Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo

Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo


IntroductionThank you for purchasing this Sunfi reTrue Subwoofer EQ. We hope you enjoyit and the music it makes as much as wehave enjoyed creating it for you.The big breakthrough features ofthe subwoofer are its uncanny trackingdownconverter, its long throw, highback-electromotive force driver, and itsfully automatic room equalizer. Takentogether, they provide this sub woof er withas much bass as you could get from several15 inch drivers mount ed in a cabinetthe size of a small re frig er a tor.UnpackingYour Sunfi re Subwoofer should reachyou in perfect con di tion. If you do noticeany ship ping dam age, please contactyour Sunfi re Dealer im me di ate ly.Gently lift out the unit and remove allthe packing material. It is im por tant tosave all the packing ma te ri als and thebox in case your subwoofer ever needsto be moved or shipped for repair.Make sure that you keep your salesreceipt. It is the only way to establishthe duration of your Limited Warrantyand it may come in useful for insurancepur pos es.Please take a moment to fi ll out andmail the Sunfi re Customer Responsecard. Also read the serial num ber locatedon the control panel and record it here:Serial Number:Purchased from:Features• 2,700 watt, high efficiency amplifier• High gloss, dark rosewood fi nish (alsoreferred to as Deep Bing Cherry Lacquer)• Automatic Room Equalization mode• Measurement Microphone included• Very low distortion• Long throw, premium quality drivers• Stunning output from a small cube!• Automatic signal-sensing turn-on andstandby mode• 12 VDC trigger input for remote turn-on• Balanced XLR input• Line level unbalanced inputs• Speaker level binding post inputs• Line level high-pass outputs• Continuously variable phase control• Continuously variable crossover frequencyadjustment, 35 to 100 Hz• Continuously variable volume levelcontrol• Soft clipping circuit allows gracefuloverload and prevents speaker dam agedue to clipping• Gold-plated inputs and outputs.CareTo maintain the speaker cabinet’s fi n-ish, fi rst unplug the power cord and thenuse a soft cloth to clean the sur fac es.If your Sunfi re Subwoofer needs servicing, please read the Trou ble shoot ingsection on page 21. If a problem stillpersists, contact your near est au tho rizedSunfi re Dealer.Date:4

OverviewYour Sunfi re True Subwoofer EQ isdesigned to give you the best possiblelow-fre quen cy sound quality for yourHome Theater ex pe ri ence. It in cor po ratesa tre men dous ly powerful built-in am pli fi erand a pair of drivers to produce tight,fl oor-rumbling, denture-rattling bass thatyou can feel as well as hear.The subwoofer is available in two versions,and this manual covers both:Signature Edition is a 13 inch cube, withan output greater than 116 dB peakSPL, 16 Hz to 100 Hz.Standard Edition is an 11 inch cube,with an output greater than 110 dBpeak SPL, 18 Hz to 100 Hz.The subwoofer has an automaticequalization system which will tailor thesubwoofer output to compensate for anyroom effects. It also has a manual equalizationmode.The subwoofer has an adjustable highcut filter and a choice of speaker-levelor line-level inputs for easy in cor po ra tioninto existing systems, or as part of asubwoofer/satellite speaker com bi na tion.Controls for adjusting the volume,crossover frequency and phase, allowthe subwoofer to be perfectly matchedto any listening environment and audiocomponents.The DriversTo have lots of bass requires movinglots of air. Your Sunfi re Subwoofer incorporatestwo drivers that can move backand forth ap prox i mate ly fi ve times morethan a normal sub woof er. This gives it alot of air moving capacity which allows formajestic bass per for mance.Two drivers share the acoustic output.Sometimes one driver appears to bemoving more than the other. They bothmove the same amount only when operatingat the limit of their ex cur sion andpower output, or when bass requirementsand music re quire ments demand maximumoutput from the system. Otherwise,the power is shared between the twodrivers in a way that depends on the momentaryam pli tude and the mo men tarymusical spectrum. It is normal for one orthe other to move more or less than itsmate during operation.The Amplifi erThe large movement range of the driverscreates greater air pressure insidethe box than a con ven tion al subwoofer.There fore, the drive am pli fi er must bemuch more powerful than an or di narysubwoofer amplifi er. In fact, it has to beso powerful, it is almost hard to believe.The power amplifi er within your Sunfi reSubwoofer is capable of de liv er ing over2,700 watts into a 3.3 ohm resistor (thedriver voice coil re sis tance). When thesame full output is applied to the driver,however, the enor mous back-elec tro -mo tive force gen er at ed as a con se -quence of its large motion and giant magnet,causes the current fl ow to be muchless than if it were a 3.3 ohm resistor. Itis this singular property of the driver thatallows the subwoofer to be ap prox i mate lyten times more effi cient than a subwooferthis size would nor mal ly be.A compressor circuit kicks in au to mat i-cal ly if the input signal level reaches alevel that would overload the driver. Thismaintains a ceiling on the output withoutclip ping. If the input signal is driven evenfurther, a ‘soft clipping’ circuit is enabled.This allows the subwoofer to put moresound into the room to satiate the powerhungry user, but without distortion ordamage to the subwoofer. Thus, for explosivescenes in movies, this pro duc esextremely high sound pressure levels(SPL) in your room without the driversbanging against the mechanical stops.For more details of the subwoofer design,please call us or view our website:www.sunfi 5

OverviewYour Sunfi re True Subwoofer EQ isdesigned to give you the best possiblelow-fre quen cy sound quality for yourHome Theater ex pe ri ence. It in cor po ratesa tre men dous ly powerful built-in am pli fi erand a pair of drivers to produce tight,fl oor-rumbling, denture-rattling bass thatyou can feel as well as hear.The subwoofer is available in two versions,and this manual covers both:Signature Edition is a 13 inch cube, withan output greater than 116 dB peakSPL, 16 Hz to 100 Hz.Standard Edition is an 11 inch cube,with an output greater than 110 dBpeak SPL, 18 Hz to 100 Hz.The subwoofer has an automaticequalization system which will tailor thesubwoofer output to compensate for anyroom effects. It also has a manual equalizationmode.The subwoofer has an adjustable highcut filter and a choice of speaker-levelor line-level inputs for easy in cor po ra tioninto existing systems, or as part of asubwoofer/satellite speaker com bi na tion.Controls for adjusting the volume,crossover frequency and phase, allowthe subwoofer to be perfectly matchedto any listening environment and audiocomponents.The DriversTo have lots of bass requires movinglots of air. Your Sunfi re Subwoofer incorporatestwo drivers that can move backand forth ap prox i mate ly fi ve times morethan a normal sub woof er. This gives it alot of air moving capacity which allows formajestic bass per for mance.Two drivers share the acoustic output.Sometimes one driver appears to bemoving more than the other. They bothmove the same amount only when operatingat the limit of their ex cur sion andpower output, or when bass requirementsand music re quire ments demand maximumoutput from the system. Otherwise,the power is shared between the twodrivers in a way that depends on the momentaryam pli tude and the mo men tarymusical spectrum. It is normal for one orthe other to move more or less than itsmate during operation.The Amplifi erThe large movement range of the driverscreates greater air pressure insidethe box than a con ven tion al subwoofer.There fore, the drive am pli fi er must bemuch more powerful than an or di narysubwoofer amplifi er. In fact, it has to beso powerful, it is almost hard to believe.The power amplifi er within your Sunfi reSubwoofer is capable of de liv er ing over2,700 watts into a 3.3 ohm resistor (thedriver voice coil re sis tance). When thesame full output is applied to the driver,however, the enor mous back-elec tro -mo tive force gen er at ed as a con se -quence of its large motion and giant magnet,causes the current fl ow to be muchless than if it were a 3.3 ohm resistor. Itis this singular property of the driver thatallows the subwoofer to be ap prox i mate lyten times more effi cient than a subwooferthis size would nor mal ly be.A compressor circuit kicks in au to mat i-cal ly if the input signal level reaches alevel that would overload the driver. Thismaintains a ceiling on the output withoutclip ping. If the input signal is driven evenfurther, a ‘soft clipping’ circuit is enabled.This allows the subwoofer to put moresound into the room to satiate the powerhungry user, but without distortion ordamage to the subwoofer. Thus, for explosivescenes in movies, this pro duc esextremely high sound pressure levels(SPL) in your room without the driversbanging against the mechanical stops.For more details of the subwoofer design,please call us or view our website:www.sunfi 5

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