Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network


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The number of syringes provided must be indicated on the Inventory SiteControl Sheet (Appendix A). If the client wants condoms, the approximatenumber given out is recorded as well.The client will be asked if they require any other supplies (i.e. ties, alcoholwipes/swabs, filters, matches, etc.). This is an opportunity to provideclients with harm reduction education relevant to their use (see AppendicesF, G, H, and I for information on Hepatitis C, and safer drug use). Clientswill be strongly encouraged to take a sharps container for safe disposal oftheir injection supplies.Needle Recovery:If the client has loose syringes to return, they will be asked to deposit themdirectly in the sharps container. If at all possible, agency staff should nevertouch returned syringes. Ideally, the client will be returning their usedsyringes in a sharps container.The client will be asked how many syringes are being returned and thequantity will be entered in the correct column on the Site Inventory ControlSheet (Appendix A).If the client did not return any syringes, the staff person should try toexplore why and how the used syringes were disposed of. (Maybe theclient did not have a proper container, it is not yet full, or they have comeon foot and did not want to carry them.) The staff person can explore withthe client future strategies for safe disposal of their used supplies, whichcan include returning them to one of the community agency exchange sitesor contacting SP<strong>HRP</strong> by telephone for pick-up during business hours.It is worth mentioning the growing issue of publicly discarded syringes andthe negative consequences of putting syringes out with regular garbage,such as placing others at risk of harm, being denied curbside garbagecollection, or being fined by the City of Thunder Bay (see Appendix H forinformation on the Safe Streets Act).SUPERIOR POINTS HARM REDUCTION PROGRAMProtocols for Staff, Volunteers and Community Agencies24

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