Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo

Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo Manual (PDF Document) - World Wide Stereo


ConnectionsPlease consider the following when settingup your new system :• Before making or changing anyconnec tions, ALWAYS make surethat the subwoofer and your othercomponents are turned OFF. Alsoturn down the volume control of thesub woof er and your pream pli fi er orreceiver.Tape DeckDVDPreamplifierPower stripAmplifierAC outlets on the same circuit breakerSubwoofer• This diagram shows all the lowpower com po nents sharing a powerstrip which is con nect ed to the sameout let used by the amplifi er.• The sub woof er is con nect ed to anout let on the same cir cuit break er,pro vid ed that the total sys temcur rent draw does not exceed thebreaker current rating.• This arrangement will reduce thepos si bil i ty of an audible hum in yoursystem caused by a ground loop.• Whenever possible, keep thepower cords away from the signalcables or speaker wires to pre ventany hum or in ter fer ence beingheard in the speak ers.• Choose reliable, high quality in ter -con nect cables, also called patchcords or RCA cables. They shouldbe fully shield ed and as short aspos si ble for the job. The longestcable in your system will likely be tothe sub woof er, so choose a goodquality brand.• Some patch cords can be a verytight fi t and there is usually apreferred method of getting themoff. Some have to be re moved witha twisting action. Be gentle or youmay dam age the jacks of the subwoofer or your other com po nents.Speaker Level connections• The subwoofer’s speaker levelinputs can accept speaker wireswith banana, dual-banana, barewire or spade terminals. If you havebanana type con nec tors on yourspeaker wire, make sure that youtighten the binding posts beforeinserting.• Make sure that the negativespeaker wires never touch the positivewires as this will short out andpossibly damage your amplifi er orreceiver.The subwoofer’s two negativeposts are joined in ter nal ly (common-grounded). Your am pli fi ermust also be internally commongroundedor you cannot use thisconnection. Contact the man u fac -tur er of your amplifi er to make sureits outputs are common grounded.10

Locationyou might be able to place thesubwoofer. Try crouching down,and try the corners. Find the placewhere the subwoofer's bass outputsounds the loudest.Your subwoofer is designed to beplaced in a corner and this will produceoptimum performance.#1 is very good positioning.#2 is also excellent but may shakethe back wall too much and causethings on or along the wall to rattletoo much. If this occurs, use the #3position:#3 Move the subwoofer ap prox i mate lythree feet away from the right walland place it along the back wallas shown. This will substantiallyreduce the rattling of the back walland will still pres sur ize the roomwith lots of bass.Ex per i ment with at least two cornersand decide which is the best, or you cantry the following procedure:1. Start by placing the subwoofer righton the seat of your favorite couchor easy chair. Take care to positionit so it is not likely to fall off. (Thismethod may seem a bit odd, but itis based on principles of acousticphysics.)2. If you are using the subwoofer aspart of a Home Theater system,you can either run a calibrationtest (noise) signal through thesubwoofer, or simply plug theanalog outputs of a CD player directlyinto the subwoofer’s line levelinputs. Turn down the subwoofer'svolume level before turning on theCD, then play some of your favoritemusic samples with heavy bass.4. Shut things down and install thesubwoofer in this position. Makesure the control panel is not touchinganything, and that it can receivegood ventilation.Although low frequencies are non-direction al, factors such as room re fl ec -tions, standing waves, resonance and absorption will strongly affect your subwoofer’sper for mance. Moving the subwooferfrom one location to another can have amajor effect on the bass response.The Auto EQ mode will let you adjustfor the room effects, but you should fi ndthe best location fi rst.Remember to keep the subwooferat least two or three feet away fromany TV screen, computer, VCR ormag net ic tapes and discs. This willreduce the chance of the magnetic fi eldsupsetting the TV screen or erasing yourmagnetic media.Using Two SubwoofersIf you wish to use two subwoofers, thesound output will double (an increase of6 dB). Locate the subwoofers with onein each corner and ex per i ment with thelocation and phase control to achieve thebest bass response.Always drive each subwoofer throughthe Left/Mon input even though you aredriving one subwoofer with a right channeldrive and the other with a left channeldrive. If your pream pli fi er has a singlesub/LFE output, use a Y cable to split itinto two outputs.3. Walk around the room, listening,and stand in all the positions where 11

Locationyou might be able to place thesubwoofer. Try crouching down,and try the corners. Find the placewhere the subwoofer's bass outputsounds the loudest.Your subwoofer is designed to beplaced in a corner and this will produceoptimum performance.#1 is very good positioning.#2 is also excellent but may shakethe back wall too much and causethings on or along the wall to rattletoo much. If this occurs, use the #3position:#3 Move the subwoofer ap prox i mate lythree feet away from the right walland place it along the back wallas shown. This will substantiallyreduce the rattling of the back walland will still pres sur ize the roomwith lots of bass.Ex per i ment with at least two cornersand decide which is the best, or you cantry the following procedure:1. Start by placing the subwoofer righton the seat of your favorite couchor easy chair. Take care to positionit so it is not likely to fall off. (Thismethod may seem a bit odd, but itis based on principles of acousticphysics.)2. If you are using the subwoofer aspart of a Home Theater system,you can either run a calibrationtest (noise) signal through thesubwoofer, or simply plug theanalog outputs of a CD player directlyinto the subwoofer’s line levelinputs. Turn down the subwoofer'svolume level before turning on theCD, then play some of your favoritemusic samples with heavy bass.4. Shut things down and install thesubwoofer in this position. Makesure the control panel is not touchinganything, and that it can receivegood ventilation.Although low frequencies are non-direction al, factors such as room re fl ec -tions, standing waves, resonance and absorption will strongly affect your subwoofer’sper for mance. Moving the subwooferfrom one location to another can have amajor effect on the bass response.The Auto EQ mode will let you adjustfor the room effects, but you should fi ndthe best location fi rst.Remember to keep the subwooferat least two or three feet away fromany TV screen, computer, VCR ormag net ic tapes and discs. This willreduce the chance of the magnetic fi eldsupsetting the TV screen or erasing yourmagnetic media.Using Two SubwoofersIf you wish to use two subwoofers, thesound output will double (an increase of6 dB). Locate the subwoofers with onein each corner and ex per i ment with thelocation and phase control to achieve thebest bass response.Always drive each subwoofer throughthe Left/Mon input even though you aredriving one subwoofer with a right channeldrive and the other with a left channeldrive. If your pream pli fi er has a singlesub/LFE output, use a Y cable to split itinto two outputs.3. Walk around the room, listening,and stand in all the positions where 11

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