3. - Zagope

3. - Zagope 3. - Zagope


1International Trainee ChallengeAfter the success of the first program, a secondedition of the International Trainee Challenge waslaunched in February 2010.Some adjustments were made in relation to the2008/2009 edition, including changing the durationof the program to 12 months. The “pioneer” groupconcluded their program in the final meeting inDecember, in Lisbon. The former “Trainees” wereraised to “Juniors” starting in January, when theircomplete integration into the organizational structureof the various markets took place.This new edition of the program brings in a fewambitious novelties while keeping the originalcorporate dimension (cost support, training basedin Lisbon, coordination by the HR Dept. andothers). Most significantly, the program has beenextended to include candidates from Brazil, Angola,Belgium and Spain as well as Portugal. A greatrecruiting operation was in place in the countriesinvolved between October and December 2009,selecting recent graduates in Civil Engineering,Mechanical Engineering and Management. Theadvertisements placed in the mainstream local mediawas accompanied by partnerships with variousUniversities and other organisms in each country,such as the Xunta de Galicia, in Spain.Another new feature of this edition of the programwas the Campus ITC, where the Trainees werelodged and attended the various stages of behavioraltraining in Portugal. The objective of the programremains to be reinforcing the work teams in theinternational markets where the company operateswhile simultaneously promoting the integration ofyoung trainees who show development potential thatmatched the challenges in the future of the Company.Personnel AdministrationOne of the great Human Resources projects in2010 was the implementation of new personneladministration software. The new systems allowsfor better adaptation to the Human Resourcesstrategy of the Company, namely in the salaryprocesses, which are now faster and moreflexible. Salary information can now be obtainedin a short period of time and with better quality,and data from the training registers and medicalreports can also be accessed.2ZAGOPE – Construções e Engenharia, S.A. | Annual Report 2010

313 th Best Companyto Work For2010In 2010, Zagope participated in the BestCompanies to Work For study, promotedby magazine Exame, which distinguishesthe companies with best work environmentand highest commitment level among theiremployees.AGente CultureThe international expansion of the AndradeGutierrez Group and the consequent needfor global corporate processes lead to theconsolidation and propagation of a singleculture, strong and focused on performance.The Culture of the Company, based in itsvalues, has been translated into 12 orientatingprinciples, with the goal of maintaining Zagope’sposition as one of the best companies in thesector. The “AGente Culture” was created inthe Executive Committee (main shareholders)of Andrade Gutierrez and considered to be theGroup’s most important project currently.The HR Department, responsible for thedissemination of the project, developed acommunication plan that, beyond the productionof various promotional materials (pamphlets,posters and others), promoted introductionmeetings in every one of the markets, alwayswith the presence of members of the ExecutiveBoard.1/International Trainee Challenge Program- 2011 Edition (Portuguese version)2/Participants of ITC 2011 Edition3/Zagope Recruitment Campaignin Portugal4/Diffusion of AGente Culture in theRepublic of Guinea456 / 57

313 th Best Companyto Work For2010In 2010, <strong>Zagope</strong> participated in the BestCompanies to Work For study, promotedby magazine Exame, which distinguishesthe companies with best work environmentand highest commitment level among theiremployees.AGente CultureThe international expansion of the AndradeGutierrez Group and the consequent needfor global corporate processes lead to theconsolidation and propagation of a singleculture, strong and focused on performance.The Culture of the Company, based in itsvalues, has been translated into 12 orientatingprinciples, with the goal of maintaining <strong>Zagope</strong>’sposition as one of the best companies in thesector. The “AGente Culture” was created inthe Executive Committee (main shareholders)of Andrade Gutierrez and considered to be theGroup’s most important project currently.The HR Department, responsible for thedissemination of the project, developed acommunication plan that, beyond the productionof various promotional materials (pamphlets,posters and others), promoted introductionmeetings in every one of the markets, alwayswith the presence of members of the ExecutiveBoard.1/International Trainee Challenge Program- 2011 Edition (Portuguese version)2/Participants of ITC 2011 Edition3/<strong>Zagope</strong> Recruitment Campaignin Portugal4/Diffusion of AGente Culture in theRepublic of Guinea456 / 57

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