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Mathematical Modal Logic: A View of its Evolution 89[Emerson and Halpern, 1986] E. Allen Emerson and Joseph Y. Halpern. “Sometimes” and “notnever” revisited: On branching versus linear time temporal logic. Journal of the Associationfor Computing Machinery, 33:151–178, 1986.[Emerson and Jutla, 1988] E. Allen Emerson and Charanjit S. Jutla. The complexity of treeautomata and logics of programs. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE Symposium onFoundations of Computer Science, pages 328–337, 1988.[Emerson and Jutla, 1999] E. Allen Emerson and Charanjit S. Jutla. The complexity of treeautomata and logics of programs. SIAM Journal on Computing, 29:132–158, 1999.[Emerson, 1990] E. Allen Emerson. Temporal and modal logic. In Jan van Leeuwen, editor,Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume B: Formal Models and Semantics, pages995–1072. Elsevier, 1990.[Erdős, 1959] Paul Erdős. Graph theory and probability. Canadian Journal of Mathematics,11:34–38, 1959.[Èsakia, 1974] L. L. Èsakia. Topological Kripke models. Soviet Mathematics Doklady, 15:147–151, 1974.[Everett and Ulam, 1946] C. J. Everett and S. Ulam. Projective algebras I. American Journalof Mathematics, 68:77–88, 1946.[Fagin et al., 1995] Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses, and Moshe Y. Vardi. ReasoningAbout Knowledge. The MIT Press, 1995.[Fairtlough and Mendler, 1995] Matt Fairtlough and Michael Mendler. An intuitionistic modallogic with applications to the formal verification of hardware. In Leszek Pacholoski and JerzyTiuryn, editors, Computer Science Logic. Proceedings 1994, volume 933 of Lecture Notes inComputer Science, pages 354–368. Springer-Verlag, 1995.[Fairtlough and Mendler, 1997] Matt Fairtlough and Michael Mendler. Propositional lax logic.Information and Computation, 137:1–33, 1997.[Feys, 1965] Robert Feys. Modal Logics. E. Nauwelaerts, 1965.[Fine, 1971] Kit Fine. The logics containing S4.3. Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik undGrundlagen der Mathematik, 17:371–376, 1971.[Fine, 1974] Kit Fine. An incomplete logic containing S4. Theoria, 40:23–29, 1974.[Fine, 1975a] Kit Fine. Normal forms in modal logic. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,16:229–234, 1975.[Fine, 1975b] Kit Fine. Some connections between elementary and modal logic. In Stig Kanger,editor, Proceedings of the Third Scandinavian Logic Symposium, pages 15–31. North-Holland,Amsterdam, 1975.[Fischer and Ladner, 1977] Michael J. Fischer and Richard E. Ladner. Propositional modallogic of programs. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on The Theory ofComputing, pages 286–294, 1977.[Fischer and Ladner, 1979] Michael J. Fischer and Richard E. Ladner. Propositional dynamiclogic of regular programs. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, 18:194–211, 1979.[Fitch, 1948] F. B. Fitch. Intuitionistic modal logic with quantifiers. Portugaliae Mathematicae,7:113–118, 1948.[Føllesdal, 1994] Dagfinn Føllesdal. Stig Kanger in memoriam. In Dag Prawitz, Brian Skyrms,and Dag Westerståhl, editors, Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX, pages 885–888. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994.[Gabbay et al., 1980] D. M. Gabbay, A. Pneuli, S. Selah, and J. Stavi. On the temporal analysisof fairness. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of ProgrammingLanguages, pages 163–173, 1980.[Gabbay et al., 1994] Dov M. Gabbay, Ian Hodkinson, and Mark Reynolds. Temporal Logic.Mathematical Foundations and Computational Aspects, volume 1. Oxford University Press,1994.[Gabbay, 1972] Dov M. Gabbay. On decidable, finitely axiomatizable, modal and tense logicswithout the finite model property, part I. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 11:478–495, 1972.[Gabbay, 1976] Dov M. Gabbay. Investigations in Modal and Tense Logics with Applicationsto Problems in Philosophy and Linguistics. D. Reidel, 1976.[Gerson, 1975a] Martin Gerson. An extension of S4 complete for the neighborhood semanticsbut incomplete for the relational semantics. Studia Logica, 34:333–342, 1975.[Gerson, 1975b] Martin Gerson. The inadequacy of the neighborhood semantics for modal logic.The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 40:141–148, 1975.

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