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TOPEKA HIGH HISTORICAL SOCIETYAlumni NewsTHS Historical Society/Alumni Association, 800 SW 10th, <strong>Topeka</strong>, KS 66612Website: http://ths.topekapublicschools.net/alumni Phone: 785-295-3200 Email: thshs2001@yahoo.com Vol. XXIX No. 1orty two years ago in 1971 Gary Krohe (THSF 1971) was hanging his senior photography projectin the THS Art Gallery. He had no idea that hewould be hanging images from his book, Portraits ofTROY: The Architecture of Troy for its release andbook signing on Friday, April 5, 2013 from 5-8 pmin the same gallery.As a student Krohe was active in AFS, Boys’ Pep,and managed the wrestling, track and cross countryteams. He was the vice-president of Quill and Scrollhis senior year. His classmates would most rememberhim with a camera hanging around his neck. He wasa photographer for the WORLD and SUNFLOWER -the head photographer his senior year. His cameraled him to every nook and cranny of the school duringhis high school years. His familiarity and passion for<strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> was his motivation for jumping into an18 month project of creating a photo essay of the architecturalhistory of his alma mater.One would have thought that Krohe would become aphotographer for a national newspaper or magazine.His career path took him a different direction. Aftergraduating from Washburn University with a B.A. inCommunications Arts, with a double emphasis inJournalism and Radio-TV, he moved down the road toKansas State University where he studied ElectricalEngineering.With certifications and licenses in the broadcast engineeringfield, Krohe has designed and built televisionand radio stations including KTSB-KSNT and KLDH-1KTKA in <strong>Topeka</strong>; and studios in Lexington, KYand for Time Warner; consultant to NewTek,helping design the Video Toaster; consultant toQuVIS on their QuBIT products. He currently isthe owner and president of Krohe ElectronicsCorp. where he performs TV engineering duties,circuit design and board layout for other companies.Portraits of TROY is a 272 page photo essay ofa Kansas landmark, with over 340 beautifulcolor images, 58 pairs of ‘then and now’ photos.Over 100 historic photos that were taken whenthe building was first opened in 1931 are includedin the hardbound book suitable for everyone’scoffee table.A portion of the proceeds from book sales is earmarkedfor engineering studies for the tower stairway.The book contains testimonials from Krohe’s friend,Jim Richardson, contributing photographer, NationalGeographic; Krohe’s THS teacher, Martha Herrick(THS 1949, THS Hall of Fame) and Walt Menninger(THS Class of 1949, THS Hall of Fame)Take advantage of the pre-release discount of 15%on individual copies ($35) and 20% per case (10 copiesat $335) on purchases made before March 31st.Purchases can be made online at portraitsoftroy.com.An order form is on page 6.With detail images and sweeping panoramas, Portraitsof TROY illustrates why <strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> is on theNational Register of Historic Places.1971 THS Photography Team, from left, Randy Sayler(1971), David Haynes (1971) and Gary Krohe (1971

Tope ka <strong>High</strong> Schoo l Historical So cie ty March 2013THSHS PRESIDENT’S CORNER2013 THSHS Board of DirectorsNancy Jasperson Perry, 1959 Homecoming Queen, beingescorted by future husband Ken Perry (1959)We are so proud that this is the 28th year of the THSHistorical Society. It’s hard to believe that we are thatold. Looking at this 1959 picture of Ken and myself Irealize, as we get older, time flies by. It truly seems likeonly yesterday that we were seniors at THS. Now, it’stime to look forward to the next 28 years of theTHSHS. We are so excited to host Gary Krohe’s releaseparty for his beautiful book, Portraits of Troy.Join us at THS on April 5th. Another exciting event isthe remodeling of our THSHS office. We are thrilled toofficially name the room in memory of Paul Fink, a significant<strong>Topeka</strong>n and beloved THS Administrator. Ourhistory and <strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> story will finally be properlydisplayed in quarter sawn oak cabinets with storagespace for our THS memorabilia. Stay tuned for the ribboncutting party. Starting in June we also look forwardto welcoming back the eight classes celebrating theirreunions. Thanks to all of our THSHS members. Wetruly appreciate your support.BLACK & GOLD REPORTTom Paulson (THS 1969), will be inducted in theKansas State University <strong>School</strong> of EngineeringHall of Fame on April 6, 2013. Paulson is retiredfrom a 33 year career with PhillipsConoco.The Sandquist Family (Art, retired THS ScienceDepartment Faculty; Carolyn Metzenthin[THS 1975]; and sons Peter and Patrick) wasawarded the Kansas Musical Family of 2012 bythe Kansas Federation of Music Clubs. Theirstring quartet plays recitals, weddings and events.Offensive guard Lamar Mady (THS 2009), starterfor Butler Community College, then played atYoungstown State is an NFL draft hopeful. Mady.an All-<strong>Topeka</strong> pick as a senior center at THS,President - Nancy Jasperson Perry (1959)Vice-President - Ron Stewart (1959)Treasurer - Lisa Sandmeyer (1975)Secretary - Joyce Gladfelter Alberg (1957)Jerry Anderson (1967)Al Eliot (1960)Mark Erickson (1959)David Fisher (1958)Larry Johnson (1959)Gary Krohe (1971)Jan Leuenberger (1954)Tom McBride (1963)Stan Metzger (1963)Susan Moore Palmer (1976)Dick PattersonDuane Reed (1953)Julie Elting Schloetzer (1959)Marsha Martin Sheahan (1967)Jack Shutt (1956)Judy Stuenkel Soule (1958)Jeanne Marker Vawter (1966)Doug Wallace (1965)Linda Wiley (THS Principal)Joan Barker (THSHS Ad. Secy.)THSHS NEWSLETTER ONLINELet us know at thshs2001@yahoo.com ifare interested in receiving the THSHSnewsletter online in a PDF form.might be spotted in the THS weight room duringspring break.Betty McEnroe Casper (THS 1944) received anhonorary doctorate of public service fromWashburn University. Casper supports the WUmusic sorority and has chaired the fundraisingcampaign to build the Petro Allied Health Center.She has served as treasurer on the Friends of MabeeLibrary board of directors and was the firstfemale president of the Ichabod Club. Casper isthe winner of the 2003 WU Alumni AssociationMonroe Award for her service and the <strong>Topeka</strong>Community Concert Association has named a WUmusic scholarship in her honor.2

Top eka <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Historical Society March 2013FreshmanCharlotte Gaither Adair ‘65Carolyn Jackson Akins ‘80Charles & Sherril Murrow ’60 Anderson, in memoryof Ella Marie Williamson Fisher ‘38Nancy Granger Applehanz ’66, in memory ofWarren E. Granger ‘43Gene Baker ‘58Jim Bass ’51, in memory of Jean BassNorton Belknap ‘43Daniels Benfer ‘84Charles ’58 & Joleen Johnston ’60 BillingtonDorothy Palmer Brock ‘39Robert D. Brooks ‘51Steve A. Brown ‘63Polly Palmer Brunkhardt ‘60Sandy & Tucker Burrow ‘65Margaret Moore Cabbage ‘49Eldon Clark ‘49Jan Cottle Darrah ‘72Mary Lou Coates Davis ‘39Ed Davis ‘40Roger Donnelly ‘51Mary Janet Douglass ‘47Richard ’60 & Hilda Erickson Enewold ‘61Robert A. Engelbrecht ‘60Mark & Sue Goodin Erickson ‘59Martha Johnson Fee ‘51Ella Marie Williamson Fisher ‘38Burdell Funke ‘44Marie Keeling Gaither ‘39Gerald ’50 & Sue ’49 GoodellSue Cross Green ’58, in memory of Linda BeemanRhodes ‘58Patricia Richardson Gurss ’58, in memory ofVeon D. Gurss ‘58Carol Brodecker Hagen ‘49Sheila Crossley Hanks ‘57Stuart Hamilton ‘38Sue Self Hamilton ‘71Glenn ’41 & Mary Furgason ’42 HendersonParthene Duvall Holstrom ‘37Jayne Houdyshell ’71, in memory of ChrisWright ‘71Patricia Dykes Hummell ’53 &Karl Hummell ‘51Alyce (Lowe) Klema ‘40Jim Maag, in honor of Kathleen Covert Maag ‘60Leah Ott Marshall ‘65Don Moe ‘60Molly Jones Morris ‘57JoAnn Jellison O’Brien ‘59Gene Olander ’50, in memory of Tom Olander‘55Kathleen Haskell Olweiler ‘53Martine Hunter Padilla ‘78William R. ’41 & Berneta Warner ’44 PalmerJack Paslay ‘44James Barton Phelps ‘34JoAnne Rose Reida ’53, in memory of RichardA. RoseJohn Reppart ‘51Malcolm Robinson ‘66Donna McElroy Robinson ‘58David Roe ‘58Rod Ross ‘67James P. Scott ‘59DonnaLee Lamb Simmons ‘56Ralph Skoog ’47, in memory ofRichard O. Skoog ‘52Frank L. Spicer ‘51Hayden ’58 & Susan ’60 St. JohnBette Settle Tompkins-Aley ‘45Benny R. ‘67 & Cheryl ’69 TurnerTHSHS TOWER SOCIETYMarilyn Perrin Vaughn ‘54David Walls ‘87Gloria Gray Wolbach ‘43Jan Osburn-Williams ‘57Barbara Ossian Williamson ‘59THS Class of 1986SophomoreKeith Adams ‘68Betty Skoog Bomar ‘46Peggy Godbey Broxterman ‘48Mary Laughlin Dibble ‘39Debra Reynolds-Eskie ’72 &Dennis Eskie ‘62Charlotte Ellis ’38, in memory of Miss GertrudeWheelerScot Ferrell ‘81Ruben Fox ‘53Rick Friedstrom ‘69Willa Jean Coffman Gades ‘37Donna Peery Granger ‘60Elizabeth Heaton ‘39Lillian Williamson Johnson ’37, in memory ofDennis C. PayneThomas J. Moore, Jr. ‘54Doris Williamson Perry ’41, in memory of FrankC. WilliamsonStephen R. Phelps ‘40Pauline Pruyser ‘68Miriam ‘Mimi’ Davis Reid ‘58Kathryn Creel Ryan ’45 &Richard Ryan ‘44Milo G. Sloo III ‘59Douglass W. Wallace ‘65Barbara Weigand ‘39JuniorMarcia Fink Anderson ‘55Barry R. Boyer ‘81Jacquie Timmons Brewer ’43, in memory ofCaptain Lewis H. Cameron ’43, USMC, MIA, N.Korea 1952Sue Parker Burgdorf ‘52David S. Christy ‘81Dan & Helen Gardner Crow ’70Lawrence Daeschner ‘59Jack & Kathy Bonner Flesher ‘59James E. Foster ‘43John H. Gray, in honor of Frances Hadley Gray’44 and Robert T. Gray (Math Teacher 1948-51)Barbara Howard Harlan ’57, in honor of the THSClass of 1957Vivian Ransom Hulsopple ’46, in memory ofLeah Ransom KimmelKepler Johnson ‘48Jane Badders Klefstad ‘39Linda Haughawout Lee ‘66Deb Craig McCullough ‘71Jacque Alvis McKibbin ‘55Susan Moore Palmer ‘76Tom & Connie BohannonPaulson ‘69John Stumbo ‘57Dan Swearingen ‘57Bob and Jeanne Taggart ‘44Richard Vernon ’57Jim and Carol Lyon Vogel ‘63Stanley N. Wellborn ‘62THS Class of 1969THS Class of 1980 (THS Library)SeniorBill Davis ‘39Virginia Kay Foster ‘71Robert K. Petro ’42Robert Rhodes ’45, in memory of Kenneth3RhodesEmery Robertson ‘42Top of the TowerMary Ward Baker ’46, in memory of Carrie SummersBoten ’01, Richard C. Ward ’17, ElizabethBoten Ward ’22 and Richard J. Ward ‘46Tom Barrett ’48, in memory of Marilyn DunnBarrett ‘53William Barrett ‘47George Batz ‘32James Boling ‘53Barry & Judy Coffman Bray ‘58Michael & Marcia Nelson Cassidy ‘58Emalene Gooch Correll ‘48Charles Crawford ’48, in memory of John AlbergDavid Curnutt ‘56Joyce Dryden-Damron ‘54Jon T. Eicholtz ‘56Veneta Kinsley Fusco ’49, in honor of Don Fryhoferand memory of Jeanette Fryhofer AllisonMarilyn Hickman Hackey ‘49Dr. Tamara Haygood, in honor of W.A. ‘Bill’Miner ‘38Martha J. Herrick ‘49Ed Hershey ‘50Roscoe Jackson ‘63Carl Johnson ‘60Duke Jones ‘63Sibyl Riekenberg Kerr ‘57Ralph King ‘59Thomas Liley ‘66Frank Lindemuth ‘48Charles L. Marshall, Jr. ‘49Tom McBride ‘63Ted McCoy ‘51Joan Smith Miller ‘51M. Brad Miller ‘47Robert Leland Miller ’48, in memory of Connie JoMiller Winget ‘77Tom & Joan Watts Mistler ‘59Richard Mistler ‘58Mark Nusbaum ‘73Patricia Peterson Pilkington, in honor of Marilyn& John ShidelerJayne Allen Powell ‘55Jack ’46 & Laura GravesRichmond ‘55Beverely ‘Pudgie’ Benton Robb ‘53Doris Allen Roberson ‘51Donna McElroy Robinson ‘58Ann Colvin Rolley ‘52John ’50 & Alicia Laing ’57SalisburyDan & Sally Hare-Schriner, in memory of PaulFinkJay Scott ‘58Melvin L. Sebright ‘51Michael Stimpert ‘62Ed Terrell ‘33Bob Wanamaker ‘57Mary Moser Wasson ‘43The Rev. Brinton W. Woodward ’58, in honor ofJudy Stuenkel Soule ‘58Jim Wright ‘56Jerry Wymore ‘57THS Class of 1939 (THS Library)THS Class of 1948THS Class of 1953THS Class of 1955THS Class of 1956 (THS Library)THS Class of 1965 (THS Library)THS Class of 2001

Tope ka <strong>High</strong> Schoo l Historical So cie ty March 2013~ TROJAN CLASS REUNIONS ~THS Homecoming 2013 - October 4Class Dates More InformationClass of 1953 September 14, 2013 mja913@embarq.comm.sanderson@sbcglobal.netClass of 1958 October 4-6, 2013 jesoule@sbcglobal.netClass of 1963 September 27 & 28, 2013 j-cvogel@sbcglobal.netKenL1945@earthlink.netClass of 1973 June 28 & 29, 2013 sistergrayhound@yahoo.comClass of 1978 July 26 & 27, 2013 martinepad@yahoo.comClass of 1983 June 7-9, 2013 dmdinkc@att.netClass of 1988 June 21 wcbeaster@yahoo.comClass of 1998 July 6, 2013 MRison@btandcocpa.comThe THSHS Paul Fink Museum & Office, Room224, will be undergoing renovation thissummer. Paul Fink memorial funds will be usedfor some of the expenses. The THSHS islooking for individuals/classes to sponsor displaycabinets. Call 785-295-3200 for details.4

<strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Historical Society March 2013IN MEMORY OF TOPEKA HIGH GRADUATESArthur F. Vickland 1936A. Maureen Bailey Stelzner 1937Evelyn Shockley Stover 1938Patricia Espander 1939Karl L. Losey 1939Nadine Offenbacker Sewell 1939Dorothy Henley Davis Knox 1940Gertrude Swearinger Mitchell 1940M. Kathleen Critchlow Mace 1941Thelma Hawks Berlin 1942Geneva Kleinsteuber Olliso 1942Martha Wolf Pitt 1942John H. Funk 1942Betty Peckham Kaufman 1943Norma Geitz Hubbard 1943Katherine Zahourek Penick 1943Dorothy Mills Mast 1944Virginia Perkins Fisher 1945Norma Crites Dolezilek 1945Maxine Taggart Logan 1945JoAnn Pearsall Baer 1946Beryl Heitmann 1946Alice Beeghly Kinder 1946Marilyn Lindberg Harwood 1946Jack E. Whitehead 1948Richard L. Green 1948Marjorie Haskell Barbee 1948Victor E. Benson 1949Mary White Farr 1949Barbara Revely Hutchison 1949Sue Trueblood Goodell 1949Kenneth L. Burgen 1951Donald R. Howard 1951Franklyn H. Houdek 1951Phyllis Cain Higbee 1951Evert G. Rockey 1952Robert D. Gibbs 1952Patricia Lodle Mroch 1952Jimmy Owen Royer 1952Patricia Reed Foster 1952Robert B. Hobbs 1952Robert E. Thomas 1954Elizabeth Hopkins Cameron 1954Barbara Denton Noe 1955Leonard E. Crabtree 1955Larry N. Stroup 1955THS sophomore Jack Williamson presented abagpipe concert in March at First CongregationalChurch of Christ. He will participate this summer inthe Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association’s YoungPiper development Program in Northern Ireland.<strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> received a Challenge AwardCertificate of Recognition in December. Theaward, given by the Confidence in Kansas <strong>Public</strong>Education Task Force, recognizes schools for outstandingachievement and uncommon accomplishmentbased on the 2012 Kansas Assessment resultsand other qualifying factors (i.e. size, ethnicityand socio-economic status of those students takingthe test). Congratulations THS!THS two-time Class 6A 285-pound state champion5James M. Brown 1956Willa Turner Bufalo 1956Carol Orr Lewis 1957Gary Freeman 1957Carolyn Toulouse Bishop 1957A. ‘Bobette Richards Polter 1957Dale E. Miller 1958Connie Lawrence Tenbrink 1961Janet Sowers Duckworth 1961Jacinto A. Cobos 1962Anna Borjon Rodriguez 1962Kenneth W. Ehrlich 1962Ronald M. Tinoco 1964Edward Ames 1965Walt ‘Butch’ Metzger 1966Sharyn Miller Thepot 1966Thomas Liley 1966Jan Jennings 1969Shawn E. Miller 1983David E. Tiscareño 2011JoLynn Ginter, THS Food ServiceDirectorDesigns for the THSHS Paul H. Fink Museum & Office werecreated by Stan Bossler (son of Elizabeth and Ken (1943)Bossler. We are indebted to Mr. Bossler for his creative visionfor our <strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> room. Stop by the THSHS office tosee the plans, display cabinet and storage designs, and textile<strong>sample</strong>s. The old ‘Model Apartment’ not only is a gatheringplace for reunion classes, but hundreds of out of townvisitors come to <strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> and our office. The room is areflection on <strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong>, <strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>School</strong>s and<strong>Topeka</strong> history. It is important for us to put our best foot forwardand properly tell the story of a <strong>Topeka</strong> landmark.TROY TODAYWill Geary (THS 2013) has been named the 6Asenior wrestler of the year by the Kansas WrestlingCoaches Association while the <strong>Topeka</strong> <strong>High</strong> teamearned the first-team 6A academic honors. Onlyschools that compiled a minimum of 3.5 gradepoint average were named to the first team. Gearyand Cooper Self (THS 2013), winning in his weightdivision at state the same day he won in his divisionat the Kansas History Days Competition)earned first-team spots on the Senior All-Academicfirst team. <strong>High</strong> assistants James Landry (THS2007), Jason Nichol (THS Faculty) and Ty Williamson.2012 World Staff won an All-American Award fromScholastic Press Association.

Tope ka <strong>High</strong> Schoo l Historical So cie ty March 2013The Hall of Fame Selection Committee announcesthe 2013 class of THS Hall of Fame Inductees.The following people will recognized onSunday, October 6, 2013, at 2 PM in the THSWoodward Library, concluding 2013 Homecomingactivities. The public is invited.Norton Belknap ‘43 – Mr. Belknapreceived his bachelor’s and master’sdegrees in chemical engineering fromMIT. He served in the Army Air Corpsduring WWII, stationed in Guam. Hejoined Standard Oil (later Exxon) forabout a 30 year career in the oil & gasindustry, living in New Jersey, Australia,London, then transferred to the corporateoffice in NY as VP of Corporate Planning, lateras VP Exxon International Corporation. He retired in1982. He and his wife, the late Mary Lonam Belknap’42, were part of the cultural scene in NY. He is a trusteeof Carnegie Hall Corp. and was managing directorwhen the Hall was restored (60M project) in 1986. Heis a trustee and past president of the Paul TaylorDance Foundation.Robert K. Dolgoff ‘60 – Dr. Dolgoffgraduated from Harvard University inEnglish Literature. Before going on toHarvard Medical <strong>School</strong> he spent thesummer of 1964 as a volunteer forthe Mississippi Freedom Summer. Hecompleted his postdoctoral training in1. An inductee must be a THS graduate.2013 THS GRADUATE HALL OF FAME6Psychiatry in 1972 and has a practice in the SanFrancisco Bay area. In 1994 he founded the nonprofitorganization Doctor to Doctor, after several years ofworking with Laotian psychiatrists, supplying materialsand sharing experience. It is completely funded byvolunteers with no foundation support, with volunteersgoing to southeast Asia, Ukraine, Peru, China, Palestineand NicaraguaShaol L. Pozez ’42 In 1956 Mr.Pozez and his cousin, Louis Pozezestablished what now is PaylessShoeSource, a 5,000 chain of shoestores that allows its customers toself-select fashionable and affordablemerchandise in the US, Canada andabroad. Their vision and conceptchanged the retail shoe industry inthe past 50 years. Mr. Pozez was committed to philanthropyand was politically involved, supporting numerouspoliticians-both Democrats and Republicans.A supporter of the University of Arizona Judaic Studiesprogram, the lecture series is now named in hishonor - The Shaol Pozez Distinguished LectureshipSeries. Mr. Pozez passed away in 1999.2013 THS Distinguished Staff - Dorothy Greer(English), Hazel Lingo (English), Judy Soule (Math)If you know someone who should be considered forTHS Hall of Fame recognition, send the necessaryinformation listed below to: THSHS, 800 SW 10th,<strong>Topeka</strong>, KS, 66612.QUALIFICATIONS FOR THSHS HALL OF FAME2. Induction into the Hall of Fame must be based upon achievements after his/her graduation.3. An inductee will not be considered for the Hall of Fame until 20 years following his/her graduation. The only exceptionwould be a graduate who died before the 20 years and qualified for induction based on accomplishments aftergraduation.4. Nominees are to have at least two (2) letters of recommendation or other suitable information brought to the attentionof the selection committee.5. Once nominated, the nominee remains on the nomination list. Other supportive information, or letters of nomination,may be received at any time and will become a part of the nominee’s Hall of Fame file.6. Each year the Hall of Fame selection committee will choose candidates for induction that year. The selection committeewill submit the names to the THSHS Board of Directors for majority approval.

~ THS Historical Society ~Graduation Year _______First Name ____________Last Name (at graduation) ______________ Current Last Name ____________THS Spouse’s First Name ___________ Last Name ________________ Spouse Graduation Year _____Street _______________________________________________ City _______________________________State __________________ Zip Code _____________________ Country ____________________________Home Phone _________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________MEMBERSHIP DUES – (operational expenses & THSHS special events)AmountYearly ($15) ………………………………………………………………………………$___________5 Years ($70) ……………………………………………………………………………... $___________Life ($150) …………………………………………………………………………………$___________My special dues payment in honor of 25 more years of the THSHS ($25)$___________$1 for each year since my graduation (i.e. Class of 1960, 50 years since graduation=$50) $___________I want to send a gift membership to:Name ___________________________________________________ Graduation year ______Address______________________________ City____________ State________ Zip_________Membership level: ____Yearly____ 5 Year ____Life(a certificate of membership will be sent to this person)PURCHASES ­-AmountTHS Woodcut ($15.00, plus $5 shipping)……………………………………………. $___________THS Construction Video ($10, plus $5 shipping)……………………………………. $ __________Constitution Plaza Brick ($30) www.thshistoricalsociety download form & attach $___________TOWER SOCIETY – (building projects)Freshman ($200).......................................................................................................Sophomore ($350)……………………………………………………………………….Junior ($500)……………………………………………………………………………..Senior ($750)……………………………………………………………………………..Top of the Tower ($1,000)………………………………………………………………Given in honor of __________________________________________________Amount$___________$___________$___________$___________$___________Given in memory of ________________________________________________Check enclosed: □ (payable to THS Historical Society or THSHS) TOTAL $___________Charge account: □ Visa □ Master Card □ American Express □ Discover ($50 minimum chargerequested)Name on Card: ______________________________________________________________Number: ___________ - ____________ - ____________- __________CV # (required)_________Expiration Date: Month_____________ Year __________Mail to: THS Historical Society, 800 SW 10 th , <strong>Topeka</strong>, KS 666127

USD 501THS Historical Society800 W 10th Ave<strong>Topeka</strong>, KS 66612RETURN SERVICE REQUESTEDNon. Prof. OrgU.S. PostagePAID<strong>Topeka</strong>, KSPermit No. 702REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR MAILING LABEL: The date on the firstline of your label is your membership EXPIRATION date. New membershipsare for twelve months from the time your check is received. Forrenewals, twelve months are added to the date of receipt or your previousexpiration date.Welcome new THSHS members!The THSHS appreciates our dues paying members. We have accomplished a lot over the past27 years and are looking forward to the next 25 years. We couldn’t have done it without theinterest, generosity, and loyal support of our members. We welcome recent new members:Peggy Grant Cobb (1967), Archie Allen (1947), Stan Metzger (1963), John Tann (1972), EmilyThompson (2000), John (1975) and Becki Osborn (1977) Copeland, Joseph Gatti (1975),Jeanne Marker Vawter (1966), Tom Vesper (1958),Please consider giving a THSHS gift membership for a classmate or recruiting a newmember. Download a form from our website http://ths.topekapublicschools.net/alumnior use the form on page 7.8

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