3. - Zagope

3. - Zagope 3. - Zagope


12 31/Rehabilitation of Road Goma Coura –Leré, Lot 1(Mali)2/Kombo-Moukondo Connection Road(Republic of the Congo)3/Roads of Cabo Delgado Province(Mozambique)4/Kissigoudou-Guéckédou-Sérédou Road(Republic of Guinea)5/Anaerobic Digestion Centre - Tratolixo(Portugal)Throughout 2010, the market of Mali saw Zagopebegin the execution of the Construction andRehabilitation of Goma Coura – Léré, with 165kmof extension – Lot 1, for the Ministry of Equipmentand Transport, with financing from the EuropeanUnion.The enterprise comprises the rehabilitation andconstruction of a road in the north-western regionof Mali, near the frontier with Mauritania, and theroad will reach the city of Timbuktu (lots 1, 2 and3), with a total extension of 480 km.In Mozambique, Zagope was awarded a contractfor the construction of a road with 230km ofextension that will connect Mueda, Mocimboa daPraia and Namoto. The company also took part instudies for the design, feasibility and constructionof the Nacala Port, which will be used for coalshipping by the Brazilian company Vale, andfor the Moamba Major Dam. The perspectivesfor 2011 comprise public works in the sectorsof energy and water, sanitation, transport andhousing.The Group started the Pyloni and BoukeniRavine Projects, in Brazzaville, and was invitedto participate temporarily in the execution of theemergency works in the Emeraud Ravine, also inBrazzaville, a collaboration that may lead toa permanent position in 2011.In 2010, the Group implemented and stated theexecution of the Makoua-Etoumbi Road, with 98kmof extension; and was awarded the contracts for theconstruction of 80 km of the Buondji-Ewo Road andof streets in the village of Ewo. Many other importantprojects are in public tender stage in the Republicof the Congo, with works expected to begin in 2011and 2012. After its debut in the country, the worksat the road infrastructure Epena-Impfondo-Dongou,between 1984 and 1988, the Group will not missthe opportunity of playing a role in this new stageof politic and economic development in the Republicof the Congo.4ZAGOPE – Construções e Engenharia, S.A. | Annual Report 2010

5In the Republic of Guinea, Zagope has carried outthe rehabilitation works of the Guéckédou-SérédouRoad, with financing from the European Union.The project was concluded in June 2010, within theoriginal deadline, and plays an essential role in thelives of the population in that part of the country.In 2010 Zagope was awarded two importantcontracts, for different reasons. The constructionof the road in the Forest Region is another steptowards the goal of establishing the companyin Guinean territory. The Trans-Guinea Railwayis an opportunity to work with VBG – Vale Guinea,a very strong partner with a great investment planfor the country. This grand enterprise representsa real possibility of the Republic of Guineabecoming a reference market among Zagope’sinternational activities.In 2011 Zagope plans to establish an office inMalawi, with the goal of participating in publictenders for the sectors of mining, energy, roads,transports, logistics and others infrastructures tobe built in the country.In Mauritania, where Zagope marked its presencewith the construction of two roads, the intentionis to continue to contribute to the improvementof infrastructure and, consequently, to the qualityof life of the population.Ghana, India, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Qatarare some of the markets that integrate Zagope’sexpansion plans. The company is alert to everyopportunity that may arise from the developmentof these countries.The intensification of the international activitiesof the company is based on the efforts of the sixthousand-strong team that is currently Zagope, andthat has contributed decisively for the consolidationand growth of the company, now known as the 4thlargest construction company in the country and2nd largest exporter in the sector (as published inmagazines Focus and Exame). In 2010 Zagopemaintained a strong investment in HumanResources, with projects such as the InternationalTrainee Challenge - Training and DevelopmentProgram, which in 2010 involved young talentsfrom Angola, Brazil, Belgium, Spain and Portugalin training and professional experience.The magnificationof the international activitiesof the company in 2010is based on the efforts of thesix thousand-strong team thatis currently Zagope.24 / 25

5In the Republic of Guinea, <strong>Zagope</strong> has carried outthe rehabilitation works of the Guéckédou-SérédouRoad, with financing from the European Union.The project was concluded in June 2010, within theoriginal deadline, and plays an essential role in thelives of the population in that part of the country.In 2010 <strong>Zagope</strong> was awarded two importantcontracts, for different reasons. The constructionof the road in the Forest Region is another steptowards the goal of establishing the companyin Guinean territory. The Trans-Guinea Railwayis an opportunity to work with VBG – Vale Guinea,a very strong partner with a great investment planfor the country. This grand enterprise representsa real possibility of the Republic of Guineabecoming a reference market among <strong>Zagope</strong>’sinternational activities.In 2011 <strong>Zagope</strong> plans to establish an office inMalawi, with the goal of participating in publictenders for the sectors of mining, energy, roads,transports, logistics and others infrastructures tobe built in the country.In Mauritania, where <strong>Zagope</strong> marked its presencewith the construction of two roads, the intentionis to continue to contribute to the improvementof infrastructure and, consequently, to the qualityof life of the population.Ghana, India, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Qatarare some of the markets that integrate <strong>Zagope</strong>’sexpansion plans. The company is alert to everyopportunity that may arise from the developmentof these countries.The intensification of the international activitiesof the company is based on the efforts of the sixthousand-strong team that is currently <strong>Zagope</strong>, andthat has contributed decisively for the consolidationand growth of the company, now known as the 4thlargest construction company in the country and2nd largest exporter in the sector (as published inmagazines Focus and Exame). In 2010 <strong>Zagope</strong>maintained a strong investment in HumanResources, with projects such as the InternationalTrainee Challenge - Training and DevelopmentProgram, which in 2010 involved young talentsfrom Angola, Brazil, Belgium, Spain and Portugalin training and professional experience.The magnificationof the international activitiesof the company in 2010is based on the efforts of thesix thousand-strong team thatis currently <strong>Zagope</strong>.24 / 25

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