Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network


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• Sample safer injection brochures from the <strong>Harm</strong> <strong>Reduction</strong> Coalition(visit www.harmreduction.org to print actual sizes!)PHILOSOPHY<strong>Harm</strong> <strong>Reduction</strong> is about Human beings, not aboutinfection control, public health policy or governmentlegislation!Ron Shore, Manager, Street Health ProgramKingston, Ontario<strong>Harm</strong> reduction strategies work to improve the safety, health and wellbeingof individuals, families and communities. (And they are cost-effectivetoo!)Some examples of harm reduction initiatives include: designated driverprograms, sex education, distribution of safer sex supplies (condoms/lube),needle exchange programs (NEPs), safe injection sites, distribution of cracksmoking kits, public smoking bans, methadone maintenance programs, andoutreach programs for homeless youth.The harm reduction movement is peer-based and initiated by active andpast drug users troubled and frustrated from seeing so many friends sufferand die without having access to a better quality of life. They wanted to beheard and supported, not marginalized and forgotten.<strong>Harm</strong> reduction recognizes that drug use and other high-risk behaviours willinevitably occur. Drugs will always be around and someone will always usethem. Those who choose to use should have access to as muchinformation and clean supplies as they need to make healthier decisionsrelated to their drug use.Therefore, the idea is to meet drug users ‘where they’re at’, to supportivelyaddress the context of their use along with the use itself, while providingeducation and supplies for safer use. This approach can be especiallyhelpful for transient or street-involved individuals who cannot or choose notto abstain from using drugs at a particular point in time. However, ifsomeone practicing harm reduction does decide to stop using drugs, theyare less likely to have to deal with serious health issues, such as HIV orHepatitis C (HCV) infection, as they work to stay clean.SUPERIOR POINTS HARM REDUCTION PROGRAMProtocols for Staff, Volunteers and Community Agencies6

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