Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo

Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo


Control Panel Features continued15141312DIM - STANDBYBRIGHT - ON11EURO (230 VAC) MODEL: Connectthe linecord to the subwoofer beforeconnecting the other end to a 230 Volt,50/60 Hz AC outlet. The outlet musthave a cir cuit rating of 8 amps or more.Never plug the Euro (230 VAC)model subwoofer directly into 120-130 Volts AC.11. Power SwitchThe power switch is a CE requirementfor international shipments. Leave itswitched on at all times for normaloperation.After a period of inactivity (i.e. withno input signal), the subwoofer willautomatically turn itself to Standbymode, where it is effectively off. It canhowever, turn back on automaticallywhen an input signal is applied, if a12 VDC trigger voltage is applied to theTrigger inputs, or if the Start button ispressed.12.Start buttonPress this once to enter the Auto EQmode (if the sub is out of Standbymode). Press and hold down forseveral seconds to enter the ManualEQ mode. See page 12 for moredetails on this and the following EQcontrols.13.Microphone InputThis is where you plug in the suppliedlinear measurement microphone whenyou want to use the Auto EQ mode.14.LED displayThese LEDs are used during the AutoEQ and Manual EQ procedures.15.Equalizer AuthorityThis control's primary purpose is toadjust the EQ Authority. During normallistening, you can adjust the overall EQfrom none (ccw, 0%), to fully equalized(cw, 100%). For example, if your fi rstband has a 6 dB boost, setting thiscontrol to 50% would make it boostonly 3 dB.This control is also used during theManual EQ mode to adjust each of thefour internal EQ bands, and allow youto add "color" to the sound as desired.8

InstallationObserve the following general pre cau -tions and read the safety in struc tions onpages 2 and 3 before using your Sunfi reSubwoofer.• Never open the cabinet or removethe metal control panel as thismight result in an electrical shock toyou, or dam age to the unit.• Protect it from prolonged ex po sureto direct sunlight and other directsources of heat, such as heatingvents and ra di a tors.• To prevent fi re or shock, do notexpose the unit to rain or moisture.If fl uid or a foreign object shouldenter the unit, immediately turn offthe power and contact your Sunfi reDealer.• Avoid excessive exposure toextreme cold or dust.• Do not place heavy objects on topof the unit.• Do not place the subwoofer with itscontrol panel against the fl oor.• If you wish to place your subwooferso the drivers face the fl oor andceiling, thereby moving up anddown, use at least 1-1/2 inch highspikes or feet for support. Theymay be attached either with screwsor self-stick backing. This ar range -ment will impart substantial houseand fl oor shaking motion.• Four extra heavy, shock absorbingrubber mounting feet have beenincluded. If your subwoofer tendsto wander about slightly while inuse, place these feet just insidethe existing feet positions. Theseshock absorbing mounts will letthe subwoofer rock freely, therebyabsorbing low frequency rockingenergy, allowing it to adhere solidlyto the fl oor. • To move the subwoofer along thefl oor, rotate it onto one edge onto aplastic sheet or bag, and it will slidealong easier.Heat rise• Allow adequate ventilation aroundthe metal control panel of thesubwoofer.• Do not let anything come intocontact with the panel and keepat least two inches away from anywalls.The metal control plate serves as theam pli fi er heat sink and also as a conduitto remove internal heat to the outsideand into the atmosphere. It can reachtem per a tures of 60 degrees C, whichwill feel hot to the touch, using nerves offl esh and blood as tem per a ture sensors.As uncomfortable as it may feel, 60degrees C cannot burn you, and in fact isalmost cool to copper, silicon, steel, andaluminum, the materials from which yoursubwoofer is con struct ed.AC Power ConsiderationsEnsure that the unit is plugged into anoutlet capable of supplying the correctvoltage specifi ed for your model.Unplug your subwoofer’s power cordfrom the electrical outlet if it will be leftunused for a long period of time.Route the power-supply cord so it is notlikely to be walked on or pinched by itemsplaced upon or against it, es pe cial ly atplugs, con ve nience re cep ta cles, and thepoint where it exits from the unit.Magnetic FieldsWe recommend that you place yoursubwoofer further than two feet awayfrom your TV, VCR, tape deck or computer,so the speak er’s magnet won’tdistort the colors of your TV picture orerase your video tapes, audio tapes orcomputer discs.9

InstallationObserve the following general pre cau -tions and read the safety in struc tions onpages 2 and 3 before using your Sunfi reSubwoofer.• Never open the cabinet or removethe metal control panel as thismight result in an electrical shock toyou, or dam age to the unit.• Protect it from prolonged ex po sureto direct sunlight and other directsources of heat, such as heatingvents and ra di a tors.• To prevent fi re or shock, do notexpose the unit to rain or moisture.If fl uid or a foreign object shouldenter the unit, immediately turn offthe power and contact your Sunfi reDealer.• Avoid excessive exposure toextreme cold or dust.• Do not place heavy objects on topof the unit.• Do not place the subwoofer with itscontrol panel against the fl oor.• If you wish to place your subwooferso the drivers face the fl oor andceiling, thereby moving up anddown, use at least 1-1/2 inch highspikes or feet for support. Theymay be attached either with screwsor self-stick backing. This ar range -ment will impart substantial houseand fl oor shaking motion.• Four extra heavy, shock absorbingrubber mounting feet have beenincluded. If your subwoofer tendsto wander about slightly while inuse, place these feet just insidethe existing feet positions. Theseshock absorbing mounts will letthe subwoofer rock freely, therebyabsorbing low frequency rockingenergy, allowing it to adhere solidlyto the fl oor. • To move the subwoofer along thefl oor, rotate it onto one edge onto aplastic sheet or bag, and it will slidealong easier.Heat rise• Allow adequate ventilation aroundthe metal control panel of thesubwoofer.• Do not let anything come intocontact with the panel and keepat least two inches away from anywalls.The metal control plate serves as theam pli fi er heat sink and also as a conduitto remove internal heat to the outsideand into the atmosphere. It can reachtem per a tures of 60 degrees C, whichwill feel hot to the touch, using nerves offl esh and blood as tem per a ture sensors.As uncomfortable as it may feel, 60degrees C cannot burn you, and in fact isalmost cool to copper, silicon, steel, andaluminum, the materials from which yoursubwoofer is con struct ed.AC Power ConsiderationsEnsure that the unit is plugged into anoutlet capable of supplying the correctvoltage specifi ed for your model.Unplug your subwoofer’s power cordfrom the electrical outlet if it will be leftunused for a long period of time.Route the power-supply cord so it is notlikely to be walked on or pinched by itemsplaced upon or against it, es pe cial ly atplugs, con ve nience re cep ta cles, and thepoint where it exits from the unit.Magnetic FieldsWe recommend that you place yoursubwoofer further than two feet awayfrom your TV, VCR, tape deck or computer,so the speak er’s magnet won’tdistort the colors of your TV picture orerase your video tapes, audio tapes orcomputer discs.9

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