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14 Robert Goldblattthat S4 is characterised by the class of (finite) closure algebras, as well as theclosure algebra of any Euclidean space, or of any zero-dimensional dense-in-itselfsubspace of Euclidean space. Hence in view of result (5), the claim of [Gödel,1933] follows: if ✷α ∨ ✷β is an S4-theorem, then so is one of α and β, thereforeso is one of ✷α and ✷β by the rule of Necessitation. Similarly, result (6) gives aproof of the disjunction property for IPC: if α ∨ β is a theorem, then so is one of αand β. The final section of the paper uses the relationships between Brouwerianand closure algebras to verify the correctness of the two translations of IPC intoS4 conjectured in Godël’s paper, and introduced a new one:p ✷p¬α ✷¬αα → β ✷(α → β) (i.e. α 3 β)α ∨ β α ∨ βα ∧ β α ∧ β.It is this translation that inspired Kripke [1965a] to derive his semantics for intuitionisticlogic from his model theory for S4 (see section 7.6).Another significant result of the 1948 paper is that S5 is characterised by theclass of all closure algebras in which each closed element is also open. Structuresof this kind were later dubbed monadic algebras by Halmos in his study of thealgebraic properties of quantifiers [Halmos, 1962]. The connection is natural: themodalities ✷ and ✸ have the same formal properties in S5 as do the quantifiers∀ and ∃ in classical logic. The polyadic algebras of Halmos and the cylindricalgebras of Tarski and his co-researchers [Henkin et al., 1971] have a family ofpairwise commuting closure operators for which each closed element is open.Any Boolean algebra can be made into a monadic algebra by defining C0 = 0and otherwise Cx = 1. These are the simple 19 monadic algebras. Let A n bethe simple monadic algebra defined on the finite Boolean algebra with n atoms,viewed as a matrix with only 1 designated. Then S5 is characterised by the set ofall these A n ’s. This was shown by Schiller Joe Scroggs in his [1951], written as aMasters thesis under McKinsey’s direction, whose analysis established that everyfinite monadic algebra is a direct product of A n ’s. Scroggs used this to prove thateach proper extension of S5 is equal to the logic characterised by some A n , andso has a finite characteristic matrix. By “extension” here is meant any logic thatincludes all S5-theorems and is closed under the rules of uniform substitution forvariables and detachment for material implication. Scroggs was able to show fromthis characterisation that any such extension of S5 is closed under the Necessitationrule as well, and so is a normal logic.Another notable paper on S5 algebras from this era is [Davis, 1954], based on a1950 doctoral thesis supervised by Garrett Birkhoff. This describes the correspondencebetween equivalence relations on a set and S5 operations on its powersetBoolean algebra; a correspondence between algebras with two S5 operations and19 In the technical algebraic sense of having no non-trivial congruences.

Mathematical Modal Logic: A View of its Evolution 15the projective algebras of Everett and Ulam [1946]; and the use of several S5operators to provide a Boolean model of features of first-order logic.3.3 BAO’s: The Theory of Jónsson and TarskiThe notion of a Boolean algebra with operators (BAO) was introduced by Jónssonand Tarski in their abstract [1948], with the details of their announced results beingpresented in [1951]. That work contains representations of algebras that couldimmediately have been applied to give new characterisations of modal systems.But the paper was overlooked by modal logicians, who were still publishing rediscoveriesof some of its results fifteen years later.A unary function f on a Boolean algebra is an operator if it is additive, i.e.f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y). f is completely additive if f( ∑ X) = ∑ ∑f(X) wheneverX exists, and is normal if f(0) = 0. A function of more than one argumentis an operator/is completely additive/is normal when it is has the correspondingproperty separately in each argument. A BAO is an algebra A = (B, f i : i ∈ I),where the f i ’s are all operators on the Boolean algebra B.The Extension Theorem of Jónsson and Tarski showed that any BAO A can beembedded isomorphically into a complete and atomic BAO A σ which they called aperfect extension of A. The construction built on Stone’s embedding of a Booleanalgebra B into a complete and atomic one B σ , with each operator f i of A beingextended to an operator fiσ on B σ that is completely additive, and is normal if f iis normal. The notion of perfect extension was defined by three properties thatdetermine A σ uniquely up to a unique isomorphism over A and give an algebraiccharacterisation of the structures that arise from Stone’s topological representationtheory. These properties can be stated as follows.(i)(ii)For any distinct atoms x, y of A σ there exists an element a of A with x ≤ aand y ≤ −a.If a subset X of A has ∑ X = 1 in A σ , then some finite subset X 0 of X has∑X0 = 1.(iii)f σ i (x) = ∏ {f i (y) : x ≤ y ∈ A n } when f i is n-ary and the terms of then-tuple x are atoms or 0.Property (i) corresponds to the Hausdorff separation property of the Stone spaceof B, while (ii) is an algebraic formulation of the compactness of that space. Themeaning of (iii) will be explained below.Jónsson and Tarski showed that any equation satisfied by A will also be satisfiedby A σ if it does not involve Boolean complementation (i.e. refers only to +, ·, 0, 1and the operators f i ). More generally, perfect extensions were shown to preserveany implication of the form (t = 0 → u = v) whose terms t, u, v do not involvecomplementation. They then established a fundamental representation of normal

14 Robert Goldblattthat S4 is characterised by the class of (finite) closure algebras, as well as theclosure algebra of any Euclidean space, or of any zero-dimensional dense-in-itselfsubspace of Euclidean space. Hence in view of result (5), the claim of [Gödel,1933] follows: if ✷α ∨ ✷β is an S4-theorem, then so is one of α and β, thereforeso is one of ✷α and ✷β by the rule of Necessitation. Similarly, result (6) gives aproof of the disjunction property for IPC: if α ∨ β is a theorem, then so is one of αand β. The final section of the paper uses the relationships between Brouwerianand closure algebras to verify the correctness of the two translations of IPC intoS4 conjectured in Godël’s paper, and introduced a new one:p ✷p¬α ✷¬αα → β ✷(α → β) (i.e. α 3 β)α ∨ β α ∨ βα ∧ β α ∧ β.It is this translation that inspired Kripke [1965a] to derive his semantics for intuitionisticlogic from his model theory for S4 (see section 7.6).Another significant result of the 1948 paper is that S5 is characterised by theclass of all closure algebras in which each closed element is also open. Structuresof this kind were later dubbed monadic algebras by Halmos in his study of thealgebraic properties of quantifiers [Halmos, 1962]. The connection is natural: themodalities ✷ and ✸ have the same formal properties in S5 as do the quantifiers∀ and ∃ in classical logic. The polyadic algebras of Halmos and the cylindricalgebras of Tarski and his co-researchers [Henkin et al., 1971] have a family ofpairwise commuting closure operators for which each closed element is open.Any Boolean algebra can be made into a monadic algebra by defining C0 = 0and otherwise Cx = 1. These are the simple 19 monadic algebras. Let A n bethe simple monadic algebra defined on the finite Boolean algebra with n atoms,viewed as a matrix with only 1 designated. Then S5 is characterised by the set ofall these A n ’s. This was shown by Schiller Joe Scroggs in his [1951], written as aMasters thesis under McKinsey’s direction, whose analysis established that everyfinite monadic algebra is a direct product of A n ’s. Scroggs used this to prove thateach proper extension of S5 is equal to the logic characterised by some A n , andso has a finite characteristic matrix. By “extension” here is meant any logic thatincludes all S5-theorems and is closed under the rules of uniform substitution forvariables and detachment for material implication. Scroggs was able to show fromthis characterisation that any such extension of S5 is closed under the Necessitationrule as well, and so is a normal logic.Another notable paper on S5 algebras from this era is [Davis, 1954], based on a1950 doctoral thesis supervised by Garrett Birkhoff. This describes the correspondencebetween equivalence relations on a set and S5 operations on its powersetBoolean algebra; a correspondence between algebras with two S5 operations and19 In the technical algebraic sense of having no non-trivial congruences.

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