Form 6 online submission - Rotorua District Council

Form 6 online submission - Rotorua District Council

Form 6 online submission - Rotorua District Council


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To:FORM 6: FURTHER SUBMISSION IN SUPPORT OF, OR IN OPPOSITION TO SUBMISSION ON THE PUBLICLYNOTIFIED PROPOSED ROTORUA DISTRICT PLANClause 8 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991CLOSING DATE FOR FURTHER SUBMISSIONS: 5:00PM ON FRIDAY 11 OCTOBER 2013The <strong>Rotorua</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> - Manager, Planning ServicesFull Given Name Of Personmaking Further SubmissionOr Company / Organisation Name:Full Postal Address (includingpostcode):Name of Agent providingFurther <strong>submission</strong> on behalfof a submitter:Full Postal Address (includingpostcode):Note: All correspondence will be sent tothis addressPhone: Mobile: Phone: Mobile:RDC-343545Email:Email:Note to person making further <strong>submission</strong>: A copy of your further <strong>submission</strong> must be served on the original submitter within five working days after making the further <strong>submission</strong> to the local authority. A further <strong>submission</strong> must be limited to a matter in support or opposition to the original <strong>submission</strong> to the proposed plan. Please submit only ONE copy of your further <strong>submission</strong> to <strong>Council</strong>. Please don’t send a hard copy of further <strong>submission</strong>s you have electronically sent to <strong>Council</strong> email plus hard copy plusfax)Do you wish to be heard in support of your further <strong>submission</strong>: Yes / No [circle one]If others make a similar <strong>submission</strong>, I will consider presenting a joint case with them at a hearing: Yes / No [circle one]I am (state whether you are):A person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest, because (specify the grounds for saying this):____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________; orA person who has an interest in the proposed plan that is greater than the interest the general public has, because (specify the grounds for saying this): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________Signature of further submitter (or person authorised to sign on behalf of further submitter) DatePostal Address: <strong>Rotorua</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Private Bag 3029, <strong>Rotorua</strong> 3046Delivery:<strong>Rotorua</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Civic Centre, 1061 Haupapa Street, <strong>Rotorua</strong>Email:planenquiry@rdc.govt.nz - Please put ‘Proposed <strong>District</strong> Plan Further Submission’ in the subject lineEnquiries: For any enquiries about the Proposed <strong>District</strong> Plan or making a further <strong>submission</strong> please call <strong>Council</strong>’s Planning Policy team on (07) 348-4199Privacy Act 1993 Note: All <strong>submission</strong>s (including name and contact details) are published and made available to elected members and the public. Personal information willalso be used for the administration of the consultation process.OFFICE USE ONLY FURTHER SUBMITTERNR:

DETAILS OF ORIGINAL SUBMITTERWHO YOU ARE FURTHER SUBMITTING ON(This is provided in the Summary of <strong>submission</strong>s)NAME ANDADDRESSExample:Jo Bloggs Trust104 First Street<strong>Rotorua</strong>, 3015SUBMITTERNUMBERTOPIC CODE –ISSUE NUMBERthat the original<strong>submission</strong> relatesto.15 PDP450 -2 (Codeand number assignedto Part 4 Residential,Rules for Homes andHouseholds)SUPPORT/OPPOSE/SUPPORT WITHAMENDMENT thedecision sought by theoriginal submitterSupport with AmendmentDETAILS OF FURTHER SUBMISSION(You may use additional paper but please ensure you follow this form format,that each page is clearly marked with your name and address and securely attached to this form)REASON FOR SUPPORT OR OPPOSITION(State in summary the nature of your further <strong>submission</strong>and reasons for your views)Support the provision for micro scale wind turbineswithin residential developments, but seek that the activitystatus be changed from controlled to permitted to bemore enabling to renewable electricity generationmechanisms.DECISION SOUGHT FROM THE COUNCIL(State clearly the decision sought and / or suggestedchanges you want the <strong>Council</strong> to make in relation to thepart of the Plan)Change the activity status of rule 7 to be permitted andadd performance standards to ensure residentialamenity is maintained.

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