Klaxon December 2008.pdf - Cyber Hot Rodders

Klaxon December 2008.pdf - Cyber Hot Rodders

Klaxon December 2008.pdf - Cyber Hot Rodders


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ARMADALE AUTO PARTS SHOW n SHINEA few A models includinga tudortourer, Ding Bob’sdelivery showingoff its new triple carbs, DaveDickson’s ratty pickup, JeffHitchen’s A coupe and a roadsterwith a 32 radiator shell.The vehicle types ranged froma few vintage restos, a heap ofhot rods to 50 and 60’s classicsto some slightly later Monarosand GT Falcons. Even thepopular ice cream van was anold VW Combi. There waseven a an escapee from the dragstip on display that was startedup every now and then to addsome vibrations and audio to thevisual spectacular.The insides of Alan’sArmadale Auto Parts was apopular location withits ambient airconditioning. Thewalls and displaycases were adornedwith plenty of chromebits, all acting as lures

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