2007 Midas Civil V730 Enhancements - CSP Fea

2007 Midas Civil V730 Enhancements - CSP Fea 2007 Midas Civil V730 Enhancements - CSP Fea


MIDAS CivilCivilIntegrated Solution SystemFor Bridge and Civil Structure2007 UpgradePre Process4. Input of Reinforcement in a Composite SectionModel > Properties > Reinforcement of Sections• Input the reinforcement data of composite section• Define the Cracked SectionUpgrade ContentsEffects & Usage• The effect of reinforcement on stiffness calculation is considered.• When Cracked Section is defined, the concrete section in negativemoment region is ignored and only the reinforcement is consideredfor analysis.• Can be used in the analysis for a Composite Plate Girder Bridge

MIDAS CivilCivilIntegrated Solution SystemFor Bridge and Civil StructurePre Process5. Multiple elastic moduli for Composite SectionsModel > Properties > Sections2007 UpgradeUpgrade Contents• Input multiple elastic moduli, which will be applied to different cases, forthe calculation of composite section properties.• Without performing construction stage analysis, the variation of theelastic modulus can be considered for creep and shrinkage analyses.• Varying stiffness property of post-composite section can be applied todifferent load cases using ‘Boundary Change Assignment to LoadCases/Analyses’.Effects & UsageSection properties of of post-composite section calculated using ‘Long Term’and ‘Shrinkage’ elastic modular ratios

MIDAS <strong>Civil</strong><strong>Civil</strong>Integrated Solution SystemFor Bridge and <strong>Civil</strong> StructurePre Process5. Multiple elastic moduli for Composite SectionsModel > Properties > Sections<strong>2007</strong> UpgradeUpgrade Contents• Input multiple elastic moduli, which will be applied to different cases, forthe calculation of composite section properties.• Without performing construction stage analysis, the variation of theelastic modulus can be considered for creep and shrinkage analyses.• Varying stiffness property of post-composite section can be applied todifferent load cases using ‘Boundary Change Assignment to LoadCases/Analyses’.Effects & UsageSection properties of of post-composite section calculated using ‘Long Term’and ‘Shrinkage’ elastic modular ratios

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