3. - Zagope

3. - Zagope 3. - Zagope


CameroonEquatorial GuineaCameroonMbéré-Ngaoundéré Connection RoadThe connection between Mbéré and Ngaoundéré,with 85 km of extension, is integrated in theconstruction of the Garoua-Ngaoundéré road,a project that will facilitate the traffic in the so-called“Douala-Bangui Njamena Corridor”.ZAGOPE – Construções e Engenharia, S.A. | Annual Report 2010

EquatorialGuineaRoad Mongomeyen-EbebeyinThis new road connection will ease traffic in theNorthwest of Equatorial Guinea and in the roadsconnecting to neighbouring countries (Cameroonand Gabon) through the frontier in Ebebeyin.The opening of the new international airport inMongomeyen has given new importance to thehighway between this location and Ebebeyin.The road, with 63 km of extension, acquiredmore importance due to the increased trafficcaused by the opening of the airport.32 / 33

EquatorialGuineaRoad Mongomeyen-EbebeyinThis new road connection will ease traffic in theNorthwest of Equatorial Guinea and in the roadsconnecting to neighbouring countries (Cameroonand Gabon) through the frontier in Ebebeyin.The opening of the new international airport inMongomeyen has given new importance to thehighway between this location and Ebebeyin.The road, with 63 km of extension, acquiredmore importance due to the increased trafficcaused by the opening of the airport.32 / 33

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