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86 Robert Goldblattextensions [Goldblatt, 2003a].Coalgebras for polynomial functors can be thought of as generalised deterministicautomata. Non-determinism can also be accommodated by using the powersetfunctor P along with the polynomial operations to form the so-called Kripke polynomialfunctors of [Rößiger, 2000]. There are finitary modal logics for these aswell, but the HM-property now only holds for coalgebras that are imagine-finite,which essentially means that the finitary powerset functor P ω is used in place ofP in their construction.The original modal language and semantics of Hennessy and Milner (section7.2) provides any functor of the form (P ω −) I with a finitary logic having theHM-property. Its syntax can be extended by allowing formation of conjunctionsof sets of fewer than κ formulas, for some fixed infinite cardinal number κ. Theresult is a logic with the HM-property for the functor (P κ −) I , where P κ A is theset of all subsets of A with fewer than κ elements. (P κ −) I is bounded and has afinal coalgebra, for any infinite κ. By going further and forming conjunctions ofarbitrary sets of formulas [Milner, 1989], an HM-logic is obtained for the functor(P−) I . But now the collection of formulas becomes a proper class, rather than aset. Also, there is no longer any final coalgebra. These two facts are connected: itcan be shown [Goldblatt, 2004] that if a functor T has an HM-logic whose class offormulas is small (i.e. a set), then there must be a final T -coalgebra. Consequently,there is no such small HM-logic for a functor of the form (P−) I .The formulation and analysis of logics for various categories of coalgebras is thesubject of current research. The assessment of the impact of these investigationson the evolution of modal logic is a task for the historians of the future.BIBLIOGRAPHY[Aczel and Mendler, 1989] Peter Aczel and Nax Mendler. A final coalgebra theorem. In D. H.Pitt et al., editors, Category Theory and Computer Science. Proceedings 1989, volume 389 ofLecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 357–365. Springer-Verlag, 1989.[Aczel, 1988] Peter Aczel. Non-Well-Founded Sets. CSLI Lecture Notes No. 14. CSLI Publications,Stanford University, 1988.[Aczel, 2001] Peter Aczel. The Russell-Prawitz modality. Mathematical Structures in ComputerScience, 11(4):541–554, 2001.[Astroh and Klüwer, 1998] Michael Astroh and Johan W. Klüwer. Bibliography: Hugh MacColl.Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic, 3(1), 1998. Electronically available at:[Barr, 1993] Michael Barr. Terminal coalgebras in well-founded set theory. Theoretical ComputerScience, 114:299–315, 1993.[Barwise, 1989] Jon Barwise. The Situation in Logic. CSLI Lecture Notes No. 17. CSLI Publications,Stanford University, 1989.[Bayart, 1958] A. Bayart. Correction de la logique modale du premier et du second ordre S5.Logique et Analyse, 1(1):28–45, 1958.[Bayart, 1959] A. Bayart. Quasi-adéquation de la logique modal du second ordre S5 etadéquation de la logique modal du premier ordre S5. Logique et Analyse, 2(6–7):99–121,1959.[Becker, 1930] Oskar Becker. Zur logik der modalitäten. Jahrbuch für Philosophie undPhänomenologische Forschung, 11:497–548, 1930.[Bell, 1988] J. L. Bell. Toposes and Local Set Theories. Oxford University Press, 1988.

Mathematical Modal Logic: A View of its Evolution 87[Ben-Ari et al., 1983] Mordechai Ben-Ari, Amir Pnueli, and Zohar Manna. The temporal logicof branching time. Acta Informatica, 20:207–226, 1983.[Benton et al., 1998] P. N. Benton, G. M. Bierman, and V. C. V. de Paiva. Computationaltypes from a logical perspective. Journal of Functional Programming, 8:177–193, 1998.[Bergstra et al., 2001] J. A. Bergstra, A. Ponse, and S. A. Smolka. Handbook of Process Algebra.Elsevier, 2001.[Beth, 1955] E. W. Beth. Semantic entailment and formal derivability. Mededelingen van deKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Letterkunde, N. R., 18:309–342, 1955. Reprinted in The Philosophy of Mathematics, edited by Jaakko Hintikka, OxfordUniversity Press, 1969.[Birkhoff, 1933] Garrett Birkhoff. On the combination of subalgebras. Proceedings of the CambridgePhilosophical Society, 29:441–464, 1933.[Birkhoff, 1935] Garrett Birkhoff. On the structure of abstract algebras. Proceedings of theCambridge Philosophical Society, 31:433–454, 1935.[Birkhoff, 1944] Garrett Birkhoff. Subdirect unions in universal algebra. Bulletin of the AmericanMathematical Society, 50:764–768, 1944.[Birkhoff, 1948] Garrett Birkhoff. Lattice Theory. American Mathematical Society, second edition,1948.[Blok, 1978a] W. J. Blok. On the degree of incompleteness of modal logics. Bulletin of theSection of Logic of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 7(4):167–175, December 1978.[Blok, 1978b] W. J. Blok. On the degree of incompleteness of modal logics and the coveringrelation in the lattice of modal logics. Report 78-07, Department of Mathematics, Universityof Amsterdam, July 1978.[Blok, 1980] W. J. Blok. The lattice of modal logics: An algebraic investigation. The Journalof Symbolic Logic, 45:221–236, 1980.[Bochenski, 1961] I. M. Bochenski. A History of Formal Logic. University of Notre Dame Press,1961.[Boole, 1854] George Boole. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought. Walton and Maberley,1854. Reprinted by Dover Publications 1958.[Boolos and Sambin, 1985] George Boolos and Giovanni Sambin. An incomplete system ofmodal logic. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 14:351–358, 1985.[Boolos and Sambin, 1991] George Boolos and Giovanni Sambin. Provability: The emergenceof a mathematical modality. Studia Logica, 50:1–23, 1991.[Boolos, 1979] George Boolos. The Unprovability of Consistency. Cambridge University Press,1979.[Boolos, 1993] George Boolos. The Logic of Provability. Cambridge University Press, 1993.[Bradfield and Stirling, 2001] Julian Bradfield and Colin Stirling. Modal logics and mu-calculi:An introduction. In J. A. Bergstra, A. Ponse, and S. A. Smolka, editors, Handbook of ProcessAlgebra, pages 293–330. Elsevier, 2001.[Bull, 1964] R. A. Bull. A note on the modal calculi S4.2 and S4.3. Zeitschrift für MathematischeLogik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 10:53–55, 1964.[Bull, 1965] R. A. Bull. An algebraic study of Diodorean modal systems. The Journal ofSymbolic Logic, 30:58–64, 1965.[Bull, 1966] R. A. Bull. That all normal extensions of S4.3 have the finite model property.Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 12:341–344, 1966.[Bull, 1968] R. A. Bull. An algebraic study of tense logics with linear time. The Journal ofSymbolic Logic, 33:27–38, 1968.[Bull, 1969] R. A. Bull. Note on a paper in tense logic. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 34:215–218, 1969.[Carnap, 1946] Rudolph Carnap. Modalities and quantification. The Journal of Symbolic Logic,11:33–64, 1946.[Carnap, 1947] Rudolph Carnap. Meaning and Necessity. The University of Chicago Press,1947. Enlarged Edition 1956.[Chagrov and Zakharyaschev, 1997] Alexander Chagrov and Michael Zakharyaschev. ModalLogic. Oxford University Press, 1997.[Chang and Keisler, 1973] C. C. Chang and H. J. Keisler. Model Theory. North-Holland, Amsterdam,1973.

86 Robert Goldblattextensions [Goldblatt, 2003a].Coalgebras for polynomial functors can be thought of as generalised deterministicautomata. Non-determinism can also be accommodated by using the powersetfunctor P along with the polynomial operations to form the so-called Kripke polynomialfunctors of [Rößiger, 2000]. There are finitary modal logics for these aswell, but the HM-property now only holds for coalgebras that are imagine-finite,which essentially means that the finitary powerset functor P ω is used in place ofP in their construction.The original modal language and semantics of Hennessy and Milner (section7.2) provides any functor of the form (P ω −) I with a finitary logic having theHM-property. Its syntax can be extended by allowing formation of conjunctionsof sets of fewer than κ formulas, for some fixed infinite cardinal number κ. Theresult is a logic with the HM-property for the functor (P κ −) I , where P κ A is theset of all subsets of A with fewer than κ elements. (P κ −) I is bounded and has afinal coalgebra, for any infinite κ. By going further and forming conjunctions ofarbitrary sets of formulas [Milner, 1989], an HM-logic is obtained for the functor(P−) I . But now the collection of formulas becomes a proper class, rather than aset. Also, there is no longer any final coalgebra. These two facts are connected: itcan be shown [Goldblatt, 2004] that if a functor T has an HM-logic whose class offormulas is small (i.e. a set), then there must be a final T -coalgebra. Consequently,there is no such small HM-logic for a functor of the form (P−) I .The formulation and analysis of logics for various categories of coalgebras is thesubject of current research. The assessment of the impact of these investigationson the evolution of modal logic is a task for the historians of the future.BIBLIOGRAPHY[Aczel and Mendler, 1989] Peter Aczel and Nax Mendler. A final coalgebra theorem. In D. H.Pitt et al., editors, Category Theory and Computer Science. Proceedings 1989, volume 389 ofLecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 357–365. Springer-Verlag, 1989.[Aczel, 1988] Peter Aczel. Non-Well-Founded Sets. CSLI Lecture Notes No. 14. CSLI Publications,Stanford University, 1988.[Aczel, 2001] Peter Aczel. The Russell-Prawitz modality. Mathematical Structures in ComputerScience, 11(4):541–554, 2001.[Astroh and Klüwer, 1998] Michael Astroh and Johan W. Klüwer. Bibliography: Hugh MacColl.Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic, 3(1), 1998. Electronically available at:[Barr, 1993] Michael Barr. Terminal coalgebras in well-founded set theory. Theoretical ComputerScience, 114:299–315, 1993.[Barwise, 1989] Jon Barwise. The Situation in Logic. CSLI Lecture Notes No. 17. CSLI Publications,Stanford University, 1989.[Bayart, 1958] A. Bayart. Correction de la logique modale du premier et du second ordre S5.Logique et Analyse, 1(1):28–45, 1958.[Bayart, 1959] A. Bayart. Quasi-adéquation de la logique modal du second ordre S5 etadéquation de la logique modal du premier ordre S5. Logique et Analyse, 2(6–7):99–121,1959.[Becker, 1930] Oskar Becker. Zur logik der modalitäten. Jahrbuch für Philosophie undPhänomenologische Forschung, 11:497–548, 1930.[Bell, 1988] J. L. Bell. Toposes and Local Set Theories. Oxford University Press, 1988.

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