Plants for life: - Sacred Seeds Sanctuary

Plants for life: - Sacred Seeds Sanctuary

Plants for life: - Sacred Seeds Sanctuary


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Specifically, the following research areaswere highlighted in questionnaireresponses;• Regionally up-to-date lists of speciesused <strong>for</strong> medicinal purposes wouldenhance the opportunity to use themsustainably.• Locally used medicinal plants can thenbe categorised according to their use,value, ecological characteristics andmanagement, by way of prioritisingspecies <strong>for</strong> conservation action.• Species-specific baseline data on thestatus of populations in the wild and onwhat entails a sustainable harvest limit,both culturally and commercially, isrequired <strong>for</strong> priority species (to includeharvesting techniques which aresuitable <strong>for</strong> village level use).2. EducateIt has often been argued that a majorreason <strong>for</strong> our failure to conserve naturalecosystems is that we do not realise howvaluable they are. In fact, a country’secosystems and its ecosystem servicesrepresent a capital asset. The benefitsthat could be attained through bettermanagement of this asset are poorlyreflected by conventional economicindicators, so this must be clearlydemonstrated in different ways.For medicinal plants; why should wildharvest be curtailed when it will alwaysbe the easiest option? Why shouldconsumers re-visit their consumptionhabits and make a decision on whichproducts they will use and which theywon’t? An educated public can influenceboth the pattern of trade and,optimistically, governmental decisions.Practical suggestions <strong>for</strong> educationalinitiatives included the following;• Botanic gardens should be aware ofthe medicinal properties of plantswithin their collections. Interpretationpanels can illustrate both the valuesand vulnerability of medicinal plantsand promote an understanding ofmedicinal plant conservation, effectingan attitudinal change about the use ofnatural resources and medicinal plants.Botanic gardens can pro-activelyimprove people’s access to thisin<strong>for</strong>mation.• Model gardens can be created to bedemonstration areas <strong>for</strong> people livingnear to threatened species <strong>for</strong>conservation knowledge. Stakeholderscan be taught appropriate ex situmanagement techniques such asdomestication, management and valueadding. Booklets can be prepared andcirculated on the latest cultivationmethods and post-harvestingprocesses <strong>for</strong> key species.• Targeted education campaigns canalso be linked to outreachprogrammes, <strong>for</strong> example to healthcare workers dealing with first linemedicinal aid, or with school botanicprojects. Mobile exhibits have beenshown to be particularly useful.3. CollaborateMuch mentioned in questionnaireresponses was the need <strong>for</strong> acollaborative approach to medicinal plantconservation and the recognition thatbotanic gardens are well placed tofacilitate this and add both key botanicalknowledge and key knowledge aboutlocal people, industries and landscapes.Key messages <strong>for</strong> botanic gardens were to:• Joint plan rather than work in isolation,check who else is doing what be<strong>for</strong>edeciding priorities.• Diversify working partners, <strong>for</strong> examplework with <strong>for</strong>estry, agriculture andhealth industries, as well as NGOs.• Develop regional approaches to themanagement of species occurring inneighbouring countries.• Develop joint outreach and extensionprogrammes and contribute to theseby bringing botanical expertise onspecific taxa.• In<strong>for</strong>m legislation and policydevelopment and assist with nationalimplementation and interpretation ofinternational statutes. For example,training Customs officials on theidentification of CITES listed medicinalplant parts and derivatives.• Encourage private sector support <strong>for</strong>sustainable and ethical sourcing.<strong>Plants</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>life</strong> 21

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