3. - Zagope

3. - Zagope 3. - Zagope


1/AG Group employees at the Diogo FrançaIT School, in Cameroon2/Employees take part in volunteercampaign in Mozambique1Zagope and AG interact with the localcommunity in CameroonThe Diogo França School of IT, in the Republic ofCameroon, was opened in September 2010, afterrenovation works that included painting, electricinstallations and door installation, among others,executed by Zagope and Andrade Gutierrez. Theinstitution was named in a tribute to Diogo França,a former mechanical engineer at Zagope’s Mbéré-Ngaoundéré who unfortunately passed awaythis year. The school has a capacity for 40students. Classes are free and there is alreadya long waiting project for new students.Two Zagope employees, Mamoudou Abba andDouglas Carvalho, teach classes as volunteers.The plans are for students who conclude theircourses to become themselves teachers andhelp others.ZAGOPE – Construções e Engenharia, S.A. | Annual Report 2010

MozambiqueThe cosmopolitan Avenida Marginal, in Maputo,was the scenery of a volunteer action coordinatedby Vale Mozambique, to which Zagope isassociated since December 2010. The initiativeinvolved cleaning and removal of waste fromthe ground, and had the collaboration of ourpersonnel in the country, who, in uniforms andwith appropriate equipment, worked in cleaningthe avenue usually frequented by young localsand tourists.Equatorial GuineaIn Equatorial Guinea, Zagope purchasedan energy generator for the use of the localpopulation around Nsoc Nsomo. The companyalso worked in the construction of a schoolwith two classrooms, accommodation facilitiesfor one teacher and public washing roomsand toilets.Zagope employees in volunteeraction in AngolaZagope and Andrade Gutierrezworking in the preventionof DrepanocytosisThe Andrade Gutierrez Group collaborated witha campaign to prevent Drepanocytosis, launchedin June with sponsorship from the CongoAssistance Foundation.The campaign peaked in August 9th with thedelivery of a cheque for the acquisition of screeningmaterial for the disease to the University HospitalCentre of Brazzaville. The ceremony counted withthe presence of high authorities of the Governmentof the Republic of the Congo.The Group’s donation is part of a program tohelp fight of one of the diseases that most affectthe children population of the country. With thenew equipment, the Group contributed to theimprovement of living conditions of the localpopulation, particularly children, by creatingconditions for the early detection of the illness.2In Angola, employees from Zagope donatedbasic food products to the elders hosted byCentro Trânsito de Kavikiviki, at Menongue,Kuando Kubango province,in an initiative thatwas carried out for the second time now. Thedonations will help approximately 70 people.62 / 63

1/AG Group employees at the Diogo FrançaIT School, in Cameroon2/Employees take part in volunteercampaign in Mozambique1<strong>Zagope</strong> and AG interact with the localcommunity in CameroonThe Diogo França School of IT, in the Republic ofCameroon, was opened in September 2010, afterrenovation works that included painting, electricinstallations and door installation, among others,executed by <strong>Zagope</strong> and Andrade Gutierrez. Theinstitution was named in a tribute to Diogo França,a former mechanical engineer at <strong>Zagope</strong>’s Mbéré-Ngaoundéré who unfortunately passed awaythis year. The school has a capacity for 40students. Classes are free and there is alreadya long waiting project for new students.Two <strong>Zagope</strong> employees, Mamoudou Abba andDouglas Carvalho, teach classes as volunteers.The plans are for students who conclude theircourses to become themselves teachers andhelp others.ZAGOPE – Construções e Engenharia, S.A. | Annual Report 2010

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