chitosan and plga microspheres as drug delivery ... - UniCA Eprints

chitosan and plga microspheres as drug delivery ... - UniCA Eprints

chitosan and plga microspheres as drug delivery ... - UniCA Eprints


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7. RFP Loaded PLGA Coated Chitosan Microspheres Obtained by WSD Methodsurface with the mucoadhesive polymer <strong>chitosan</strong>. RFP-encapsulated PLGA <strong>microspheres</strong>coated with <strong>chitosan</strong> were prepared by the emulsion solvent diffusion method in water (WSDMethod).The influence of <strong>chitosan</strong> concentration on microparticle size distribution, entrapmentefficiency (E%), nebulization efficiency (NE%) <strong>and</strong> leakage upon nebulization w<strong>as</strong> studied.The toxicity of <strong>chitosan</strong> <strong>microspheres</strong> were evaluated by using A549 alveolar epithelial cells.7.1. Materials <strong>and</strong> Methods7.1.1. MaterialMedium molecular weight <strong>chitosan</strong> with a deacetilation grade of about 87% w<strong>as</strong>, PLGA(75:25, mol. Wt 85,2 kDa), rifampicin (RFP), acetic acid, poly-vinyl alcool (PVA) wereprovide by Sigma Aldrich Chemie (Germany).mucin (type I-S) w<strong>as</strong> purch<strong>as</strong>e from Sigma Aldrich.103Lyophilised bovine submaxillary gl<strong>and</strong>sThe A549 epithelial alveolar cell line (p<strong>as</strong>sage 31) w<strong>as</strong> a kind gift from Dr. Ben Forbes(School of Pharmacy, Kings College, London) <strong>and</strong> these cells were cultured in Ham’s F12-Kmedium (Sigma Aldrich), supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco BRL LifeTechnology, Gr<strong>and</strong> Isl<strong>and</strong>, NY, USA), 100 µg/ml penicillin G (Sigma Aldrich), <strong>and</strong> 100µg/ml streptomycin sulphate (Sigma Aldrich ) at 37°C in a humidified 95% air/5% CO2environment. Cultures (monolayers in tissue culture fl<strong>as</strong>ks, 75 cm 2 ) were fed with freshmedium every 48 h.All other reagents were of the highest grade commercially available. Water w<strong>as</strong> always usedin demineralised form.7.1.2. Preparation of RFP-Loaded PLGA Coated Chitosan MicrospheresAlso in this c<strong>as</strong>e WSD Method w<strong>as</strong> used. Chitosan w<strong>as</strong> dissolved in 50 ml of acetic acidbuffer solution at pH 4.4, PVA (1%) w<strong>as</strong> also dissolved in this buffer. The PLGA (100 mg)<strong>and</strong> RFP (2mg/ml) were dissolved in 5 ml of DCM which w<strong>as</strong> poured into 50 ml of aqueouscoating polymer solution prepared beforeh<strong>and</strong> at 2 ml/min under stirring at 600 rpm usingUltraturrax® at room temperature. The PVA dissolved in the aqueous solution of coatingpolymer prevented aggregation of the emulsion droplets <strong>and</strong> sticking of the polymers to thepropeller shaft during agitation. The entire dispersed system w<strong>as</strong> then centrifuged (4500 rpm15 min) <strong>and</strong> the sediment w<strong>as</strong> resuspended in distilled water. This process w<strong>as</strong> repeated <strong>and</strong>the resultant dispersion w<strong>as</strong> then subjected to freeze-drying overnight.

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