Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo

Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo

Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo


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TroubleshootingThe Sunfi re Subwoofer is expertlyde signed and built to provide years oftrou ble-free per for mance. Most problemsthat occur can usually be solved bychecking your setup or making surethat the com po nents con nect ed to theam pli fi er are on and fully op er a tion al.The following information will help youdeal with common problems you may experi ence during normal use. If a problemstill persists, please contact your Sunfi reDealer for assistance.Not enough bass• Check that your preamplifi er’s outputsare connected to the sub woof er’s linelevel inputs and not to the line level highpass outputs. If they are con nect ed tothe outputs by mis take, the bass will beweak but the sub woof er will still function.• If your preamplifi er has a singlesub woof er/LFE output jack, make sureit con nects to the subwoofer’s Left(Mono) input. If the bass is still notenough after check ing all the re main ingpoints, use a Y cable to connect thepream pli fi er’s single sub woof er/LFEoutput to the sub woof er’s right and leftinputs.• Make certain the subwoofer is in acorner location, fi ring at 45 degreesinto the walls formed by the corner.This is not ab so lute ly essential, but willmaximize the bass output and give thesmooth est possible re sponse. If youplace the unit so one of the drivers isfi ring into one of the walls, leave threeinches of clear ance between the driverand the wall.• Home Theater preamplifi ers usuallyhave a way of ad just ing the level of thesub woof er/LFE output, either using aremote control or with a small volumeknob on the back panel. Make sure thatthis is ad just ed correctly. • Check that your preamplifi er orreceiver’s sub output is turned on. Somesystems only have a sub output signalwhen the front speakers are set to“small.”• If the preamplifi er’s subwoofer/LFEoutput has an ad just able crossoverfrequency, make sure that the Sunfi resub woof er’s own crossover point is sethigher or part of the bass range will bemissing.Not enough bass in a 5.1sys tem• 5.1 Home Theater preamplifi ers usuallyhave a bass management system whichallows the bass to be redirected amongyour speakers. For example, the bassnormally present in the front speakerscan be redirected to play in thesubwoofer, or the sub woof er can playthe bass from all the speakers, in additionto its dedicated LFE (low frequencyeffects) channel. Make sure that all ofthe bass man age ment options are correctlyset. The preamplifi er may have away of turning the sub woof er output offentirely, so check that it is always on.• Check that the preamplifi er calibrationprocedure is correctly adjusted. Usually,the preamp will send a test tone throughall the speakers in your system, allowingyou to adjust (trim) the volume of eachchan nel until they are all playing at thesame level.• If the bass is weak only when playing5.1 surround sources, check that yourpream pli fi er is correctly set to decodethe 5.1 sur round modes, such as DolbyDigital or DTS.• DVD discs have a menu which allowsyou to select which soundtrack to play.Check that the correct 5.1 surroundaudio soundtrack is selected, otherwiseit may just play stereo into your preampand you won’t get the true LFE signalinto the subwoofer.21

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