>10</strong>-2Ameet Mondaymorning. Boydtook third atthe meet.<strong>Messenger</strong> photoby Richard Greene

thebulldoggerDecatur’s K.C. Jones grabslife by the horns in thelatest feature in theSimply People series.See page 4WISE COUNTY MESSENGER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 20<strong>10</strong>PAINTIN’THE TOWNSarah Jorgensonjoined othercancer survivorsparticipating in the“Paint the Town Pink”event in Decatur lastweek.See more on page 15.AW AALL AROUND WISE

2 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>CelebrationsMr. and Mrs. Brandon Alexanderbride formerly Maranda Danielle ReadMarriage vows exchanged Sept. 25, 20<strong>10</strong>Kristen Williamsand Zachary DavisMarriage vows to be exchanged Dec. 11, 20<strong>10</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dale Wattsbride formerly Erica Renee WestMarriage vows exchanged Aug. 14, 20<strong>10</strong>Maranda Danielle Readand Brandon Cole Alexanderwere married Sept.25, 20<strong>10</strong>, at First BaptistChurch of Cottondale. SamStarr of Paradise Church ofChrist officiated.The bride is the daughterof Jo Gentry and the granddaughterof Willard andFrances Gentry of Cottondale.The groom is the son ofKevin and Clover Alexanderof Boyd and grandson ofRichard and Teresa Ford ofHurst.Maid of honor was LeahBrown, and bridesmaid wasAlexa Meadows, both of Paradise.Junior bridesmaidsMR. AND MRS. BRANDON ALEXANDERwere Ali Fowler, sister of thebride; Haleigh Maxwell andJordan Shetter, nieces of thebride; and Baleigh Alexander,sister of the groom.Flower girl was BethanyAlexander, sister of thegroom, and ring bearer wasBryce Shetter, nephew ofthe bride.Best man was PhillipPierce, and groomsman wasDylan Yarbrough.Ushers were Josh Gentry,cousin of the bride; DaltonGeorge, Hunter George andAaron Shetter, nephews ofthe bride; and Josh Carter.The couple live in Portsmouth,Va., where he will bestationed for four years.ZACHARY DAVIS AND KRISTEN WILLIAMSKristen Williams, daughterof Tim and Rhonda Williamsof Waco, will marryZachary Davis, son of Billand Tanya Davis of Slidell,Dec. 11, 20<strong>10</strong>, at Slidell FirstBaptist Church.The bride-elect is a 2007graduate of Williams Academy.She is attending McLennanCommunity College inWaco and is pursuing a careerin wedding planning.The prospective groom isa graduate of Slidell HighSchool and a 2008 graduateof Texas A&M University. Heis employed with the TexasAgriLife Extension Servicein Coryell <strong>County</strong>.MR. AND MRS. NOAH DALE WATTSErica Renee West of Heavener,Okla., and Noah DaleWatts of Mena, Ariz., weremarried Aug. 14, 20<strong>10</strong>, atLakeland Baptist Church inFort Worth. Jesse West officiatedthe double ring ceremony.The bride is the daughterof Jesse and Carroll West ofHeavener.The groom is the son ofAlford and Donna Watts ofMena.WISE COUNTY COWBOY CHURCHwisecountycowboychurch.comSunday Service<strong>10</strong>:30 a.m.903-227-7369Decatur Livestock MARKET2473 North FM 51Decatur, TexasEducation Tours • Daycares• Churches • Hayrides• Picnic Area • Petting Zoo• Mini Maze • Barrel TrainBig Selection of Pumpkins of all shapes andsizes. Everything to decorate for the fall.Book your school, daycare, or church grouptoday. We also have birthday packages.Mon - Thurs 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.Reserved for groups4 - 7 p.m. Open to publicFri - Sat <strong>10</strong> a.m. - 7 p.m.Sun 1 - 7 p.m.Contact DeDe940-627-5395 or940-389-0517www.blackcreekpp.comC-SECTIONREVIEWCesarean sections (C-sections) currently account for more than 30percent of all births in the United States. While this is generallya safe surgical procedure that is entirely warranted under certaincircumstances, it does require a longer recovery time than vaginalbirth and poses some risks that vaginal delivery does not. With thisin mind, it’s important for pregnant women to take a close look atelective labor induction, which may be performed for the sake ofconvenience. The link between labor induction and C-section isimportant to note because research suggests that putting more limitson so-called “elective” inductions may help lower the number ofC-sections performed nationally. Labor induction performed for nomedical reason may be considered inappropriate.Giving birth can be beautiful, exciting and frightening all at once.Our goal is to make your experience as safe and happy as possiblefor both you and your newborn. It is our pleasure to help ourcommunity in such a special way! For all your ob/gyn needs, callWISE OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY P.A. at 940-6<strong>26</strong>-8008.Our office is conveniently located at 1713 South FM 51, Ste. 201,Decatur. New patients are welcome.P.S. Labor induction is appropriate when it is undertaken to benefitmother and baby in pregnancies that go beyond 41 weeks.Medical Center PharmacyPrescriptions • CompoundingFast andFriendly ServiceDrive-Thru • Free DeliveryDECATUR1<strong>10</strong>1 Eagle Dr. • Suite CDecatur, 76234940-627-5400Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Sat., 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.ALVORD115 E. Bypass 287. • Suite BAlvord, 76225940-427-2801Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Closed Sat.Fall FestFirst Baptist Church of Runaway BaySunday, Oct. 31 • 5-7 p.m.Enjoy our family-friendly carnival-likegames and activities, including a cake walk,costume contest, trunk or treating, and fire trucktours led by our community’s firefighters.5 p.m. - Carnival Open6 p.m. - Costume Judging7 p.m. - Carnival ClosesThis is a great event for toddlers thru 5th graders andtheir parents.Everyone in the community is invited to join us indecorating your vehicle for the trunk or treat. If interestedplease be at the church in the west parking lot by 4:30 p.m.For more information, please contact AnitaBernardo at 940-391-9153

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong> 3CelebrationsNEW ARRIVALSJenna Renee GageOct. 16, 20<strong>10</strong>Matthew and Rebecca Gage of Decatur announce the birthof a daughter, Jenna Renee, on Oct. 16, 20<strong>10</strong>, at Inanna Birthand Women’s Care in Denton. She weighed 8 pounds, <strong>10</strong> ouncesand was 20 inches long.She has two brothers, Billy, 4, and Drew, 2.Grandparents are Larry and Kristin Gage of Decatur andTim and Debbie Scott of McKinney.Great-grandparents are Jim and Pat Gage of Decatur, Daveand Linda Cochard of Union, Mo., Richard and Helen MacCormackof Crown Point, Ind., and Al and Julie Scott of Mineola.Emma Claire LoucksOct. 20, 20<strong>10</strong>Danielle and Michael Loucks of Decatur announce the birthof a daughter, Emma Claire, on Oct. 20, 20<strong>10</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ouncesand was 19 3/4 inches long.Grandparents are Vince and Carol Loucks of Decatur, Rustyand Amy Cade of Alvord and Bill and Debbie Holmes of Justin.Great-grandparents are Don and Celle White of Hurst,Charlotte Castro of Plano and Bill and Dorthy Cade of Lewisville.Great-great-grandparent is Annis Guiling of Phoenix.Natalie Lucero MauricioOct. 19, 20<strong>10</strong>Adrian Hallie Mauricio of Newark announces the birth of adaughter, Natalie Lucero, on Oct. 19, 20<strong>10</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> RegionalHealth System in Decatur. She weighed 9 pounds, 8 ouncesand was 19 1/2 inches long.She has two brothers, Adrian, 3, and Isaac, 2.Grandparents are Norma and Adrian Mauricio of Rhomeand Melissa and Brandon Walker of Oklahoma.Great-grandparents are James and Mildred Hurst of Newarkand Silvestre Rodriguez and Maria del Resugio of Aguascalientes,Mex.Sienna Brooke AdamsOct. 21, 20<strong>10</strong>Daniel and Cherry Adams of Haslet announce the birth ofa daughter, Sienna Brooke, on Oct. 21, 20<strong>10</strong>, at North TexasCommunity Hospital in Bridgeport. She weighed 7 pounds, 5ounces and was 21 inches long.Grandparents are Lonnie and Dianne Adams of Paradiseand Chris and Christene Smith of England.Great-grandparent is Ruth Adams.Lane Wyatt HortonOct. 19, 20<strong>10</strong>Tom and Rachel Horton of Decatur announce the birth of ason, Lane Wyatt, on Oct. 19, 20<strong>10</strong>, at North Texas CommunityHospital in Bridgeport. He weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces andwas 21 inches long.He has one brother, Cole Arron, 4.FantasticGrandparents are Tom and Mary Horton and Don and AnneWinkler, all of Decatur. Great-grandparents are Virginia Hammett,Clarence and Barbra Holub, Jackie and Lee Chase andHomer and Laurie Horton.Jazmin Lily Guadalupe Gallegos-SillOct. 18, 20<strong>10</strong>Paula Sill and Jose Luis Gallegos of Rhome announce thebirth of daughter, Jazmin Lily Guadalupe Gallegos-Sill, onOct. 18, 20<strong>10</strong>, at North Texas Community Hospital in Bridgeport.She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces and was 19 3/4 incheslong.She has three brothers, Christopher Rush, 12, Blake Sill, 9,and Miguel Sill, 5, and a sister, Isabel Sill, 8.Grandparents are Leoncio Gallegos of Rhome, Elena CruzUribe of Mexico and Mary Louise Zeller and Phil Zeller, bothof Irving.FallClearanceat Karl Klement FordKynlee JCee BakerOct. 18, 20<strong>10</strong>James and Magan Baker of Bowie announce the birth ofa daughter, Kynlee JCee, on Oct. 18, 20<strong>10</strong>, at North TexasCommunity Hospital in Bridgeport. She weighed 6 pounds, 12ounces and was 19 inches long.Grandparents are Ronnie and Jehnia Parkinson, DarleneFry and Tom and Katherine Fry, all of Bowie.Great-grandparents are Jean Parr and and Nancy Fry, bothof Bowie, and J.W. and Mary Fry of Amarillo.Kylee Elizabeth GideonOct. 20, 20<strong>10</strong>Mary Smith and Jonathan Gideon of Alvord announcethe birth of a daughter, Kylee Elizabeth, on Oct. 20, 20<strong>10</strong>, atNorth Texas Community Hospital of Bridgeport. She weighed6 pounds, 7 ounces and was 18 inches long.Grandparents are Michael and Mary Smith, Kerry Methvinand Anita and John Walton.Great-grandparents are Karen Jackson, Darwin Smith,Kathleen Virgil and Jerry Virgil.Jesse Gabriel TorresOct. 15, 20<strong>10</strong>20<strong>10</strong> F-150 Super Crew XLT40/20/40 seat, AM/FMSt/Clk/CD, 17” alum wheels, 4.6LV8,6-speed automatic, Sirius radio. Stk. # KE58788MSRP................... $ 33,430KKFord Disc......... $ 4,932Retail Cash........... $ 2,500Promotion Cash.... $ 1,000XLT Bonus Cash... $ 1,000†FMC Cash........... $ 1,000†Trade Cash Asst.. $ 1,0002011 Escape XLSSale Price$21,998 *MSRP.................... $ 17,240KKFord Disc....... $ 1,306 082011 Fiesta SE1.6L DOHC I4, 6-speed auto, 80watt prem. sound system,15” aluminum wheels. Stk. #129645.40 MPGSale Price$15,933 92*2011 F-250 Crew Cab LariatJohn and Ashley Torres of Bridgeport announce the birth ofa son, Jesse Gabriel, on Oct. 15, 20<strong>10</strong>, at <strong>Wise</strong> Regional HealthSystem in Decatur. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was20 inches long.Grandparents are Lynn and James Dake and Tina and WillieTorres.Great-grandparents are Bobbie and Acie Hobbs, Pura andWillie Torres, Ray and Fidencia Rodriguez and Sunny andHelen Killingsworth.Bridney Valentina VillanedaSept. 24, 20<strong>10</strong>Martin Villaneda and Cinthia Ibarro of Bridgeport announcethe birth of a daughter, Bridney Valentina Villaneda, on Sept.24, 20<strong>10</strong>, at North Texas Community Hospital in Bridgeport.She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long.She has two brothers, Martin Villaneda Jr., 6, and Victor Villaneda,4.For Your Eyes OnlyNEW TREATMENT FOR DIABETIC EYE DISEASEDiabetics can develop “diabetic retinopathy,” which involves damage to theblood vessels of the retina. While the damage persists, blood vessels in theretina begin to leak fl uid, leading to a condition known as “diabetic macularedema” (DME). As fluid collects in the macula (the central portion of the retina),blurred vision may progress to blindness. The good news for the nearly 45% ofdiabetics who are affected by this condition is that a new medication may bethe fi rst new treatment for DME in 25 years. Ranibizumab, which was initiallydeveloped to treat age-related macular degeneration, has also been found toimprove the vision of those with DME. This drug may be used in conjunctionwith laser treatment.Currently, the standard care for diabetic macular edema (DME) is laserphotocoagulation, which is used to seal leaky blood vessels in diabetics’ eyes.High blood-sugar levels can damage blood vessels in the retina, which senseslight and sends images to the brain. The damage to the retinal vessels iscalled diabetic retinopathy. Whether you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, it isimportant to maintain strict control of your blood sugar and have routine eyeexams. November is Diabetic Eye Disease Month. Please call us at 940-6<strong>26</strong>-0045 to schedule a comprehensive eye health examination that includesscreening for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. Our practiceis located at 2351 S. FM 51, Suite 200, Decatur.Drs. Lindsay and Michael Bond2.5L I4 engine, 6-speed automatic, Sync voice activationsystem. Stk. # KA55537MSRP................... $ 23,985KKFord Disc......... $ 2,487Retail Cash........... $ 1,000Promotion Cash.... $ 1,000Sale PriceMSRP................... $ 43,360KKFord Disc......... $ 5,360$19,498 *2011 Expedition XLT5.4L V8, 6-speed auto. OD, power liftgate, driver vision pkg.,HD trailer towing, rear view camera, leather seats Stk. # EF05501MSRP................... $ 44,735KKFord Disc......... $ 5,500Retail Cash........... $ 1,000Promotion Cash.... $ 1,000Sale Price$37,235 *Retail Cash........... $ 1,500Promotion Cash.... $ 1,000Trade-In Asst........ $ 1,000*All prices plus tax, title and license. † F-150 &* F-250 Trade Asst. requires 1995 or newer model trade-in. FMC Cash rebatesrequire fi nancing to qualifi ed buyers through Ford Motor Credit.US Hwy. 287 South, Decatur1-800-772-89286.2L V8, 6-speed auto., trailer towing pkg., 3.73 rear axle,chrome tubular cab steps, rear view camera. Stk. # EA12442MSRP................... $ 24,285KKFord Disc......... $ 2,597Promotion Cash.... $ 1,000Sale Price$34,500 *2011 Mustang V6 Coupe3.7L 4v V6, 6-speed auto., rear spoiler, exterior sport pkg.,side tape stripe. Stk. # 114979Sale Price$20,688 *www.klementford.com

4 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Community FocusThe Decatur High School Classes of 19<strong>26</strong> through 1950 reunion was held Saturday, Sept. 25, at First Baptist Church inDecatur.Submit YOURlocal news...www.wcmessenger.com/submitCLASSES 1932 TO 1939 — (from left to right) Donald Brown,class of 1932, Rex. A. Gage, class of 1935, Olivia Johnson,class of 1936, C.B. Hoyl Jr., class of 1937 and Annie LeeReeves Wood, class of 1939.LASSES 1942 AND 1943 — (from left to right) Class of942: W.B. Wooddruff, Mary Louise Gettys Woodruff, Gladysorner Smith, Doris Chandler Barrett, Theo Morris Wilson,aomi Paris Batis, Sarah “Chich” Brewer Terry and Maymeou Lasater Fletcher. Not pictured, class of 1943: Joyceolye Davenport and Kathleen Brown Forman.CLASSES 1940 AND 1941 — (from left to right) MargaretAnn Gettys Cude, class of 1940, and Bonnie Cook Rawlings,class of 1941. Not pictured: Marie Stokes Higgins and SammyRenshaw.CLASS OF 1944 — (from left to right) Charles B. Mecaskey,Emodine Spain Boydston and Robert Chesser.Small Town Feel With an Uptown Look!SecretariatMoviesSTARTFriday, Oct 29Movies & Times Subject To Change!!!Movie Line 940-627-5522NOW ON FACEBOOKALL STADIUM SEATING!Fri. - .....................................................2:00 ............. 4:30 .............. 7:00 .......... 9:30Sat. .......................................................2:00 ............. 4:30 .............. 7:00 .......... 9:30Sun .......................................................2:00 ............. 4:30 ............. 7:00Mon. - Thurs. Nov 1 - Nov 4 .................................... 4:30 ............. 7:00Life As We Know ItNow openin Decatur940.627.02<strong>26</strong>Only Sylvan can give your child personalizedlesson plans with individual tutoring fromcaring, certified teachers.Offering tutoring in all subject areas K-12Fri, Sat ............................................................................................. 7:<strong>10</strong> .......... 9:30Sun .................................................................................................. 7:<strong>10</strong>Mon. - Thurs. Nov 1 - Nov 4 .................................... 7:00RedFri, Sat .................................................. 2:15 ............. 4:45 .............. 7:15 .......... 9:30Sun ....................................................... 2:15 ............ 4:45 .............. 7:15Mon. - Thurs. Nov 1 - Nov 4 .................................... 4:45 ............. 7:15Paranormal Activity 2Fri, Sat .............................2:00 ............. 4:00 ............. 6:00 .............. 8:00 ........ <strong>10</strong>:00Sun ..................................2:00 ............. 4:00 ............. 6:00 .............. 8:00Mon. - Thurs. Nov 1 - Nov 4 ............... 4:00 ............. 6:00 .............. 8:00Pure Country 2 The GiftFri, Sat .................................................. 2:<strong>10</strong> ............. 4:40Sun ....................................................... 2:<strong>10</strong> ............. 4:40Mon. - Thurs. Nov 1 - Nov 4 .................................... 4:40PRE SALE TICKETS FOR HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HOLLOWSON SALE NOW FOR THE MIDNIGHT SHOWING NOV. 18, 20<strong>10</strong> • NOV. 5 “MEGAMIND”FM 51 South, Decatur • 940-627-5522 • Box Office Opens at 1:30 p.m.$7 Adults ~ $5 Seniors, Children 11 & under & Matinee • www.plazacinema4.comRepublican CandidateMANDY HOPKINS HAYSI want to put my conservative values, unbiased approach, and clear plan for this communityto work for you and your family. Just as I actively sought you out to personally ask youfor your vote, I will actively seek ways to better our community.If elected Justice of the Peace, I pledge:- To use a common sense approach with a careful and honorable handlingof the law.- To partner with school administration to implement initiatives to combattruancy and increase community involvement among our youth.- To build upon the professional foundation that is in place by continuing theopen door policy and working to create more access to the public throughtechnology. I will implement a web site that offers the public access to routineinformation and forms so that they have the opportunity to do business onlinerather than taking time off work. I will also implement software programs tomaximize offi ce effi ciency.- To use my fi scally conservative attitude in effectively managing the budgetof the office to ensure that every tax payer dollar is used wisely and withoutwaste.- To help families find the appropriate support services in light of mattersthat are brought before the court such as inquests, truancy, and otherfamily-based matters in an effort to minimize the adverse effect theseconcerns have on their lives.-MandyBring your Ghouls andGoblins by the <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, at 115South Trinity in Decatur onSunday, Oct. 31 from 5 to8 p.m. to have their phototaken by Joe Duty andreceive a FREE 4x5 print!• Graduated Magna Cum Laude from• Member, National Rifle AssociationTarleton State University• Former Member, Boyd Parks Committee• Texas Public School Teacher/Coach• Holder, TX License to Carry a• Teaching certifications in Reading, PhysicalConcealed HandgunEducation and ESL: currently teaching• Team leader, Apartment Life MinistriesResponse to Intervention at Paradise ISD.WWW.MANDYHAYSFORJP3.COM - MANDYHAYSFORJP3@YAHOO.COMPolitical ad paid by Mandy Hopkins Hays, Rebecca Parr, Treasurer

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong> 5CELEBRATIONS<strong>Messenger</strong> winsational awardsThe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> has earned threefirst-place awards in national journalism competition,presented Saturday, Oct. 2, at the NationalNewspaper Association convention in Omaha,Neb.The top awards included best sports feature byRichard Greene, best breaking news photo by JoeDuty and the <strong>Messenger</strong>’s annual fall sports preview.The <strong>Messenger</strong> also earned four second-placeawards for best feature series, best feature photo,best sports photo and best use of local photographyin ads.Honorable mentions included best serious columnand best sales promotion.Duty also helped the East Oregonian in Pendleton,Ore., win awards in photography. Former<strong>Messenger</strong> editor Skip Nichols is the editor at theEast Oregonian, and Duty has photographed theendleton rodeo the past two years.The East Oregonian won best photo essay andest feature photo and was also runner-up in genralexcellence.Greene’s feature on Northwest basketball playrTaelor Wine, “Heart of a Champion,” drew theseomments: “Excellent article – loved the transiionabout the surgery and her first game back.ade me cry!”Duty’s breaking news photo of fire victims elictedthis comment from the judge: “A compellinghoto that truly tells a story more than the flamesould tell.”Judges said of the fall sports section, “Whatgem this section is. The paper picked a movieheme for their high school football section andarried it out perfectly.”Second-place awards included the Simply Peoleseries, photographed by Duty with multipleriters; a rodeo feature photo; a sports photo ofvolleyball celebration; and an ad photo for StehensBastian and Cartwright - all shot by Duty.The <strong>Messenger</strong> was represented by owners Philnd Lesa Major and retired owners Roy and JeanineEaton. Mr. Eaton is a past president of theNA. Mr. Major serves as the NNA’s state legislaivechairman.SUDOKUComplete the Sudoku grid so that each row,each column, and each 3 by 3 box containsthe numbers 1 through 9. Numbers cannotbe duplicated in a row or a column.Boots CrossAuctioneer817-694-6035#16794It’sBasketballFISHJudy NorredAuctioneer817-995-3873#16795HometownAUCTION SERVICEHONESTY • LOYALTY •COMMITMENT940-683-2925Christmas/Consignment Auction9:30 a.m. Saturday, November 6, 20<strong>10</strong>95 Barnett Shale • Bridgeport, TX 764<strong>26</strong>See our website for details:www.hometownauctionservice.comTimefor <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Little DribblersPick up registration forms atyour area elementary schoolsPre-K through 4th GradeRegistration Deadline Nov. 12No Late Forms AcceptedPaige Ochoa • 817-996-7420DAYNOW IS THE TIME FOR STOCKING• 4-6” & 6-8” Channel Catfish • Bluegill (Coppernose & Hybrid)• Redear • Largemouth Bass • Black Crappie (If Avail.)• Fathead Minnows • KoiWe will service you at:AGvantage Farm & Ranch • Decatur, TXMon., Nov. 1 • 8 - 9 a.m.To pre-order call:Arkansas Pondstockers 1-800-843-4748Walk-ups WelcomeSubscribe todayand getthe restof thestory.❑ One Year In-<strong>County</strong> ................. $35❑ One Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> .......... $40❑ One Year Out-of-State ............. $45❑ Two Year In-<strong>County</strong> ................. $60❑ Two Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> .......... $70❑ Two Year Out-of-State ............. $80Name:________________________Address:___________________________________________________City:_________________________State:_________ Zip Code:_______Clip and mail to:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149 • 115 South TrinityDecatur, Texas 76234SUBSCRIBE ONLINE!www.wcmessenger.com/subscribeFriendly Service at Your LocalSears Hometown Store.Where shoppingrevolves around you 24/7Friday, October 29th thru Saturday, October 30th, 20<strong>10</strong>cookingspectacular50 % OFFall Kenmore ® ,Kenmore Elite ® &Kenmore Pro ® wall ovens 30 % OFFall other Kenmore ®cooking appliances ◆Offer excludes countertop microwaves, accessories, closeouts and EverydayGreat Price items. Offers good thru <strong>10</strong>/30/<strong>10</strong>.Purchase Four New Tires ByThese Manufacturers and Get$60 Or Get $ 25 Cash Back On thePurchase of Two New Tires *Excluding Dunlop, Kelly or RepublicFirst time participating inconsumer offers!Excluding GeneralLow Price Tire Guarantee:We will beat any competitor’s price!*Dealer Installed. Dunlop, Kelly, Republic and Uniroyal tires are not eligible for rebates. Sale ends11/30/<strong>10</strong>.20 % OFFall Craftsman ® powerlawn & garden andoutdoor storageOffer excludes Everyday Great Price items and generators.MonsterSale<strong>10</strong> % OFFYour neighborhood store - and so much more. Sears Hometown Store is the best of both worlds -the value, selection and services you want, right in your neighborhood.FOR AN EVEN GREATER SELECTION SHOP SEARS.COM BUY ONLINE, PICK-UP AT YOUR LOCAL SEARS STOREOwned and Operated by Name • Store address • Store hours • Phone numberHours: Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.Owned and Operated by Name • Store address • Store hours • Phone number**No interest offer applies to total lawn & garden purchases over $399 after discounts and coupons when you use aqualifying Sears card and account is kept in good standing. Offer not valid with Sears Commercial One ® and Sears HomeImprovement Accounts SM accounts. See below for Important Deferred Interest details. Offer good thru <strong>10</strong>/29 thru <strong>10</strong>/30/<strong>10</strong>.Owned and operated by Larry & Ida KirbyBus. 380 • Decatur, TXSat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.Phone: 940-627-6466PLUSNO INTERESTIF PAID IN FULLIN 12 MONTHS**on total lawn & gardenpurchases over $399 when youuse a qualifying Sears cardInterest will be charged to your accountfrom the purchase date if the purchasebalance is not paid in full within 12months or if you make a late payment.Offer good <strong>10</strong>/29 thru <strong>10</strong>/30/<strong>10</strong>.See below for importantfinancing offer details.all clearance, closeout, reconditioned& one-of-a-kind merchandiseOffer valid Friday <strong>10</strong>/29 and Saturday <strong>10</strong>/30/<strong>10</strong> only.On eligible items.Excludes Alaska.VISIT US ONLINE AT: SearsHometownStores.comDECATURSTORE NAMEIMPORTANT DEFERRED INTEREST DETAILS (WHEN OFFERED): FINANCE CHARGES accrue on a promotional purchase from the date of the purchase at the rate in effect fromtime to time and all accrued FINANCE CHARGES for the entire promotional period will be added to your account if the purchase is not paid in full by the end of the promotionalperiod or if you default under your card agreement. Making the minimum monthly payment will not pay off your promotional purchase in time to avoid FINANCE CHARGES.With credit approval, for qualifying purchases made on a Sears card (Sears Commercial One ® accounts excluded). Sears Home Improvement Account SM valid on installed salesonly. Offer is valid for consumer accounts in good standing and is subject to change without notice. May not be combined with any other promotional offer. Sears cards: APRup to 29.99%, but if your account has a variable APR, the APR is up to 29.99% as of 9/6/<strong>10</strong> and may vary. Lower rates may apply. MINIMUM INTEREST CHARGE: UP TO $2.An Annual Membership Fee of up to $59 may apply. See card agreement for details. Sears cards are issued by Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Sears Solutions cards are issuedby HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A. Offer is only valid for consumer accounts in good standing. See card agreement for rates and minimum payment information applicable to youraccount. For New Sears Card accounts: As of 9/6/<strong>10</strong>, APR for purchases 23.24%; Default APR 29.99% (rates may vary). Minimum FINANCE CHARGE: $2. See card agreementfor details including description of the minimum payment calculation and when the default rate applies. Offer is only valid for consumer accounts in good standing. See cardagreement for rates and minimum payment information applicable to your account. The Sears Card is issued by Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Sears Solutions Cards are issuedby HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A. Sears is a registered trademark of Sears Brands, LLC. Sale dates as noted on back unless otherwise indicated. This advertisement includes manyreductions, special purchases and items at our everyday low prices. Outlet stores excluded. Environmental surcharges extra.JA#0<strong>10</strong>C022

6 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Community FocusThe Decatur High School Classes of 19<strong>26</strong> through 1950 reunion was held Saturday, Sept. 25, at First Baptist Church inDecatur.Lunch $ 5 99 Mon.-Sat., 11a.m.-3:30p.m.Dinner $ 7 99 Mon.-Thurs., 4p.m.-9p.m.Friday & Saturday, 4p.m.-9:30p.m.Sunday All Day Dinner Buffet 11a.m.-9p.m.940-6<strong>26</strong>-2088<strong>10</strong>% SENIOR DISCOUNT OVER 62 YEARS203 N. US 287 • DecaturCLASS OF 1950 — (from left to right) Virginia StarnesWilliams and Dorothy Cocanougher Reid. Not pictured is BillHudson.CLASS OF 1945 — (from left to right) Veda Cooper Sherman,Arvel D. Toten and Rose Lee Little Sain.Low Cost Pet Vaccinations(All vaccine s available)Where: Tractor Supply1200 S. FM 51, Decatur1st Saturday of Every MonthLast date before winterSaturday, November 69 a.m. - 4 p.m.Will resume March 5Heartworm testing and preventativeFrontline plus fl ea control, andmicrochipping available.Veterinarian on premises.www.veterinarymedicalcare.netCLASS OF 1946 — (from left to right) Sam B. McClure, AllenCocanougher, George Ann Elder Brandon and Marion PriceStaples.CLASSES OF 1947, 1948 AND 1949 — Class of 1947: Alma J.Rasbury Walker, Alfred E. Greer, Sue J. Roberts Cocahougherand Anna M. Reeves Span. Class of 1948 (not pictured)William “Billy” Wheeler. Class of 1949: (not pictured) TommyWilliams, Dorrel Fred Jones and Marvin Oates.JAYNOVACEKATJAMES WOODTHIS SaturdayGM Showroom <strong>10</strong>:00-2:00Have your picture taken with the Cowboys’ 3-timeSuper Bowl legend. Talk hunting safety and football.ENDS SATURDAY:Test Drivea Silveradoto Get a FREE $30Cabela’s Gift CardWORLD’S FOREMOST OUTFITTERHunting • Fishing • Outdoor GearJAMES REMINDS YOU:“We Sure Need Your TruckTrade-in Worse than You Do”SAVETHOUSANDSDURING940-627-2177HOTDOGSANDCOLDDRINKSTRUCKMONTHMay The Best Car WinImage ©2006-2008 Jay Novacekjameswood.com

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong> 7Community FocusDOLLARS FROM DEALER— For at least a fourthconsecutive year, JamesWood Motors has presenteda $<strong>10</strong>,000 check to UnitedWay of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Doingthe honors in 20<strong>10</strong> for Woodare Carey Williams, left,Susan Miller and Roy Young,far right. RepresentingUnited Way are its campaignchairman and vice president,Andrew Sandford, and itsexeuctive director, MartinWoodruff. The total included$5,000 donated directlyby the dealership, plus the$5,000 that was raisedthrough the Kick to WinContest at the Battle ofthe Big Sandy betweenBridgeport and Decaturvarsity football teams. Woodhas dealerships in bothcommunities.Photo by Melinda BurkhartSubscribeOnline.Rick’s Metal Recycling3280 S Hwy <strong>10</strong>1 • Bridgeport, TX940-683-3770TOP PRICE ACCURATE WEIGHTON ALL METALS• Short Iron $180/ Ton• Long Iron/Tin $155/Ton• Car Bodies w/title$155/Tonwww.wcmessenger.com/subscribe• Aluminum Cans 65¢/lb• #1 Copper $3.00/lb• #2 Copper $2.75/lbMon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.BIG BROTHERSAND SISTER— Fans of allages lined upoutside Nutrition<strong>Wise</strong> Oct. 13 tomeet the realitytelevisionseries“Big Brother”cast membersHayden Moss,Decatur residentLane Elenburg andBritney Haynes.Pictured with thecast members areNutrition <strong>Wise</strong>owners Dannyand ShemaneWatts. Elenburgwas runner-up toMoss.The Award WinningWEATHERFORD COLLEGE JAZZ BANDDirected by Cal LewistonTuesday, Nov. 2at 7 p.m.In the Auditorium at307 S. Cates St.Decatur, Texas<strong>Messenger</strong> photoby Joe DutySaturday, Oct. 30th6:00 - 8:00pmEVERYONE WELCOME!!!<strong>10</strong>4 S. Miller in Decatur940-627-3362www.DecaturMethodist.org115 S. Trinity, Decatur 940-627-5987This Brand We TrustSaves You The MostOrder Onlineatmessengerofficesupply.comBECAUSE QUALIFICATIONS MATTERI have said throughout that it is not about the character of either candidate but rather about the qualifi cations. You compare andyou decide who should serve you as Justice of the Peace Pct.#3.• Bachelor of Applied Arts & Science, UNT• Masters Peace Officers License, 22 yrs Law EnforcementExperience, 17 yrs Police Supervision and Administration.Supervising more than 60 employees including Patrol, Jail, andAnimal Control. Prepared divisional budgets in excess of $5million and responsible for the spending and accounting of thosebudgets. Experienced with the responsibility of conductinginternal investigations and administering discipline. Possess inexcess of 1,500 hrs certifi ed training with the Texas Commissionon Law Enforcement Offi cers Standards and Education• Courtroom experience preparing and testifying before courts incases ranging from misdemeanors to capital felonies.• Teaching Certification in Special Education with ESLendorsement currently teaching the In-School Suspension/Disciplinary Alternative Education ProgramKEN MURRAYMANDY HAYS• Bachelor of Science, Tarleton State University• Dedicated church member with over 12 years as Middle andHigh school religious education instructor and past Director ofReligious Education. Currently lector, usher and member of theFinance Council• Community volunteer with Boyd Youth Assn., Boyd BandBoosters, Boyd 4H, Boyd FFA, and Boyd Area Buyers Assn.• Small farm and business owner working with horses, cattleand hay.• Combination of professional experience and an intimateknowledge and understanding of the people of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>,I understand the uniqueness of the people I will serve.• For a full biography and to get more information visit ourFacebook or Web page:www.kenmurray4wisecountyjp3.embarqspace.com• Texas Public School Teacher/ Coach, 6 years, Current position Substitute teacher @ Paradise Elem. School, UIL Director inOral Reading, Member Campus Assessment Team, member of the Curriculum Development Committee at Irving ISD.• Community Service, Volunteer: AnySoldier.com, Red Ribbon Drug Awareness Campaign, VBS Teacher, Food DriveCampaign, Mid-Cities Church of Christ, Member; Boyd Parks Committee, Sponsor for FCA.• Personal, Married <strong>10</strong> years, three children, member NRA, member Springtown Church of Christ, Holder of CHL.IT TAKES MORE THAN SIGNS AND A DESIRE TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY. IT TAKES EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS.VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE.VOTE FOR QUALIFICATIONS.VOTE KEN MURRAY, FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PCT.3Political ad paid for by Ken Murray for Justice of the Peace Pct. 3 Treasurer: David A Pearson IV

8 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Health and FitnessPumpkins provide a taste of fallBy TANYA DAVIS<strong>Wise</strong> Co. Extension AgentIt is fall, and thoughtsturn to pumpkin pie and toHalloween jack-o-lanterns.But, can you use a pumpkinfor both a jack-o-lantern andfor eating?I am asked that everyyear by those who want toprepare fresh pumpkin foruse in making pies, cookiesand cakes. The informationbelow will give you helpfulhints if this is your first efortin preparation of pumpkin.Oh, how I lovethe taste of pumpkinpie this timeof year! It is anexcellent sourceof nutrients. Thebright orangecolor is a dead<strong>Wise</strong> NotesforConsumersgiveaway thatpumpkin is loadedwith an importantantioxidant, betacarotene.Currentresearch indicatesthat a diet rich infoods containing beta-carotenemay reducethe risk of developingcertaintypes of cancerand offers protectionagainst heartdisease.Here are tips onpreparing a pumpkinto make pie.Work on a cleansurface. Beforecutting, wash theouter surface ofthe pumpkin thoroughlywith cooltap water to remove anySUDOKU SOLUTIONSsurface dirt that could betransferred to the inside ofthe pumpkin during cutting.Remove the stem witha sharp knife and cut thepumpkin in half. Scoop outthe seeds and scrape awayall of the stringy mass. It’s amessy job, but it will pay off.Rinse in cold water.The pumpkin should becooked in one of three ways:boiled, baked in an oven ormicrowaved.With the boiling/steamingmethod: Cut the pumpkininto rather large chunks.Place pieces in a large potwith a cup of water. The waterneeds not to cover thepumpkin pieces. Cover thepot and boil 20 to 30 minutesor until tender, or steam <strong>10</strong>LAW OFFICES OFSTEVEN M. WILLIAMS• Criminal Law• Family Law• Personal Injury & Accidents• Civil Litigation• Auto/Truck Accidents• On the Job Injuriesto 12 minutes. Check fordoneness by poking witha fork. Drain the cookedpumpkin in a colander.With the oven method:Continued on page <strong>10</strong>802 W. Bus. Hwy 380(Next to Dairy Queen)Decatur, TX 76234940-627-6060“We’ll Fight For Your Rights”30 Years Experience - State Bar of Texas Memberwww.stevenmwilliams.comFREE INITIAL CONSULTATIONDecatur Pee WeeBasketballSIGN UPS5th & 6th grade boys & girlsWASPick up forms at:Decatur Intermediate SchoolRann, Carson, or Young ElementaryAMMIN’ THRU 20<strong>10</strong>s 940-6<strong>26</strong>-8116Deadline - Nov. 1Contact Paula or Mark Gravesfor more information:O MAKE ROOM FOR NEW940-389-2414 or 940-389-2561decaturpeeweebasketball@hotmail.comRAMMING THRU 20<strong>10</strong>STO MAKE WAY FOR 2011s,NOW ARRIVING DAILY!RIGHT ON THE CORNER (US287/US380) • RIGHT ON THE PRICE!GENERAL MANAGER Orders 20<strong>10</strong>s Off The Lot!DROP TAG SALE20<strong>10</strong> CREWCAB20<strong>10</strong> HEMICHARGER R/T *Zero DownANDZero for 72$499A MONTH W.A.C.ZEROHere are3 examples ofTremendous SavingsWHEN FINANCINGTHROUGH GMAC20<strong>10</strong> CREWCABRAM 1500 *WAS$36,975REDUCED TO$29,9722011 LARAMIE4X4MEGA 3500 *WAS$57,920REDUCED$51,976LOADED DIESEL WITH LEATHER72LONE STAR WITH LOTS OF EXTRAS!FOR Available on Selected 20<strong>10</strong>sAPR UPTO Months for a LIMITED TIME ONLY w.a.c.RIGHT ON THE CORNER (US287/US380) • RIGHT ON THE PRICE!US 287 North, Decatur • 940-627-6700 • 817-430-8416SALES: 8:00-7:00 Monday-Friday 8:00-6:00 Saturday SERVICE & PARTS: 7:30-6:00 Monday-Friday*TAX, TITLE, LICENSE, EXTRA. Tranactions are With Approved Credit. All applicable incentives and dealer discounts apply. Prices do not include dealer adds. “Was” price is MSRP. RAM 1500: #39-<strong>10</strong>282.RAM 3500: #81-1<strong>10</strong>14. CHARGER: #80-<strong>10</strong>031. MSRP: $36,760. Selling price: $33,646. ZERO APR: 72 payments of $14.41 per $1,000 financed. Down payment may be required.PRICES BASED ON VEHICLES BEING FINANCED THRU GMACLearn More at klementcjd.com

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong> 9OutdoorPink caladiums looking greenBy NEIL SPERRYDear Neil: What causescaladiums that are supposedto be mostly pink to turn outmostly dark green with onlya bit of pink?There are at least threepossible causes. If you growcaladiums in extremelyheavy shade they’ll losemuch of their foliage color.If you apply a high-nitrogenfertilizer to stimulate productionof more leaves, it oftencauses the leaves to losemuch of their variegation.Also, it’s also possible thatyou got a different variety.There are so many types,all with different color patterns.Dear Neil: What is the reallyshort weed with milkystems, and will 2,4-D kill it?That’s spurge, and, yes,weedkillers containing 2,4-D will kill it handsomely.You’ll have to hand-treatear desirable broadleafedlants, however. You mightven try a glyphosate maerialspot-treated onto thepurge if it’s growing inare-ground areas.For the record, spurge islmost through for this seaon.You probably shouldjust address things earliernext year. Actually, scrapingit out with a hoe isn’tall that difficult. Follow thatwith a 1-inch layer of mulch,and your problems shouldbe minimal.Dear Neil: My Arizonaash has lost its leaves in anunusual manner this fall.Half the tree wentbare in early September,and theother half is turningyellow now,at a more normaltime. What mighthave caused that?Very likely ithas borers. Theytunnel throughthe wood of thetrunk, cutting offsupply lines to theleaves. When theyget bad enough, part or allof the tree will die. Arizonaash trees’ life expectancy inTexas, unfortunately, is lessthan <strong>10</strong> years. Some treeswill live much longer, butothers will die very youngbecause of the borers.You can try a borer preventivespray on four weekintervals next growing season,but it probably won’tmake a lot of difference atthis point. For the record,it’s also possible that thereis some type of injury to thetrunk or root system. Take acloser look.Dear Neil: What shouldI do with a moth orchid?I was given one for my anniversary,and I don’t wantanything bad to happen to it.How much light and waterdo they need, and what do Iuse to fertilize it?Phalaenopsis orchids dobest in bright indoor light(near an east window, forexample). Keep it in a porouspotting medium so thatits large, fleshyroots won’t staywaterlogged. Usea diluted, watersolubleorchidspecialty fertilizerwith each watering.Gardener’sMailbagThey bloomabout the sametime each year,with many typeshitting their peaksin the springtime.Still, you’ll findthem offered in full bloom ingarden shops at other times,too. The best news is that it’sone of the easiest and prettiestof all the orchid types.Dear Neil: Will you pleasetell me how to get my trumpetvine to bloom? I have severalDecatur, TX3936 South Highway 287, Suite 4940-6<strong>26</strong>-8032plants, and this is the secondyear with no flowers.Trumpet vines need fullsun, rather impoverishedsoil (avoid any nitrogen fertilizersnear them), and amplemoisture. Avoid heavypruning that would promotestrong regrowth at the expenseof flowers.Dear Neil: I have a mulberrytree that came up volunteerin my yard severalyears ago. It produces quantitiesof delicious fruit everyspring, and the birds flock inby the score. Are there anydrawbacks to it in my landscape?Fruiting mulberries areactually very nice trees, solong as you can plant themwhere they won’t stain patios,walks and driveways.Otherwise, just take normalgood tree care of it, andit should last you for manyyears.Dear Neil: I am frustratedwith my bromeliads. They’rethe broad-leafed type withvariegated leaves and exoticpink and lavender flowers.For 15 years now they havegrown well, but no blooms.What am I doing wrong?I have them indoors overthe winter and on a shadedporch during the summer.By now you probably havea good many plants fromthose original parents. Whydon’t you try giving some ofthe plants more light thanNOWOPEN!DOGGIE BOUTIQUEHOME DECORBABY BOUTIQUEthey’ve been getting. Mostfolks find their bromeliadsbloom best when they’rekept in morning sun most ofthe year. Many types bloomin late winter and spring,so yours may have been seriouslydeficient in light atthat very important time.!Have a question you’dlike Neil to consider? Mailit to him in care of the <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>, P.O. Box149, Decatur, TX 76234 or e-mail him at mailbag@sperrygardens.com.Neil regretsthat he cannot reply to questionsindividually.The Update is just a wcmessenger.com/updatesimple click awayINSPIRATIONALWOMEN’S CLOTHINGWESTERN DIVAComing Soon: Teen Department.120 E. Main • Decatur(Across from the Post Office)940-627-3808Hours: Tues - Fri <strong>10</strong> a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sat 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.SEE ALL OUR PRE-OWNED AT KLEMENTCJD.COMJEEPS, CARS, DIESELS & MORE!06 WRANGLER XSoft-top Jeep 4x4. #P142308 COMMANDER 4X4Biggest, roomiest Jeep. #P1396<strong>10</strong> F-150 CREW4X4Ultimate Ford Lariat! #<strong>10</strong>298A06 NISSAN MAXIMA3.5SE with 56,000 miles.. #1<strong>10</strong>03A07 PT CRUISERConvertible with 32K miles. #P143209 PONTIAC G8Very sporty sedan. Leather. P1411A07 JEEP UNLIMITEDWrangler 4-door Sahara. #P143508 WRANGLER XSoft-top Jeep 4x4. #P138903 GMC 1500Regular cab SLE. #P1401B06 DODGE STRATUS4-door with 40,000 miles. #<strong>10</strong>086A08 DODGE AVENGER4-door. 30,000 miles! #R1403<strong>10</strong> CHALLENGERSilver Dodge coupe SE. #P1418<strong>10</strong> FORD FLEXConvenient crossover! #<strong>10</strong>317A09 GRAND CHEROKEEExtra-nice Laredo. #P138008 QUAD15004X4Ram Lone Star. 32K miles. #<strong>10</strong>184C09 RAM CREW 1500Loaded Hemi Laramie. P140709 RAM QUAD 1500SLT with 34,000 miles. P141509 DODGE 1500Newest-style Red Regular Cab! P139209 TOWN & COUNTRYChrysler minivan. #P1417DODGE JOURNEYBrick red SE. #P140908 PACIFICAChrysler family utility vehicle. #P138208 QUADCAB 1500White Ram Hemi Lone Star. #<strong>10</strong>293A07 QUADCAB 1500Lone Star with 38,000 miles. P142405 DODGE 2500Regular Cab DIESEL. #R1378<strong>10</strong> CREW 3500 4X4Ram DIESEL. SLT Leather. #P142508 QUAD3500 4X4Ram DIESEL. 52,000 miles. #P142007 QUAD3500 4X4Ram LWB Big Horn. DIESEL. #P141907 QUAD2500 4X4Khaki Ram DIESEL SLT. #<strong>10</strong>278A07 QUAD2500 4X4Dodge DIESEL Lone Star. #P143<strong>10</strong>8 QUAD2500 4X4Dodge DIESEL Big Horn. #P1373940-627-6700US 287 North, DecaturSALES: 8-7:00 Mon.-Fri. • 8-6:00 Sa.*Tax, title license extra. With approved credit.Prices do not include dealer adds.RIGHT ON THE CORNER (US287/US380) • RIGHT ON THE PRICE!

<strong>10</strong> ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>BooksCROSSWORD PUZZLEDon’t fear digital booksBy KRISTEN TRIBEI’ll admit it. Ebooks giveme anxiety.Although I realize thisis the inevitabledestination of thepublishing world,I’ve been slow toadapt. I’ve fiddledaround with an e-reader, but whilePumpkinsprovide aaste of fall ...Continued from page 8Place pumpkin halves, cutside down, on a large cookiesheet. Bake at 350 degreesF for one hour or until forktender.With the microwave method:Place halves cut-sidedown on a microwave-safeplate or tray. Cook on highfor 15 minutes; check fordoneness. If necessary continuecooking at 1-2 minuteintervals until fork tender.Now we’re ready to preparethe puree.When the pumpkin is coolenough to handle, removethe peel using a small sharpknife and your fingers. Putthe peeled pumpkin in a foodprocessor and puree, or usea food mill, strainer or potatomasher to form a puree.Don’t let your cooked pumpkinsit at room temperaturelonger than two hours in theprocess of making puree.Now the puree is ready tobe used to create your favoritepumpkin dishes!For information on foodsafety and nutrition, callthe <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Extensionoffice at (940) 627-3341.Bookendspushing buttonsand gazing at thescreen, I missedthe aesthetic pleasuresof a realbook.But I realizethat while my“real” books maybe my treasure,the digital formats are themedium in which I will likelybe working and readingon a day-to-day basis in thefuture.Until this point, ebooksmay have seemed out ofreach or intimidating tomany, but librarian CeciliaBarham at the DecaturPublic Library is hoping tochange that and ensure that<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> readers keepup with publishing trends.Patrons will soon be ableto check out ebooks anddownloadable audio booksfrom the library, and lastweek she gave me a sneakpeek of the system.Barham began consideringthe digital plunge lastspring, and after a lot ofresearch, legwork and finetuningthe site, she expectsit to “go live” by mid-November.Even though Barham admitsshe prefers a real bookin some cases, she said, “atthe end of the day, there isno way I can deny that thisis the direction books are goingto go.“I think it’s part of the futureof literacy and readingin libraries, and we can’t beleft behind,” she said. “Andwe can’t let the communitybe behind because we’re notleading the way.”As part of the North TexasRegional Library System(NTRLS), Barham hadthe opportunity to join theNorth Texas Overdrive Consortium,which gives the Decaturlibrary, along with 13others, access toa collection of 400ebooks and 2,182audio books.Overdrive is thesoftware used todistribute digitalbooks, and the consortiumprogramallowed Barhamto have access tothe software fora greatly reducedprice. New releasesand bestsellerswill be added tothe collection everymonth, and Barham saidif there are leftover funds,that money will be used topurchase “special request”titles from specific libraries.The ebooks or audio bookscan be downloaded to yourcomputer and put on a Sonye-reader, iPad, nook, iPod,and most smart phones.The software is not compatiblewith Amazon’s Kindlebecause the company is notworking with library vendorsto distribute content.But even if you don’t havean e-reader, you can read thebooks directly on your computer,whether it’s a Mac orPC, and you can even burnthe audio books to CD if youdon’t have an iPod.Barham said just like aphysical book, these itemscan only be checked out toone person at a time, butholds can also be placed onitems, just like with thingsRABIDHALLOWEENFestSaturday, Oct. 30 • 9am-1pm<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Animal Shelterwill offer a rabies clinic andfestival activities.• Games • Food• Vendors • Bounce HousePrizes for Pet and OwnerHalloween Costumesfrom the regular stacks.Barham walked methrough a checkout, and theprocess seemed intuitive.The site will be accessiblefrom a link on the library’smain page, and it resemblesa book-buying site withbooks divided into categories.Users will log into the systemwith their library cardnumber and PIN number.To get started, everyone hasto download the Overdrivesoftware and Adobe DigitalEditions, which is easy withstep-by-step instructions.Each checkout is for twoweeks, and at the end of thattime, the title “disappears”from your device.In addition to checking outbooks through Decatur PublicLibrary, there will also bea links to Project Gutenbergand Blio, two other siteswith digital content.Barham said like any libraryservice, she and herstaff will support it <strong>10</strong>0 percent,and they will be able toguide patrons through theprocess.“It is the way reading isgoing to go,” she said. “If wecan make it accessible, thenwhen it’s the most commonway, people won’t be afraidof it.”!Kristen Tribe is assistanteditor at the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Messenger</strong>. Her blog,“Shelf Space,” can be foundat www.wcmessenger.com/shelfspace, and you can e-mail her at ktribe@ wcmessenger.com.For information about this or pet adoptions, call Tammy Loomis:940-627-7577 or visit us online at www.sheriff.co.wise.tx.usBRIDGEPORTWILD GAMEPROCESSINGAvailable duringArchery and Rifle Seasons940.391.9153• New & Used Guns• Consignments Welcome• Archery• Bow Tuning• Reloading Supplies• Gunsmithing & Gun Cleaning940.683.17771691 W. US HWY. 380 • BRIDGEPORTGUNS &AMMOBRIDGEPORTIRON & METALWE PAY TOPPRICESFOR ALL METALSCans- 65¢/lb • #1 Short Iron -$170/ton 5ft. or lessState Certified Scales * Accurate WeightsOPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Open Saturday8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.3<strong>26</strong>1 S. HWY <strong>10</strong>1 • BRIDGEPORT • 940-683-2005The <strong>Messenger</strong>Classifieds...Measuring up to your expectations one ad at a time.Buy Here/Pay Here!E-Z Approvals/E-Z Terms01 F-150 Super Crew 07 Impala 4-Door 01 Dodge SLT 1/2 ton06 Dodge RamOnly 38k02 Windstar Van09 Sebring 4-Door83k06 Toyota Corolla03 Explorer XLT3rd seat, rear air02 Suburban LS05 F-150 Super Crew XLT99 Chevy Suburban05 Saturn Vue02 Ford Escape 07 Jeep Compass CUV 05 Escape XLT00 Volkswagen Beetle05 Grand MarquisLeather, 89k06 Corolla 4-Door*Down Payment Required - See Dealer for DetailsAll financed cars and trucks carry a “Limited Warranty Plan” up to 24 months.(Some limitations apply. Ask for details.)WISE PRE-OWNEDOPEN: Monday - Friday 8-6 and Saturday 9-3US Hwy. 287 North in Decatur940-627-51644WD

®MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICEHOUSINGOPPORTUNITY®LISTING SERVICECLASSIFIED GOLDReal Estate for Sale Rentals Employment Services Farm and Ranch• Real Estate for Sale• Acreage• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplexes• Homes• Lots• Mobile Homes• Wanted to Buy• Apartments• Business Property• Condos/Town Homes• Duplex Housing• Homes• Mobile Homes• Rooms• Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots• For Lease• Wanted to Rent• Wanted to Lease• Facilities• Storage Buildings• Business Opportunity• EmploymentInformation• Adult/Elderly Care• Childcare• Food Service• Medical/Dental• Miscellaneous• Offi ce• Retail/Sales• Trades• Work Wanted• Childcare• Adult/Elderly Care• Business• Housecleaning• Let Me Fix It• Miscellaneous• TutoringPets Merchandise for Sale Transportation Announcements Notices• Pets• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud Services• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• Auctions• Boats• Cars• Recreational Vehicles• Trucks• Accessories• Trailers• Wanted to Buy• Card of Thanks• Let’s Swap• Lost & Found• Personal• WantedALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong> 11CALL 940-627-5987& GET RESULTS!WCMESSENGER.COM/CLASS• Farm Equipment • Livestock Stud Service• Fencing• Livestock Supplies• Lawn & Garden • Miscellaneous• Livestock• Mowing• Livestock Care/ • Pasture & FeedTraining • Poultry• Livestock Lost & Found• Legal Notices• Public NoticesBusiness HoursMonday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Deadlines:Line Ads:<strong>Thursday</strong> Issue: <strong>10</strong> a.m. TuesdaySunday Issue: <strong>10</strong> a.m. FridayClassifi ed Gold: <strong>10</strong> a.m. FridayReal Estate and Classified Display:<strong>Thursday</strong> Issue: 3 p.m. <strong>Thursday</strong>Sunday Issue: 3 p.m. TuesdayClassifi ed Gold: 3 p.m. WednesdaySpecial Offers:Business Services: Place a paid ad forfour weeks in the Business Services classification of the <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>for $50. Receive a bold heading and thefi fth week is FREE. Run the same ad inClassifi ed Gold for an additional $32 forfi ve weeks (price based on 20 words orless ad).For Sale: Place a paid ad with a boldheadline for two weeks for $25, and ifyou don’t sell your item at the end of twoweeks, you’ll receive the next two weeksFREE. Run the same ad in Classifi ed Goldfor an additional $16 for four weeks (pricebased on 20 word or less ad).Classified Advertising Policy:Classifi ed ads for the Sunday/<strong>Thursday</strong>edition are $12 per week for 20 words orless (each additional word is 60¢). Runthe same ad in Classifi ed Gold for anadditional $8 per week (20 words or less;each additional word is 40¢).Error Responsibility:Customers are asked to check their ad immediatelyafter it appears in the paper andreport at once any error found. Claims foradjustment should be made at that time.The <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> is responsiblefor an incorrect ad only the fi rst time itruns, so check your ad carefully.Classified Gold goes into 21,000additional homes.Payments:In person:115 South Trinity St., DecaturBy mail:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>P.O. Box 149Decatur, TX 76234-0149REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENTEMPLOYMENTAcreage1.43 ACRE LOTBayette Street, in Alvord city limits.Heavily wooded. $17,000.(940)393-3666.14 ACRESa few miles south of Decatur off FM51 South. Water well, septic & electricityin place. (940)399-8183.4 ACRESZion Estates, Rhome. Restrictedcommunity. $51K (817)676-1978.FOUR WOODED <strong>10</strong>-ACRE LOTS$65,000/each, <strong>10</strong>% down, <strong>10</strong>%owner finance. Restricted, CR3451,Paradise. (940)393-<strong>10</strong>20.PRIME 98 ACRES ON CR1349!PRICED TO SELL!Beautiful land suitable formultiple homesites, currentlyhas lush Coastal Bermuda.Big Sandy Creek on the Eastside. Worth a drive! From Hwy380, go North on 1655, East on1349 1/4 mile! (Bridgeport is3.5 miles!) Call me for the gatecode.Royce Knox(817) 456-2700 EQUALHomes$500 MOVE-IN$1,000 CASH BACKAFTER CLOSINGNew 3-5 bedroom brick homes.Payments as low as $850/month.FREE washer/dryer, refrigerator, 2”blinds & closing costs on selecthomes. $24,000 tax credit still available.Credit issues OK.(817)887-0764.2-STORY HOMEFSBO in Bowie on WagonsellerRoad. 3/3 on 3-acres, 3 miles fromt o w n . ( 9 4 0 ) 8 7 2 - 4 7 4 3 o r(940)841-0488.3-BEDROOM, 2-BATHCH/A, carport w/11.7 acres, fenced,in coastal; 4-stall horse barn, storag e b u i l d i n g . $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 .(940)507-1778.BIG HOUSE ON PRAIRIE4-bedroom, 2-bath, family room,mini ranchette, acres. $199/down,$701/month. Decatur schools.(940)6<strong>26</strong>-4334.COZY 2/1/1in Alvord on +/- an acre. Pecantrees, convenient to town andschools. $59K. Call (325)647-8853or (940)389-1801.FOR SALE OR RENT2/1 house on 2 lots, big yard, verywell kept, H/AC. Decatur.$ 7 5 0 / m o n t h o r $ 6 9 , 9 0 0 .(940)399-7<strong>10</strong>6.FSBO HOME AT 1508 VINE ST.Bridgeport. 1/2 block from MiddleSchool, 2 blocks from ElementarySchool. 3-bedroom, 1.5-bath, 1-cargarage, concrete patio w/steel roof,2 small outbuildings, large fencedlot. Estate. Call for appointment,(940)627-6188, (214)460-9246,(214)460-4<strong>10</strong>3.GREAT PLACEto raise your family in the country!29 acres, brick, 5/3, gameroom,50’x30’ workshop, coastal & on apaved road in Bowie. $335,000.Evans & Associates Realty,owner/broker, (940)841-<strong>10</strong>72.KOZY KOTTAGE3-bedroom, 2-bath, privacy galore.$99/down, $599/month. EZ qualify!!!(940)6<strong>26</strong>-4334.All real estate advertising in thisnewspaper is subject to the FairHousing Act which makes it illegalto advertise “any preference, limitationor discrimination based onrace, color, religion, sex, handicap,familial status or national origin,or an intention, to make any suchpreference, limitation or discrimination.”Familial status includes childrenunder the age of 18 living withparents or legal custodians, pregnantwomen and people securing custodyof children under 18.PUBLISHER’S NOTICE:NEW HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYSBrand new brick homes on acreage.$1,069/month, total payment. <strong>10</strong>0%financing available. (817)733-3444.SPACIOUS 3-BEDROOM2-bath home on 3 acres, secludedhilltop view, pond, meadow, fireplace,vaulted ceilings. Financingavailable with low down payment.(972)978-1686VERY PRETTY3-bedroom, 2-bath, updated homewith 3-stall barn; 2-bedroom, 2-bathbarn apartment on 6.5 acres ormore. Can be sold separately.$2<strong>10</strong>,000. (940)627-<strong>26</strong>82.LotsFSBO, RUNAWAY BAY LOTHaynie Dr. 90'x135' residential lotwith trees. Asking $2,450/OBO.Seller will pay 50% closing costs.(806)683-9317.Mobile Homes3-BEDROOM, 2-BATHnew double wide on 4-acres inBoyd, off Highway 114. FSBO.$150,000. (817)228-5638.4/2, 2004 OAK CREEKmobile home, 1,804 square feet,2-living areas, excellent condition,all appliances included. $46,500.Must be moved. (817)597-8402.MOBILE HOME MUST GO!3/2, repairs needed, must bem o v e d . $ 2 , 5 0 0 / O B O .(940)577-9755.OWNER FINANCENO BANKSNewark area, low monthly payments.2/2, 14x56, $17,000. 2/2,14x68, $17,500. 2/2, 14x56,$15,000. (682)286-0693. Agent,0036227.RBMOBILEHOMES.COMMove, set-ups, re-levels. In & out ofstate. Licensed, bonded, insured.R e p o s . F r e e e s t i m a t e s .(940)683-5547. RBI #36191.WILLIAMS MOBILE HOME SERV.Best deal on moving, set up &trim-outs. Bonded, licensed & insured.(940)433-3117.RENTAApartments$300/DEPOSIT2/1 apartment in Chico.$600/month. No pets. Call(940)644-2713 or (817)929-1930.BRIDGEWOODExecutive SuitesBridgeport, TXApartments That Feel LikeHome1,2 & 3 BedroomsAvailable940-536-9346www.BridgewoodExecutiveSuites.comCabins, cottages & efficiency apartmentsfor rent in Boyd area. Excellentlocation. (940)433-3133.This newspaper will not knowinglyaccept any advertising forreal estate which is in violation ofthe law. Our readers are herebyinformed that all dwellings advertisedin this newspaper are availableon an equal opportunity basis. Tocomplain of discrimination callHUD toll-free at1-800-669-9777. Thetoll-free telephonenumber for thehearing impaired is1-800-927-9275.RENTALS• Apartments • BusinessProperty • Condos/TownHomes • Duplex Housing• Homes • Mobile Homes •Rooms • Roommate Wanted• Spaces & Lots • For Lease •Wanted to Rent • Wanted toLease • Facilities • StorageBuildingsEQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITYBridgeport Housing Authority is nowaccepting applications for 3-bedroomapartments. (940)683-27<strong>10</strong>;1508 Cobb Street, Bridgeport;Tues.-Thur., 8a.m.-4p.m.Business propertyThe ElegantTouchBe your own Boss!Now leasing stations forDay SpaNail TechsandEsthetician’sContact Jodi at940-627-6362SPACE FOR RENTRetail/office in historic building offDecatur square. New paint & carpet,display window. Call Robin,(940)627-8080.Quality space for lease. Great location,medical/office. 3,368 squarefeet available. Call (940)627-2778for information.Condos, town homesRUNAWAY BAYlovely 1-bedroom condo, view of thelake, all appliances included, HOAswiming-pool. $500/month + deposit.Call Maria at (972)834-8111.Runaway Bay, 1-bedroom, 1-bathcondo. $575/month, $500/deposit.Call Donna, (940)389-1615.Homes2/2, Bridgeport ISD. $550/month,$200/deposit. (817)688-3586.“Timeless Elegance”www.spenceproperties.com701 N. TrinityDecatur - 2/1AVAILABLE NOWWasher/Dryer/RefrigeratorNew Carpet, Small Storage Shed$795/month • $400/deposit406 E. AshDecatur - 3/2/1AVAILABLE NOV. 1$1,050/month • $525/deposit940-372-0634MULTIPLE3-bedroom, 1.5-bath home in Decatur.$1,050/month, $950/deposit. Nopets, references required.(817)504-2751.CALL CANNON REALTYfor all your rental needs. 3-bedroom,2-bath Decatur and 1-bedroomc o n d o R u n a w a y B a y .(940)368-1811.For lease, Alvord, 3/1, large cornerlot, fenced, $695/month, $500/deposit.Also, for sale, $59,900 or rentto own. (817)764-9996,foresightmgmt.frontdesk@gmail.com.Home for rent, Decatur. 3-bedroom,1-bath, 502 West Main Street.$775/month plus $700/deposit.CH/A, updated, fenced. Call(817)439-8893.HOUSE FOR RENT3/2, 2-car garage, privacy fencedbackyard. 300 S. Trenchard, Decatur$1,<strong>10</strong>0/month. (940)627-9981.Mobile Homes2-bedroom, 1-bath, $525/month.2-bedroom, 2-bath, $600/month.Located in Chico. Call Kevin,(719)660-5992.2-bedroom, 1-bath, CH/A, newfloors, brick garage/storage building,washer/dryer/trash pick up included.3/4 acre, 13 miles NE Decatur.$600/month. (940)466-9702.Nice 3/2 double wide for rent, soutof Boyd. No pets. $650/month,$650/deposit. (682)552-6442.Nice 3/2, 16X80 mobile home forrent in country, 8 miles north of Decaturon CR2320. $650/month. Noindoor pets allowed. First and lastmonth rent due in advance. DecaturISD. Call (940)393-8957.Spaces & lotsSUNSET RV PARKCentrally located between Decatur,Bridgeport, Bowie on Highway 287.Full hook-ups, free laundry, freewireless Internet. (940)845-2007.EMPLOYMEmployment information!!ATTENTION!!Advertising under this classificationis normally not a bona fideopportunity. Typically, companiesadvertising here offer informationabout potential employment.Some are selling this information.We suggest that ourreaders thoroughly investigatethese advertisers before investingany money.ChildcareEMPLOYMENTDaycare teachers needed. Apply inperson, 1403 Hovey Street, Bridgeport.(940)683-5620.First Baptist Church Learning Centerof Alvord is seeking a Christiandaycare teacher to work Mon.-Fri.,full-time. Possible part-time position.Must be dependable & love children.Competitive pay. Please callLori, (940)427-5740, for interview.FOR SALE3,000 sq. ft. commercial building withrestaurant equipment on 3 acres. Locatedon corner of N. Hwy 287 & CR 1591 nearAlvord, TX. Also includes 2,<strong>10</strong>0 sq. ft.modular home. Zero down, assumecurrent loan and pay title fee.For more information callRonnie 940-366-4113• Business Opportunity• Employment Information• Adult/Elderly Care• Childcare• Food Service • Medical/Dental • Miscellaneous• Offi ce • Retail/Sales• Trades • Work WantedFood serviceJOB OPENINGSfor experienced meat cutter andmeat wrapper. Apply at MarketPlace, 1202 FM 51 or:www.marketplacegrocery.com.Medical/DentalSenior Care Health &Rehabilitation CenterNow hiring for the following positions,due to growth• F/T CertifiedMedication Aide• 2-<strong>10</strong> CNAApply In Person At701 West Bennett Rd., DECATURor call940-6<strong>26</strong>-2800EEO M/F/D/VPart-time MA or LVN needed forurology office in Decatur. Computerskills required. Fax resume with salaryrequirements to (940)627-0288.• RN’s Med/Surg*CCU*Recovery*ED*Bariatrics• Med/Surg - LVN*PCA*• Lab - Phlebotomist• Behavioral Health - LPC*CTRS• Wound Care - Tech• Bariatrics - Exercise Specialist• Environental SVCS - HousekeeperSenior Care Health &Rehabilitation CenterBridgeportNow hiring for the following positions• LVNs2-<strong>10</strong> shift with $1,000 Sign on Bonus• Certifi ed Nurses AidesOffer Shift Differential & InsuranceApply in person at2<strong>10</strong>8 15th St. • Bridgeportor call940-683-5023EEO M/F/D/VSubmitYOURlocalnews...www.wcmessenger.com/submitPart Time/PRN• Behavioral Health - RN*LVN*LBSW• Lab - Phlebotomist*MT/MLT• Fit-N-<strong>Wise</strong> - Exercise Specialist• Accounting - Accountant/Audit Clerk• Bariatrics - Dietician• Therapy Services- COTA• Switchboard - Operator PRN2000 S. FM 51 • Decatur, TX. 76234 - A not for profit hospitalwww.wiseregional.com - EOE - Job Line: 940-6<strong>26</strong>-2525Employment Opportunities atNorth TexasCommunityHospital•Accounting Director•Clinical Dietician•HIM Director•L&D Manager•Licensed PT or PTA•PRN MT, MLT and Phlebotomist•FT and PRN RN All Departments•Scheduling CoordinatorPhone: 940-683-03<strong>26</strong> Fax: 940-683-0485E-mail: hr@ntchospital.orgEqual Opportunity Employment & Patient CareINTEGRACARE HOME HEALTH OFBRIDGEPORTHAS HAS ANIMMEDIATE OPENINGS OPENINGSFOR FOR A FULL-TIME FULL-TIMERNsRNsWe offer:-$2,500 Sign-On Bonus-Competitive Visit Based Pay + Incentives-Flexible Work Schedule-Team Oriented Work Environment-Paid-Time-Off: 18 PTO DAYS ANNUALLY TOSTART-7 PAID COMPANY HOLIDAYS-Comprehensive Healthcare Benefits Plan, includingmedical, dental & vision-401(k)(K) Plan with generous company match- Cell Phone Reimbursement-Gas Mileage Reimbursement-+ much more!-To learn more about our successful & growingcompany, please visit us at www.integracarehh.comTo apply, please contact Karen Pemberton, RN ClinicalManager at (940) 683-8171 ..

12 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Senior Care Health &Rehabilitation CenterBridgeportNow hiring for the following positionsMDSCoordinatorApply in person at2<strong>10</strong>8 15th St. • Bridgeportor call940-683-5023EEO M/F/D/VDAILY MEAL PROVIDEDFOR ALL EMPLOYEESTransport Drivers Neededrs minimum age;verifiable driving experience;CDL;LVN<strong>10</strong>:00-6:00 shiftCMA2:00-<strong>10</strong>:00 shiftCNAs2:00-<strong>10</strong>:00 shiftAPPLY IN PERSON AT201 E. THOMPSON, DECATURor FAX RESUME to940-627-3937EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYERyou for your experienceee and Family health insurancehift premiumWestern TransportationSandford Oil Companyhift bonusMiscellaneousPlant ManagerRhome, TexasWell established, successful manufacturing companyExcellent opportunity, long term growth andcompetitive compensation package.Requirements: 5+ years manufacturing experience,college degree.Please forward your resume confidentially to:esmina@whitelakepartners.comor contact 773-481-9660TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED• 22 years minimum age• 2 years verifiable driving experience• Class A CDL• We pay you for your experience• Employee and Family health insurance• Night shift premium• Night shift bonusCleburne area: 817.925.5154 ScottBridgeport area: 940.393.5525 Kirbyrne area: 817.925.5154 ScottHazardousMaterial Driverseport area: 940.393.5525 KirbyWe are seeking Transport Drivers, must haveClass A CDL with Hazardous Materialendorsement. If you are interested,please call 940-627-<strong>26</strong>89Starting pay up to $14/hrPaid InsuranceGood 401(k) PlanPaid HolidaysPaid VacationNice EquipmentOPEN POSITIONSHPS, LLC, Decatur, TX has openingsfor the following positions:A) Inside sales rep (office administration).B) Order processing person.C) Maintenance worker (helper).For more info and to apply, pleasego to:www.papilio.com/employment.Part-time evening, experienced officecleaners. Team needed,$750/month. Decatur area. Cell(214)535-8738, Bob.Various positions open for truckmanufacturer. Supervisors, officestaff and shop help needed. Mustbe detailed oriented. Prior experiencein production and/or truckmanufacturing helpful. Fax your resumeto: (940)683-5475. Apply inperson, 500 FM 1658, Bridgeport,TX 764<strong>26</strong>. Email resume to:shyla@bridgeportmfg.comRetail/SalesLooking for reliable delivery personto work 3-4 hours daily, perfect forretiree. Must have excellent drivingrecord and references. Please call(940)627-1208.Valu-Rite Pharmacy has immediateopening for a clerk that is friendly,honest, reliable, and loves helpingpeople. Computer skills, food serviceexperience preferred. Pleasecome by 709 Woodrow Wilson RayCircle, Bridgeport, for an application.TradesSocial Service Agency seeks contractindividual to provide HomeBased Parent Education to ChildProtective Services clients. Individ -ual must possess a Bachelor’s Degreein Human Services. Positionsavailable in several counties. Sendresumes to 1(254)471-5909 orrobin@mauneyandassociates.com.Part-time position available. Experiencewith satellite, cable or low voltageproducts preferred. Pleasesend resume and cover letter totxfarr@yahoo.com.CDL drivers needed, sand/gravelhauling. (940)427-2033.EMPLOYMENTMETALFABRICATIONBUSINESSTaking Resumes forCNC ProgrammerMust have knowledge ofTurret Punch presses,Plasma or Waterjetcutting, Autocad andnesting softwareSend Resume to:Attn: HRPO Box 1620Bridgeport, TX 764<strong>26</strong>Shale Tank Trucks is seeking dieselmechanics and CDL drivers withtank endorsement at the Ponderyard. (940)482-9670.MECHANIC NEEDEDNabors Well Services is currently seeking anexperienced oilfi eld mechanic for work over rigs,diesel powered trucks-engines, transmissions,brakes, hydraulics, electrical, pumps and winches for theDecatur location. Diesel mechanic experiencepreferred. Must have own tools.Valid Class A CDL RequiredPhone: 817-396-4870Email: angela.salinas@nabors.comEEO/M/F/D/VSEEKING EXPERIENCEDCDL DRIVERS• Hourly pay• Company benefit packageApply within2379 Hwy 287 North Decatur940-627-1755Ask for FredTechnician WantedWe have an immediate opening for an experiencedService TechnicianWe offer:Ronnie Crawford in the Service Department at 872-1133Wagonseller Road at US Hwy 287 Bowie, TexasWestern TransportationSandford Oil CompanyHazardousMaterial DriversWe are seeking Bobtail Driverswith Haz-Mat endorsements.We operate Peterbilt tank trucksand fuel oil well “frac” sites.Starting Pay up to $15/hrIf you are interested please call940-627-<strong>26</strong>89Paid Insurance401(k) PlanPaid HolidaysNice EquipmentPlatinumOilfieldServicesNow taking applications for thefollowing positions:Certified ForkliftOperator(min. 2 yr oilfield exp)Haul Truck Driver(min. 1 yr oilfield exp)Winch Truck Driver(min. 1 yr oilfield exp)Please apply in person:254 CR 3503, Suite 200Bridgeport TX 764<strong>26</strong>Full-time Barber or Cosmetologistwanted. Apply Boyd Styl’in & BarberShop, 624 E. Rock Island.(940)2<strong>10</strong>-4<strong>26</strong>3.KLEMENT CHRYSLER-JEEP-DODGEHIRING SALESPERSONSBe a Part of Our Growing Dealership5-Day Work Week • Paid Holidays & Vacation$50K+ YEARLY EARNING POTENTIALExperience Preferred, But Will Train Right IndividualApply in person to Sales Managerat 500 N. Hwy. 287, DecaturEqual Opportunity Employer503 West Sherman • Chico, TX 76431 • 940-644-<strong>26</strong>64POSITIONS OPEN• CDL Drivers: two yearsexperience required• Qualified end dump driving• Certified diesel mechanics:certification requiredBenefi ts include competitive wages, 401(k) programIf you are highly motivated seeking great opportunity look no furtherApply in person or contact Kenneth Dennis940-644-<strong>26</strong>64National Oilwell Varco is seeking a Field Service Technicianto service Montague, Cooke, <strong>Wise</strong> and Denton Counties.We are searching for career minded service professionalswho recognize the value of a career path and can performthe following duties:RESPONSIBILITIES:• Travel to customer sites to install, commission, test, calibrate, andtrain customers on the safe and proper operation of NOV products.• Conduct fi eld installations and calibrations of sensors and systems.• Perform field upgrades of software and hardware and train customerson how to properly operate the system.• Communicate fi eld failures and feedback reports to the appropriatedepartments• Support Rig Sense network and satellite systems.• Complete and submit fi eld service documentation in a timely manner.• Willingness to be on call• High School and/or equivalent education with 2+ years experience• Electronics degree preferredQUALIFICATIONS:• Pneumatic and hydraulic backgroundChildcare• Knowledge of rig and oil and gas fi eld components, includinginstrumentation, software and hardwareHOW TO APPLY:SERVICESREGISTERED IN-HOMECHILD CAREIn Rhome, now enrolling day, night,and some weekend care. For details,call Angela at (214)686-0342.BusinessKEEL EXCAVATION& Construction, serving <strong>Wise</strong> & surroundingcounties for over 15-years.Lease road repairs/maintenance,commercial/residential. Free extimates.Gary, (940)393-0688; BJ,(940)389-83<strong>10</strong>.MR. SWEEP’SChimney Cleaning Service. Chimneycaps, dryer vent cleaning & fireplacerepairs. Call, ask for $20 discount.(817)692-5624.Remember627-SLABFor all your concrete needs!Insist on QualityConcrete, Inc.Ty Kennedy 940-627-SLABFREE ESTIMATESwww.nov.com/careers, click job search,enter job # <strong>10</strong>00711, click search for jobs,and apply to position.

TMALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong> 13SERVICES FARM AND RANCH PETSMERCHANDISEFOR SALEHousecleaningLOCAL CLEANING SERVICECommercial, residential. Makeready, 1-time or repeat. We cleanwhat others miss. penny<strong>Wise</strong>Cleaning Service, (940)2<strong>10</strong>-5450.Let me fix itA+ HANDYMAN SERVICEAll Home/Auto Repairs: from ceilingfans to door knobs. Window screenreplacement, tune-ups, etc. Karl,(817)995-7960.SepticSystemsInstalledNOW OFFERINGDozer Services& Storm Shelters!LEN ROY DON BUILDERSA Father & Son BusinessRoy & ReynTractor &Backhoe Service817-366-7990Mobile DirectELECTRICAL WORKCommercial and residential. Lighting,outlets, service and repairs.New construction, remodels. Masterlicense and insured. Free estimates.(940)627-0072.HOME REPAIRSCarpentry, minor electrical & plumbing.Free estimates. (940)389-0582.MIKE’S RV SERVICEService calls, insurance work, fullrepairs, parts, washing/detailing.Also work on horse/enclosed trailers.Michael, (940)399-7565.REMODELING AND ALL HOMErepairs including masonry, painting& roofing. Honest, dependable, expe r i e n c e d . C a l l C a r l t o n ,(940)394-6138; or Royce,(940)394-6164.SKILLED CARPENTER20-years experience. Remodeling,repairs, upgrades & additions. Smallor large projects. Free estimates,any location. (214)334-6440.SKILLED CARPENTRY & MISC.ecks, small barns, remodels, tiling.o job too small. Free estimates.e s s e, (940)627-7414 o r913)596-8487.MiscellaneousDefensive Driving ofParadise2<strong>10</strong> Main St. Paradise, TX940-969-2245Call for more InformationFor Traffic Ticket DismissalorCar Insurance DiscountLive Class Only $25Best Price in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Internet Course $25www.smithseminars.com/ddp.phpDVD Rentals $35defensivedrivingofparadise@yahoo.comGo Green <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Applianceremoval: washer, dryer, AC, refrigerator,freezer. Free pick up. Call(940)577-4835 for details.TWEAKING YOUR INTERIORDecorating for every occasion, includingparties & holidays. I’ll workw/your budget. References available.Call Carol, (940)627-0881.ClearViewTree Service and Stump Removal• Tree Removal• Stump Grinding• Storm Damage Experts• Chipper Service• Bucket TruckFREE ESTIMATES(Senior Citizen Discount)Fully Insured940-6<strong>26</strong>-4345Toll Free 1-866-606-3224Most Credit Cards Accepted<strong>Wise</strong>, Cooke and Montague CountiessrrFarm Equipment2-HORSE BUMPER PULLBought new & hauled less than 500miles. $2,950. Call Bill,(940)393-3674.MILLER BOBCAT WELDER180 gas drive w/accessories, onTexas Bragg trailer. Excellent condition,barn stored. $4,250.(940)427-2366.SHOW PIGSDonald Hilscher, (940)872-5785.Fencing3D FARM & RANCH SERVICESAll types fencing, sheds, carports,custom gates, entrances, mobile &shop welding. YOU NAME IT, WEDO IT!! (940)2<strong>10</strong>-1242.3H FENCE(817)501-0333, www.3hfence.com.Family owned & operated. Free estimates.All types of fencing. Wood,chain link, iron, farm/ranch, gates,retaining walls, concrete.BOBBY’S FENCEAll types fencing. Free estimates.Over 25-years experience.(817)444-3213.FARM & RANCH FENCINGPipe & cable, non-climb, barbedwire, entrances, solar gate operators,repairs. Made in USA. Jim,(940)367-7505.Lawn and gardenTREES TRIMMED & REMOVED36 years in business, insured. Allmajor credit cards accepted.(817)444-0861, Teater.LivestockALL NATURAL BEEFstraight from the ranch. Young, tender,no growth hormones/antibiotics.Grain or grass fed. Whole, half.(940)2<strong>10</strong>-9614.C BAR M TACK-FEED-HORSES143 CR4396, Decatur, TX. Cash,c h e c k s , c r e d i t c a r d s .www.cbarm.net, (817)929-3612.I BUY & SELLall kinds of animals & trailers.Horses, cows/calves, pigs, sheep,goats. All kinds poultry. Fred,(817)223-4477.LLAMASweanlings (6-months-old), adults,bred females, guardians & pet quality.We provide training & supportfor new owners. (940)433-5897.Precious mini horses for sale, lots ofc o l o r . $ 1 5 0 - $ 2 5 0 / e a c h .(940)395-82<strong>10</strong>.Livestock care/trainingHORSESHOEING & TRIMSOffice, (940)969-2700; cell,(940)399-8580.J-2 HORSESHOEING/TRIMMING15-years experience, certified. Bestrates in town. Clay Johnson,(940)453-2364.MowingACREAGE MOWINGTractor services. Plowing, seeding,aerating, tilling, fertilizing available.Tommy, (940)482-6578.X WORKS TRACTOR WORKReasonable rates, quality performance.Mowing, fence clearing,tree/brush removal, general tractorwork. Brandon, (817)992-0405;Craig, (682)521-6746.Pasture and feedHAYShop Us First Or Last!50 years of actual servicein Hay Sales.Try us andsee if our prices can be beat!Thank you,Danny Taylor940-389-3068Charles H. Taylor940-627-3385 • 940-393-2728940-389-3068 • 940-389-500020<strong>10</strong> COASTAL, 2ND CUTTING4x5 net-wrapped, $45-$55. Round &square baling. $5 discount on <strong>10</strong>+b a l e s . ( 9 4 0 ) 6 4 4 - 6 6 6 9 ,(940)399-8484.40 round bales coastal. 1st cutting,4x5, fertilized. Take all at $35/bale.(940)748-2<strong>26</strong>3, please leave message.4X5 NET-WRAPPEDround bales coastal, Sudan & Johnsongrass, $35/bale. (940)393-2456.PREMIUM HORSE QUALITYhay, round or square. Guaranteed.(817)944-9451.HometownAuction ServiceHonesty • Loyalty •CommitmentEstates, Antiques, Farms, Furniture, Guns, Etc.Boots CrossAuctioneer817-694-6035#16794CLEAN, FERTILIZEDhorse quality coastal hay. Squarebales, $5/each. Round bales,$50/each. Cell, (940)393-9835;home, (940)627-1966.HAY FOR SALEFertilized coastal, 4x5 round bales,$45. Fertilized Johnson grass, 4x5round bales, $35. (940)433-<strong>26</strong>78,(940)337-1728.LONESOME DOVE FEEDAuthorized Bryant feed distributor,owned & operated by the JaynesFamily since 2007. Selling Hay,Natural Longhorn Beef & Sioux CitySarsparilla. (940)389-2945,(940)433-5902; 1231 CR4380, Decatur.PetsPETSPETS!!ATTENTION!!We suggest that our readers thoroughlyinvestigate any advertiserbefore investing any money.AKC LABRADORSchocolate/black. Great huntingbloodlines. Pups are playful, readyto go. UTD on shots and wormed.$450. (940)465-6695.Free to good home, 1-year-old,male Blue Heeler. (940)393-2825.Free to good home: male EnglishMastiff, 3-years old. Registered.(940)2<strong>10</strong>-4827 or (940)2<strong>10</strong>-4850.IN MILITARYDogs need homes! Male SpringerSpaniel mix. Female Pit Bull. MaleRat Terrier. Female Blue Heeler.(469)288-3716.Judy NorredAuctioneer817-995-3873#16795Business Liquidation AuctionBrazier Construction Inc.402 W. Hwy 380Bridgeport, TX 764<strong>26</strong>• Pets• Pets Lost & Found• Pet Care/Training• Pet Stud ServicesStarts at 9:30 amSaturday, October 30, 20<strong>10</strong>Ph: 940-683-2925Visit our website at :www.hometownauctionservice.comThree 16 ft. utililty trailers, office trailer with storage, tools,building materials, office furniture, refrigerator and much more.All items sold “as is, where is.”TWO AUCTIONSNSDR MINIATURE AUSTRALIANShepherd Puppies. 2 females and 3males. Vet checked and 6-weekshots. $400. Please visit our websi t e f o r p i c t u r e s ,www.tx3dranch.com. Call today tocome take a look (940)2<strong>10</strong>-1242 or(940)368-1659.PUPPIES FOR SALEToy Shih Tzu, AKC registered, bornAug. <strong>26</strong>. Black w/white markings,1st shots. 2 females, $375/each, 3males, $325/each. (940)531-<strong>26</strong>54.Pets lost and found$1,000 REWARDLost: small dog, female Shih Tzu.Last seen <strong>10</strong>-8-<strong>10</strong>, Oliver Creek Estates,near Rhome. (817)229-8989.Lost: Rat Terrier/Jack Russell cross,(Biddy), black & white w/blackspots, female. No collar, chipped.Last seen Thur., Oct. 14, FM 730near Trinity River bridge, Boyd.(817)999-0405.Lost: Red Australian Shepherd,named Tater. Approximately5-years-old, last seen near Sears,Decatur, Oct. 15. Reward.(940)6<strong>26</strong>-1944.MERCHANDISE FOR SALEMERCHANFOR SAAppliances• Appliances• Clothing/Jewelry• Furniture• Garage Sales• Firewood• Miscellaneous• AuctionsSAVE ON LEASE RETURNSWe leased it first and now you cansave big. Cleaned and sanitizedmattress sets, both for $139. Sofaand love, both for $349. New 60inch Mitsubishi TV, $1299. Lamppairs, $19. 3-piece accessory tablesfrom $79. Laptop computer from$289. Refrigerators, washer-dryersand much more. Quantities limitedand vary by store. Aarons, 1300 S.FM 51, Suite 300, Decatur, next toDollar General. (940)627-5043, askfor Miles.- HUGE 2-DAY ESTATE AUCTION -(the late Bob Baas, American Airlines Pilot & Avid Collector 35 yrs.)So Many Unusual Items, Its Scary!Halloween Weekend Northwest Regional Airport, Roanoke, TX 76<strong>26</strong>2Directions: Take I-35W to FM 1171 at Exit 74 (3 miles North of Hwy 144 at TexasMotor Speedway), then East ½ mile on 1171 to airport entrance - look for Auction signNO MINIMUM - NO RESERVEPartial Listing Saturday: 1946 Aeronca Airplane; ‘54 Kaiser Manhattan Show Car; P50 HondaMoped; Area 51 Badge; (3) Airplane Tugs, Steam Engines; Toys; Lg. Floor Scales; BomberNose Art; American Airlines Memorabilia; Collector Metal Signs; Models; Aircraft Tools &Gauges; Airplane Magazines from 1911; Antique Bicycles; Fold-Up Mini-Bike; Patio Heater;Motorcycle Dolly & Hydraulic Lift; Casino Slot Machine; 2 Pachinko Games; Antique BrassCash Register; 2’ Bronze Statues (Greek Gods); Miniature Cannon & Gatlin Gun; Texaco Die-Cast Airplane Collection; Rotary Engine Stand; Kid’s Play House (In Box), Airplane Art,Stamps, Coins & More.Extended Preview Noon to 4PM Fri. & from 8:30AM Sat. & Sun.Partial Listing Sunday: Tools, Tools & More Tools (Hand, Power & Air); 18’ 2-Axle Car HaulerFlat Trailer; 8’ Utility Trailer; Floor Scale; Port-A-Cool Fan; Photo Equipment; Metal Shelves;Glass Display Cases; Gas Cans; Sand Blasting Cabinet; Parts Washer; Engine Hoist & Stand;Electric & Gas Welders; Lg. Rolling Toolboxes; Antique Washing Machines; Kids Sandbox, DrillPress, Belt Sanders, Cut Off Saw & More.* 817-444-1600 *www.EasyStreetAuction.comfor picture catalog & online biddingJ.D. Barnes #7044 • <strong>10</strong>% BP -5% on Plane (&Hangers if sold) Everything “As Is, Where Is”Don Gray #6069 - NO Warranties Expressed orImplied. Cash or Check w/Bank Letter of CreditVerified by Fri <strong>10</strong>/29 MC/VISA/DiscoverTWO DAYS71 PROPERTIES IN TEXASAbsolute Multi-Parcel Auction ● November 12 ● 2 p.m.Holiday Inn – Lubbock Park Plaza, 3201 South Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79423Absolute 39+/- Acre Land Auction ● Nov. 13 ● 11 a.m.430 W. Highway 199 Springtown, TX 76082Garage sales● Many homesite parcels in developed communities● 38 tracts in Lubbock, 32 in Shallowater, 1 in Springtown● Great for investors, developers or those wishing to build a home!!ATTENTION!!If you do not see your garage salein this section, please look in thepaid circulation of the <strong>Thursday</strong><strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>.Garage sale ads in All Around <strong>Wise</strong>MUST be called in before <strong>10</strong>a.m.Friday, THE WEEK BEFORE thesale, and cost is a minimum of $20.If you only want your garage sale inthe paid circulation, deadline is<strong>10</strong>a.m. Tuesday, the week of thesale, and cost is a minimum of $12.Boyd, 8<strong>10</strong>1 S. FM 51 (2 miles southof Highway 114), Fri.-Sat., Oct.29-30. Rain/shine, covered. Furniture,baby items, toys, adult clothes,tools, trolling motor, etc.Decatur, 1628 Preskitt Road,Fri.-Sat., Oct. 29-30, 8a.m.Go-carts, TVs, water heater, ridinglawn mower, strollers, clothes, toys,miscellaneous items.FirewoodFIREWOODfor sale, oak. (940)389-3413 or(940)389-8511.OAK FIREWOODseasoned, split. $<strong>10</strong>0/cord. Sunset.(940)845-4732.SPLIT WOOD$65/pickup load. Your truck, ourload. All major credit cards acce p t e d . ( 8 1 7 ) 4 4 4 - 0 8 6 1 ,(817)690-4011.MiscellaneousSHOW PIGSDonald Hilscher, (940)872-5785.MusicalMUSICAL INSTRUMENTSElectric lead guitar, JohnsonFender style with amp, in case, excellentcondition, $200. Alto Sax,excellent condition, case & fullset-up, $300. (940)394-6027.Got to get ridof it now?Sell it quick in the classifieds!Call 940-627-5987to find out just how well Classified Ads work!Brent Graves,Texas Auctioneer’sLicense #13507<strong>10</strong>% Buyers Premium877-271-7891 ● www.TexasMultiPropertyAuction.com

14 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>TRANSPORTATIONCarsTOP DOLLAR PAIDfor junk cars & trucks.(817)220-5682.IF YOU NEEDa good, dependable car or truck for$3,500 or less, come by CowgirlAuto Sales, 804 Business Highway287, Decatur, TX; (940)6<strong>26</strong>-0070.Ask about our inventory. Let’s dobusiness!ill buy wrecked or not running carspickups. Ford, Chevy & Dodgearts for sale. (940)433-2255.You AreApproved!<strong>10</strong>0% ApprovalCars &Trucksstarting$799 dn.at 799We alsobuy cars!NoCreditCheck!Recreational vehicles2005 DAMON34’ motor coach, 4,400 miles, V-<strong>10</strong>engine, handicap equipped, manyextras. $57,000. (940)627-2723 or(940)389-7195.Here today...GONE tomorrow.<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> Classifi edswww.wcmessenger.com/classPickups/Vans/SUVsYou’re Approved First Time BuyersBad Credit, No Credit, Need to Build CreditMake Jeremiah Miller theGo to Guy for all your used car needs!<strong>10</strong>7 S. Hwy 81-287, Decatur940-6<strong>26</strong>-8000994 Chrysler LeBaron convertible,uns good, good AC & heat. 122kiles. $1,900/OBO. (940)389-1466,209)403-7865.I’LL BUY THOSE YARD CARSs well as your good used cars.rvin, (817)925-8768.<strong>10</strong>7 S. Hwy. 287 • DecaturBehind Dairy Queen940-6<strong>26</strong>-8000Visit our websitewww.bmgautosales.com2002 CHEVY S-<strong>10</strong>extended cab, 4.3 liter, bed-cover,right hand drive conversion kit installed,used for postal delivery.$5,500/OBO. (940)577-3331.1990 CHEVY PICKUPsteel work bed, 4-wheel drive. Willtrade for small car. Call for details,(940)427-2174.Find the new ride you’vebeen looking for!www.wcmessenger.com/class❏ One Year In-<strong>County</strong> $35 ❏ One Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> $40❏ One Year Out-of-State $45 ❏ One Year Digital Subscription $20❏ Two Year In-<strong>County</strong> $60 ❏ Two Year Out-of-<strong>County</strong> $70❏ Two Year Out-of-State $80 ❏ Two Year Digital Subscription $40First Name: _______________________________________________Last Name: _______________________________________________WISE COUNTYMESSENGERLocal Paper. Local News.Loyal Readers.Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________City: ___________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________Phone: ___________________________________________________E-mail: ___________________________________________________❏ Credit Card ❏ Check #: ____________Credit Card Type: ________________________ Exp.: ______________Credit Card Number: _______________________________________Submit payment to:<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong>PO Box 149 • 115 South Trinity • Decatur, TX 76234

ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong> 15Community FocusCROSSWORD SOLUTIONRAISING AWARENESS — TheDecatur Eagle sixth grade footballplayers, cheerleaders and coacheswore pink and yellow at their Oct.16 game to show their support forthe awareness of various typesof cancer. Marc Semmelmann,father of cheerleader Emily AnneSemmelmann, is fighting bonecancer, and Leticia Lara, motherof football player Marc Lara, losther battle with sarcoma Dec. 31,2009. After the game, CoachDeroy Bennett presented Marcwith a yellow rose and autographedfootball in memory of his mother.Coaches include Bennett, RandyMoon, Jeff Elder, Randy Bowker,Tony Grimes and Jason Ticknor.Cheer coaches are BrooklynnStapleton and Celissa Watts.Photos submittedFARM & RANCH SUPPLYPURINA PINK BAG SALEOCTOBER 27 - 30$1 OFF REGULAR PRICEOf In StockOmolene 200, Strategy and Equine SeniorPurina donates a portion of sales from ALL PINKBAGS TO BREAST CANCER RESEARCHas part of Purina Mills Pink 50 CampaginPROUD CO-SPONSORSofDECKEDOUT— DecaturMain StreetDirectorFriedaHanley andDecaturMayor JoeLambertparticipatein Friday’sPaint theTown Pink.The eventraisesmoneyawarenessfor breastcancer.LBJ/CADDO National Grasslandsin Decatur, TexasSATURDAY, OCT 30, 7 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.LOOK FOR THEAGVANTAGE FARM & RANCH BOOTH940-627-2312 • 1817 N. US Highway 287(1-mile north of Hwy 380 on Hwy 287)Hours: M-F. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.www.agvantagefarmandranch.com<strong>Messenger</strong> photoby Joe DutyCommitment Runs DeepProtecting the CommunityTo those who protect and serve our communities,and those who keep our families and friends safe,you are appreciated. Your devoted service is animportant part of what keeps our communitiesstrong. Thank you for all you do.devonenergy.comFORTUNE <strong>10</strong>0 Best Companies to Work For ®FORTUNE World’s Most Admired Companies ®

16 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>Inside the FrameFear mixedwith fun“I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller.Fear is the little-death thatbrings total obliteration.” — FrankHerbert, “Dune”Gore, macabre, death, horror, tortureand pain generate fear; bloodcurdling,ice-veined, paralytic fear.Fear is something we avoid. Itclouds judgment and reason. Itshudders the soul. But during onetime of the year we embrace it. Weseek it, both young and old alike. Thesky darkens. Trees shed foliage andbare skeletal limbs, twisted as if inagony by howling wind. Fall begins,and Halloween creeps upon us. Andfor some strange, deep, psychologicalreason, we want to be scared.Our roaming photographer translatedthat sense of fear mixed withinsane jubilation at a fright house inRhome two years ago. The dilapidatedand abandoned white block schoolhouse created a perfect setting.Using available light with a sideflash created depth while maintaininga subdued, spooky feel.So get scared this Halloween. Visitthe local ghoul house in Alvord or goon the haunted hayride in Rhome.Wallow in the fear. Because in theend, we don’t really enjoy the gravefear itself, we crave the euphoricsense of relief and safety that follows.It’s hard to know pleasure, untilyou first understand discomfort.For more Inside the Frame images,visitwww.joeduty.com/blogNook ‘N CranniesAntiquesisBUYING!Old Coins - Currency - Gold & Silver JewelryFree Estimates - AppraisalsJerry BethurumCell: 940-393-1815 Office: 940-6<strong>26</strong>-1588On the Square in DecaturRANDYWILLIAMSBUICK • CHEVY •CADILLACGMC •HYUNDAI•PRE-OWNED940-627-2177Let RANDY SAVE YOU MONEY onYour Next NEW or PRE-OWNED Vehicle!Who should you trustwith your OB/GYN care?Decatur Women’s Health Centeroffers a full range of obstetrical and gynecologicalcare for women at every stage of life.(Left to Right) Melissa Bradley, Dr. Douglas Kyle, Kim Mote, Patricia Ruiz“Friendly, professional and confidential.”Your health and well-being as a woman are our concern.We offer a full range of obstetrical and gynecological care.Our emphasis is on making you feel comfortable,confident and reassured.Call today to schedule your next appointment.940-627-42161713 S. FM 51 • Suite 201 • DecaturWISE COUNTY’S TOP-SELLING NEW-CAR BRANDJamesWoodHyundai.comJAMES WOODBEATS ANYCITY DEALNEWSHIPMENT35UPMPGTO11 SONATA *2011$18,975★★★★★AssuranceAmerica’s Best Warranty *<strong>10</strong>-Year/<strong>10</strong>0,000-MilePowertrain Limited WarrantyOVERALL CRASH-SAFETY RATINGbased on Tougher Standardsfor 2011-Model VehiclesUS287 DECATUR940-627-4600Highway*OFFER is Plus Tax, Title and LicenseSONATA EXAMPLE: Stock #3<strong>10</strong>067. MSRP: $21,015. Wood Discount: $2,040.LIMITED WARRANTY: See dealer for details. EPA HIGHWAY Estimates for comparison. Actual mileage will varywith options, driving conditions, driving habits & vehicle condition.

Crime Stoppersof <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> and <strong>Wise</strong><strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s Officewant you to be awareWHERE SEXOFFENDERS RESIDEIN WISE COUNTYRegistered SexOffenders in theUnited StatesIncluding the District of Columbia and Territories ofAmerican Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands,Puerto Rico, St. Croix, VI, and St. Thomas, VITotal716,7501,831(<strong>26</strong>7)RegisteredSex Offendersin TexasTotal60,994Registered1,831(<strong>26</strong>7)AK16,808(443)OR120,782(329)CA20,419(312)WA6,447(248)NV3,407(224)IDREGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS IN THE UNITED STATESPER <strong>10</strong>0,000 POPULATIONIncluding the District of Columbia andTerritories of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands,6,596(241)UT14,549 2,650(224)(134)AZNMPuerto Rico, and St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas, VITotal - 716,750 (Per <strong>10</strong>0,000 Population - 232)1,944 1,1<strong>10</strong>(201)(173)MTND1,401(<strong>26</strong>3)WYSex OffendersNumber ofRegistered Sex Offenders(Per <strong>10</strong>0,000 Population)in <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>199 or fewer (<strong>26</strong>)200 to 299 (20)300 or more (11)Geographic areas that do not include in their totalsoffenders who have been deported, incarceratedor have moved to another area (18).Total118AK11,085(224)COGuam2,688(334)SDInformation and Safety Tips - SexOffenders & Sexually Violent PredatorsPlease be aware that there are no perfectprotection strategies. There is no way topredict all possible situations. These tips arentended to reduce, not eliminate the risk ofssault.• The primary responsibility for anyexual assault rests with the offender andot the victim. Unfortunately, you can takell reasonable measures to reduce your risknd still be assaulted.• Remember that most sexual assaultsre committed by someone that the victimnows. The stranger does not pose theighest risk to you. Up to 90% of sexffenders are known to their victims andnclude relatives, friends and authoritygures. If you feel uncomfortable inomeone’s presence, trust your feelings andake steps to distance yourself from himr her. Don’t be afraid to make a scene ifecessary. Tell someone!• Societal myths are beliefs thatontribute to the continuation of sexualssault and abuse. Understand the currentape myths and help debunk these mythsor others.• Avoid high-risk situations. Bebservant and aware of your surroundings.Avoid poorly lit areas where an attackermight hide. Identify safe people in yourneighborhood that you or your childrencan go to if you need help. Be thoughtfuland use good judgment in choosing yourfriends and partners. Be careful of youruse of alcohol and drugs; you are morevulnerable to attack if you are intoxicated.o not leave your food or drink unattendedt a party or in a public place. Don’t bembarrassed to use security staff at workr when shopping, to walk you to your car.o not pick up hitchhikers or stop to help atranger in a stalled vehicle; use a phone insafe location to call for help. Be cautiousbout making personal contact with thoseCourtesy Denver Police Department - Victim Assistance Unitwww.denvergov.orgyou meet on the Internet or in other similarenvironments.• Do not harass the offender. Thepurpose behind community notification is toreduce the changes of future victimizationof persons by this offender. The informationpresented through this notification shouldassist you and your family in avoidingsituations that allow easy victimization.Initiating contact with the Sexually ViolentPredator can increase the risk of you oryour family being victimized or may drivethe offender underground, placing others atgreater risk.WHAT CAN I TELLMY CHILDREN?• Avoid scary details. You knowmore than your child needs to know.Use language that is honest and ageappropriate(e.g. “there are people who dobad things to children “) Include generalinformation, as this may protect them fromothers who would try to harm them aswell. If your child is likely to have contactwith the Sexually Violent Predator or otherregistered sex offenders you should showyour child the sex offender’s photo. Instructthem to avoid contact with the offenderand encourage them to tell you if he or sheinitiates contact. In general all supervisedsex offenders are prohibited from initiatingany contact with children, and any contactshould be reported to the supervisingofficer.• Teach your child. DON’T take ridesfrom strangers; DON’T harass or visit anysex offender’s home or yard. DO tell a safeadult if anyone acts inappropriately towardthem (e.g. creepy, too friendly, threatening,offering gifts in a secret way, or touchingthem); DO RUN, SCREAM and GET AWAYif someone is bothering them; DON’T keepsecrets; DON’T assist strangers; DON’Tgo places alone; DO ask questions and DO593(332)Number ofRegistered Sex Offenders(Per <strong>10</strong>0,000 Population)199 or fewer (<strong>26</strong>)200 to 299 (20)3,119(175)NE8,065(288)KS300 or more (11)Geographic areas that do not include in their totalsoffenders who have been deported, incarceratedor have moved to another area (18).talk about any uncomfortable feelings orinteractions.• Make it a habit to LISTEN to yourchildren and to believe them. If a childfeels listened to and believed about smalleveryday things, they are more likelyto share the big scary things with you.Be sensitive to changes in your child’sbehavior. Pay attention to your child’sfeelings and thoughts.• Role-play safety with your child.Act out scenarios of various dangeroussituations and teach them how to respond(e.g. home alone and someone comes to thedoor; separated from Mom in the toy storeand a man comes up to talk to them; orchatting on the Internet and they are askedfor their home address).SEX OFFENDERCHARACTERISTICS• Most offenders commit multiplecrimes against multiple types of victimswith whom they have varying types ofrelationships (adults, children, male,female, known and unknown.) Thisbehavior is known as crossover.• Sex offenders rarely commit just onetype of offense. Many offenders have NOcriminal history or sex crime history of anykind.• There is no such thing as a “typical”sex offender, however all tend to bemanipulative, deceptive, and secretive. Sexoffenders come from all backgrounds, ages,income levels and professions.• The majority of offenses are committedby someone the victim knows.• Sexual deviancy often begins in mid tolate adolescence.• Sex offenders do not usually committheir crimes impulsively. They usuallyemploy careful planning and preliminarysteps that, if interrupted, can prevent anactual crime.6,506(179)OK15,989(306)MN6,5<strong>10</strong>(217)IA<strong>10</strong>,807(183)MO<strong>10</strong>,055(352)AR60,994 9,389(251)(213)TXLA21,394(380)WIHIPrepared by the Special Analysis UnitJune 14, 20<strong>10</strong>MIVT - 2,446(394)(296)FL30,436(156)NY46,020(460)MI<strong>10</strong>,177(82)19,288 PA(168)20,941 <strong>10</strong>,639 MD(167) OH(162) IN 3,496IL(193) 16,8138,034 WV (216)(188)VAKY12,83113,800(139)(222)NCTN12,154(271)SC5,990 12,561 18,419(204) (<strong>26</strong>9) (190)MS AL GA54,1663,091(240)132(149)NorthernMarianaIslandsWeneedyourhelp!NH - 2,311(176)VTNHNJDEDC3,000(228)MEMACTRI2,121(54)48(73)MA -<strong>10</strong>,995(169)RI - 1,565(149)MD - 6,511(116)DC - 924(156)PuertoRicoCT - 5,153(147)NJ - 13,309(153)DE - 4,166(477)St. Thomas, VI andSt. John, VI37Total75 St. Croix, VI(68) 38AmericanSamoaSource:State or Territory Sex Offender RegistriesStates and PR: U.S. Census Bureau, July 2008 EstimatesTerritories: Central Intelligence Agency, World Fact Book, July 2009 EstimatesNational Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), Alexandria, VAEnvironmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Inc., Redlands, CAMapping software donated to NCMEC by ESRISergeant Harlon Wright is the SexOffender Registrar countywide. Ifyou know of any information that haschanged regarding any <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>Sex Offender, or if you have anyquestions regarding a particular SexOffender, please contact 940-627-5971, ext. 239, or email wrighth@sheriff.co.wise.tx.usAll <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sex Offenders are listed (except for thosewho are currently incarcerated or who are prohibited by lawfrom being listed). For a complete list, go to www.sheriff.co.wise.tx.us. The information provided is true and correct asof Friday, Oct. 22, 20<strong>10</strong>.Brought to you by:Crime Stoppers of <strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong>and<strong>Wise</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sheriff’s OfficeDavid Walker, Sheriff

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>How to Avoid Sexual Predators on the InternetCourtesy Surfing the Net with Kids – surfnetkids.comThe truth is scary. Thetruth is that there are sexualpredators lurking on theInternet. In the newspaper,there are stories all the timeabout perverted, lawless mencaught in Internet stings.These perverted, lawlessmen were pretending to becute, shy, teenage boys. Thegirls that went to meet themwere police pretending tobe innocent teenage girls.Fortunately, the storiesare about the men who getcaught and they have goodendings. That is, pervertsbehind bars. Unfortunately,there are more real girls thatshow up for those “dates”than policemen and thosestories only make the newswhen the outcome is verybad.If you think that itcouldn’t happen to you, thinkagain. Over 50% of teenageInternet users report beingpropositioned sexually. Ifyou are using the Internetto make new friends, youare the target of thesepredators. Besides not usingthe Internet, there are thingsALVORDthat you can do to avoidsexual predators.One thing you can do is bewary of chat rooms. Whilechat rooms are entertaining,they are also a popularhangout for Internet badguys. The bad guys love chatrooms where teenagers hangout, and they are very smart.If anyone ever suggests thatyou “go private” with yourchat you should suspect thatperson. Private conversationsare the first thing that abad guy will try to get youinvolved with.Never post or send sexuallysuggestive pictures. If youwouldn’t show the pictureto your grandmother, do notpost it on the Internet. Youshould actually be carefulposting any pictures atall. Perverts are just thatperverted.They might see aperfectly innocent picture andbegin to obsess about you. Itdoesn’t have to be anythingsexy, maybe they just like theshape of your eyebrows, butonce a predator notices you,you are in danger. Try not todo anything that will get younoticed.Do not engage in any kindof sexual conversation online.You have no idea who youare talking to. Even if youthink you have made a friendwith a younger teenage girland they start asking youfor sexual advice, stop. Donot engage in any sexualconversations with anybodyfor any reason.Be aware. You should knowthat there are predators outthere. Become educated abouthow they work. The bad guysspend a lot of time “grooming”their victims before theyever suggest a meeting. Apredator might pretend to besomeone your age who flirtswith you. A predator mightalso pretend to be someoneslightly older who “reallyunderstands.” They might tryto engage you in conversationby being rude or offensiveand getting you to argue withthem.Because communicationon the Internet offers nopersonal cues there isvirtually no way to tell if theperson you are chatting withis a good guy or a bad guy.Even if you get a picture ofsomebody, there is no way toknow that the person in thepicture is the person you arechatting with.The most importantrule for avoiding Internetsexual predators is to neverever go alone to meet aperson from the Internet.It doesn’t matter what thecircumstance is. If you goto meet a person from theInternet you are puttingyourself in danger. If theperson is genuine and wantsto meet with you they won’tmind meeting you with yourparents or a group of friends.In fact, it should be insultingif the person suggests thatyou meet alone. If they careenough about you to meetyou, certainly they want youto be smart and to protectyourself.Millions of people use theInternet everyday withouttroubles. There are predatorsout there but by followingthese tips and by educatingyourself you will be safe andInternet savvy.ALVORDWilliam Robert Bell606 Denver St., Alvord, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 12 • Victim Sex: FemaleALVORDThomas Roy Fowler507 School Oaks Rd., Alvord, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 4 • Victim Sex: FemaleAZLEJohn Richard Casaccio162 CR 1271, Alvord, TXAggravated sexual assault of a childVictim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemaleJody Dan Freeman4491 US Hwy. 287, Lot #22, Alvord, TXSexual assaultVictim Age: 18 • Victim Sex: FemaleChristopher Michael Green1157 West Bypass US Hwy. 287,Apt. #205 Alvord, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 6 • Victim Sex: FemaleTerry Lee McElroy413 PR <strong>26</strong>98, Alvord, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 9 • Victim Sex: FemaleJeffery Michael Oldenburg1636 CR 1270, Alvord, TXSexual assault (Out-of-state conviction - MN)Victim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: FemaleTerry Mack Pearson251 Rollingwood Rd., Alvord, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 5 • Victim Sex: FemaleRobert Jo Fisher7616 Briar Rd., Azle, TXIndecemcy with a child, Sexual contact X2Victim Age: 4 & 9 • Victim Sex: Male & FemaleKenneth Michael Riggs143 PR 4862, Azle, TXSexual assault of a child(Solicitation to commit)Victim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleBOYDDavid Wayne Bohannan390 CR 4591, Boyd, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 27 • Victim Sex: FemaleRusty Dwain Byrd693 CR 4790, Boyd, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 8 • Victim Sex: FemaleYvonne Ruth Dalton130 CR 4632, Boyd, TXAggravated sexual assault of a childVictim Age: 4 • Victim Sex: FemaleFranklin Allan Hatten201 Brighton Oaks Dr., Boyd, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contact X3Indecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 8, 9, 9 & 9 • Victim Sex: MaleDennis Neal Jaynes160 CR 4692, Boyd, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleClay O’Brian Nelson241 CR 4899, Boyd, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 7 • Victim Sex: MaleBOYDBRIDGEPORTRyli Dawn Richardson1815 CR 4698, Boyd, TXIndecency with a child by exposure X2Victim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: MaleRoger Dale Smith8114 FM 51 South, Boyd, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleAllen Ray Suckly II152 PR 48<strong>10</strong>, Boyd, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: <strong>26</strong> • Victim Sex: FemaleDaniel Eugene Abney1446 CR 3424, Bridgeport, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 8 • Victim Sex: FemaleGalelama Julian Butcher III135 PR 1512, Lot #1, Bridgeport, TXAggravated sexual assault X2,Sexual assaultVictim Age: 13 & 16 • Victim Sex: FemaleMark Allen Cooke196 CR 3203, Bridgeport, TXSexual assault of a childVictim Age: 2 • Victim Sex: MaleBRIDGEPORTTroy Eugene Gregston134 CR 3225, Bridgeport, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleJames Luther Hill1504 Irvin St., Bridgeport, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 12 • Victim Sex: FemaleJulio Angelo Ortega1542 Cuba Rd., Bridgeport, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 6 • Victim Sex: FemaleTommy Carl Pendergrass156 CR 3203, Bridgeport, TXIndecncy with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: <strong>10</strong> • Victim Sex: FemaleDickie Jay Read<strong>10</strong>24 CR 3225, Bridgeport, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: MaleEmilio G. Rodriguez1708 Cates St., Bridgeport, TXIndecency with child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 12 • Victim Sex: FemaleBRIDGEPORTCHICOBobby Ray Vega135 PR 1512, Lot #7, Bridgeport, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleMichael Ray Wall2525 Hwy. <strong>10</strong>1, Bridgeport, TXSexual assault (Out-of-state conviction)Victim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemaleCaroline Marie Bilyeu2384 FM 5736, Chico, TXSexual assault of a child X2Victim Age: 5 •Victim Sex: FemaleGary Dale Britton468 CR 1637, Chico, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 9 • Victim Sex: FemaleRonald Eugene McMurley468 CR 1637, Chico, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 12 • Victim Sex: FemaleJerry Lynn Parnell884 CR 1743, #B, Chico, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 5 • Victim Sex: Female

Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>WISE COUNTY MESSENGERCHICOCRAFTONClifford Edward Rocha140 CR 1638, Chico, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 2 • Victim Sex: FemaleWarren Ray Sosa<strong>10</strong><strong>26</strong> FM 2952, Chico, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: <strong>10</strong> • Victim Sex: FemaleJames Carl Strachan Jr.1373 CR 1560, Chico, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 3 • Victim Sex: MaleRaymond Troy Tiller939 N. Hwy. <strong>10</strong>1, Chico, TXSexual assault of a childVictim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: FemaleWilliam Keith Begley131 PR 1774, Chico, TXAggravated kidnapping,Sexual assaultVictim Age: 27 • Victim Sex: FemaleWilliam Floyd Bensley1633 FM 2127, Chico, TXAggravated sexual assault of a childVictim Age: <strong>10</strong> • Victim Sex: FemaleCRAFTONDECATURRickie Lynn Fisher<strong>26</strong>44 FM 2127, Chico, TXAggravated sexual assault of a childVictim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleGrant Eugene Formby<strong>26</strong>63 FM 2127, Chico, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 6 •Victim Sex: FemaleWeldon Eugene Wheatley815 CR 1860, Chico, TXAggravated sexual assault of a child X2Victim Age: <strong>10</strong> & 8 • Victim Sex: Male & FemaleHarley Lloyd Bowles Sr.348 PR 2356, Decatur, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contact X3Victim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleJimmy David Brazile160 CR 3051, Decatur, TXSexual assault X3Victim Age: 16 •Victim Sex: FemaleTommy Glenn Cave8525 N. FM 51, Decatur, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 8 • Victim Sex: FemaleDECATURTerry Neil Chester354 CR 4196, Decatur, TXOnline solicitation to a minor for sexualcontactHarold Ray Davis2001 W. Bus. 380, Decatur, TXIndecency with a child by exposre X2Victim Age: 11 & 6 •Victim Sex: FemaleCecil Wayne Dawson1613 Old Denton Hwy., Decatur, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 3 • Victim Sex: FemaleTerry Olan Eakman359 CR 4470, Decatur, TXSexual assaultVictim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleDonald James Evans1608 N. Cates St., Decatur, TXSexual assaultVictim Age: 25 •Victim Sex: FemaleDaniel Patrick Gragg901 N. Washburn, Decatur, TXPossession/promotion of child pornographyVictim Age: 14 •Victim Sex: FemaleDECATURJoshua Scott Gripp3<strong>10</strong>1 S. Murvil St., Decatur, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 1 • Victim Sex: FemaleRobert Kyle Holt7342 N. FM 51, Decatur, TXSexual assault of a child (out-of-stateconviction - CO)Victim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleCrystal Marie Jimenez Cloud157 PR 4390, Decatur, TXSexual conduct with a minor (Out-of-stateconviction - OH)Victim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: MaleCharles Dudley Lott146 PR 4390, Decatur, TXAggravated sexual assault of a childVictim Age: 12 & 16 • Victim Sex: FemaleDarrel Wayne Metts1189 Heritage Creek Dr., Decatur, TXIndecent exposureVictim Age: 52 •Victim Sex: FemaleMax Harlon Reeves183 CR 4219, Decatur, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: FemaleDECATURDanny R. Sims1849 CR 4127, Decatur, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 12 •Victim Sex: MaleRichard Ronnie Spears<strong>26</strong>9 CR 1111, Decatur, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemaleRonald Wayne Stalkup511 Valleyridge Ct., Decatur, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleJill Veronica Thomas538 CR 3250, Decatur, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: MaleSteve Lee William178 Ponderview, Decatur, TXSexual assault (Out-of-state - OH)Victim Age: 12 • Victim Sex: FemaleKelly Jean Young (Bramlett)2808 S. Garland, Decatur, TXSexual assault X2Victim Age: <strong>10</strong> & 3 • Victim Sex: FemaleHASLETNEWARKWesley Raymond Hearn449 CR 4841, Haslet, TXIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleMark Allen Talley150 Lexington Circle, Haslet, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemaleDavid Wayne Thorn136 PR 4907, Haslet, TXSexual assaultVictim Age: 29 • Victim Sex: FemaleBilly Don Applewhite835 Rogers Rd., Newark, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleToney Vaughn Biggers522 Petit St., Newark, TXAggravated sexual assault of a child X2Victim Age: 11 & 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleJoe Bob Carpenter360 CR 4859, Newark, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 14 •Victim Sex: FemaleNEWARKRicky Wayne Hentschel275 CR 4874, Newark, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contact (Outof-stateconviction - CA)Victim Age: 14 •Victim Sex: FemaleRickey Don Jones507 McCaine St., Newark, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleJustin Frank Merideth402 Country Living, Newark, TXAggravated sexual assault of a child(Solicitation to commit)William Robert Peterson533 <strong>Wise</strong> St.Newark, TXChild pornography, FederalEric Phillip Rivers<strong>26</strong>9 Marshal Dr., Newark, TXSexual assaultVictim Age: 17 • Victim Sex: FemaleGeorge Leslie Sanderson208 PR 4840, Newark, TXAggravated sexual assault of a child X2Victim Age: 3 & 4 • Victim Sex: Male & Female

WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Decatur, Texas, <strong>Thursday</strong>, October 28, 20<strong>10</strong>NEWARKPARADISELawrence Hal Stroutsenberger135 PR 4833, Newark, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 4 •Victim Sex: MaleRonnie R. Wright177 CR 4849, Newark, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleRuben James Broussard138 PR 3393, Paradise, TXSexual assault of a childVictim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleRonnie Dale Johnson1<strong>10</strong>8 CR 3525, Paradise, TXIndecency with a child by exposureSexual assault (Attempt to commit)Victim Age: 4 & 33 • Victim Sex: FemaleDavid Alan Pugh413 CR 3547, Paradise, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 6 • Victim Sex: FemaleJames Kelly Wilson142 PR 3492, Paradise, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemalePOOLVILLERHOMEDale Morris Hightower9807 Hwy. 199 W., Poolville, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contact,Aggravated sexual assault of a childVictim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleGary Don King700 Division Ln., Poolville, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: MaleJerry Wayne McHenry Jr.817 CR 3940, Poolville, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemaleApril Michelle Simmons<strong>10</strong>081 Hwy. 199, Poolville, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual assault X2Victim Age: 5 & 9 • Victim Sex: MaleRichard Ray Bradshaw690 S. Randall, Rhome, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 4 • Victim Sex: MaleJames Dwight Cato153 Layfi eld Ln., Rhome, TXAggravated sexual assault of a child X2Victim Age: 8 & 12 • Victim Sex: MaleRHOMESteven Dale Chavez137 PR 4443, Rhome, TXSexual assaultVictim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleBruce Raymond Colston149 Happy Trail, Rhome, TXAggravated sexual assault of a childIndecency with a child by exposureVictim Age: 3 & 5 • Victim Sex: MaleTylene Chelsi Green413 Skyview, Rhome, TXSexual assault of a child X2Victim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleDonald Wayne Hyatt<strong>10</strong>3 Cemetery Rd., Rhome, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 4 • Victim Sex: FemalePatrick Wayne Lee196 Prairie Trail, Rhome, TXSexual assault X3Victim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleAdam Flores Luna125 Rheitt Ct., Rhome, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleRHOMEJames Oliver Mello III804 Old Base Rd., Rhome, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 7 • Victim Sex: FemaleGerald Wayne Moore204 PR 4440, Rhome, TXSexual assault of a childVictim Age: 3 • Victim Sex: FemaleDavid Brian Nance203 Hount St., Rhome, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contact (Outof-stateconviction - IL)Victim Age: 5 • Victim Sex: FemaleCharles Allen Rampley115 Judge Ct., Rhome, TXSexual assault of a childVictim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: FemaleTimothy Joe Smith147 Chisholm Hill Ct., Rhome, TXSexual assault of a cildVictim Age: 15 • Victim Sex: FemaleWilliam Mark Sullivan4804 FM 718, Rhome, TXAggravated sexual assault X2Victim Age: 8 • Victim Sex: FemaleRHOME RUNAWAY BAY SPRINGTOWNRoyce Gene Swim12137 Arbor Lake Rd., Rhome, TXSexual assault of a child (Out-of-stateconviction - CO)Victim Age: 6 • Victim Sex: FemaleMichael Christopher Young136 Wilson Ct., Rhome, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 12 •Victim Sex: FemaleDavid Richard Horn203 Bartlett Ct., Runaway Bay, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 8 • Victim Sex: FemaleMartin Edmund Adendschein116 Table Salt Ct., Springtown, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 9 • Victim Sex: FemaleRoger Dale Brown322 Wild Hill Oak, Springtown, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contact,Aggravated sexual assault X2Victim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleZackary Wayne Harlow1695 Agnes N., Springtown, TXSexual abuse of child, Continuous -Victim age under 14Victim Age: 11 •Victim Sex: FemaleSPRINGTOWNRobert Wright Kelley II404 PR 3762, Springtown, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 14 • Victim Sex: FemaleRobert Wade Mize292 Apache Trail, Springtown, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleSelzo Loandro Nuncio114 PR 4797, Springtown, TXSexual assault of a childVictim Age: 16 • Victim Sex: FemaleRay Wesley Rickman1216 Salt Creek Rd., Springtown, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 9 • Victim Sex: FemaleChristopher Wayne Robinson184 CR 3672, Springtown, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 12 • Victim Sex: FemaleJoe Lee Wortham Jr.508 Big Salty Ln., Springtown, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemaleSUNSETABSCONDEDJessica Ann Bishop1283 CR 2886, Sunset, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 13 • Victim Sex: FemaleJames Ray Haire302 CR 1697, Sunset, TXIndecency with a child, Sexual contactVictim Age: 9 • Victim Sex: FemaleHarvey Coleman Hale124 PR 3666, Paradise, TXSexual assaultVictim Age: 11 • Victim Sex: FemaleRicky Darron JonesSexual assault of a childVictim Age: 15Victim Sex: FemaleFrank Delbert MorroneSexual assaultVictim Age: 14Victim Sex: FemaleRichard Elvin Schneider195 CR 4870, Newark, TXAggravated sexual assaultVictim Age: 4 • Victim Sex: Female

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Great Selection, Spooky SavingsGarden Fresh ProduceKellogg'sCereal12.2 Oz. Froot Loops &Apple Jacks, 12.5 Oz. Corn Popsor 14 Oz. Frosted Flakes2/ $ 7Quaker Life orCap'nCrunchSelect Varieties14-16 Oz. Box2/ $ 5FreshTropicalLimesLarge8 ¢ Ea.RipeAvocados88 ¢ Ea.Dinty MooreBeef Stewor Chicken & Dumplings24 Oz. Can2/ $ 4Nabisco<strong>10</strong>0 Calorie PacksSelect Varieties6 Ct. Box2/ $ 5Orville Redenbacher’sPopcornSelect Varieties2-4 Ct. Box2/ $ 4Aunt JemimaSyrupSelect Varieties24 Oz. Bottle$2 79Betty Crocker BisquickAll Purpose Baking MixOriginal or Reduced Fat, 40 Oz. Box ... $ 2 99Keebler Right Bites<strong>10</strong>0 Calorie SnacksSelect Varieties6 Ct. Box2/ $ 5Hi-CFruit DrinksBoppin' Strawberry, <strong>10</strong> Ct. Box ..... 2/ $ 4Langer'sAppleJuice64 Oz. BottleThe AllensVegetablesCorn, Peas, Green Beansor Mixed Vegetables14.5-15.25 Oz. Can59 ¢Kellogg’s Rice KrispiesTreatsOriginal8 Ct. Box2/ $ 4Quaker InstantOatmealSelect Varieties8-16 Ct. Box2/ $ 5Sun ChipsMultigrain SnacksSelect Varieties<strong>10</strong>.5 Oz. Bag2/ $ 58 Giant Rolls BountyPaper Towelsor 24 Rolls Charmin Basic,9 Mega & 18 Big RollsCharmin Bath Tissue$9 99Taco BellTacoDinner Kit<strong>10</strong>.7 Oz. Box2/ $ 4DoritosTortillaChipsor Ruffles Potato Chips9-14.5 Oz. Bag99 ¢ 2/ $ 5With In Ad CouponThe Allens, Popeye or Veg•AllVegetablesSelect Varieties, 13.5-15.5 Oz. Can ...... 79 ¢Kellogg'sPop•TartsSelect Varieties, 8 Ct. ................. 2/ $ 4Puffs Ultra or Plus LotionFacial Tissue50-60 Ct. Cube ................................. $ 1 19Taco BellTaco Seasoning MixOriginal, 1.25 Oz. Pkt. .................... 2/ $ 1Nabisco Snack orRitz CrackersSelect Varieties5.5-16 Oz. Box2/ $ 5Betty CrockerFruit SnacksSelect Varieties6-18 Ct. Box2/ $ 4Quaker ChewyGranola BarsSelect Varieties8-<strong>10</strong> Ct. Box$2 19MurraySandwichCookiesChocolate or Duplex12-13 Oz. Pkg.2/ $ 3Kibbles ‘n BitsDog Foodor Meow Mix Cat Food14.2-17.6 Lb. Bag$11 99Taco BellSalsa Con QuesoMild or Medium15 Oz. Jar2/ $ 5Zatarain'sRice MixesSelect Varieties, 5.7-8 Oz. Box ...... <strong>10</strong>/ $ <strong>10</strong>Dairy Deals & Frozen FavoritesPillsbury Grands!Biscuits16.3-17.3 Oz. Can or12 Oz. Simply Biscuits!!!!! 38 ¢ !!!!! 68 ¢ !!48 ¢Lb.Lb.Lb.4/ $ 5 <strong>10</strong>/ $ <strong>10</strong>BanquetDinnersSelect Varieties5-<strong>10</strong>.25 Oz. BoxBanquetKraftVelveeta LoafOriginal or 2% Milk, 32 Oz. Box .......... $ 4 99Kraft Deli FreshCheese SlicesSelect Varieties, 7-8 Oz. Pkg. ............ $ 2 79NestléNesquik MilkSelect Varieties, 16 Oz. Bottle ... <strong>10</strong>/ $ <strong>10</strong>ImperialMargarine Quarters16 Oz. Box ......................................... 89 ¢Health & BeautyMennenSpeed StickDeodorantSelect Varieties2.7-3.25 Oz. Stick$1 99Best Choice Cough DropsSelect Varieties, 30 Ct. Pkg. ................ 79 ¢EnsureNutritionalDrinksSelect Varieties6 Pk.$7 39Herbal EssencesShampoo &Conditioneror Styling Products5.7-12 Oz.2/ $ 6Best Choice Ibuprofen Pain Relief40 Ct. Liquid-Gels ......................... 2/ $ 6T-5 Page 2 Versions T6 T-5 Page 3 Versions T6JumboWhiteOnionsFreshFreshTexas RedJalapeñoGrapefruitPeppers28 ¢ Ea.LargeGoldenDeliciousApples88 ¢ Lb.Fresh US #1SweetPotatoes58 ¢ Lb.FreshBroccoliCrowns88 ¢Lb.Acorn, Butternutor SpaghettiSquashPot PiesSelect Varieties, 7 Oz. Box ................. 79 ¢Totino'sPizza RollsSelect Varieties, 40 Ct. Pkg. .......... 2/ $ 6José OléTaquitos or Mini TacosSelect Varieties, 20-22.5 Oz. Pkg. ..... $ 3 99José OléBurritos or ChimichangasSelect Varieties, 5 Oz. Pkg. ....... <strong>10</strong>/ $ <strong>10</strong>Bertolli CompleteSkillet or Oven Bake MealsSelect Varieties, 24 Oz. Pkg. ............ $ 6 99DoveBody Washfor Men13.5 Oz. Bottle, 2 Ct. Barsor Single Ct. Shower Tool$3 99

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