Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network

Superior Points HRP - Canadian Harm Reduction Network


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Tuberculosis is a treatable disease caused by bacteria that typically affectsthe lungs. It is spread by repeated or prolonged exposure to the coughingor sneezing of an infected individual. Due to the possibility that a clientcould have TB, staff should consider having baseline skin testing done.Visit the Thunder Bay District Health Unit website (www.tbdhu.com) andthe Public Health Agency of Canada’s website (http://www.phacaspc.gc.ca/id-mi/index.html)for further information on infectious diseases.HARM REDUCTION SUPPLIES<strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Points</strong> <strong>Harm</strong> <strong>Reduction</strong> Program provides individuals and agencieswith syringes in a variety of sizes, as well as other injection and safer sexsupplies.All injection equipment is for individual single-use only. For the purpose ofreducing the risk of infections, skin and vein damage, and transmission ofblood-borne diseases, no equipment should be re-used or shared.Clients will be encouraged to access as many supplies they perceive isnecessary, along with an adequate number of sharps containers. All usedsupplies should be considered biohazardous waste and disposed of inappropriate sharps containers.When ordering supplies, agencies should contact SP<strong>HRP</strong> staff directly bytelephone, and leave a request for supplies on voicemail if calling beforenoon. Ordered supplies will be delivered as quickly as possible.Supplies at all needle exchange sites will be inventoried on the last Tuesdayof every month. If supplies are required before that date please contactstaff with a detailed message. Completed originals of Site InventoryControl Sheet forms (Appendix A) should be collected and submitted to thestaff of <strong>Superior</strong> <strong>Points</strong>.Biohazardous Waste Disposal Containers:Large Sharps Containers • sturdy plastic boxes with a biohazardsymbol, a Biohazardous Waste warning, and a maximum capacity indicator.Should be distributed along with any significant number of needles (i.e.,more than ten or too many for a small container, or at the consumer’srequest).Small Sharps Containers • label has a biohazard symbol and aBiohazardous Waste warning, as well as an indicator of how full theSUPERIOR POINTS HARM REDUCTION PROGRAMProtocols for Staff, Volunteers and Community Agencies17

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