chitosan and plga microspheres as drug delivery ... - UniCA Eprints

chitosan and plga microspheres as drug delivery ... - UniCA Eprints

chitosan and plga microspheres as drug delivery ... - UniCA Eprints


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5. RFP Loaded Chitosan Microspheres Prepared by Spray-Drying Methodof <strong>microspheres</strong> w<strong>as</strong> determined by first extracting the RFP <strong>and</strong> quantifying the amount of<strong>drug</strong> spectrophotometrically.The <strong>drug</strong> encapsulation efficiency w<strong>as</strong> calculated <strong>as</strong> the percentage of <strong>drug</strong> entrapped in<strong>microspheres</strong> compared with the initial amount of <strong>drug</strong> recovered in unpurified samples. Theconcentration of rifampin contained in each sample w<strong>as</strong> determined by me<strong>as</strong>uring theabsorbance on a spectrophotometer at 485 nm. Nebulization of MicrospheresRFP-loaded <strong>chitosan</strong> <strong>microspheres</strong> aerosols were generated using an efficient high-outputcontinuous-flow Markos Mefar MB2 nebulizer, driven by a Nebula compressor (MarkosMefar) operated at 7l/min. A volume of 3 ml of sample w<strong>as</strong> used for the nebulization. Theaerosols containing RFP-loaded <strong>chitosan</strong> <strong>microspheres</strong> were collected in a water solutionusing a modified 3 stages gl<strong>as</strong>s impinger. The impinger device w<strong>as</strong> used with the collectingfl<strong>as</strong>k containing 3 ml of water to which the aerosol w<strong>as</strong> introduced through a calibrated gl<strong>as</strong>stube <strong>and</strong> critical orifice delivering the jet of aerosol 5 mm above the bottom of the fl<strong>as</strong>k.After aerosolization (10 minutes), the impinger contents were <strong>as</strong>sayed in order to evaluate theeffect of nebulization on <strong>drug</strong> leakage of <strong>microspheres</strong>. The secondary aim of this experimentw<strong>as</strong> also to determine the total amount of formulation nebulised into the apparatus. Thenebulization efficiency (N.E%) of microsphere formulations is defined <strong>as</strong> the total output of<strong>drug</strong> collected on the impinger <strong>as</strong> a percentage of the total submitted to nebulization.NE% = (Aerosolised <strong>drug</strong> /Total <strong>drug</strong> placed in nebuliser) x 100Because nebulization can lead to <strong>drug</strong> leakage, it is important to also determine thenebulization efficiency of the encapsulated <strong>drug</strong> (N.E.E.D%). This parameter is defined <strong>as</strong> thepercentage of aerosolised <strong>drug</strong> that remains encapsulated after nebulization. A portion ofnebulised sample w<strong>as</strong> purified by centrifugation <strong>and</strong> the amount of <strong>drug</strong> in the sample after<strong>and</strong> before centrifugation w<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>sayed.5.1.4. Rele<strong>as</strong>e Studies/Stability StudiesIn vitro rele<strong>as</strong>e of RFP from <strong>chitosan</strong> <strong>microspheres</strong> w<strong>as</strong> determined using <strong>as</strong> the rele<strong>as</strong>emedia, phosphate buffer pH 7.4 in order to simulate some of the conditions in the lungs, <strong>and</strong>pH 1.2 in order to evaluate the stability of <strong>chitosan</strong> <strong>microspheres</strong> in acidic medium. Freezedriedformulations were suspended in 500 ml of the dissolution medium, <strong>and</strong> the amount of<strong>microspheres</strong> w<strong>as</strong> varied in order to kept constant the amount of <strong>drug</strong> (25 mg). The74

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