Aug 1910 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County

Aug 1910 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County

Aug 1910 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County


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THECAMPHOR LANGUAGEfd In Johor* Bsoauae <strong>of</strong> a Malay'.• Superstition. • ' , 'In .l.ihnre, on the ..Mulnv peninsula,'iTc IK employed ,itue cr the mraugext.J'KU.mi'H luMile' world, used fur amost pcnk In u tongue that thetnv spirit inu.v not iiudi-rsiuml. It wnsfor tills purpose thnt the mysterious."cniuplior laiiKUuue" WUH Invented,andIt consists <strong>of</strong> iin «]il mixture <strong>of</strong> Jiiuunfind -Mnlrty words Itint liuve -been ,curl'wsl.valtered" iind revers«!d.—Iliirper'a\VWU.v. '• , • •' An Innocent Accomplice.1A iimugiiliuu stor.v In wlileb a wol-mnnfooled her iiiisiis|Hs-iliif; biiHband• Is told In the CVnniry. The husbandI \V:IH a retired general, a uiartlnet Indiscipline nml overscrupulous regard-Ing even the, shadow, <strong>of</strong> laxity In tboperformance <strong>of</strong> his owu obligations.I "No smuggling.wax' to be jwrmltlcd,"lie told Ills wife, and before leavingPurls be Insisted on mnklng'a full listformer dlssrnccV"Up spoke Miss EUgcrtoh. During 'Erery ooe who came ID contact .wltb J".'...•Sllss Edgerton enjoyed Immensely tbe'Innocent rnse that wns being perpe-1 ;vV trated opon ber. Tbey were all_vejrtrr^J-'r)pnnctflloqa lD'ndJreiialnB' me In her; ' presence as Mr. Jtocers. He was very•'.'•:•popular, and there was not one personat tbe Jjost who wobld^for tbe worldDare balked the plan to bide tbo fact• . • that be was "under arrest for Intoilca-:, .' tlon. I nnd expected Airs. Seymoor to•. " "Und «ome>way.imt <strong>of</strong> the matter wltn-'•'..'In a-few days, bat sbe did Dot, and It.. • went on. An order for the/convenlnt;V <strong>of</strong>-a-coort-marlinfto~try~Hie rearBog-:: -, : . era for conduct onbeeomtog'an <strong>of</strong>ficerand n sentleman was dally expected,but did not arrlTe." However, there••••••'•'were few <strong>of</strong> ns at the post, and ererybis bumnguc she -hnd drawnfrom me as far. as posslhV. rvgme with n Blngular expression.siie turned to Mrs. Se.rinoiir. ."Wlint does this niciiuV" shea dcmaniled.' . ' . ' . ' ' ".Mrs. Seymoor was so a'gnnlzrd thatshe couldn't'find Pltber voice or wordsfor reply. Miss Edgerton left her wauwent to Jier friend mid put her armsabout her. Then, standing liy her. shosnld: , • '. . -."The farce Is ended. Let those IIIURIIbest.who laugh last. Soou after myarrival here I Raw nt n window an otlicerwhom I bnd met last Ktinimcr atWcs.t Tolnt HPd whose nnme I knew to ;be Alfred Itogers. We i-hutttsl. uud he married.Em."'"Von didn't tell no He about It. neihfither,sigh.e but It. neifieorgi-." she declared, with oyon. • Boynton.I ntn under especial•personating a wlneobllgatlonsr foiblbber."' 1 arose, placed my band on my-heartandrbowed:up:one became so used to palming me <strong>of</strong>fas XJentenant Itogers that It seemedIbe substitution might goon Indefinitely.' One evening MIIM. Edcer«on.-*ho bad'been very any. surprised me by IDOrpatlnglo a delicate tbougb unmlstakablewny tbat sbe wns cognizant <strong>of</strong>JUra. Seyinonr's matchmaking scheme'and showed disappointment at my notbaring evinced a tender Interest In her.' Jt waa bardienooKb before for me toKet.oo witnout maklriK love..but after,this It wns'lmposslble. I ddn't meanthat I bad fallen lo love wlib Miss Ed-'gerfoo. We soldiers, proneto extremes,are given as mncb to lovemaklng.as to flgbtlrjc It Is, however, ratherloremaklne tbnn love, far we have a'|faculty for cnooslng sweethearts 'as<strong>of</strong>ten as _we are transferred between, stations. My loremaklng wltb UIss, JMgerton wos more like that we wereused to prnctlclnB while at West Point^unnir tbe sammer encampment, wben• ,»e'iroet aworms <strong>of</strong> clrl visitors, eacboaAiSt-yihom- would bave considered;tbeecrns unfialloDt ir she were pcrmlt(d to eo'back borne without bavirecetre

<strong>Ocean</strong> City SentinelViPmormo in r»_t_K>"1tY_T Tanauur11 '• i": v\ >if'y^s' R. CURTIS ROBINSONEditor and ProprietorOCEAN CITY,* . . NEW JERSEYInterstate 'Phono No mAdvertlMmenta In local cotuiunii, 4 cent*-par Una. aaebtiuaruOD. MonUilyuudyeurlyraua(arnlabedonyipplloaUoD. .Job work, promptly; dime by eiperlencM)THURHOAY, AUUUdT -I.. ibltr.Kn tared-at ttavVort "<strong>of</strong>fice u'ckwn C'lly.ltt-l- M awonfl a»n mall mutter. . . .iONE scarcely ever liearminy thing orthe Seashore Kesort League. Wliat 'clnYHiif tho railroad company an.COUNCIL OBJECTS•.oconotlvvii uuraluit Molt Co. Caaainir, Mach Annoywnce. .. For tome time pant people livingtbe vicinity <strong>of</strong> Xmtb atreef and Wenavenuehave been coiuplalulug <strong>of</strong> Ihanu'o>aiice cauaed them By tlie VVexJonwy & Seashore Knllroad UO.'H halldozen son-coal bunting locomotive*'t'he ctothing<strong>of</strong> there people have heeiruined in many hir-laiicex, It Ui'liiiineilby'tlio black, oily Hiilmtance _ilnfront the enginex. " . *Another mutler in"complaint Ix tlnearly all night • I r 1111 •_• K <strong>of</strong> Irnln-.The HUbJOft was l.rouKlil lo Ilic 11teiition <strong>of</strong> (.'outii'll itt Ifx meeting Moiday nVlil. . '" .'". '. . ,•It wax decided to couxull with oil1 ibaa become or It?VKXT>jon seeks to bury all IIH wire*under ground. Ventuor i» movingthe proper direction.OCEAN CITY ban a line squad <strong>of</strong> lifiguards this season^ in the opinion "'••'..;;, . ;.; ...';'• '•'; • •'' / ; : . • ,' • '•Are you undecided how to plan your house ? You areihvitedto come and see pur .splendid collection <strong>of</strong> up-to-date plans.WoaH you like to have you* ideas <strong>of</strong> a-house developed andknow what't would cost'to build ? ' '. •, ..We have a draughtsuian always at your service. -Free. ' 'Are you unfamiliar with building materials ? You are invitedto our show rooms, where samples may be sevtrand their relative •merits and cost disenssed. , • ' \- •• ;.Are you 1 .undecided whb to have build your house? It willcost you no more to have a man who has designed and built wanv '<strong>of</strong> the finest buildings in <strong>Ocean</strong> City.JOS. G. CHAMPIONBUILDEREighth St., Opp. Penna. R. R. Depot•STATE OF XKW JEIJSKV.I'EI'AKT.MKXT Iff STATK.CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLITION.ull to whom tlitMe pr«M*ntH iniiy come,(trevtlDi;: ,Whfrfiw. It npiH-ur- m* my nut Infect Ion, byiluly aullifnli.-ui^l r-fordortbe protv Court IlftUKf, New Jvr.vy.TTtie IM^IKI" ure I'U|HJII l*uud>i, Uaitn] Ausuttlu,n>iu. iWHirlui: lutt-rvHt m four und on«-litill*r tvni., DM>'Hi>i*-tMl.HanuHllyiit iheKtmtAll hld« by mull mu»t be ucritmpuDlnl byr'ritltftl chwk or nwh for.tuo (2) i>er »-eni. <strong>of</strong>if iimouiit hid, which will bt* rehHtird hy'f lH.ur.] HII'MIM UIH |i»rty tall lo Hike theIKN ut llif |trh*t h|il.Hit* IhmrtJ r«wrw» the rltclit to rtfleti unyittl MiU.'«*H.\S, H.'(.'!.i)t*TIN0,I.KVI WKNT/,K[!,' INl ' Elt '• IFlniini*t* t.'omiulttH)-iiwl J«lyTih, lt»ln, • 7> li, :ti., P.,K. rton.Notice to Limit fVeilitois.Kntule nf Joint S. Wiirftfouer, VI^-VUM^I'tlrMiiitm u< flit) ord«r <strong>of</strong> t.'tmMillwork and Builders' SuppliesCity Mill and Lumber Company- INCORPORATED , 'J»)HN MAKTH, Preaideui.AUUUX. SL'ilLL, Secretary ami TreaMrrei.Offices, Sixth and Haven Avenue* <strong>Ocean</strong> City,.N. J.' . UKUTELRPHONE . •li. S. GORSQISTSoashore CottaRes a Specialty,—; '•—— .,. Hotels and BungalowsContractor and Builder.Everything in tb?..Kuiidiug uuvPlans and .Specifications-'Furaishcd. . Ks'tiiuates Cheerfully Given *RK8II>KX(;ii-8IO Anbury AvenueOKKIUE-7« W.Bt AveiiueBuntrng; andFlag DecorationsAll Sizes - 'Tents,"Wedding Canopiesand, Floor Coversto Hirenfll.f LN.iinIy f.r C'upe MHV,i. ...... o r Jnfy, A. IK Will, on* onfhv -71 hil«t ilui'f»Nff(, nuilrt-' l» ht-r«>hy _tvuu tontlltorM olMM hi *IftvuM*d lo fxhlttlt lo4iitMHTirHT iiniiir tuiih «r uillriiiiitumL-'UlKII tllld llr'MMIIldx Uk'UlU«t I lit* fftlttf..hitlviyitM-flwtiiiiu iilii** moDiliH fromlit--.,lti iIiiV til Julj.A. It. UHO. «»r ltn*y wilt«• mrt*vrr hurrtnl <strong>of</strong> utty urtlon ui;uiiiHt Iht*iii«»iil Jiiiv '.;iii, \. II Hill!TAX XOTK'K.• IHFKAKt'lTV, N .?.. July C.*, JWO.IH1*T lite-prvM-m luu ihc-4-«>llM-ior nuiHttr*>*. l>> utlvtrtiKf infill uml •.il.', iniyiiifin>ll tux«mon r*>»l t^iiHii* lur Hie yeAr It '.»ulnltit! uiiptildoi) July tirxt, 1I«1U. Thfud-. t-.-.i m*i|n.|iiem 1,1-1 wilt nr«l ui>p«*ur inHe 4ifK*\S ClTV SKNTINKl. AUiCIINt illh, IVIU.At lll«* Mitint'llitiH wilt tH? published. It UMI <strong>of</strong>n* iimne-und iiimmntHiliK-ul the IMII undLII111—1_1LX_Of 11 ^^ Tf*IUlllU-itllE-UKl|>Hlil-llVtbul~To -ivohl ih*- i'O"4i unit piittllrity ot ltd-•IIIL', I'Jtyib.Mil Dliouia be b* uitiile l>y•' J--. W, lIUKLKUJH.CollfCtor., ltt, I # r., t't.',*'t. . _v's Is getting to be In <strong>Ocean</strong>City each season now a larger and' larger'elus <strong>of</strong> people wfco remain on. tbe-walfc nmit 11^0 o'clock or later at, nlghti' Time wa», not so many years•go, when tbe start homeward rromtbe walk was began about 10 o'clock;anrj a half hour later- there were com-> panUveljr few to be Been on tbepromenade _____'TIIK people or Ibis State Bliould bearoosed to the necessity or proviaing. public beaebes along tbe shore rrom- Sapdy Hook to Cape May, says theNewark Call. We regard this matteraa<strong>of</strong> forgreater Importance than tbeocean bpplevnrd; and eacu'year it u»i becoming's grayer question. Access' to tbe ehpre Ut now denied at many' ,polbts;un|,'<strong>of</strong>C()urse,tbbexclUBlvenet>»' lwUrtncie)UeJ(| there Is no public aotlou"'Jakcnr ^be'foollsh poklcy. <strong>of</strong> the rldcum. HtNaac I. Voand one lialf <strong>of</strong> lo. H J.nt I'liriHllan, <strong>of</strong> uld beope.ieil. COTTAGES GOINGHUHlt Ua'lor ilir Few KeinuhilllK. ' In TMM Krtart. • •Harry I'. Slanton rcporlx the followingrenlalc:'N.H. tlolfu cottage, H.-J7 i'leaxureaveuue, to ItutiHrll r. C. P. Mercer, <strong>of</strong>"'Philadelphia.. . ..William K." Wller'H .cottage, 830 Atlatiiic avenue, to \V. W.JJickliart, orpolice protection IH newled; KarbaKeNhuulil be collected, and there in n lack<strong>of</strong> •light*.•.Mi*. 1'owkk uaitt auto* ar: run aterrillc wpeeil, anil Boine <strong>of</strong> tlje |iromlnentnien <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> City are aiiioni; (hechief olleiideri). The liven <strong>of</strong> uhildreiare endangered by tliene inaclilnetThe light* down their way burn nuixtbrightly. 011 moon light niglito.• The wpeaker alHo objected to the exeni|itlnn from taxation <strong>of</strong> a mont vuluable piece or properly near. .Thirtyfourth Hlreet. It IH a calleil a tfchool,he xald. Iml it IH not. lley l.ake, the boulevard \vlH.rn!-> Iliclake at the upper end or that' body or, where there wiU'besoiiie Illllng-11 done. • . _ . ' • • :,The road will'follow'the lukV to tliecean front und return Inland" to thenaln roaif, thenceto llelmur, returningto the ocean front by I'lflb in en lie,hence through llelmur to .SpringImkeaud througli tn Sea ; linproveiuent'ut Wesley Luke, <strong>Ocean</strong> Cirove, *-">emurUHtand wife, Dorothy Deuiarext, Mrx.A. K. (Iroenevild, Until (Jroeuevlld,irnvenient Of Ituy avenue, from;'oiirlh to Seventh xtreet, wax pausedin third und liiial reading..•Au ordinance approving or plans 1ind •- or the <strong>Ocean</strong> City (lurdcns Co.iHiii'cepted 011 lirst reading.A pel ill/in <strong>of</strong> tbe <strong>Ocean</strong> City lilectrlclalln:iy ('onipany reliiling In prom>edextension* was received undiled..'..•••The colleelor'H report wax receivedm l I l l e J I . _ • • • - • • •'I'he financial report or Secretaryewln !•;. Stiiith, or tlie Hoard <strong>of</strong>-Kdu-•allon, wa-- received and IIled.City t. K-' Church, wn, and,theiher comprl-cd inembxrsor theClirlxliuuKudeuvor Society'or tlie SlloaniM. K Church, West Plillttdelphia. •Tlie Kirsf National. Hank glviiroiupt alleiition to all linshiess turn-tedto Its care.An Advtrtlsement About a NewlyBuilt-CottageE. J. HANK, Real Estate BrokerU the agent having chance .<strong>of</strong> the property ,The M/»r\ i* -liort ui-1 to lite- p«*itit.IKre is wh;it I ;im fitTt'ring:A littiiM? ilntt hiishrt'ii ;nlvcrtist-r.' Hiis -*evcn nwnii 1 *, bathiiii.I lar^e attic. Kttilt <strong>of</strong> ihr bestin;iR'ri;i!t finish wl in ualuniiwurtjl, uml luis every iletail to'iiiukc ali'.tisc pnifiiciil and attfactivc;t.ptn lire place, t*luu:iclo^L't. hiuuilry .tubs*, wanlrobcs,liiWn cloM?t. tw(» toilets,, eli*i-iric.rltLititlt'HiTs, 1;ir^c front porrhainl• l t I l l l ilwnulow "sLTcuiis, •VfiUfitt walksuml curb*, xewerM utul witter.Kc'iiiicd •surrouiiilinj'^, «cc,a uvifw, with siMithfiist c>:jk>siire.. To effect a i(uick s:»Ic, till* jtricihaKhccn cut to u figure that.willmuUe it iui|MissiMf fur anyone toihii>lic.Ut.-thiM>tj'cr witlwuitiloiu^>ui at a loss, f .If you art* ititcrfNted, ami will,urock-hottuni price; ami further, „I, will >how you what htronu's <strong>of</strong>the iMinrhiist- nione_.', utnk ..youenn be the jiul^e.If y.lin»Vt>llielll>U. 1IUIU0 HeulMl tttruuifliitut.U|w>n ml tin year.-MKH. H. UAKWUUII, Trop.Phone Us for Everything in;" •The <strong>Ocean</strong> Heights Flower ShopSTORE and STOCKOF,HousefurnishingGoods...FOR SALE...THEKATHLU ,rtil Avenue,Ot'KAN triTV, N. JP" f*F t !•• WHUl. IlUttlltly lHtl,iifwr.llirhtMt'li* wltlt (nil ut'uun. vl«-u.ttntiie tuiiiturih,Write tnr iMMtkletMISSKS LKWIH•';WYOMINGTl'4 OCKAN AVf.TiVt-- •Ocrau Clly. N.J.IO|M'ir nil. tlio yvur' ';: lltlt Witter' llrUIA. •>. Ml (.MI-IK... .nOTIiL ATGLEN• NINTH ASUCKNTItAhAVK.When y"n itra In Oftf'm Clly nutke thfAtKit-it V-II ' hriiil'l'iurterit,*whether iu itI MM' • ' 't Or Oil'* UM U tUH'fltt VM.ll. W«-* '-'ill ii ^I>«>I ;. Jjovell, Trenton;A. 8. (VI. YUUIIK'BIIII wife. ItltldellYounir, IjuiiHclowne; Wm. (). Ulenuami wire, VV. (.1. Ciluun, J. l|. tllemi,KlkliiH Park; H. H,' Keen,. KldleyI'ark;, l-'ratik Zn'Dlokuiou nud wire,Clmrleti K. Dlokuioil nud wire, A. II.Ijlmiluwtt, Cnluden; liilliun (Irelz,Pnoli. .separately. If wanting n'iihiooi stain), it will pay •you toinvcsligtitc. ' 'Geo. O. Adams713-15 ASBURY AVENUEOCEAN CITY' NEW JERSEY6.0. Adami. ., ".• • • W.WAdaniGEO. 0. ADAMS & BRO.PLASTERING, RANGE SETTINGBRICK LAYING. KlC, Etc.All Work In JVIason Line PromptlyAttended To.OCEAN CITY. N Jc. Wutlcy Mct'urklu ' Wuln-r MH'urkluMcCORKLE BROS. .'MANi'yAcri>iiKH>4 orConcrete Building Blocks'..' llrtolduyluK. Cement Hlilowulka nudOonoroit) Work.t^ttluiut«iic.litwriuUy ruicnuhod. .KourtliHUiliil tluviui .\vo.,O«'UU Clly, N. J.rff riTHE L.1LNNlntli andAvenue•i. K.THE ELBERON . .(Formerly tlie timtm'tl)ttud Ceutriil AvenueOl'KAN CITV, IS. J.llol Wutvr lloiit. * Kvery KIHIIH Thoroutlily< - Homed.MMN. KI.l.* K. NAVI.UK, l-ropOCEANIC* fmtliH, . Mu'iil tll'rtiriliiU' \n>, i'ii|>iu*ily _»HI. Klcvuinrftitt-u hit the Htinntin.IMRH.I.. IB A KICKttrMliliLMH A^oiuliKuiuilunu |u All Y«iMiHU'hlti Tournuntent Kvery I'uumiuy- • uml Hulurriuy KVUUUIKMHOTEL ANCHORAGECorner ot Delaware AVotlUoHOMICKH 1 I'OINT, N' jHut Imiiili KVtiry Hutunlay KVenlim;• • * TIIOMAM HIIANNtlN. Miiimuor.Fine^..' \\ ract'all kinds' ol flowers anil, pluuts closing olit at liulf price..•• l-'retili cut" flowers at alltimes'.',"'. •••••' Funeral Designs a specialty"at short notice.Inter-State Phpnc,>fo.,.53i-BR. L. HENDERSON. Millville, N. J.ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW OVERLOOKING BAYSeven riminx, liicliidini; bath; large poroheu; complete In every..ilelnll. (IpiHi'xite new Motor lloal C'lllb. liuiueiliate poooeBalon.'- * . Hrlce % a too. Kaxy teriux..BEAUTJFUL BEACH FRONTXOTTAGENine riuiuix and hath; laundry;


iCltySentiiiel&\v*U£.»- io—5SiwlUmske It aooli.rappprtaod encoungsmeat to^jiwhich l« al-'-XMfmmSf-to,Ieud r » helping baud to»y gd cauio.'ifhlch BMlrta ID thety tbecdmiugnliy.-\- j-Tnit^B will be many people here to'i.i*PPnel>te. tb»" effort* <strong>of</strong> Council to«•* atatetha nnlauee <strong>of</strong> can drilling aud^."fMalng"'throughout moat or theJi'-UllW., Tboeo who live several bloektti" ,nv«ni,Uie, railroad .tracks can warcelyy>appredata the Intolerable annoyauce.gjiXjfnUMaParity Uommlttee la mov-«/lo'g: alongquietly, bat the members, it'4la*Mdd»«n keeping their eyen and earnK r very much open.. The committee wuf i organlted with a very good object inview, and the-members should havethe hearty co-operation <strong>of</strong> all law." bidlill. _ "*" ''Tut punple nf t»itral fn^n I'lfyr «r»iUklng time by the forelock by'nuikragi their grievance* known tocity <strong>of</strong>ficial* at thin time.' It In notllkrly tbat mncb can be done fo'rtbemthis year.' Donbtlcsa they realize tbls,. and are paving the way to have their' needa supplied next year.Tm <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> aooveuin to player* on' the <strong>Ocean</strong> City ball team Tor extra goodeObtU on their part Kliould caum theboys to bustle during I lie remainder <strong>of</strong>\ the acaaon and result In luelr puillnir> up even a •stronger game. Manageray IIIOIIHands <strong>of</strong> acres <strong>of</strong> sterile land into apiculture.Tbe near future I» Mil <strong>of</strong>promise for the whole w.ullierni<strong>of</strong> New Jemey. 'C1TV COMP-THOI.I.KK.enl real estate transfer* In .<strong>Ocean</strong>Mly recorded iu the <strong>of</strong>flce <strong>of</strong> <strong>County</strong>Clerk'HIIilretli are as folloWH: 'Mary K. llutcbliiHon to W. KrunkKiiKllsb. i\. lAlOTH, Hectiou A..K i\. lAlOTH, Hectiou A.K. I.ee LaiiRley to Georfte M. Harknmw.$1000. Lot «03,"Section C.Jaae K: Hoyle to Nathaniel H..Uotr.$1. IteKiiiHoii nnrlliwe-i vl.le<strong>of</strong> Otwauavenue 2M feel nortireu»t <strong>of</strong> Tenll" VBtreet,I f«t. «l V»-l(tOon <strong>Ocean</strong> avenue., Kxperlence Btceliuan to KinmaSuper. $i. Lot between, tbo-last two named/dnb»,will ,take the D. h. Audersoncup", pOered by an ardent admirer <strong>of</strong>-<strong>Ocean</strong> jUtty and. a warm supporter <strong>of</strong>,tbo local team. «Thl* oonleat will b«*tcporta from various rarmlnxlfirrirt* ot-the-^ute-neeut to-lndlcatea question or giving It to a Republican"Imply. because aman may I.e o'ltepubllcanIn thl* usually strong itepiib.I lean city.Politic* Hhould 'not enterinto tbe matter. Elect a peroon whom;reputation for Integrity I* above HUHplclonand whom ability to till tholllce I* beyond question.There are a. number <strong>of</strong> Much turii Itbl* place, and one <strong>of</strong> these aliimld becboHen. ' • •MO C4IWB FOB WAKK.If. a* Ibe police claim, they madegood calcb wlien they 'arrested ayoung man In Atlantic City ou thecbarge'qr committing the recent bur-(rlarle* In this resort, and their evldence-would seem to bear out-theirstatements, there la no'cause for scareamong tbe visitors here ' .True, there were a few robborleshere, but wbera Is there a community<strong>of</strong> any 25,000 people that ban not anoccasions,! robbery or burglary?A* ha* been augge*ted In these colnnina ou other occasloiiHj however,tbe time I» uear when the police lorcehere will bave to be materially increasedduring at leant three monthsIn the year.'i • HI*MI my liiimy 111111 •W-tltUHTBlV\ a fairly soccesafal year for tbe fanner*."Cartoadi> <strong>of</strong> .white potatoes are beingfstilpped /romUootli Jersey, while fruit,1* ripening aod will soon be placed on.tnp market; In larRetmautllie*. Oar->dctt'-traek' f I«iiob>aa tomaloea, bean*.peppcra-' putting up a strong—iln*^ Uw b| JIEMT MEED.Mauy <strong>of</strong> tbe buslnesH men <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong>City urge tbe need or a publlcliy-ageutfor this resort, one who can intelllgently preseut the attractions *.MMM ARE HAKE.Every time some dishonest' bank<strong>of</strong>ficial steals a lot or money and trie*to escape the penalty <strong>of</strong> tbe law, thereare people-who point'to the fact a* indicatingtbe uaaafeneaa <strong>of</strong> banks as InMllutlona In which people may deposltbelr mouey. This Is tbe slllest r»lllyconcluslons, rays the Trenton Gazette•It Is also tbe most, barmful..i! practices.When It Is known that there arethousands nnd'thousands <strong>of</strong> bauks intbi* country, thefact.that iu the course<strong>of</strong> a year a few bAnktcIerks<strong>of</strong>'caohler*who were born dishonest, or who acquiredishonesty by endeavoring to getsomething for notblus In the stockmarket. Is not to be taken as an indicationtbat none or tbe bauks la safeand that none <strong>of</strong> the bank olMvlalalsWhere there Is one dlahoneat bank<strong>of</strong>lioia) there.'are a 'thousand honestf Atlantiextended.State or New Jersey to Benjamin U.Haruett. fl90.S5. S9.27-100 reet orbay front. Regius I n tlie. formerwharf line on south shore <strong>of</strong> GreatKKK Harbor Ray,- where the sameIntersects other lands or Kenjamlu U.liarnett * . • .tiirard Realty Co. to John J. Koater.$1275. l,ot (M and one-half or IW, plan<strong>of</strong> lots <strong>of</strong> grantor'. - .. AN ORDINANCE.AN OHUINANOE for tLo'lniproveme it orU»y aveana Irom tbe aoulbwmlwly•Me or .fourth street to I Us norlbra-l»rly aide ol Mrvenlli ilml •--'»rly "Ida ol(Mty. New J*riM*y..vcllool. lla llonlHlDM] l»y IIM) Cummooi oimcil <strong>of</strong> i>«an ldirrel bHlDM] l»y(I ( HCummo<strong>of</strong>Trust Company<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> City, New JerseyCAPITAL SiOO.OOO .VRTERSrwant to. know aboutrnodiirt. a xenornl baakliiK bu«larpaa'iu nuljjecl to rbenk wlilioutnollo andluuB Having* Fund Drparl-oontoo winch Inleraa^ 1» nlven al lb>- r •!» or » p»ri-*ul aubjeol larhock on two we«ki. notice.AIIH«« «>Mulor, adnilnUlrator, IrualnurUHrUlnn. U'lllarwelptea for and kept without(*liartfv. ."1. M. VltKSNK, l^mldontHKNRV U. 1IOORK, Klnl Vlce-FrmldchlI.HMi;iKH.LUULAM.M«oop(l Vi.Hnrrrrrd•J. KIUi|.|>T«l«luK. Uuwnrd rhoruL. M. frawwK. V. VoraohJ. M. CheaterIt W. Kdward*W. H. HandM.W. LakaLolla H. Ludl>iu.l«..,_ ,__niinluMikivrlv. Hld«* oT Hev^nllinlrt^l k*vp*n*o, Krttd was at the lime, pli-Ued up themoney,whlcliamnunted tu^NT *>0, andturned It over to Policeman -Walter,Foster, by whom the man was lockedu p . •.: • • r r ' ': . . • - ' . • , • _ • " , • 'Sawllowski wot lii adlllerent ii'iiiodwhen he faced Si|iilre RUHII on Miin'-day. He wasn't «»liberal handed. Heexpressed tbe thought that the line <strong>of</strong>£>-and coats was rather high. It wouldalmost buy him a suit <strong>of</strong> clothes, beH a l d . • • • • . .Squire Rusb gave the $•*> to the fellow'swife, who la employed at serviceaud Is a hardworklug woman.Sawllpwski Is usually a quiet. Industriousfellow. He Is a veteran <strong>of</strong> theSpanish-American war, anil, receives apension <strong>of</strong> one dollar a day. It in Mated,He, got IIIM pension la«l week.Tuckabue, leadtug to <strong>Ocean</strong> City andother resorts In Cape Slay <strong>County</strong>.TO REMEMBBR DEADvacblClub la HaldHcmJ. HTHIAtl TATCM. IH>1U>UO,Fine GeraniumsC. WcHloy Mct'orkle V/altar UeCurUeMcCORKLE BROS.MAHUrAOTOBKaS OF.Concrete Building' Blocks.Bricklaying, Cement ti'devwlki ana' >. GonoretA Work.£iittinataa enoenully ruraUbed.Vourtb HU and Haven Ave.,poean Oily, N. J.. in fact'all kinds oi flowersandplants closing put at half price.;: Fresh cut ' flowers at all" t i m e s : 'l " ;,,•••; 'Funeral Designs a specialty, at short notice. . .Inter-State Phone No. 231-BR. L. HENDERSON!Mlllvllle, N, J. ITula apacs laraurvaa torW. L. BERRY,Manufacturing Jeweler,NO. *% SOUTH SECOND ST.,,; pblUulelpbta. Pa.UU.Cnau- emu, Mattm* "'J. U.Otaaater - W.K.MaaMjrK.VOonoa,B. IX Moan,B.B.SUIMB.W.BdwareVi8.WaU«yl«kaEUlu H, Marshall.Boant or ^ jVrUay n>oraln|a.',- - . 1 ^

Xt*.*7^s^ftV***«V,VW'' '• • •i:f HeAIIOWODSomethingQ.C fi - «iwrl*Jt, Jlia br Amertoan Prus'$&•:&:&$•• •**»«»» u »n-:- • • . i;. •.•>«»«««•«•««•«»«*•••••»»UuYe.got alu'uit ur bliu und It not ueenthat tbo girl hud tukcu no great ufancy to bun tliut nlie hmlu't tliu la-artJU" him. What u splendid Joke ItwoaM be on Cook uud tiic. |uiru\ w UoWere present at lb«t tuiikliig <strong>of</strong> the betwhen Chatupllu uud MM Uood rol|eilup to the -— hotel ou tliuul ,;Mlit».Hood audn'feveu n«kt-d for tho glut inher cousin had onVrcd hcrto hp|p himwin them. Cluinipllu told her that ansoon ns ho rcci-lyed the- xtuken In*would give them In her mid HIU> couldchange,them for.- Indies'- itlovw. in-'stead <strong>of</strong> being ph-nncd nt UIIH, shii n|» |[SUNDAY IN THELOCAL CHURCHES8tronff8ermonB and BxcCllentHaqic Heard by X.arge'Congregations. 'The clmreb nervicen In thl» elly onuud I l. A nwnber <strong>of</strong> people etood on tlio' plana <strong>of</strong> a summer hotel'leading linoWashington.' sow looking nt tlu>lr.^watches and now up (lie n> «1 "-'If yvporting aonWhing or soniflH '1\ Aiuousthem. was a young lad> » wed e\ I-dently tor an automobile ri."If be gets hero at S o'clock he'll IWan boor abend <strong>of</strong> time,'' said one,'"What timo Is bo duo lu Wiixlilui;-tool" miked andtbor;v "What's up on 1M""Ob, nothing valuable. It's a gentleman's'race against time A doz«npoint <strong>of</strong> gloves are all there 1» In It.""Hera he comes now."Too last ono <strong>of</strong> these remarks wasscarcely spoken before a mlnoto clout]Of dnst was easily dlncernlulo 'up theroad. An antomobllo appeared a merespeck and -began to grow In apparentsize. In" another mlnutolt pulled upat the steps <strong>of</strong> tbo botol A youngman Jumped oat, calling for gnxollnuand sneb other automobile cq,ulpmeutHaa be needed.'. The lady mentionedstepped up to him and said:"Mr. Cbflmplln. I believe.""I am," replied the auto man, bow-Ing and toying to get bold <strong>of</strong> hl» rapto pull It <strong>of</strong>f. ' . ,"My cousin, Bnmphrey Cook, ..lowingtbat I was here, tbut I adore automoblllugand that I wish to go to tbocity, has written me tliut you would-hew-and—poanlbly— would—tnlwme In.'•'•luv CbampUn hesitated.Til be no trouble." tbe lady added."Really I should bo delighted foryour company, but in case <strong>of</strong> any delayI may have to proceed at breakneckspeed." ;.. ,•. •.'"•.•.•''." The faster you go tlio better I Hlialll i k e I t " •: -::• " J :"'.'"•• ' ' ' , ."Very welL I'm an hour ahead andIf nothing breaks shall have no trouble-In reaching the goal oh time. Aro your e a d y r ^ - '.-•. ' . , . • . • • — ••-,.;- " I t i i " : . . • ' - • • • • : ' ' • .' „ • •• ' ."Step to. Sites— I beg your pardon..ildidn't getyotB-wjmo." ..' "Hoal-Jaqaellno Hond," replied tboi t * i -.,:'•';'-rTvi.••••;-•', , ; : • : • • .'•"•• Ib Champlln started. '"Jock Hood!". he exclaimed.:.:•"The same. Is there anything about'Jack Hood that you don't like";"Tve beard she's tbo worst feminine; daredevil tho world has ever seen.".•'•;:'' "You've abib heard probabjy .thatshe knows all about an nuto. Perhaps'sbe niay aid you in case <strong>of</strong> trouble."— By this time Miss Hood was settling'..berself comfortably,in the auto, tying: her.reJJ under her chin. There was asingular look OD Cbampiui's face. Hohad bet Humphrey Cook that bo woulddrive bis airto to New York and returnby a" (riven time. Might not Cook.iMVBi sent,this •Rlrl'to delay blm?;«V.'*rm 'sorry, Miss. Ilood." he "said,fbat Tve cuansed my mind about tnkt'"I haven't changed mine about go-' • • ' • f r ' f * * • • ' • ' ' " • ' • • ' ' ' • ' • • " • ' • • • • • - . • ' • • . .. .iA> bewitching smlto hovered on'herlips,-and her eyes danced with mlx-• • • • c W « t ' v « - ; . aitie »fCirrba refnsnl to drink aur wlije ihitwas not'perfumed wi(h rnsi-g. while atthe rogafta ot Balue tbe wbnle surfai-e<strong>of</strong> tbe Luerlim lube-was strewnflowers.ull Ihlaii-wbuiaM '" ' ""Our Fri.ndt*.If we choose our irlvlids for whatthey ate. not for what liter nine, andIf we .deserve no great n iib-smim, thenthey will boalwujs nlth \w |in->-ertedin absence and ciep after iltiitb in theamber <strong>of</strong> miinpry —Cl< eroCouldn't Talk.De Style—\ou sny Hint lorlnc pair<strong>of</strong> deaf mi|tes were sltriug lu Hie luirlorcad'didn't carry on a lOuierxnrlon?Ounbtwra—They roukln I. ror i|ie> werenoldlirg bands —New Vork I'n ssI never knew an early rising bardworking, prudent man. careful <strong>of</strong> hl»earnings and strictly bonrai who complained<strong>of</strong> had lock -Addlminwith. It. The very genius <strong>of</strong> progressiveliving ciuislsis In a c»|uclty toappreciate tin* day mid »hut the dayholds, to tlud In all seasons and events*a dlvluo conspiracy to re tine the souland make It - n greater soul, to ballhardship with crlin uladnesg and blesstbe hllh) which must be climbed, tolook with kindly eyes upou every bumau thing, to accept with complacencetbe 'small circle <strong>of</strong> opi>ortunity uutll Itbos been shown that we are worthy tomove lu d wider one.. Along no otherpath may we come to our liest nnd largestestate <strong>of</strong> being and serving.—Klelinrd Wlgh'man In MetropolitanMagazine.•It Cost Money to B» Smart.. 'A fprlghtlv yuuiig matron hopped onn carat Klglnh uud-C'liexluut streets,banded a half dollar to the conductoruud hurried to a scat without gettingtbe change. The conductor, .grinningJiKffl!Uy_Pt_the_outcome^_wbIch-he-ex--pected. awiilted, developments. Whenthe car reached Sixth street tbe womanturned to the.conductor nnd remarked,"Did 1 get my change':"Th« conductor luiighlngly handed herthe change.•"__ 'Then the scene changed. - '."My good uuiu." Icily • spoke tbeyoung woman. "I gave you a dollar.'-'Protestation's on the part <strong>of</strong> the.con^jductor availed blm. nothing. He fishedabout Ills.clothes nnd found nnotberfour bit piece nnd handed It up, with asigh. " 5 . • *-."Tbe next time I.try to be funny,"said tbo conductor, "I hope some one.catches, me,before It costs me so muchmoney."—Philadelphia Times. , , .The Twist <strong>of</strong> Trw. *A singular uulformlty has been ob-.served hi tho twist <strong>of</strong> tree trunks.- In990"trees out <strong>of</strong> every 1.000 whosetrunks show torsion the direction <strong>of</strong>tbe twist la from right to left. Thisaccords with the direction <strong>of</strong> tbe revolution<strong>of</strong> cyclonic storms In the northernhemisphere and also with that <strong>of</strong>whirlpools, which tbe French savantJean Brunbes says almost Invariably,turn from right to left. The questionarises whether in the southern hemisphere'tbetors'lon <strong>of</strong> tree trunks baaan opposite direction, like the cyclonicmotions <strong>of</strong> #the atmosphere In that half<strong>of</strong> the globe'.—Harper's Weekly.OTIS M. TOWNSENDBUILDEROKI'ICK: 8th St. Opposite P. O'.Plans and Specificationsprepared without chargeOnly galvanized nails used on. . extsrfor workENGLISH ft JOHNSON,GODtractors ana Builders<strong>Ocean</strong> Gltu ice ana coal GO:A. J. SMITH,* PROPRIETORWNOUULC AMD NKTAIL OCALIM IIIPURE ICEBEST,'. COAL134O Anbury Avenue,OCEAN CITV, N» J.- -HoMlior» Home* nod Remodrliiiie a *p*>ci*lcycbevrfully KiveD. •_ , .GE0B6E 8. B00BGE0I3 ftSONCarpenters: and BuildersOCEAK CITT,».J:EttimatM slna. BaUdbn craotxl bj coowstoriur. . -ADDITIONS. ALTERATIONS ANU UIMAIIISSpencer B. SwanjobbingCarpentera specialty a n (| BuilderIO40 Asbury Avenue, <strong>Ocean</strong> City. N. J.JAMES H.TODDCarpenter & BuilderJOBBINQ A SPECIALTYXtlnl*: Kourle«ntti and lluven AvenueOKKICK: ,»IJ Nlnlb Html. •OCEAN CITV, NRW JKIUMiVESTIMATES AND PLANS FURNISHEDJOHN T. SEALBUILDER .ulliu.^-styll.h. Hulwluitlal.' A|mrttn.-iit lltiOFFICC; TOB MOORLVN TCRRACCICCAN CITVNtW JCRSCVOAK ANDWOODOffice. No. 634 ASBURY AVENUEHKAl, EST1TCASO MMtlBAMVE.HARRY F.STANTONREAL ESTATE and INSURANCEPROPERTIES BOUGHT .AND SOLD •—MORTGAGES-PLACED—"IFFICE-Eighth Streal Balcw Altai) Aisnue..RfeAL"ESTATE AGENT..IUK Anbury Av«nns, ocntn Oily, N. J.Lou for HHle. "Cottuieen rot reitt. . . '. *MoneyforJMortgages...JORDAN MATHEWSK;«."or. l&lli un re«lH, .PUIIiAUKLHHIA';Socret For 8«er*t.ID tbe days <strong>of</strong> Ix>uls XIV. even warriorsbandied epigrams with ope another.. • 'Tbe Mnrw'bnl de Grammont had takena fortrpHH by siege."I will Ml you n swret." said Itsmllltnry iidrernor after surrendering. I"Tbe rvatum <strong>of</strong>- my caplrulutloir was'tbat I bud n.v more ponder." ""Aud, »wret for secret." returnedthe murecbal Buavely, "tbe reason <strong>of</strong>my acceptlnj; It on sucb easy, termswas thai I bud no more balls."._ evening, betaking bin text from PH V51; 12: "Restore'unto me the Joy <strong>of</strong> Thy salvation."Mr. Casuelberry spoke lu part as fol-IOWM: • ' . '"All have heard <strong>of</strong> Blr Arthur Bulllvau'»great masterpiece <strong>of</strong> poetry andinuHle, 'The Lout Chord ' Recently Inreading'about-this masterpiece wewere'impressed with the thought <strong>of</strong>bow true the experience <strong>of</strong> Bir Arthurwas to life. We speak <strong>of</strong> two peoplebelngln accord, in haruiony <strong>of</strong> thoughtor action. We speak <strong>of</strong>. man and •« ontlie fr«nil»*>». • . •A. n. feLYR CURTISROBINSONConveyancing»InsuranceNOTARY PUBLIC ANDCOMMISSIONER OF DEEDS'Nos. 744-46 Asbury AvenueOCEAN CITY. N. J.KS^Money to loan on Bond andI'tiruer 1'lracln- .ATI.1.VSdure'l-'iwK»Iilbl|M||Wl iNUt'.'In nml A Ma in l«-riC €:ITY, X. J.I l.tllf l*)iMHfM tUMtr.- It.-II I'tiouThe Ideal Summer ResortOCEAN CITY, N. J,BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSEDFINESTBEACH ON THE C0AS1THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MANSpacious Boardwalk.Free Band Concerts. During?' .'Season.Great I ; ishin^ itv Ocian and Hay. The•Delight <strong>of</strong> the Yachtsman..Numerous. Trains toand from I'niladelphia-oti Three Railways .......Within easy access <strong>of</strong> Atlantic City andother well-known resorts'ALBERT G. GILBERT,PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTER645 Asbury Avenue,'. (H'KAN CITVv N. J. .TIIVM uml Suppll.-H. Itli-yihI'n.int'Ily A'lloiwl^t T.Fresh MeatsTeas, C<strong>of</strong>fees. Fine Groceriesand ProvisionsHOUlVriCY IIKKHHKD TU OUDKItFOURTH ST. and ASBURY AVE.Cigars and Tobacco. Orders DeliveredOrders receive "prompt attention. •SHOEMAKER'SSTORAGEHOUSEaudR. Curtis RobinsonConveyancing and• Insurance —^-• -^Notary Public anil Commlnsioner <strong>of</strong> IK;eds•Nos. 744*46 Asbury AvenuUCI!AN CITY. N. J.• • Money to Loan-On-Boral-amt-Morlgage—TO LAKE, C.Working Him."I want the <strong>of</strong>fice, or course." saidtbe BRpJrln;; Mtntesman. "but not unlef>< 'I atu ibv people's choice." . . , I"We tun fix that, too," said bis cam-'palgn manager, "only you know It's ngood deal more expensive to be the!people's choice.than It Is to go In astbe compromise candidate."—CblvngoTribune. . •For LIGHT, HEAT and POWERCITY GAS LIGHT CO.ELCVCNTH UNO ivesr Ave.; . FrUndihip.Friendship Is a vuse which when ItIs flawed by heat or violence or accidentmuy an well be broke6 at oner.It can never be trusted again. Tbemore graceful un », 7..U* u.tumuli. }\)AHoly "It.iy-•». Illiaiu ti. inSenior Wiirtlf n.W. T. I'rliii;!.:Juninr Witr-«J**u, W ti. I'tMil^tHtn; W-irvnitfii, TiioniH** i;,." Jtoiiitotl, lultu li.itHfhru, I,N. itrlxcniii M. It.,J. l*ttimu Hi u. I If y 1 hi.inii-1. Ihurn, A. I,.Wmkl.T, - •HI. Aut llumun I'lilltollr Cttuifii,Ahliury aVuiiUe,' bctwuvii TliirUeiitli ulitifourteentli «IM,IWV. Jutitk J.Hwwitvy, puMtor.MtiMMHtK-tUuVluelf. , "• 'Uuhtu Tulwruurlti IHi|.U-t Clmr.li, KltfhthNlrrei uiitJ W'rHtuvvuiitr. IU-v. J, it. Umu'litii,P>iMttir< (iuuduy MiifviveM* prfurhliikT II icm.urn! K p. tu* l*ru>»*r iiirvtiiiUfMo^iix-k Krliluytivtiulut:. OftlfurN <strong>of</strong>'tlie bourd—t harlt* it,lli>WMril« I'hnlriiiuu;' J tbu K. TniWtjr,'trc»tHuter;M..O«ri'ti*f Kecn-uiry.1*1IRA E. WALL.710 ASbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> City • New JerseyPlain and DecorativePAPERHANGERKxlluiateii cheerfully |?lv«!iiTHE UP-TO-DATE .TONSORIAL PAKLOK824 Asbury AvenuettUJjit»«jV^K-Cuiircli»rorncrJ^iveiand HuvenuVf.iuv, tHvutt illy, N. J., J.Ju*'krwtii |m>.Htr.Sundiiy Kvrvn-r*; tUfui'liUIK. uri-'tu. MI.; s^i ( ii*«ili St-hirtJi. i;tu p. in.pr**iu*liliii;( ^^ P> >»•» I'ruyoMtfiii.i£WtHlut-Mtuy *-v»'iilniC-. »t H uYlocK.M. K.iJhurt-h.Tentlk KirCHURCH SOCIETIES*N CHUKBIIvFour BarbersNO WAITINUJ^ T. ABBOTT,"M. tlrj*PhyMlclan and Nurgcon,OFFlCE-^Corner Centnl in( Eighth Street. " (Till Bium.oprioc HOURB:- ' ' "^EVEN SLOOPS ENTEREDFORQ^E^^^SURPRISED 4T 'SIlbWTH OF CITY°(Krom I IO H |>. III.( I|H» I". »'•iu.'irrn»iii>I. N. GR1SCOM," M. U.KK1HTHHT. ANDWKSl.KY AVK.Hflth IMiunm-lhll, l.V. Ililcr-Hliltr, I III-No onii'v liourM Hundtiy nnVrnAt Itvubeu H. (^irMon'it, MHiitoni.W«ln«ul«yii nnd Hulur'. -8o8 Weflley AvenueOcoan City - Now Jersey.^.ih-llW. " , •••^In"r-Hmn' fju-.v. :nK- CHARLES li. RJU'ER809 Central Avontio. - OCKAJI CITV. \. J.• ticipate in Beach FrontAssociation's Event.l-'rwlerlrk J. Hlioycr, rlmlriunn ' <strong>of</strong>tilt) llencli FrontAHMX'IUIIIIII <strong>of</strong> DcennCity,- anil Coiniuoilore William* K.llexuiuer, <strong>of</strong> the Ocemi (.'ity VnchlClub, huvo luade linul urru|iKI.milling: ViwIit'fiut'nV Chili,htlu to J* iMiutH-wlll be LMiiere'il. Nn.eutruiice fee u'lll be irliurueil,WATER NEVER BETTERfMHilc ul H ji»MATH., TUIA1V: rf. WOODS9lift lilftrlit .{.ISH. IKIIIHtT. -WILL FIGHT HARDFOR NOMINATION. • • iBut Friends <strong>of</strong> Present MemberDo Not Fear StUle's• Candidacy.C. K. Htllle, <strong>of</strong> Tiji'kiilioe, hn- ileclileilto make a Unlit for Hie Humiliationfur the oNlce <strong>of</strong> aMHeinlilynmiifrom Cape May'<strong>County</strong>.; • '.lie Ims received a |ielitloii,-Hl|rniil by1IMI vutern,' riH|UenllnK him ti)' wiTIIIH pt>lllli°in. It |H BBLI, WIIM rlreululei)'iParticularly Impressed WithImprovements on GardenCompany's Tract.A party <strong>of</strong> capitalist", Inleroxted InOceuu City, made a tour <strong>of</strong> thin remrtrecently for the purpose <strong>of</strong> iimpeclluKhe liuiirovcnicnta made here duringhe lust few inontliB, patiiirularly onhe ClanleiiH CO.'H tract and aloiiKthobay front.Kspeclully were tliey ImpreMseilwith the work done on theiardenxCo. tract.ami niKiiwi by Mr. tStllle'x frletiilKwilhoiit nollcltittlbn on hl» part.Mr. Stille served three turnm in theA-scnilily, with eredlt, IIIH frleuUs ileviure.lie endeavored • last year to securethe nomtiiutioii for Hlate Henutort .Seualor Kobert K. Hand, bulwithdrew prior to Hie primary election.Asnfiiiblyiiiun t'lirln. S. Hand, whowas i.'lecied to the Assembly on tl)eItepublk'au ticket l.i-t fall.lsa calidlilnlefur the nomination.Ill* frlujid*are a .unit In pmclaiiiiliiK that duringhis lirst term lie nerved,IIIH oinstltuents«lili Ililellly, ami tliut lie has a KIHHIund clean record. Therefore, they say,both by reason <strong>of</strong> hi* record anil' byprecedent, lie IH entitled to return tothe Legislature.Itirth men IIIIYH mtiuy. ear*nest sup.jHirterx. ' *ArtHeuiblyman llunil In nuld.to huvethat more money haw beenpent'lu the Uevelopment <strong>of</strong>thit pieceifKround than in tlie improvement <strong>of</strong>Stone Harbor, wliiclf place liax suldbetween fiiUlt.iNlil and $70.i.'ji,. r ).i').li.i'i.7.X., »:i\ ».•£>. lu.i.U(| 11.10 p. III. * , -Itotind trip fare, forty-ttve cenlw.*ri. Hfiul; wt'I'lmrii.-. • ,•l>it. A. M.. niKelK•0v«;ry rutiMOiiy ttvriiuiK lu Cliaiii|)l(jn'>c • ull•Cmii.rllloi". J. Kd\Minl Vu«»; Wllloil II. WllliUltyt'uuuril. Nn. l«. l>-o'munuiny fvaiiliia iif '••lUlltf W. Lake, »*ecr«ti4ry.A., mevti<strong>of</strong>- V. littll.• I'roleollon Ijidi;^, Nn.liU, A. (V. II. M'., IIIFVI'•ia^uuUtelid rourtti Munduy eVt-nlii^M In K. tP. hull. M.H'o Juhu W. Kiulth; Itxi-urdftVlllurd W. .Vdiiinu.KuliiiliiTrl'lM). Nn. aal. I.'O. KM., ini-viiduuiuluy uvuiilil); In L' ifiiii»luu*h hit[.. Walluue, keupur ul record*.WuMlilmuin fump. N(i. 7 ṛ >. I'.l). H. nl A..mt«^ii4 every brHuy ultflil I'litiiuiilim'i* liu'l.r. I 1 .. OhurlfM M. Allt'li; I'r.wlUent. UIIIHTI1 (irMint He«*rbl»ry* ft-UKKilui^.A.^lluurifeulH.Otuilp ll*,>. O.<strong>of</strong>iV- ui*i4ttVervHullirdHyIIII.'IIUIII. I'Ml'idn'lM.T, IlilfiWuh-Ht«llu t:ouueil7"No.W, l». <strong>of</strong> p.. nU-vt*very Moudayulm}itM7J(0.,ln K.or P. HulltSqlplll K<strong>of</strong> ItK.Of It;Nn. •-•HI, «t 1 ii«*thmlli lu KKluUtiou lli«* tievutiil Tii(»»idiiy *»r mu'li IIIUIIor 1^. lltill. 'Ouiuiiiiindur, l*tAtix Kttecnrllt'r, U>uu It. Huttun. •Viuslitnieu'M AMfnoiutlun.. Wlltuu ._pr.*)ldeult Murk liuktj* Heoretury.AUDUHIm.etlDK will be bold iu June,The lm-t Iroin. iVrr »mit- yritrTHE GIRL INTHE TAXICXCECDINCTHt SPECD" LIMjTDELIGHTFUL- NOVELENTICINGMillie liruud'a Rrpnrl l CtMldl'IIOIIH III Till* tltV. •riiert'«uluriii"iillily report ol Anr-I^tnt('lilef Arthur f Ilieultf Itonril'iir'llfultli, ('••iii'i-riilui; theittf<strong>of</strong>tlie wiitvr in Mil- Vlly, KIIOWH>ut IIH'ct'iiiilitiotii wa* UuvtT littler.lie repnrt \vun rei?uiveil~rfiTiit?r~vlure~e • Kfiitleinuii "in a jioHitliui to know I Krnnt Axwii-lutlnn, r»iu|ileletl urraiiRe-''meiilHa fewilayHaK<strong>of</strong>ortlieautumaliilerun from I'liilailelphia In <strong>Ocean</strong> City nilSaturilay nioriiliix, Heptemtier B.; '|'heHeerelary nf .tlie (Junker (.'ity Motort'luU, Mr. llarliuch, IIUH umureil Mr,iSliojur that.there will be at lWt oneliiiuitreii carx entered.There will,bethree HterlliiK trophlex olFered.Stone Harbor IIUH hail to do tretuenoiiKudvcrtliihiK to hriliK It before thepublic, while the OarrieiiH tract linnlad only a moderate uiumint <strong>of</strong> aclverl»hi«.' The vIoltorH on the tour <strong>of</strong> Inspection'eferred to were more than antoninhedat the Krowth anil markeil improveuieiitHfrom rieveiiteentli*treet *ti'liou <strong>of</strong> (keeati'(!ity, oll'eliii!,n* It IIIK-'M, uniiHiiully (iiie nilex fur!erection r tliere any timehey come dovv'u during tlie winter. Ateward will beulwayn thereto proviileineulH.uiiil to utleiid to the other ueednf iiiemliera'und their gueMx.U«*iuocratlc couveiillun. .Ktate Chairnmii Jaiuen It. Nugentiiiiioiincex that the democratic Htate'onveutloti'for tlie nomination <strong>of</strong> aunilliliite for (lovernnr will take place1 the Taylor Opnra llou»e, Trenton,I'htirxduy^Septe'iuber 15, beginulug uttioou, the usual' hour. ' The date WUBHelecled by Xugeut,' uctinc;with aipecial couiiulttee nameil ut the recentYOUNG MEN TO FIGUREIN CITY GOVERNMENTnanrdwnlk Lined Wllli XHronu"<strong>of</strong> IMenHert VIMIIorM.The greatest crowd <strong>of</strong> the yearnow in lliln ruxiirt, an uhowu by tiiuuieiibe tliMiig>i on the lloan.fwHatur Hervlcea. . ,MemberH. <strong>of</strong> the Oceau City YachtClub, nttlred In their uolformii, at*tended the memorial services for theirdeparted brethren, held In the PintPrenbyterlan Church Sunday evening,when the aerraon wan delivered by tbepaHtor, the Itev. H. T. Caiwelberry.At the pulpit WeretlagB <strong>of</strong> tun UnitedHtaten and the yacht club. luto thelarge United Slates flag, an they paaaedout <strong>of</strong> tliechurch,, the memberadropped awhile carnatlpn.Mr. Canneiberry eaid:- .'••How Hay tome among you thattin re in uo resurrection <strong>of</strong> the dead?If there la no renurrecllou, then ClirlntIn not rinen. Preaching In vain; faithH empty. Thoxe who have died havexlmply perished like tbe wreclu at uea.-If In thin life only we have hope luChrJxt, we are all men moat miserable,."llegoue rear aud uubelieftbatwould keep our Christ lu a grave ormintake Him for a gardener tbatwould HO blind .oureyexand paralyzeUH tliut we would not kuow Hlul eventhoVigh we Htood face to face w'ltb Him."AUTO FERRY ISBEING PLANNEDOne <strong>of</strong> the Many Improvements Contemplated byGardens'Co.' I Members <strong>of</strong> Proposed Organjizatiob Addressed byF.J. Shoyer.Thirty young men gathered in IC.<strong>of</strong>I*. Hall IUHI nlKht todiricims plaiiK lor• i the orpiiil/.ution'.if a club whoxe pur-1 pone will be to keep civic comlllioiiH In" j lhi»rity In Rood -dmpe. 'I City Clerk Italia: r the Hhore road between .MurnhuH'HHtoreund Heenley.'H Point/* 'Amoi

\-' T vfore afmri*, («o. JfwtMyWttl4*tfM0jr Mfftfaid wbcw Ibvjr ammppfefffteamWc/#M»JtmrnUtm it».rfcM tuta •««•*toan MM,BIGAPAKTMSHT HOUSE• • If fct hit,ttdot U » • >»ipr apartaiwntWbfch •)« tr t«n*f to tb# vary(Mar*.TlWrrWaiwb talk la e*rtaJ» efftic*IfMrfffmatarc•C.I af«!fc J» rcpMfol KMI '*Mnr prominent•pMalHta, • |Sn> y!>ni-^uAtrart nf Jamlon mw <strong>of</strong> tb« fc»K loottaj rtmtf<strong>of</strong>tnufrrjM.In II>U rltjr. t»tvffl Ur |ba« m«r water.No doctor here kunw« 0 att AH|U>t'Or>l,iX ltf)i#«hU«ff.»tUrfftomtit,ruJ*lr> ( "ilr*«*I min, <strong>Aug</strong> , liflttSTATK OF XBW JMf'HTATK.CFItTIFICATK OF fHSSOIJ TfO\.Saylor's Meat MarketHome Dressed MeatsHeadquarters....Michener's Star Hams and Bacon....Fresh killwl xihickciis and broiler squabs, sweet';-.fureadriand cali'liver.Please Give Us a CallLots on ir-ii* New Tract, Oppo&lte' Motor Boat Club• •T'# Hit UtV/b»rm*1tt**vaw pfKnmutm umy ri. I,vnpt**rm Ut my ft«U«&wtIo*1aiy Hutt#nUr*t**i rtvv«rd <strong>of</strong> tti« prbn*>#«toir UM- Vftiijfii*ry fll—*#lt)tUjn u>«r*<strong>of</strong> htiiu.nl tf«f/tM ro»M>ril <strong>of</strong> nil ilrii mUtmkhoMtrm,l l U i l ffl flttl Vroa%pf»n«(f Ui'«f** In «(|u*t«1pHtmlMityf l , flt 1'4tmtmny,Hlti'll ifHU, wW.w urltiil|Ml oitlf** In «(|u*t«*1 »|No,7** A»tntrr uymtiun. Mi UwrliyttT Oaiii.Uy, *«,.pf.ly iiMr IMUIHK or ibis i^riin^M*i» tn MIMMIIIHon. • . . . •or Ml«l* or ittm *Mi»l*,#ir IIM, KIHI«I.M«y. fh, IMT»I'V r*rllly. II,M| IIM* I.|I|rorfjfirnll'in did, or, IIM* DMM.,,11, «lrt v ol July,null. Pirn In tny itltlw ii rtnly *.i»viib«l Mr,*im, MM mi In»fj lit** III tl>y*M|rffemt*'IM> f*r«»V»'l«-«l IJ*iTt*tJ udiyW4 r 4 r l | *• urm iw,»on.Ml»l nliM*II. M,.I', K..ai».Bl.>mW|WMI.M Ir^n*Uy ut Jftly, A. If. uurrC'l fthd IM. (I,Jtly,fthd I.*)),(I, HU'KflSN.M«.r».,ary<strong>of</strong>Ml«l*.fealureuf J Hie |«d•ort am Jimlly "proud, and ' Ihe watercompany I* particularly careful thaiIta purity cannot be (|U«i>iloii«(l,'IIIBJ*attf_J«_Iert«l_eyery-iiuintb-l,y-| lieNew J«rr»y Hlale Hoard. iif-Hvallh.fit addition to I hi., »aiu|ile»nr« Mi.t allulwvala to J'hllaiMphla for te-l» by'•Xpert* In that city|>y ibe1•'>WlUT|«t u '«MMOfall Illtw "Hive*.IHpJtlOtta>(Of al|«ftd gniR IMbeirruild)oitaaot tlr^n«|NWtlr»«obntlwirail tonod lDdhMu«Dt*,aabM bf«ti tba can*in i pnMtlfally ^•Ktry liuunc* 7 a>U»«Ibt- J>Mlvaa»i/a|i; ;,^|«i # i* a .irougWtMohmtblt ^(illlK»h>» a good d«ali«4i» Wllh IHtac oiiivafllirallou*," and' — •• - U)mbyUksibtf<strong>of</strong>. > wmpalgn.'***>''. riAlOKlMW^fartt rtwlved aMtar pnlilaf Ibav'workot hi«qnh«»>lf»liltll-fltir?MWIIoo, r -Till. Liter In' ^fT* •"°Ml««nt mutlolatt lo Pblla*dtlpfal* wbo;»p«ud« tbt «iimtw »>»•»00i btrt~W»li«r HI, Olar.Kiio.tie,M^bl:;KXCVM«ONI«TII. .A largo number (if t|io |i«o;>l« <strong>of</strong> tli'lnltyare Krowhui mura and inure InfavorlUK or nvourliiK u«rur-l..iil»i» fortbla oily.• . .•Three or four tlmumiid aildliloiial(Mopl* here eaiih week will help niaku<strong>Ocean</strong> Oily what II nhould 'be-lliemoat popular aeaiihiirB rnwirt aluiiK tlircoant, they nay., ,'"•••III awldltlun lo ihe inoiioy the cxniralonurta will .pond, there are «ure lo bvlh*lr number inniiy who wli,take a llkfnff Ut thoolly, buy lot. anilbuild.'Churah ami Muuday ni-hool. «xiur-«laua are ailvonated, anilplenty <strong>of</strong>amtlMlUenU ahoulil tie ' provlilnl.Thenv am lbs kind or |>eople who willcouie here, olico' they know ur tin,oharacUr or the place, ' •Th» no'nalleil roiiKh ehmoiifwlll i,,nmime to Oraan Olly-eimld nut (».Induced to do ao.There nrtt iilmily.iirother wanlmre r««ort« tlmt vaier intlmlr la«t«w and ure more'lo IhulrHmlwl uronowilil will I* nnlvnl liy.lt. IIMIII....UI :i.•„,raluvw.,.,-,. Vou are in viteIM.m>yho b»» liunnrably mini |iulilloufllea lu (hut ally, and trim fur MIUIVl l l l [iruperly owner mbeoqli front lu IhU city,Mr, £)hoy«r lntworkliiB particularlybard tomaku tb« lleauh Kr.mt AmmuinHon'» Carnival ur «|KIIU lu rl«|it«iiibera-|irpimuuc«laucctw, aud iirewntludimtluu* ure that bl« attbria, whichar» L f»«fllytuii tbe heirly uoV * ^ ~ . ''T' 1 "^" 1 ' " " • "-•.»••• Mill" IIIUI|»HIV IPIIMllH'CTItnliir i.l Jiily,A. II. IIIIU, or Ihoy willIM* Ibrvvor luirrad or any orllon mmlnal llwiy^iitii July vyiti \t iit luifj "' «"I Ot I* 1 Jj! tNI *' TINIC '" WA(UIIINKIfc': ; 7 TAX NOTICE." (->.''Kllln'Rcr and fmully. <strong>of</strong>PhlladelpUla, are at their fourteenthHIreet cottage. Dr. KllhiRer IH recoverI11K from a Kevere IIIII«MH, ' r'lienjauiln Orllllllj and family havereturned to their Philadelphia homeafter MpeudlUR iieveral weeks In theircottage at hWl Central avenue, tblacity.Mr. and Mm.K. W. «lllen, or Philadelphia,arrived lu to'wu on Tuewday.They own real.etitate in the, vicinity <strong>of</strong>IM-eulieth Htreet amf expect to erect acoltaKe.•pmtertalumeut.After the athleticiveuta 'refreshmenta were Nerved, andgeneral good lime wan bad.', |To tbe winner* <strong>of</strong> tbe wreHtlliiglmatches, fencing bouts and welghtningcouteHt were prenetited hand-Home emblematic medal*. .• •The program follows:VSparring exhlbltlous—Kddle Korredt'. Joe Bltgel, tieorge Hess VH. A.VeUbond.'Kxlilbltlon welght-llfllng-N*. Piancentlno,• ' .Comedy' acrobat Ir act—IJUHII andIlller. " .HparrliiR exhlbltloiiM—Kildie KorreHtH. A. WelHboud, (ieorRe HesH VH, JoeHegel/ ' , •"• " -'. ' l ";'," ,: 'i '.'.Exhibition ; bag-puuclilng— Vntorro»., StoneBroa.Foil fencing—WilliamKoeh'er vs.'rank Goodrellow.. .Duelingswords—William Koehler•B. Frank Ooodlellow.Habre baut—WlfhatnKoehler VH,rank Uoodfellow.Wrealling bouts — Joe Kealln VMHurry Le Roy, Uiuis I.Joseph I. Scull et ux to John, MII. Lot 208, Section A.Warren W. Brown et.iix to AlfredW. Powell. $1. 25 feet ou northeastslde<strong>of</strong>Teutu street, 140 feet uortbwest<strong>of</strong> Bay avenue." Fordyce H. Argo et ux to Wm. F.Smith. *'200. Part <strong>of</strong> lot 48, Secllous8 aud 4, <strong>Ocean</strong> Front Real KntuteCompany.Lewis' M. Cre«»e et ux to.SpeuceiB. Swan. $1. Lot-H, Cresse tract.<strong>Ocean</strong> City Association to KlchardIt. Sony. .'$!0Q0. • Lots UOI 90S,. SectionA.. ,: •Charles K. Kreamer et ux t' 1 - • ,An Opportunity.Will sell 4 new houses, altuated onUardeua tract.-at less than they can beduplicated for. Terme will be madesatisfactory. Oan aud electrlo ligbta,4 bed rooms, bath, elo. Full particularscan be bad by applying to owner,U. D. LeCato, Thirteenth aud Pleasure^avenue, <strong>Ocean</strong> City.f • 1. ' Olrard 'Tract llat for Hale.Fine lot. extra wide; 45 foot front onPennlyn Place at Boardwalk (belowSecond), <strong>of</strong>fered at bargain figure. Belowdiscounted price now quoted byGlrard Realty Co. See Owner—D. B.Hllnee, MS Second street.Tor tbe entire county, as It would tendlo lengttieu the season und bring a lot>r |ieople In, as well as enable victorsrrom tall |'iirts '<strong>of</strong> the futility toogetlier lit Hie mlllily hful " -Holt-I ArrlvnlM.Allx-rt K.KATIII.tr.Miller. \V. A.' Sharp,'hllailelphlu:Martha . T. ' MwrVry,•iltfbiirx; J. T. Iteeil ami u ire. MissM. K. K«eU, Whceliiig; G F. Lewis.Wilmington; George" farrnn and wifeIda M. Gamble. Anna M. Wnrrull,Kennelt Hto-Kether and nanie 11 cuiHlidate for tillsiilllee. • ' • .Tlie geiilleniaiiknown UH "OldHrulnx". liarely got in l>y Hire skin »ftils teeth the last time. . Einertou, H.- R. Price, Alice C.Kelso, 0. B. McCracken, VV. Mc-Cracken. Gladys Watklna, Philadelphia;ThomaH E. Simpson, Mrs.Parteu belmer. Ada Parteubelmer,Ulma Partenhelmer, Mlsa J. L. Harrington,.Mary O. Harrington, MlsaE Baldwin, Miss H. Hamphine, O.R. Hamell aud family, M. J. Hess, Jr.,Camden; Helen L. Harrington, SylviaR. Harrington, Colllugnwood;' IsaacEvaul. and wife, D.R: Baker, Ada O.Blaekbournei R.. Blackbourne,' G.Harold Baker; Palmyra; Grayce Born,Riverside; P. B. Jaudon, Mhiml, Fla;,E. p. CAmpton, Maurlcetown.umber I'unble-ln •:ulu; Kntrauce to Kdlflce.At a rough eHtluwtli, probably 12U0people were at the nervlcen In the FirstM. K. Church Sunday night .11 mill redswere unable to get luto the edillce.. It wan a beautifully IUHplring sight,this vast concourse <strong>of</strong> humanity, and'm vcx-alprobablydid muchIsts in.their finely SUNK iiiiinlicrs.All the members <strong>of</strong> the Couly nrbrtheH«uiwn. X*leu«ant!y loiit*!,nt'ur tbt* Iwnt-li, wllb full ocewnview.Hume iiiiulortri. . Wrliu for boohlut. ' SI1KHI-X I.KWI84OONAKH.7 . WYOMIlSiG7»4 OCKAN AVKNIIR<strong>Ocean</strong> city. IH."j.lUpon all the yu' ;: Hot Water HeatA. W.The lots marked on this plan were a part <strong>of</strong> the H, B. Howell estate.Other lots, all <strong>of</strong> which are for sale, comprise'lots 693 and 694, southeastcorner <strong>of</strong> Central avenue and fifteenth street.Ix 734, "Central avenue, tliird lot south <strong>of</strong> Thirteenth street. _AU_these Central avenue lots have new Granolithic Sidewalks and^Curbs.Also 653 Wesley avenue. ' ; 7Asbury avenue lots are two Jots on west side seventy feet north <strong>of</strong> Sixecnthstreet, numbered 489 and 490; two lots east side; one.hundred feetlorth <strong>of</strong> Nineteenth street, numbered 614 and 6js,and one lot west side,ine hundred and sixty feet south otr Twenty/third street, numbered 530.West avenue Ibts are t\vo,on east side one hundred feet south <strong>of</strong> Thirct-nthstreet, numbered 448 and 449.SAWYER. • 'Worcester,'Mass.-, HOTEL ATGLENNINTH ANUCENTBAI/AVK..WIIOD you nre In OoCan Cily mako tliuAtgKn yoar twdquartara, wDetber In abUMlDeiM way orobly OHaMtclulcalt. Wewill beKlwl toweyoo. Will r«mutn openthe entire winter. ..H. ti. uorr, PmpHigh Claim IIOOUIHTHE LINCOLNNinth and' Wesley Avenue.•I. E. WERuEU.THE ELBERON(formerly the Kiumotl)VWIIed HI* Brother.H. 8. 'Fox; <strong>of</strong> Brldgeton, connectedwith tbe.Central Railroad ot New Jersey,was a recent guest or bin brother,Freeholder John P. 'Fox,, ancrfainlly,In this city.With him was XoreuPlummer.'Hbu <strong>of</strong> Senator Phlmmer, <strong>of</strong>Balein. ; 'Bud <strong>of</strong>. Beaaon nartcaln. ^ .Furnished cottage for sale at Secondand Boardwalk. New last wluler—line surroundings—Rrowlug values.Had a summer's use <strong>of</strong> It—will sellcheap. D. E. Uflsee, owner, 848 Becoudstreet. '6.0.AU1IM.W.lAHimiQEO. 0. ADAMS & BRO.PLASTERING, RANGE SETTINGBUCK LAYING, Etc., Etc.All Work In Mason Uoe PromptlyAttended To.OCEAN .CITY. N Jfine. GeraniumsFou 8ALE.T-LOI NO. 570, Section D(Sixteenth and Asbury avenue).' Address P. O. Box 058, Asbury Park. N.J. tr .. Palmistry and Phrenology OH usedby Pr<strong>of</strong>. Samuel Cohen In tbe onlyscience that can solve tbe problems <strong>of</strong>our destiny., It la tbe golden key thatunlocks tbe sacred myaterlea ot humanpossibilities. Can be consulted dally,Ul Boardwalk, OceaaClty, N. J. •R.in fact all kinds ol flowersandplants closing out at half price.Fresh cut flowers at alltimes. ••'. , . • :Funeral Designs A specialtyat short, notice.Inter-State Phone No. 23t-BL. HENDERSONMUlvllfe, N. J.OCEAN CITV. N. JHot Water Hunt, livery KoomHeated.HRH. Kl.l.t K. NAVI.OKProp.OCEANIC m- ....I'rlvtile tidthii. Mo«l'(le»lrul>:,i. locallon.Ouparlly an. Klfvulorand iwrvlee unexoelied. - •.' Open for the Heaion.li'• nitH. 1.. OAIC'RKJ. F. COOK'SReal Estate •. Law andCollectionAgencyConstables, DetectiveB andInvestigatorsMala Offlcea. 6s»«4o Kcal Salati•4 s. Mik Slnd'ItaaliTHOS. J.•47 Hcrmon Street,I3e^oiclecl Bargains!J.holce lot on Prospect Avenue, near Fourteenth Street, all Improvements- . - • - - -'-.•-. O»ly'#3©OFlue lot on Pleasure Avenue, uear Fourteenth street, overlookingBay ,. - ,- . - - - - . ' .. l*rtce #4»5Lot on St. diaries Place, near beach; up to grade-7 'Only 96OODesirable lot ou Hecond Street, uear beach; cement sidewalk andcurb •..,• - - • •". - - •'_:'•• ..- , Price 97OOlot on Ceutral Avenue, uear Rlxteenth Htreet; graded,, cementsidewalk and curb ft - - - ". ." 'Only 9900Well located lot on Wesley avenue, near Twelfth St., fiOxlSO Price #11OOJOSEPH I. SCUIili' .. 767 Asbury'Avonuo"4Established 1881 . . ^ . Bell TelephoneB. R. SMITH & SONSWALLPAPER' '•"• 1048 and 1050 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> City, N. J.Up-to^-Dato Paper .Hansiher ' ' Workmanship GuaranteedArtists'Materal . . . . . . .Pictures, Framed to OrderJDpujggistsSubject to Nigbt GallsOpen All the Year vCor. Eighth St. and Wesley Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> City0. Wemey MoCorklo ..Waller MOCOTWOMcCORKLB BROS..Concrete Building Bloqlisi vBrliiUaylnrOanuntS-ilDwalkaan'

WiffgrT^flV» "'''j^V 1^« , - - • •Supiriee Milk » Supplee CreamGDIDATDim ILOCAL CHDBCHESOn Short Notice.' I'***Hotel Stationery, Booklets,• . . . ' . • • ••"#•• . ." _ / ' ALLBIZCB . .•Wedding Invitations^ Cards,Book and Job Printing.....• own. -a* 'tin tftn-t, i*t!tr.vr. m-uGvj Tut mfvtam u.SENTINEL PRINTING .HOUSE744 and 746 Asbury Avenuetaijv'l;7 IMT< > ("lit!Are Absolutely PureUtf: >•*••, •i-.ttft tiffr* >kt'/*r wfo'Utti//f':-tit*;>tiur, U:>U"-< *» f -*i;r I,/;ait, "wi'm younlili| t» tilt ll HIT wllli Hi.- umilluiiiuii,"dli, yi'u I .IMIIIIIIIIIMI in |ii>l niiuliierixhy or .Ililll iilllUni <strong>of</strong> Iliilmiu fur 7Mhiiihiua." ,•,••••' , •''.••^Jl'lii'li HIL li,i,ilini.|l|.r wi.iii out toImllli- n rw|ii|il»|iil wllli llm iwllco.—I.AIIIIIIII 'l'WllUrd w. JM.>,>CHSS. E. ADAMS & BRO.(Huca«aa»ra k> ll*k.r a Ailua I• • tx»l«rali>' .Furniture, CarpcU, Maillot and BeddingWindow Shades, Elc. ,'-!•- Aaburv aVBiiim.di^Hi, . Penna. R. It. DepotJACOBSCHUFFTHE PIONEER BAKERV.«o. 100 Aibwi Aianu, Ooiu Cttr. 1.1.VOL. XXX. i : OCEAN CITY, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, <strong>1910</strong>. NO. 21<strong>Ocean</strong>Gity SentinelN. O. .Publl.hed W.okly at.OCCANOITV,-By-R. CURTIS ROBINSONEditor and ProprietorSi.oo Per Year, atrlctly in Advanci).\CITY DIRECTORY.CITY .OFFICIALSMayor—I awl* M. CrvMMv. •1'ral.leul or Council—Uvnriir iii* ••H»iilur Wurdrn.W: T. ITIliKlr: Junior Wurdfu.W. II. I'ftlllHNun; VeMtrynit)n.Th.Hiiun t".ll4iiiu«tl, luliit |ii«li*, in.; I'ruyc " 'WlKtutntdity evvuluica, ut H o'l'IfM'k.all. ICi.'uurvli.Ttmtii alrect tiiid(ill uvenue, IIIJOVD l(«aulll|: U«|H>1, ,tlieIUIV.J. A. Khlli, |«i»lor. 'Harvlmi.>ll a.ln..rtuuiluy MCIIOOI,%Mp. ln.;Chrli.|IUD kniUmvorinrrlluit,7JU|>. in. fraucbloi;, X P- m-.• CHURCH SOCIETIES.• VlUDT I'MHUYTEBIAM CliUKCH.aay tfventUK uf «»cli uioutu.M"«: J. M. KU*II; Vlro-Hruldvnl, Mr-. Juliabox; lrtm.uror.MK. I.«W!H K. Hmltli; aeore-~ tary. Slra. Uuth K /lifter; collectun. Mm.. Wiilttru aud Mm. FouliFl.FlKST M. K. CIICKCII. Ladlea* Aid m«et« llnit Monday t>v.nlu< oleach month. Mm. Klltuuelk Uundy. ittml-(tout; Um. Uertrude lleudley, trtuuiurur; MmCarrie Adauia. wmreuiry..Mm. John O. Uandy,nupUrlntendeut Jun-O UahBi1?"iliiIon,- H. H. Slowrer, preiildont;Parker M|ller, treuaurerir you want l xave money in Dry.xidH.iiotlouM and meii'M fiiinlr-liliiKH.e.,Roto-.POWELL'S921 ABIUTKY AVBMUKA full line <strong>of</strong> Sluy MHUIOII'I. ••itlu-rn.i nlnyalu Htock. ' nil.nu Illl-1.H. F. 8AII.OH & CO.BtwttHBiiildersTenth amf Bay Oceiin City,. JI. J.HotY TKISIT'pariah llulld. Clr«t Uoniluy lu the iiioulliWoiuon'a'llulld, «-\vrv Thun.Juy- H.UO p. luWuiueu'H Aumllury Mliwlouury, liM>l1liur»- duy In Hit* luuntli.Womuu'n ObrKtluu Tomperauce Union,nudenoiulimllouul, m«M» wiul-mantlily.1 iiiii"lllor.J. KdWunl Vo«n; Wlll,,u II. wllleu, aeornlury. • '.Oewtn Ulty Councll.~N'o. IU. l>;ol A., meet"every Tburoduy evenliiK lu K. <strong>of</strong> H. bull.MiiMriulllo W. Lake, ^eurftury.\ hull. AHlmry avjinui-. nta.t:. i;., luyiou Vnnuuian; KHoward Thorn.Protection l^xlue, No.OH. A. O. II. W., iuet;t»•eoondandrourtuMoiiduyevrnliiKa In k.ol" ball. M. W., John W. MIIIIUI; Itecorder.Wlllard W.Aduuw.; •.KillmlaTrlbe.No..'ao, I. l>. II. M ,sacb Wedneaduy ev.lilni; lu (.:*i>iu|iluu " Hull" Uutber Ii. Wullnce. keetmp ul reoorda.Waabinicton Camp, No. 7ft. I". O.H. uf. Aineeia evSrv Krlduy v nlnlil'Clialu|ilan M UnM.V. V.. VluirlfK M. Allen; Ihrenldenl. Ol Uerl( ornon; Hwirelury, |.Uiuund A. Uoumeuuu, 'Ounip I», 1-.O,or A.riuNt*oyoryHafiirdayat 7J» p. in., lu i'iwiii|iluu:a li»'l. M.T. Hu»"i' aeoratury.Wali4tevery Monday oleep w 7JW. In K. ol I', -llulMra.Boliplu'». Cumpliell, K.<strong>of</strong> IC.<strong>Ocean</strong> City llriilicli.NO. 2111. <strong>of</strong> the (Jmnutnity, IIOIIIK reiiulur monthly uieetltttua Tuertlay <strong>of</strong> euch u.ontb ID fOomiiiaucler l«wl« K Mmltb;uch u.ontb ID fl«wl« K Mmltb<strong>Ocean</strong> CiFraternity,on the «wioua Tyor r*. llall. OomiiiauclerKecorder, IMU R. Hultoli.VaoUtmon'eAwoolMio'n. Wlllon WllleU,preuldeut; Murk Lake, neorelary. Annu;mwtlnK wl" beheld mjune.The <strong>Ocean</strong> Clly Building and l-oan mwoeiy.tton inMtmujoond MalnrSayj.1 each moot"fre»IUuut. Ueorue U. Adam«; neoretary, IHoward TUorn. • , ,Dance Every .Wednesday andSaturday NightCold LunchesEtc.The Excursion HouseJAMES CLA^KProprietoiMAIN STREET and ...NEW JEUSEV AVENUE50MERS* POINT :: N.^OFFICESGodfrey & Godfrey,Itoomi HIS, am and 817llTtildnti uuiiduill. :: i:. •ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.[AMES M. E. HILDRETHCounsellor-at-Lawand Hotlcllor, Mauler and Kiamlner In' ' . Chancery ' -omc«-NO.2H flceu'n Htr«.| .. . CAI'K MAY •«!»TV. N. J,AW OFFICES OF ,Herbert R. Voorhees,ICKAM CITY: 7H» Anbury Avenue: "-TI.ANTIC CITV: Cor Kentucky and Atluutic Avenue«_~~ uAlUcmnCllyOIHeeon Tueedarn and Frl.kyii; TueNday and Thuniiay Evenltmi. dur-•K Winter,lell I'lionAtlantic City. No. 411 II.UceunClty, No. IK.IRA E. WALL710 Asbury AvenueIcean CityNew JerseyPlain and DecorativePAPERHANOER'HE UP-TO-DATETONSORIAL PARLOR-824 Asbury Avenueour BarbersNO WAITINUSHORE FAST UNE THRCOGH CARSHhnra Fu«l LlnelhrotiKh n>r> rrom Klxhlh'ireet and Uoardwalk In llrean Clly to Vlrulaavenue aud Boardwalk. All ,ntlc Cllyit lilO.7.l».K.-J5. U.-JT. lU.-iilinil 1I.2T, II. Ill ,li2l.•i-.,aas.S'£>.ai.«.\n,7.a, H.-A-., tus. malUd 11.40 p. 111.llonnd trip fare, forly-nvncentn.miiga.ni.P. C. HUTCHINSOtf, M. D.IlomcBopii.thiMt.624 EIGHTH STREET. OCEAN CITV. N..J. .llvriCK HoUKH-KIO 10 It. 111.;'Jto 4 p in..7lo8|Hull Thorn-WT-Xji]"'HOWARD BURT, M. U.809 Wesley Avenue.1 Till » a. m.OPriCK 1IOUIUIM 1 to X p. III.( U to H p. 111."' ' BeM'I'noneT. N. GRISCOM, M. U.EIGHTH ST. ANDWKriliKY AVE.„ Hotb Phon*w-ll«lt, 15; InttT-Htnte, M:iUni^f HOMfW- ymU, fun, m. From HX'* H p. in.^JooiHce^imnt Mumlay'nllartHKjii.At tUuben H. CorMOuV.Muinoru. MondityN.W«dneHdayH nnd HaturduyM, H.;to to JWH)». ni.lloup.li-IO;; Huu.lnyK.I1111. in.il'~ p. in.j : v::;: Allen Corson.M.D.,8oS Wesley Avenue .'<strong>Ocean</strong> CityNow Jorsoy•*"lm»r.Wali»iai A.QR. CHARLES B. RJDER809 Central AvenueIIITV, M. J.M ADDOCKS' 1'IIAKMACYKlKhth Street uml Anhury Avt-nnu4'ii|itiMriii|i| HyAip 113 .'••I'lt'^Hliti-''. " »tr||t. t'llrtlilt-f, •••!•' IllMuni «ttf tllM'ltM' #1t>' illiT>'Mr-lllk/ »:• It'fjlvliulltj. It.,•.•.!...in.ii-l..I r.ir |I,»-.,I'.,|-I-IH.'Ult't U>v|tU||l-.fc^PWCE 75CAndiiy,Sepleutber •_',:!, and !> respectively, i»dexIrouH <strong>of</strong> receiving BiiKKCMtlonx fromall pemotiH , Interested for any events,aniuwmentH • or any other fentureHwhich will contribute to three uli.rlcmndayH. ' • .',;.' •We would like to have the cn-oner-'ation <strong>of</strong> every uhsnelutlo:i In <strong>Ocean</strong>City to encouraKe the lieuch FrontAMHOclatlon at the.outset nf KH orKaiil-/ntlnn. • ,TheanHiclatinn believes thai, withthelur|;eilitere«lH repremMileil hy liearhfront uwuerH uud Ilimrdwulk I.II-IIICSHmen, they i-nn lie <strong>of</strong> iinliiniUHl IHUMIItothe IhteruslH <strong>of</strong> i )cenn ('My, undwltluHit nlleiii|ithi^ tiifi l h lleHt uuy Hut*Flt(HIM*AN'PrerentH.;i'he (ialely Theatre,.Uyidoii, *\lusli'.«lt'oiuedy 'IriiiuiphOUR MISSGIBBS<strong>of</strong> action l.y the lluanhnf .'I'riidi', tunyreHpetlfully ur|?e upon tlieiJul. Intuiuuehwewlllap|irecluleunyHyiitpnthyor HiiKKestlmiH froui ll» iiieiiil.er> Built BetweenSomers' Point andBeesley's Point.There Is said to be a grawlni; sentimentin favor <strong>of</strong>' buildhiK a bridgefrom' liee-ley's Point, In this county,and Homers' Point, in Atlantic <strong>County</strong>.\V. Scott' Hand, chairman <strong>of</strong> thepublicity committee or the'Cape May<strong>County</strong> Prosperity League, I* In receipt<strong>of</strong> many letter* from Atlantic <strong>County</strong>business meu bearing upon this subject,<strong>of</strong> which the following in a satnplc:•'W. Scott Hand, ' "•' ."First National Hank, <strong>of</strong> ''<strong>Ocean</strong> City—

<strong>Ocean</strong>.ROBINSON ''Editor Mid ProprUtar • v:^ci^fc^v'.,; 1 r;:OTcW' 1 j_R8_Y"';totir-a_t« *Pl_b« No HIla local column* 5 MDUS^SSS^l' maay^rlr—"*IjIfeK^PlTHtBSDAY, AUGUST 2S, 1010.>MM« at _• JMM Offle* at OMSD city!», J. H ncoaa «_p null m—tar.:j: MOT Erfucholuince <strong>of</strong> getting n boa r roam In <strong>Ocean</strong> «'ny at'thepnwnttlme, which In good newM,W—AT ever happened to the : plaint• to get the University <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvaniafootball players to engage In their preliminarypractice In <strong>Ocean</strong> C"lt> HIIHfall?- A KAN In New York who Mule n.' ten-cent looking 9 glans »a» neiit toprunn for four yearn.That's what< S OQ_M <strong>of</strong> a fellow trying to nee liliuteirM others nee him., THE Cape Hay Herald na>» "apeMay baa a large crowd <strong>of</strong> VIHIIUM, but< 'their porae< are not very wide o|>en.IN THELOCAL CHURCHES.' '''\r' ' ; • . • ' . . . . ' : ' • \ : • •• 4Strong 8ert_6as__d Excellent. Vasic Heard by largeCongregations.• Tbe church services Hi Ibis city onSunday wore largely attended. KxcellentxcruioiiH wereMellyvred. In minecases by ylnltliiK inlnlidens and HJH*clal iuu»lc was a feature,,-,,.•»."' .ST. AnfiBSTiNK's, _.;Unusually large CouRrefrolioiiHlllledBt. <strong>Aug</strong>ustine's Church at the threemasses on Humlay, and, there wan .aKOod>sTzcd attendance in Tlie HervlreHin theevenhiR.•• VlllSTM. K.In the Klrst M. K. Cliiuvh Sundaymorning, the Itev. -Dr.Knbt. Watt, one<strong>of</strong> the diiitrlut HuperlutendenlH ut theWilmington' Conference, ilelivcreil, apowerful sermon, (Klr»t-cla»M inutile wa« afeatureui>• :mt»v*> u>iI.VI IUIM IUl.'rfl Ul711 Ul71 I'-'li r.j:l w3 HI:l Kl:i w17 !»It II17 JS'M '•*MMI-. uiI.'MI 00IK«I luTJUII.1,. V. Hl.lmr.N *Kilns. Mnrli —Win; VV. LIKKIIIHHiiruliHwnuk _•w. it. uiiiK'— •:CUUH. A. IkioMwiV. Uulleyt'nknnwn— :ul.'ill: - HIS• *'•'••-aTill. 7U|7117illK.irnll. mxM.Vltl.ll.vnn l-roulb«lilnnliiii:i*«ll. H.le^nlb mre«t unduVvnueunilvxttfuil!t(> Ihe IUUU IKI.'>*U Ul:r-", in• r, (HI -•MM'I Ulj lI,111H li UlNit ill•T>£Kl"I.KiM!MT.0 iu -liUU!,IUb IUf, 1.1r, iu. .'• ui•I, u•', Ul,. ;. ui"ISlitit,1 07ticI 07I 071 IT.i ori or-rorI 07I or. I «7I U71 07i orIIII 07107I 071 117. 1 U71 07~rorI ICI 07I ir.11171.117I 07I 117I 07I 07roleyO MinllUKlorflire Hudi-llnVKaruli K. HwunlcA. ItourieeolaJnlin II. MiilmiiymJeyC BmlthJiil, W*«UlnIII.11Jin.IUllanilIII. 170171I7171ITT,I7li177I7KITUINU^l.'i.'III'JITil•it'.ISM•SIT'301mu•m•Mt• !K»Uk!•40K U41IXi4HIITM .Ull•III!HITI»HIOli12 '.Klin17:1. Mlail:i70I.VI .i:lI u;iI117i it:... i ic,1.-00—>^-n~-ru7"r•• i« w i 07li.. I U7I.", r. ulr, ui."»mU lair, I«I• •, idh lu •\. ,S.' uiKiO UlI2u» in•(•I Oil4IU IM.'4-J IM' 4(11 01feU (UHU'lM4UI UO4MI UlIINI (II4UI Ul401III2'0 UlIIKI 0-1,»l Hi4(y (I I •lull (II U IUII JL>H III'£ IIW!II,1,1••a• 21IIIHII 10 1212111» 1,1:l Hi. U HI ,H in. :in«r27 ini»2iM 'li/I* 2!II 2J2 7I 07I 07IMCI 071(17r 07i (i:I 07i o;I 117I (17I 07I 0*I 07I 07I II."I 07I ICI irI 117I ICI 07I 117l'l»7I 117I ICI ICI 117I 07I ICI 071 ICI 07I IC1 117I ICI '7I (II'll?I 07I 07I 07. i I Hock 3Ill<strong>of</strong>lc tHlurk iWkHlurk »lllo.-k .1Illovk :lHlurk :lIlinck IIllork 4Illook lUliH'k 4I UK'k llllock 4MIM 00iw toHumIU) OliIUI 111HU.U!| UII -VjII '.-•IS l:lN MlII HIH lit!r, nl •li.lllII 1*1II HIII IIIII HIII III•I HIII HI2:«2 :u_2 :ai2MI• 2 :M2 :wll'lyinniilli I'luif)Win. . l^itit,lute :tri n.H. K. ol s. cur.. J'lurtf uml Allupltc Ave.M. ICWII.'hvH. W. 7.'. II.(<strong>Ocean</strong> Kronu)I. J. Kherliiun .: Ht-diiK :i»i n. N K.oi K.4Hir. Htfveolh uml Alltimlc-:Ave.Ilifu N. K aloim .\l>lulltli- Ave. Ul II, Iben'orIlilu width H. K. i^trwllfl.wllbSvvvtilbHl to Alllillllothv&u ''.Mm. llnndylui ruot front bt-iwfen o.C. iteal KNliklt'l'o. lilt lln**and the uoenn(MlH(*tfllHlieuUM)Martha N. IM|, b.»lnKlu imH. K. ol H.tV>KHI«lhulnl. IUI.UI 2:I 117I U71 117* TU7.1 117I u:I 07.I 117I 117i.iri irI U7I U7I 117I U71 (Ci ii;I 117i or-1 117I 07I li;i ir:1-7I (CI 1,7I 07I ICI «7I U71 IC1 ICI ICI (17I U7. K. or . ttvHUCVatrul nv*; H, K.. Klztb Ht.iO feet UyIVfctL • • "uribu N. 1MIitVtf.wn.H. w. ui w.c.r.Alley ut HlxtU HII«I tVniral.theuH.W.ulonu' u*-!»•>••_•. rt tlift. nniii-wWii,N.W |utr. wifli.Kixiti Hi,lllfliit;f^furd-u MxtUfWi* .IhfK 40 ft. M. K. <strong>of</strong> K i 'nrHeVtMlHi iV WrHl^V n\VtteMKftMtJ- 7211 «J IU .VI 2 I"T.TOOOJ-ITJ.SO .1 :!ll2-Joo im /io MIKi.':mt. iN. K pur. will, Wr.l.y • ' •7'*rt. • ' * ir.uim :n .Vi :i v,II Torin-rt . . • •KliuulrHl tin Mie I'tiiiip -Uriiund'lM-t. KI-MIIIIII;ttiiil .. IVuna. IE II. • • -' 2,110 ••!>*• -.>-|»III* UIMl /MIU- . .Hlock uifl l-'ixlnr.^i' - •" ' »u oti 1.1 vl >l .',1Will W. Itrllll-mi,-^'. N «'. ur N.t-nr. ' • •ur Ktuhlli Hi. uud ti,-, HII" . . •• •UW Ilivu N. W. lillk n u -KlublliM. 17 ri-rl, llxnul .-tliU-wlUl.li-N^|.^t)MruUul —^ = ^—•- Uitll IhVHIl AW Illll. . IIIIHIIH HI 17" .'[ *•••-auit-u K LukeUtTi.utrii*'H.*%,r.uf -IMIi - ' •ulreel «n•Moorlyn Terrace nnO M-t«ndlairXoulliu'M-UTly uveuue und buy vbore - . luu D'i '£HH 2 H'tKay ave. und bay Mhbre > ' - , .Twenty .neco u d und . . - •Twenty-third .' ". ' . . 400 iri u'J2 '2 01Ittiy ave. and hay whtire -'-Nineteenth und Twentieth'•IroetH , . ' . - K»U |HU 2 01To tbe above will be udded Inlereut, together with CIMHH (if Half,:ecullug deeilrf, vlr. . •E. W. BURLEIQH, .»,a.,K..f..»mc)., 'Collector <strong>of</strong> Taxes.Lots on this New Tract, OppositeMotor Boat Club *" '' The abr yd tract is'siTlTated in theJchoicest 'section (or Bungalows and •Cottages, between-14th .and 15th streets, facing the Hay. Th« lts are all" ••••<strong>of</strong> a good width, and will sell a limited ir'nifoi-T for ji^oo.o'v to $425.(10. Alltip-to-grade and street improvements' mad •; cuineiiii-iii u> both railroadstations, trolley and Boardwalk.' -• . • • ••'"..'. .' I ; or further information apply to . " • - . . .JOSEPH757 Asbury AvenueI. SCUjUU<strong>Ocean</strong> City, N. J.<strong>Ocean</strong> City Title andTrust Company *<strong>of</strong> '<strong>Ocean</strong> City, New Jersey i•I CAPITAL $100,000 ""k MI I111111 Ilimlfit UluUtiiw.u KtiVinj^ Kim Iun whli'li Milt-ri 1 "! J4 L'|V«,|I uljlieI 'Ml I M«l »*>«.).rove•if greater lnlere»t .than any «eeu luHIIH rliv for many years >Col. J. Howard WillelH and wire, orPort Kllzabcth, are HpendiiiK a weekwith the family or Dr. Clinrle« Iv 1>Iwaril".PERSONALSMr. and Mrx.. JoM'ph Sinlih. uf NewYork, are enjiiylnK a vWt. nt IIIIH rewirt.... , ;Itev. H. (I. (Ir.uf. nf l'liiludeT|iliin.with IIIH family, IH lien 1fur n.Hlay <strong>of</strong>Iwu weekn.It. T. ltriiwne~an>f Philadelphia,ure'(Hvii|,yini;-lliclr iThf trouble grew out <strong>of</strong> the captiin<strong>of</strong> a dog owned by Wallace.•The boy went to ttie pound to »ecurithe dog'srelease. The negro unlBometblDg about the canlue bltluhim.. The boy expressed regret thaithe dog" "hadn't bitten his bead oil*/whereupon, an alleged,' the uegrcstruck tbe youth. ' . .Btanlou was arrested Monday anheld In $100 ball for a hearing Tuenda;•nortiluR, tbe ball being furulBbed thenby A. C. BOB well.niitis. s, HASHlldrcth'H olllce at Ctipe May Courtouse yeHtcrday afteruiinii.Mr. Hand will ben candlilute for recctlonto the AHi-embly.HIH petition, It lH»tiited, waJ nearly ull IheorKuiil/ation ineiilnie county. . - •••ARN DANCE A SUCCESSExciting Races for TrophiesOffered by Ladies <strong>of</strong>' . Yacht Club. .;FormerCommodore C. HowardHchermerhorn'H Artlo triumphed overIhe-Allce, Ca.pt. Clinton;L. llfecklcy,In the race for the Ladies'Cup on Buturdoy,winning by neatly o.mliuiteoiielapHetl time. The Old Itach, Cupt. A.I). CiimmhiH.'Htarted, but Had to i|tilt'on account <strong>of</strong> headwind und tide oiltlie rim from Anchorage Point lo theInlet.The Alice and the Itncli crushed I lieHlurt uliiioHt'logulher, with the Anlotwo minutes behind.At the same lime tho cut limits si urteilon their postponed initial nice, theHetty, lleorge V. SchocK; Die Kll/nbclh,Klchurd SlievJIn^ mid ihe Kir,Kitiiiiit'l WOIIIIH, KVIIIIIK oil' in urder,Hud they whhed, they couldhavemeed two Itipsj a*, the sloop*.dtil, .rortjic LUIIICH' Cup, but adverse condltionn prevented that.' •• Tho Old Much pulled ahead or theAlice on the bent to tlie Inlet, hut thebigger boat rounded the tinny llrsl.Hlie pulled nwuy urudually from 'hertwo rivals, but lost a Mule un Hie ll>s°tround rniui Aiiclionme I'niut to I lieInlet.; At the close ot the llr-l Inv. tin'Alice led cunHiilerulily. The Ardn l"'"lttie Old Itttch uroiindthe Inlet bony onthe second riiiiudnnd pulled up prettilyon the Alice oil'the second run rroiuAnchorage 1'niiilto the inlet, nmnlimover the mud Huts where the Alicucouldn't go. The Alice was llrsl ucru-*lull^JUIIWVH r) . •Siill HdiiN—Ardn, Wive.•••-." •I'n vcr IJniitx:—1'CKK.V, laiilnli, f'fiulerel l n . • • . ' . " ' ••.••:•' . .BRIDE REVEALS SECRETGOOD SERMONSPrcnclKd in lluptlHI Church !»»• .11Ilrrwvu nlnMler..Iu the abwiice cir the paator, tlieItev. KdKur 10 White, the xervlces inIiniimnucl ltuptlHt ttoin price; And furtfu'f,.1 will show you what la'i-oniett <strong>of</strong>the purclmsc money, and you '• can ltc the judjje.. If you think thin unfair. Jet ilE. J. HANN, Eighth Street. Opp. Penna. R. K. Station. OCEAN CITV, N..J.THEKATHLUAVI-IIIK',IH.'KAN CITY, N.J.|n f liifur aim l^trtclillmui* cdtitlorts.Miii. I'leusaiitly lucutod,with full ocvuu vluw.Wrllti f(ir iMKiklttt .L A. STEELMAN'BLACKSMITH and WHEELWRIGHTPractical HorseshoeingJOBBING DONE PROMPTLYClam and Ojsler Tongs a Specially'Agent for Btewurt's Iron \Vnrku*.C'o.Plain' and OrnamentalIron Fence,Iron ItuilhiRs and Window (luards.Seventh St. and Haven Ave.. M1HHKH l,KWlM4CON.Mtl>,WYOMING7»4 OCKAN AVKNIIE<strong>Ocean</strong> Clly. M. J.I jTlie lots marked cm this plan were a part <strong>of</strong> tbe H. B.Howell estate.Other .lots, alt' <strong>of</strong> which a.re for "sale, comprise lots 693 and' 694, southcastcorner <strong>of</strong> Central avenue and Fifteenth street". . ,_ -.•. Lot 734, Central avenue, third lot south .<strong>of</strong> •Tliirteenth street. Allthese Central avenue lots have new Granolithic Sidewalks and Curbs.-Also-653-Wesley-avenue.-Asbury" avenue lots" are two lots on west side severity feet north <strong>of</strong> Sixteenthstreet, numbered 4K9 aud 49b; two lots east side, one hundred feetnorth <strong>of</strong> Nineteenth street, numbered 614 dud 615, and one lot west side,one hundred and sixty feet south ou Twenty-third street, numbered 530.West avenue lots arc two 011 east side one huudred feet south <strong>of</strong> Thirteenthstreet, numbered 44S and 449. . ' • •JHOS. J. SAWYER47 Hermon Street, ^ ' * Worcester, Mass.Op*m ull the yunr' A.Hut Wuter "o"'I". HII.NIC—.- . HOTEL ATGLENNINTH AND CENTRAL A.VK,Whuu you lire In <strong>Ocean</strong> Olty nmktjtbeAtiflen your headquarter*, wuetli-r ID Ubu-lnuaH way or only OM U ttoolai call. Wewill he tiliul tanet»5'uu. Wlllrumuln op«ullie entire whiter.- . .' H. «), UOIF, I'rui>.IlKti V'laHx KooniMKvtry , > • • ' • ;• • - . • ' • •• WITH RIPARUN HICHT.For Sale—Only $4500I have a SO rt. lot on the new Boardwalk, near Thirteenth street, for salelor the above liKuru. Will make terms tb null. The price Is low aud It la trulya barRaln. The only'UIR money l« made In <strong>Ocean</strong> front Property. Take thehiNtory<strong>of</strong>nny Heashore place and It will'bear itout that more actual money lamade on one At) ft. ocean front, lot, centrally located ou the Boardwalk, thanon live liloukH Inside. For further particulars apply toJOSEPH I .SCULL'• •.••'•' 757 Asbury Avenue • .- 'The Union TrauHfor C'oinpauy Bag-Kage BxpreHs will call a.t residences audbath, etc. Full parllcu..ad by applying to owner.H. D. LeCuto, Thirteenth aud Pleasureavenue, <strong>Ocean</strong> City.Nicely furnished cottage; 837 Fourth hotels, In Oceau City, and check bagreet.close to and overlooking Board- gage through to. destination, wherebystreetwalk.' All modern conveniences. Una the posseuger will avoid all trouble <strong>of</strong>and electric light. From fifteenth <strong>of</strong> checking at railroad stations. OrdersSeptemberApplyBox 151to tllteenth <strong>of</strong> October.C'ATIIEltlNK K. BGVVKT,•••••• Iiaurel Sprlugs^Ni J.for baggage can be left at company's<strong>of</strong>fice, Ncv811 Asbury. avenue.J. P. MlTUI'HV, .'JOHN llKKUKH,'Uon. 8ii|it.Agent.VlHliom from Krnia.Mrs. lioberl _.' Hand,<strong>of</strong> Gruau, withher sinter, Mrs, Hotlman, aud a party<strong>of</strong> friends, came to this city lu au autoFriday afternoon. They visited Mrs!Charles Kills,' wire or Mayor Kills, orCamden, iu her .home here, and Mrs,J. B. Itusb.Foil BAi.E.-1-ot .No. 67(1, Section I)(Sixteenth and Asbury avenue). Ad(IreHH P.O. Box flW,Anbury Park, N.e.O.Adami.AGEO. 0. ADAMS &PLASTERING, RANGE SETTINGBRICK LAYING, Etc., Etc.All Work la Mason Une PromptlyAttended To.OCEAN,CITY. N JOCEANICPrlvule hntliw. Muttt deHlriih'tt IntuiUm.

^JTOwjJj,.,*5«» J ' i, W« J*- " "• '*Jisasss;firWmSupplee Milk,. Supplee Cream11Are Absolutely Pure._ .Nothing is'more necessary for the prosperity <strong>of</strong> this resort and<strong>of</strong> the people who live here, than for hotel and cale and restaurant. and boarding house owners to provide pure mi k ami pure creamfor the multitude <strong>of</strong> Ocern City visitors.. "•'' _ In these days when 1 newspapers and magazines contain*so many.warnings against impure dairy products, notiring \vill permanently•injure a resort or hotel more than the report, that its milk and'erenm'supply.is questionable. " . .'Notless tha'n half. a million people— : a larjje percentage <strong>of</strong>• whom come here every, season—know that Supple*: Milk, and Crt-am- •ar.e pure—absolutely pure. • •....-.' ."• SUCH A REPUTATION is a mighty bi^' asset for YOU., It has been built up and is maintained at tremendous • expense.• ;•".Not only do we employ experts to inspect the MILK, but wemaintain a large staff <strong>of</strong> veterinarians who constantly examine theHERDS,from which our;product is derived. • .'ABSOLUTE PURITY costs money—but impure milk is: sureto be more expensive in the end, for everybody'concerned. -. •The Supplee Alderney DairyFIRST AND BEST IN ALL DAIRY PRODUCTSThe Finest: HerdsThe Cleanest DairyThe Richest MilkThe Best ServiceBoardwalk and Eighth Street, <strong>Ocean</strong> City, N. J.-ATLANTIC CITY——-—^rCAMDEN~PHILADELPHIA"g%^Wi>K«Li«MEST W""TA: TI!; 'CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLIITIOX..Yo'all to wbom these present* may come,!8»p5KHi '•'•.'•'• •• Oamn Clty!ooont»o« Cape May, Slate or NewSK&ff v}'h;-SSSa.tKli'nrA:iueati"m, beioc I be agentSaagt--"/''-;--', tberdn and In ebarca tbereor, upon wbom*P, Leeuiiilr);; K.M. Lore, Anna Fry. Lnnsdnle; A.Tnylor niid .wife. Wildwood: C. M.Itooz. Salem;II.'0. Hamlet, Redi t a n V . i J " •'•STORE and STOCK: ••'..:•'., . • O F ••'••/• . ' v vHousefurnishingGoodsfleo. Si-Iinndt, W. L.f.iikeiiw.Mr».M. Wnlxiin. Kli WatKon. Knlli Wat :-on.'Marie Hess.- Klizabi'lli liesl.islii. K. (imlnii.TS, W. llaines. Mrs.(1. S. Xeir..«. R. Neff, W. C. Mnnn.Riiiily Ke«l. Fred Craven. W. Ball.Mrs. Robert Mi-flaliey. Klsie MeOn-Iiey, Harry Sheet.*. E. Voss and wife.Bessie Reinhardt, Marie Walsh, AnnnM. Dlanknrn.'J. J. Harridan. Mrs. ft.Si-liandl. W. ('. Seliandt. R.G. Me-'(Iiiliey, \V. F. l'oiine. Mary Kskelson.I'liiliideliihia; R. 1). Wilson,Lunstlowne:K. 1 F. Arliiiirs, :Mi«R. M. A.Si.H-ii, Miss. M. Arllinr'). ElizahelhArMlurs, .Baltimore: B. F. Britten.Jr.. mid wife, Caroline Oelzel,'XewViirk: John I'rlinn anil jvife,\Vonili-hTtrv.v - ' •••Mrs. K. K. Sunders. R. R. Wnrii-kt Pi-rrysvilUs Ind.; F,. ,W. Oile."anil wife. T. O. Hiiriri^''. Mrs.-J. W.T.,ni-y. Mr-. J. T: O thrU>. Mrs. T.'I'lidejirnfT* and ilan^'lUer.Klizabelh\V. Fanni'i'. K. M. Cawli-y mid wifi-.Julia 4'uwlry. Mrs. A. V*. Oehrie. (leu,M. M»rmw. ' Miriam (K-hrlv. (\- ,1.FU'II'IIIT. C. S. Anares. W. R. llanrmil and -wife. A. (1. Tririiblo. F. C.Slnrr nnd wife. Helen A. Sinrr. MissA. Devilip. Mrs. S. Krskine. Miss II.ItiMiiii'rnian.'. John II. Devine andwife. Mrs. A. 1*. rhanibirs." 1{.- 11.Chainbers. Mac K. KitxiiiilU*r.*W. A.MiW'iinn. ("reijrlitiin M. IIiile|ih T. AVnnl. ; I'arndisi'. Utah;K: l (. Riisey and wife. Ambler: KllaM. Kyjin. Ajriii-' K. Ryan. . T.iinsdiiwn»:W. F. (Niew, W. E.'MH'aim.Kiintli Bethlehem: I). .1. Kn'nse andfamily, ritlslmrc: AV..U. Williiuns.Mrs. S. ,V. Williiiins. r.iindeii." ATOI.KX. " 'iSALE...GranU oppprtunity for n live bitsi-• '.* ' ness man. .Will sell or : rent storeproiwrtyseparately.: If wanting 'a' gooilbusiness .stand, it will pay you to1• investigate.' -For tsmrxia\^t^rm m m'd^ramtGeo. O. Adams713-15 ASBURY AVENUEOCEAN CITVNEWJEffSCFine Geraniumsin fact all kinds ol flowersandplants closing out at lialf price.Fresh cut flowers at. alltimes. • ' .. :."• : '••'•'Funeral Designs a specialtyat short notice.'.•••'Inter-State I'lione Xo.'231-B •R. L HENDERSONMillville, N. J. .(•OHTKACVOIU) AMD RITILDKKO.OTIS M. TOWNSENDOi-iicic: Stli. St. Opposite V. (Plans and Specificationsprepared without chargeOnly galvanized tails ustAl-onexterior workENGLISH & JOHNSON,Sontractors and Builders124© Anbury Avvnutt,€M.'EA1» C1TT, *. J.'4eaabor0 Homea aod RaniodrlinK a "iWiiEaUmalM cbaarfully KTVBO.GEORGE 8. BOBBGEOU i SOUBuildersft. J.Carpenters andOCKAH CITT,drawn? Abatraeta or title* onrerully pkcHnrr,,,omce—Hlxth alre«tuud Anbitrv.iivenui*.*. O. llox •!!!,,nd CnnlrHClH cftrerullyu>tlv«yearir.- WM. I.AKK.t.LICENSED A UetlONBBR;No. 721 Aabury Acenue, <strong>Ocean</strong> City, N. J.l>iopartl*atoraala. B»*rdbir botuea anil oottutaa lor rent In all partaol tbe city. Oormapandaoeaaolleltad.The PontiereBOOT ~ SHOEREPAIRING., SHOPREPAIRI NO NEATLY DONE9JMIS A>|nry Ave., Oceu Clly. N. J.ABBOTTS'Alderney Dairies(SuCCCMor to I. S. Chaaiploa) .Seventh St. and West Ave.<strong>Ocean</strong> City, N. J.Choice Dairy ProductsButter and EsfAsk for Booklet <strong>of</strong> SpecialtiesA, Seliwnrlz.A. I 1 . Wilkins.Mrs. S.'K. Wilkins. Annn fl. Sr-hwarz. TiUie"It. Schwnrz. Carroll W. Armstrotilr,S. Re'ese lull. R. 11. Diinian. Mrs,M. Haven. -J. M. S. i.iiHVr. Ri.l.l.Miii'Kadden and wife.Mr~. FrankWilsin). Airs. Annie Fi-llrr, IMiihTllrlpllin;Mrs. Kinma Itradlev, Alma M.Filz. Lottie K. Jack. Mr-. E. >(. FilzMrs. Sf. A. Oilliii«]iiinu MK W. M.Clnrii K: Criiiislnn.,0. K.Cranslon.-A. J". Steel. Mrs. f. II.Iliirrinirlon. Raymond IIiirriiifl"n..Harrinji'on, Win..Cranslon, W-It. Cranston; Enrl !{.• hi|(|iiiunli.Kdwin -M. Fitz. Collinjrswood: Mrs.(\. W. Fisher. II. M. Stmrli. Shil-.h:fj. T>. Collins.r,nvirtin Tlnrrin^rton.Mrs. W. H. •Harrington, C.H. II111-rin^'lon. Raymond Harrington. Kill IIHarrinuton. .Win. Cranston. W. R.('ninsli)ii. Earl R. Iiip|iinn Omni-1 or wilil Urcan Ullv him nin--• ' ' " by KKt.l • •mJJnhd«VrtMepl«liwr,l,>nr«7SS^Siient aud duly «Srme,! l»Y me.l-nnim >n Counc lor wild O«wn Ollv •.n.l ni«| iSuSjI^^wh?oh-M»«»"iinlil)"tt''ii»»o«wt.ltr. Kentucky and Atlnn-tit? AvtJimtm. *Alfk*miiCltyumc«ou TuewSnvM nml Krlduytt;Tuewtio'unu Tliuniliiy Kvuiiiim** diirliiK~Wlnitfr.*. •• •iili I'l^Alluntlp City, N«. HI l>.^ tiruaii City, Nn. IK. —B # T. ABBOTT, TA. D.|Fhynlclan and Nnrgeon,OFFICB—Coraar Central tnd BIgbtb Street••'".'••' : "• • ( T l l l » a . m . ••.'.• i : ! •• iorrioc Houna:-!£ron>itoik|>.in. :(Krom if to H p* m.NOTED STARS FOR BIGATHLETIC MEET ON BEACHRACE DREW .p.C. HUTCHINSON, M, DHomoeopathiMt. *.624 EIGHTH STREET', OCCAM CITY. N. J. •'"•rirK. lloii'im_Mio iu n, in.;'Jlnln •••.,7to8|>. in. • . 'Ik'll riionu W7-X^ • HOWARD BURT, Nt. U.809 Wesley .Avenue.'I Till «K. 111.n>rli'ic MOUttHH I to II |i, in. •I U t€> H |>. 111.T N. GRISCOM, M. U.•KIOHTHHT. A'NU WKSLHY AVK,Ikitli I'liunwi—lull, 1»; Inler-Huilv, ll:llilnli p. 111.tmlm-Houro-HJnllNo odlce bourn Huiiilny utlornmiu.At KKUIMQ H. CorMOD'K, Miiniom, MontluyMy" " " DdHaluriliux.a.-'WluA-Mp.lnHniiduyK-IUH. 111.it-7 p. tu.Many Entries Prom .Oat <strong>of</strong>Town as Well as Thla' yResort. • •The feuturo event (, • he Oecitn t'ilyteauli I'ront AHHocintlnn'H llrHt minu'nlnthlelic meet, to be.lielil oil Hie lieaeliU Ooenn City on Heptember it,.will liehe Hpeclal relay rnue between H.,*lecteil[eauiH from Alluutln City ami <strong>Ocean</strong>Mty, the ronneiH IIICIUIIIIIK Htar collegeanil IIIRII- nvhool p. in. HolyCommunion. Una KuuUi.y in Hits iiiuiith, U'.lVu. m.; other Hutidtty*,'utu ». ui,; Holy b.iy-,iaoo u. in . -H^ulnr W'lirdtiit.W. T. l'riui£lu:Juiilor Wur*d«*u, W. II.I'OIIIHNUII;. VfxtryitifiuTliQiiiiiM C,Itvunutt, lohii llitl*ioli«*K,l.N.lJrliM'Oiii.M, I).,J. l^ilMiu lltwllfy Tluiiiiiix.1. Thorn, A. I*.Winklvr. \ • ..HU AUVU'.IUVM llonmn t'utltollo Cuuicn.Ai>bury uvimu*!, botutfiiTliirUseuth K»dKourtottutti •HH. Itwv. John J.Hwvuuvy, tuuiuir.MlIMM Hll'.'tU I>'4-U>«'|C.UIIIUD Tubvrnucle HnpiUt riiurch. KhfhUiHlrv«l uud Wt^*tttVtmiu.lu-v. j, if, llruudon,(HtMtor. Hunduy wrviu**, urvtichinif II H. tn.liUd n p. au l*ruy**r in«*utluif,H u clock l-'rlduy.uvuultm. ll>|M>|>ltit-|ilii|.^-.. a lrM>fhrvfilti.lM If not wtAtlantic City -TheatresAPOLLOX!1|:ATREAl.l. TIIIH WKKK.KC»r»lit|c at H JD( nailiireiil .V isnnlln«r«^H TttnrMd*s .MI*«I Htk'uriiCOHAN ,1c IIAItUIS I'riVL-ntTlie Klml <strong>of</strong> Itiril-Miin I'hiyA .THE ; uiller and at iirenent Hie xtur liurcllerit the Uiilverelty nf l'enn»ylvsnla amia member <strong>of</strong> the onc-iiille relay ttuinat.l'enn; Kruent IJ. Hinltli, the foriueiCentrul High School Htar anil XCIIUIHHtloquB'rter-mlleclmmpliui, . whilellnfntetter will lie the filurth nmn.There will be claim .to the At Inn Hit-'ityrelay team, Mr Kilwanl Will*,c-uavli nr the Atlantli^ily IIIKII .Schooltrack Jenin, will run, CliHrle» Siirran,'raptnln <strong>of</strong> the Atlunlli- CllyHIKIIHvh oltfuuk team, into, nml credlledWith W BtciiiuN; Will HtraiiK.' (lie Att'llyIIIKII SfhiHil »tnr i|iiurteriniler,HlKrcieorncOuKe. will iiinke "Jthe team. IM. nt fiirh iiumih. luIV K. H^illl*. -f.-rt-luryThorn ' " 'UuHttuiUlv Udr»*t tiiid. tlilrtliik mih In K<strong>of</strong>• tiaj^nth Htr*»»*i<strong>of</strong> H. un 11> HIK*J. NO.\lon«h.yIVitttli A.<strong>of</strong> I'.hiill. Anbury HVeuuc ii««r*M.|. l>. i:., ll'ivlon \ iiliuinmi; K., K. llowitril Tliorn.r. t>. U. A; M» IUMIIn 1*1* »ni|.|on'k 'niS>HM; Wtli.M, il, \vi|AVIATORA Timely llp-tunlnli' t'onietlywith.Edward Abeles • ;anil a-ciift <strong>of</strong> iilinmiul inerll. (ireiilThe meet, which will xturl at -JIM)p. ni., will be coniluuteil by Allen A.Krrr, nt Philadelphia, and ItIM •anetioiiedby tlie Ainiteur Atliletic 1'iilon.Tlie folliiwIiiK liundlvap evuntK areopen to all reKlnteml amateurH anilwill be well contexted':I(W yards IUHII,±X)yardH, ^Irtyardn, 880-yard Tim, oiieinllerun, rtinnluK hiKhJuinp, runnlni;broad Jump, and the live mile limrathon-The •cralch evenln lire thtvKKiynrddafh novice; the" mite run novice,t 1 e KMl-yard HWIIII noviceHnnilMimcKold, rillver and bronxi; nitiluls <strong>of</strong>uuii|iie de»iKii will he awarded thewlnnerH in eacli event. ,AthletcH may reRlxter for the meetwith Dr. Henry I., (il'mdwluk, HIM)Vine Htreet, l'hllKdelphla, and tutiHtnet their entrlett in before tomorrowafternoon, when Allen A Kerr willelotie the ll»t«. .The'trophleH for (hemarathon are exceptionally valuable,a wild K"ld medal, set with a diamond,f(ir-llrHt;-Kolil-medal,-«'et-wHh-a,riiby Tfor Heeoud fdace; ati'i nieilalH down toIhu tlKhlh man to cniH* the llnlnh line.It will he ii Jeam cnulext, for tlie teamMfiirhii; the Kreate»t numtier <strong>of</strong> point*will be awarded n xilver IOVIIIR cup.Kteileriik J. Shoycr, chuiriunn <strong>of</strong> theI teach r'ronl Amuiviutloli. Uconduvtiiii;fthth I t ! f<strong>of</strong> Aixeuibly who lias *ervetl hlrt vun-NtltiieutH .and hl« county •anil Htulefaithfully IIUH "been uccunleil a «ecoiulnomiiiutlun anil election. .Mr. 11 and'H preileceHnor, Htille, wuntluiH favoreil, Hervhn; threetline»;JuilKe Hildreth nerved three thnen andnumber nf u other uiHlmiceH could becited. • . • 'Clirl»lu|ilier -S. Hand won gnlileniiiiiiilotiM fur htH.wurkJaHtReunion. Hewiis ulwaj'H " mi tlie job.)' He rnrefullyexiim*«eil all lenHlutlon |irexenteil uud VOIIHI inlelllKenlly.. Hertlilwl every leKltnuhte project for thetienelll <strong>of</strong> Tape May ('utility. He wonan IUKII u HtnuilhiK hi the enttiiiatiuii <strong>of</strong>IIIH colleagues u» any member <strong>of</strong> theHoune uud completed IIIH term wltli arepututlou—abxnlutelyiiuxiillleil InLARtlE CROWDEvent <strong>of</strong> • Yacht Clab WasGreat Success <strong>of</strong> the 'Season.The lunch talked <strong>of</strong> race for .theiplendld cup o'tlered by C'oiumadoreiVin. K. Hexaiuer, <strong>of</strong> theyaclit club,run nir Saturday afUrniMin overlie regular club course, and attracted"goodly number <strong>of</strong> boatb. The cpti-ItloiiH were that any boat whichrlhlietl to race must have inadeolllclalline for Hie course, aud that wax theIBHIH for.hadlcanplng tire entries. Forixtancc,.tlie average.tltne <strong>of</strong> tho ("aro rme wax some thirty-four minutes,.While that Ur the >'raiicrn ('. wax anlour and forty-eight minutes,Tulaave the little boat n start <strong>of</strong> an hournil fourteen * mlirtites over the bigracer, and so on for every contender•or the cup. Two cups aud three watchevery MJIIHU. HIH fellow cltizeui'proud <strong>of</strong> hla record anil fetlkindly dlnpoHed towurd him.mid-air aviation scene.Itollicklii'K,(JuliophiK, Kchitlllullin;, SparklhiKKun. I'leaii and sweet n«. n RlrlV.freslilaughier.•*. Kvciiliil! I'rlcts- il, M, i.'i, «1.81.5XMuirnro rrlcos-ri.riu, ;.«•', H." ' -" '• AM. NEXT wi:i:it.The Girl From Rector'sareveryASSAULT CHARGEDthel Amuiviutloli. U c d i ;to further the Intere*!* <strong>of</strong>bH bh ftthe Kalie t furtthe report and to boom Hie beach frontA. •„ Kline Wai vex Hearl'nic nt"lore M«|ulre Ra»H.All.irt li. KHue. <strong>of</strong> the Ntiriuandlc.wax Wednesday held under ^MNI bailwhich wax ftiriilsheil, for a liearliiR"charge lit assault and buttery made byFrank . Muller> on employe <strong>of</strong> thehotel." - , .It, was alleged by Muller that wheihe made a request to Ivlnie for muiieydue him. Kline "went for liliu",nndHtruck him back ol one <strong>of</strong> Ills ears.Muller has two witnesses—Frankilrouchard, who wax said to be cher,and til. Putlon. All three'were loi'keilup over night to Insure their appearonce at ft|uire Itiish'ii olUce nexuuorii.before H(|Uire Itusli next morning, on aIng. .Ivlln'e on Thursday waived a hearim;, and the fu-eAVas sent to thu granilJury. ,'riiecromplalnaut and witnesses weri••ommltted to prison lu default <strong>of</strong> $IIHbull each for their appeai.iiit'c licf. KOIISAII;he A'esper, li. It. Iliiinphreyi-; the l,aah.Ulcliard Nelms the I'rist-llla, theteba I,, II. I) Lefato; liiu I'egRy,Krazer; the ICuth W..-K. WII-'kie, and the ('aniline, sailiil by Wiu.leu/.sey. , ' . .At Urn stake marking the llr»t halfif the race, the' Frances have been lighting. • • .AUDIUNCBa PerMtau Qarden**' Olven byCoti'The Firm 'Natloua! Bank conduota asafe conservative business. •Fou SAMS.—Lot No. fi7t(,Bcction I)(Sixteenth and Asbury avenue). Addrew P. O. Box OSS, Aabury Park, NMel Many O\aThe Itev. John It. McCloskey, <strong>of</strong>Atlantic City, was a visitor-here Saturdaynight anil met many <strong>of</strong> his oldfriends. He was accompanied ;byJeremiah, Fluegan, one <strong>of</strong> .the. chiefclerks at the Marlborough-BlcnuclmNearly 700 people comprised theaudlcnce-tbat listened with delight tothe song cycle, "In a Persian Garden,"by the Conly quartet In the First M.E. Church last Thursday.eveulng.Every number wan encored aud aj-Waj's'lt was deserved. Mr. Conly perbapsnever ac(|ultted himself so brilliantly..The same'may bo Bald <strong>of</strong> theother vocalists.•A notable feature <strong>of</strong> the occasion wasthe presence lu tlie church <strong>of</strong> so manyprominent musicians. Among thesewere Mrs. C. K, Zimmerman, <strong>of</strong> .NewYork, and Miss Keqley and MissBlsler, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia.The First National Bauk.eonducta asafe, conservative'bualuess.Fou BALa—Launch Polly P., 40 ftOlobe eugine, fully equipped for cruls^Ing. Can be'seeu by applying, toCapt. Richard- Hhevlln, 818 Bay aver/ue,<strong>Ocean</strong> City, N. • J, •Walter Heed's ,VBt>l»b, or AtlanticCity, but steadily dropped behind,wluning however on corrected time.Vice Commodore Clarence Wilson'sKeiitt Ul, met with an aaccldent Inthe morning and. was unable to start. 'The-results on corrected time are asfolloWH: .i • .."•••'' • '•;,Open boats: —Kver Ready, Lalah, -Bee Dee. ' .Semi-speed boats-Ruth W., Nabob,Leslie.''Class -11. cruisers—Doilan, Ciuderelltt.Vesper. , •Claus A. cruisers—Reba I..,.Eva-Dor.Speed, boatu—Caroline, Vautoh. ; ,;•Likes Tlila Beaort, ••The Rev. Wallace H. Marple. <strong>of</strong> thehistoric Chambers Weyte PresbyterianChurch, Philadelphia, In anioug.tUlaresort's many well- pleased visitors.Mr. Marple Is accompanied by buiw | f e . • •• • ' . •:' .-••• .:• t.!yi,fi"i---:.•"alinlMiry aud Pnrenoloicy ;as used 'by Pr<strong>of</strong>. Samuel Cohen Is theouly science that can solve the problems<strong>of</strong> our destiny. . It Is tbe goldenkey that unlocks the sacred mysteries<strong>of</strong> human possibilities. Can be consulteddally, at 741 Boardwalk; <strong>Ocean</strong>City, JT.J. ...\ ;FOR SAI.B —727 Asbury avenue andlot south corner Twelfth and bay. Apply to owqer, W, F. Washington,Atlantic avenne, Atlautlo Clly.own voar Hone.It's dignified and glvea yoa a delNclous sense <strong>of</strong> security to own yourBesides, your responsibility as Iestate owner makes youravdeslrabbi'citizen. ;Tblnk It over, then;call:orX - ~.tateOperntor.$lptt'M(il*iBeat Estate OperatorxtVtobnry.a,ewill show you the ,verysome or tho greatert 1fd hthOt'j.&r.'..Wi'i.';'lii'-i;

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