Quickly develop secure, collaborative, business applications ... - Lotus

Quickly develop secure, collaborative, business applications ... - Lotus

Quickly develop secure, collaborative, business applications ... - Lotus


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Notes Designerfor4.6RELEASEKEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS• Radical RADD.Deliver Net <strong>applications</strong> fasterthan ever before, with superbRADD functionality—from built-inscripting to enterprise-widedeployment via replication.• Phenomenal Java support.Add Java to both Notes andWeb <strong>applications</strong>. Change andpreview applet propertieson-the-fly. Store applets inDomino databases for easysecurity and management.• Cool new tools.<strong>Lotus</strong> BeanMachine for Javamakes applet authoring incrediblyfast and easy—no coding required!Notes Global Designer lets youbring <strong>applications</strong> to users worldwidein their native languages.• Total control.Embed HTML wherever youneed it to fine-tune your site'sappearance.<strong>Quickly</strong> <strong>develop</strong> <strong>secure</strong>, <strong>collaborative</strong>,<strong>business</strong> <strong>applications</strong> for the Net.Everything a Net Developer Needs.<strong>Lotus</strong> Notes Designer for Domino is the<strong>develop</strong>er’s version of Notes—with everythingyou need to build and maintain<strong>secure</strong> and <strong>collaborative</strong> Net <strong>applications</strong>on the <strong>Lotus</strong> Domino server. Applicationsyou create with Notes Designer forDomino can easily be made accessible toWeb browsers and Notes clients.Rapid Development and Deployment.An unsurpassed platform for rapid <strong>develop</strong>mentand deployment of Net-based<strong>business</strong> <strong>applications</strong>, Notes Designer forDomino leverages the ease of use of theNotes integrated <strong>develop</strong>ment environmentto provide access to the full powerof the Domino server: robust messaging, adistributed object database, the industry’sleading replication technology, provensecurity, workflow and other integratedservices—all running with industrystandards like TCP/IP, HTTP, Java, HTMLand ODBC.Your Most Valuable Client.Designers need groupware and e-mail,too—and Notes Designer for Domino 4.6is the most powerful groupware ande-mail client available. Designed to run onMicrosoft Windows 95 and Windows NT4.0, it includes all the features of <strong>Lotus</strong>Notes Desktop, including majorenhancements like integrated support foryour favorite Web browser, the ability touse either <strong>Lotus</strong> Word Pro or MicrosoftWord as your e-mail editor, and more.<strong>Quickly</strong> <strong>develop</strong> <strong>secure</strong>,<strong>collaborative</strong>, <strong>business</strong><strong>applications</strong> for the Net.

For faster, more convenient <strong>develop</strong>mentof Net <strong>applications</strong>, use the newPreview Tool.FEATURES OVERVIEW➤Notes Designer for Domino gives youdirect access to the power of Domino• Multimedia object store. Use Domino distributeddatabase capabilities to manage Web sites and<strong>applications</strong> easily. Let Domino handle linkmanagement. Use Domino replication to update<strong>applications</strong> automatically.• Flexible security. Build unparalleled access controlinto your <strong>applications</strong>. Limit access to servers, todatabases, to documents—even to specific fieldsin documents.• The world's leading workflow. With built-inDomino workflow capabilities, your Web <strong>applications</strong>can automate strategic <strong>business</strong> processes fromCustomer Service to new product <strong>develop</strong>ment.• Instant e-mail integration. The integral messagingcapabilities of Domino let you build messaging intoyour <strong>applications</strong> with unparalleled ease.• Supports more standards. Including Java,JavaBeans, Netscape plug-ins, OLE 2.0, ActiveX, HTTP,HTML, POP3, MAPI, LDAP, IMAP4, SSL, basic Websecurity and more.Notes Designer for Domino deliversunsurpassed productivity.• Instant gratification. Instantly preview your designwith a Notes client or in your choice of Web browsers.• New support for browser-accessible<strong>applications</strong>. Embed Domino views, Navigators andsearch bars into your Web <strong>applications</strong>, and set theirproperties right from the menu.• Rapid <strong>develop</strong>ment and deployment. Gain directaccess to <strong>Lotus</strong> Domino services. Easily add Dominobasedfeatures like views and Navigators and instantlypreview the results in your Web browser.• Customization with HTML. Embed HTML whereveryou need it to fine-tune your applcation's appearance.Let Domino render your Web pages, send pure HTMLto Web browsers, or combine the two approaches.• Use your current tools. Access Domino servicesfrom C, C++, Java, Microsoft Visual Basic, Delphi andmore. Notes Designer for Domino delivers phenomenalJava support.➤View your application’s Web contentin your choice of Web browser.• Do it all in one place. Use <strong>Lotus</strong> BeanMachinefor Java to create a new applet in minutes; or, startwith an existing applet. Embed it in an e-mail message,a document, or in a Notes form with just amouse click. Change its properties and parameterson-the-fly and preview your changes. Then store theentire applet in a Domino database for security andeasy management.• A first—Java agents! Now you can write Dominoserver agents with any Java IDE. Leverage your expertisewith an object model common across <strong>Lotus</strong>Script,C++ and Java.Notes Designer for Domino deliverscool new tools.• <strong>Lotus</strong> BeanMachine for Java. Best-of-breedvisual Java authoring that lets you use your existingJavaBeans and applets, fully automates appletpublishing and works with your choice of Javacompiler—for the ultimate in productivity.• Global impact for your <strong>applications</strong>. Support Netusers worldwide in their native languages, efficientlyand cost-effectively, with Notes Global Designer. Nowyou can <strong>develop</strong> and localize <strong>applications</strong> separatelyand in parallel.• Instant data access. Give Net <strong>applications</strong> access toall your vital corporate data—wherever it resides—with <strong>Lotus</strong>Script extensions for Oracle, ODBC,MQSeries and more.• Built-in Net Templates. Get your <strong>applications</strong> upand running quickly with application templates andexamples for Home Page, FAQ, Registration,Discussion, Document Library (with workflow!) andmore. Use “as is” or as a starting point.Notes Designer for Domino is theindustry’s most powerful groupwareand e-mail client.• Most Valuable Client. Winner of PC World's 1997Best Groupware Applications Environment Award. Alsoincludes all the productivity features of the NotesDesktop client, like e-mail, direct Internet access,unparalleled mobile support and group scheduling.• Works with your favorite <strong>applications</strong>. Integratethe <strong>applications</strong> you use everyday with your Domino<strong>applications</strong>. For example, use <strong>Lotus</strong> Word Pro orMicrosoft Word as your application's document editor.• Easier e-mail. Use Notes Designer for Domino toretrieve messages from your Internet Service Provideror any intranet server that supports POP3, such as theDomino server. Place all your corporate mail and personalmail in a single inbox.• Choose your browser. Work The Web with thebrowser of your choice using Personal Web Navigator,Microsoft Internet Explorer, or other market-leadingbrowsers.Supported Operating Systems:Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0(Intel, Alpha), Hewlett-Packard HP-UX 10.20, IBM AIX4.1.5 & 4.2.1 Sun Solaris 2.5.1/SPARC and Intel EditionSupported Protocols:TCP/IP and X.PC supported on all platforms.SPX, SPXII, NetBIOS/NetBEUI, X.25, SNA5, AppleTalk,VINES supported on selected platforms.<strong>Lotus</strong> Development Corporation, 55 Cambridge Parkway, Cambridge, MA 02142. <strong>Lotus</strong> Development Canada Ltd., 10 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5J2R8. <strong>Lotus</strong> also hasoffices in Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina. <strong>Lotus</strong>, working Together are registered trademarks and <strong>Lotus</strong> BeanMachine, Domino, Notes, <strong>Lotus</strong>Script,Work The Web, Notes Designer for Domino, and Global Designer are trademarks of <strong>Lotus</strong> Development Corporation. Java and JavaBeans are trademarks of SunMicrosystems, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 1997 <strong>Lotus</strong> Development Corporation. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A.Part No. 348154 Job No. DOM-1159|AL

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