zimmer curv™ pre-shaped collagen membranes - Zimmer Dental

zimmer curv™ pre-shaped collagen membranes - Zimmer Dental

zimmer curv™ pre-shaped collagen membranes - Zimmer Dental


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Clinical Case Studies<strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-ShapedCollagen Membranes

TABLE OF CONTENTS<strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen MembranesCase 1 Dr. Maurice Salama, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case .................. Page 04Case 2 Dr. Maurice Salama, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case .................. Page 06Case 3 Dr. Richard Kraut, DDS <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Posterior Membrane Case .................... Page 08Case 4 Dr. Richard Kraut, DDS <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case. .................... Page 10Case 5 Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case ................. Page 12Case 6 Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Posterior Membrane Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14Case 7 Dr. Richard Kraut, DDS <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Posterior Membrane Case .................... Page 16Case 8 Dr. Richard Kraut, DDS <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case. .................... Page 18Case 9 Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case ................. Page 20Case 10 Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case ................ Page 22Case 11 Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Posterior Membrane Case ................ Page 24Case 12 Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMD <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Posterior Membrane Case ................ Page 26Case 13 Dr. Richard Kraut, DDS <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Anterior Membrane Case. .................... Page 28Disclaimer.This documentation is intendedexclusively for physicians and dentistsand is not intended for laypersons.Information on the products andprocedures contained in this documentis of a general nature and does notre<strong>pre</strong>sent and does not constitutemedical advice or recommendations.Because this information does notpurport to constitute any diagnosticor therapeutic statement with regardto any individual medical case,each patient must be examinedand advised individually, and thisdocument does not replace the needfor such examination and/or advicein whole or in part. Please refer to thepackage inserts for important productinformation, including, but not limitedto, contraindications, warnings,<strong>pre</strong>cautions and adverse effects.

14case 1:Dr. Maurice Salama, DMDAtlanta, GeorgiaCase Completed: May, 2012Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Anterior• Puros ® Cortical and Cancellous Particulate Allografts, 250-10001 3-D diagnosis of defect.2 Defect area <strong>pre</strong>pared for graft material.3 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membraneplaced over defect site.4 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membranesecured in place with screws.5 Primary closure obtained.6 Five days post-operative.

157 Three months post-operative, left side.8 Three months post-operative, right side.9 Site uncovered and implants placed.10 Additional Puros Particulate Allograft, PRGF andFibrin added to site.12 Final X-ray, 4mm vertical and 5-6mm horizontalbone gain.13 Final restoration.

26case 2:Dr. Maurice Salama, DMDAtlanta, GeorgiaCase Completed: February, 2012Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Anterior• Puros Cortical and Cancellous Particulate Allografts, 250-10001 CBCT image of defect site.2 Buccal defect uncovered.3 Class III buccal defect.4 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membranewith Puros Particulate Allograft.5 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membraneplaced in defect site.6 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membranesecured in place with auto tacks.

277 Primary closure obtained and secured with mattress sutures.8 Eight months post-operative.9 Eight months post-operative, alternate view.10 Implants placed and sutured.11 Radiograph im<strong>pre</strong>ssion, 5mm vertical and 7-8mmhorizontal bone gain.12 CBCT 3-D view, after implant placement.13 Final radiograph. 14 Final restoration implant bridge.

397 X-ray, two months post-operative. 8 X-ray, five months post-operative, 4mm vertical and8mm horizontal bone gain.9 Six months post-operative, no membrane remaining;date of implant placement.10 Six months post-operative, three implants placed.11 Nine months post-operative, final restoration, view 1.12 Nine months post-operative, final restoration, view 3.

410case 4:Dr. Richard Kraut, DDSBronx, New YorkCase Completed: June, 2012Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Anterior1 Single tooth, #14.2 X-ray, height deficit.3 Site uncovered, fistula excised to eliminate epithelial tract.4 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane,anterior, trimmed to defect size.5 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane placed(1 screw only needed due to membrane size).6 Primary closure not obtained.

4117 Three weeks post-operative.8 Eight weeks post-operative; <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-ShapedMembrane used for closure of oral antry / fistula. Casecompleted. Patient not interested in either a bridge orimplant.Case completed.

512case 5:Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMDEnglewood, New JerseyCase Completed: March, 2012Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Anterior• Puros Demineralized Bone Matrix with Putty• Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, 1000-20001 Pre-operative image.2 X-ray, maxillary right cross sectional area #6.3 Maxillary full thickness flap made.4 Site decorticated.5 Puros Cortical Allograft large particles and PurosDemineralized Bone Matrix Putty mix placed in defect.6 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane,Anterior, placed and stabilized.

5137 Primary closure obtained.8 One week post-operative.9 X-ray, one week post-operative.10 Four weeks post-operative.11 Site uncovered at six months, 1mm vertical and6mm horizontal bone gain.12 Implants placed.13 Final panoramic X-ray. 14 Final exposure and restoration.

614case 6:Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMDEnglewood, New JerseyCase Completed: July, 2011Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Posterior• Puros Demineralized Bone Matrix with Chips1 X-ray, <strong>pre</strong>-operative crestal defect and low sinus.2 Large vertical defect.3 X-ray cross section, area #15.4 Lateral view of defect with <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurVPre-Shaped Membrane placed.5 One month post-operative, partial closure.6 X-ray, one month post-operative.

6157 Complete closure, three months post-operative.8 X-ray periapical, three months post-operative.9 Site uncovered.10 X-ray implant <strong>pre</strong>paration, 4mm vertical and 5mmhorizontal bone gain.11 Implant placement.12 Implant placement, lateral view.13 X-ray post-operative, implant placement.

716case 7:Dr. Richard Kraut, DDSBronx, New YorkCase Completed: February, 2011Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped CollagenMembrane, Posterior• Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, 250-1000• Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft,250-1000• BMP, 1.05mg• PRP1 X-ray, <strong>pre</strong>-operative.2 Failed short implant removed, large bony defect.3 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-<strong>shaped</strong> Collagen Membrane“try in” for sizing.4 Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, PurosCancellous Particulate Allograft, BMP and PRP mix.5 Decortification of defect site.6 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane inplace and secured with three screws.

7177 Primary closure achieved.8 X-ray, 6 months post-operative images, 5-7mm ofhorizontal bone gain.9 Surgical site, six months post-operative.10 Site uncovered in <strong>pre</strong>paration for implant placement.11 Implant placement.12 X-ray at time of implant placement, seven monthspost-operative graft, 3mm vertical bone gain.13 X-ray, three months after implant placement. 14 Final restoration, nine months after grafting procedure.

818case 8:Dr. Richard Kraut, DDSBronx, New YorkCase Completed: March, 2012Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane,Anterior• Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, 250-1000• Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft,250-1000• BMP 2.1mg• PRP1 Severe maxillary atrophy.2 Site decorticated in <strong>pre</strong>paration for graft.3 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane beingplaced over defect site.4 Two <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped CollagenMembranes, anterior design, placed and secured.5 Primary closure obtained.6 Site, ten months post-operative.

8197 Implants placed.8 Site before uncovering for final restoration, 1mmvertical and 3mm horizontal bone gain.9 Implants uncovered for final restoration.10 Completed implants with bar attachments.

920case 9:Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMDEnglewood, New JerseyCase Completed: January, 2012Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Anterior• Autogenous block• Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft, 1000-20001 Defect site.2 Defect site anterior view, horizontal measurement.3 Defect site, vertical measurement.4 Preparation of bony defect recipient site.5 Autogenous block graft being extracted.6 Preparation of anterior recipient site, removal ofNasopalatine Nerve.

9217 Autogenous block graft placement.8 Bone graft material placement, autogenous blockand Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft.9 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-<strong>shaped</strong> Collagen MembranePlacement – bioplate fixation screws.10 Closure, lingual releasing incision.11 Six months post-operative.12 X-ray, six months post-operative.8mm13 Exposed area demonstrating bone regeneration,8mm vertical and 5mm horizontal bone gain.14 Implant placement.

1022case 10:Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMDEnglewood, New JerseyCase Completed: October, 2011Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Anterior• Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, 1000-20001 Smile line intraoral view.2 Panoramic X-ray, ailing implants.3 Implant removal.4 Preparing surgical site.5 Measuring surgical site.6 Site decorticated.

10237 Placement of bone grafting material.8 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-<strong>shaped</strong> Collagen Membrane,anterior secured in place.9 Primary closure obtained.10 X-ray showing increased width and height; 6mmvertical and 4mm horizontal bone gain.

1124case 11:Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMDEnglewood, New JerseyCase Completed: November, 2011Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Posterior• Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, 1000-2000• Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft, 250-10001 Panoramic X-ray of defect site.2 Defect site, <strong>pre</strong>-operative.3 Incision outline.4 Site decorticated.5 Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft small particlesand Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft large particles.6 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane,secured with two buccal fixation screws.

11257 Primary closure with vicryl sutures.8 Post-operative surgical X-ray, 1mm vertical and 5mmhorizontal bone gain.9 Six months post-operative.10 Exposure of graft site at time of implant placement.LacunaewithoutnucleiOsteoblastsand new boneformation11 Bone histology.12 Bone histology magnification.13 Implant placement.

1226case 12:Dr. John C. Minichetti, DMDEnglewood, New JerseyCase Completed: December, 2011Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane, Posterior• Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, 1000-2000• Puros Demineralized Bone Matrix Putty1 Lateral view of defect site.2 X-ray of defect site.3 3-D imaging of defect site. Shown: SimPlant ®Software by Materialise <strong>Dental</strong> NV.4 Surgical site, lower right close up.5 Full thickness muccoperiosteal exposure.6 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane<strong>pre</strong>paration being trimmed to fit defect site.

12277 Site decorticated and <strong>pre</strong>pared for graft material.8 Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft large particles and PurosDemineralized Bone Matrix Putty Mix, placed in defect site.9 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane<strong>pre</strong>drilled for screw placement.10 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membraneplaced over graft material.11 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membranesecured in place.12 Release of buccal flap in <strong>pre</strong>paration of closure.13 Release of lingual flap in <strong>pre</strong>paration of closure. 14 X-ray, post-operative, 3mm vertical and 5mmhorizontal bone gain.

1328case 13:Dr. Richard Kraut, DDSBronx, New YorkCase Completed: April, 2012Material:• <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membrane,Anterior• Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft, 250-1000• Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft, 250-1000• Porous HA, .5-1mm• BMP 4.2mg1 X-ray, <strong>pre</strong>-operative, severe maxillary atrophy.2 Defect site.3 Site uncovered in <strong>pre</strong>paration for grafting.4 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-Shaped Collagen Membraneplaced in defect site.5 Site decorticated and <strong>pre</strong>pared for graft materials.8 <strong>Zimmer</strong> CurV Pre-<strong>shaped</strong> Collagen Membranesecured with screw.

13299 Primary closure obtained.10 X-ray, post-operative, 3mm vertical and 5mm horizontal gain.11 Site, six months post-operative. 12 Implants uncovered and <strong>pre</strong>pared for restoration.



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