Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network


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considered an at-risk child and must be reported. All T.B.D.H.U staff willalso have to complete an incident form. (See Appendix E for more detailedDuty to Report legislation.)Police Involvement:If a matter involving the police arises, staff should immediately call theProgram Manager of <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Points</strong> <strong>Harm</strong> <strong>Reduction</strong> Program. Under nocircumstances should staff either verbally or by their actions, hinder orobstruct the police in any action.If the police have occasion to interrupt outreach activities/deliveries or toenter the needle exchange facility to take action against a client of theexchange, staff are to remain neutral and as already indicated, immediatelycontact the Program Manager of <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Points</strong>.In the event of such a police action, staff should record the officer’s badgenumber (located on the shoulder of the officer’s uniform) or police carregistration number (4 digits) or license plate number and record all detailsof the incident at the first opportunity.NEEDLE EXCHANGE SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATIONThis page is for site-specific details and instructions and should becompleted by all agencies operating as <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Points</strong> needle exchangesites. Include information on the storage location of both new and usedsupplies, hours that needle exchange program (NEP) services are availableat this particular site, and any other relevant details staff, students andvolunteers should know about the NEP.Agency Site:Hours of NEP Operation:Important Information:SUPERIOR POINTS HARM REDUCTION PROGRAMProtocols for Staff, Volunteers and Community Agencies26

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