Mobile Internet Plans - Maxis

Mobile Internet Plans - Maxis

Mobile Internet Plans - Maxis


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The order of utilisation of the volume entitlement shall be as follows, the volume entitlement ofitem (i) being the first to be exhausted, followed by that of item (ii):(i)(ii)Prepaid Time Based Passes or Prepaid Quota Upgrade Pass (as the case may be);Prepaid weekly pass 100MB or Prepaid weekly pass 250MB (which the customer hasalready subscribed for).The rates outlined in the above table do not account for usages while on an overseas roamingnetwork.D. Rates for data packages as of 4 th January 2012The terms and conditions and rates for data packages as of 5 th September 2011 applicable toPrepaid data packages/passes, continue to be applicable to Prepaid data packages/passes.The terms and conditions and rates for data packages as of 5 th September 2011 and 1 st December2011 applicable to Postpaid data packages/passes shall cease to be applicable and shall besuperseded by the following.The charges for the Service vary depending on the type of Postpaid data packages which youchoose. You can choose between time based passes/packages (eg. 1Hour pass and 1Day pass) andmonthly based packages. If you subscribe for postpaid monthly based packages, the postpaidprice and quota entitlement (as set out in Table I – Postpaid <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>Internet</strong> rates below) will bepro-rated based on the bill cycle date, taking into account factors such as your activation date,deactivation date, any plan changes and bill cycle changes (i.e. changes to your bill cycle date).As of 4 th January 2012, the available Postpaid data packages and the applicable rates, which areall capped based on the time/usage (quota entitlement), are set out in the table as follows, namely,“Table I – Postpaid <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>Internet</strong> rates”:Table I - Postpaid <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>Internet</strong> ratesQuotaEntitlementTypes of Postpaid datapackagePackagedurationPostpaid(in RM)priceCharges forcontinued use uponexceeding volumequotaAuto-RenewalGeneral pay-per-use N/A N/A Rate: 10sen/10kB1 Hour pass 100MB 60 minutes from RM 2the time ofactivation1 Day pass 500MB 24 hours fromthe time ofactivationRM 8N/AThe prevailingapplicable pay-peruserates (if you donot subscribe for amonthly pass or ifyou have exhaustedthe volume quota ofyour monthly pass)N/ANoNoMonthly pass 100MB 100MB 1 CalendarMonthMonthly pass 200MB 200MB 1 CalendarMonthRM 18RM 28Pay per use rate of30 sen/1MBYesYes

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