Spectrum Power 3 Programming - Siemens

Spectrum Power 3 Programming - Siemens Spectrum Power 3 Programming - Siemens

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Distribution Network ApplicationsDNA Data Modeling and Data ValidationThis course is a combination of lecture, demo and hands-on exercises. It covers the data requirementsfor the distribution network applications and the use of the Data Validation tool.General InformationCourse Code: DN010Length: 2 DaysAudienceThis course is designed for those responsiblefor preparing and validating distributionsystem data, including:• Database Administrator/EngineerPrerequisites• Windows usage skills• DNA system overview• Basic knowledge of power systemequipment and characteristics, and thepurpose of such devices as switchingdevices, capacitors, and transformers.Topics• Overview of data needed for DNA• Data Attribute Explanations− Device-Specific Attributes− Lab 1 - Specifying Attributes• Data Validation− Running Data Validation− Lab 2 - Examining a Clean Report− Interpreting Error Messages− Lab 3 - Recognizing Errors− Correcting the Data− Lab 4 - Correcting DNA DataGoalsUpon completion of this course, the studentsshall be able to:• List the data required by the DNA.• Collect and prepare data for the importprocess.• Enter and modify data using IMM.03/06/12Course Descriptions - 50 - Siemens Energy, Inc.Energy Automation

Distribution Network ApplicationsDNA Operator/Dispatcher TrainingThis tailored course provides participants with background information and hands-on practice in using theDNA for optimizing the performance of the distribution system. The workflows that involve the distributionapplications are covered. Use of the User Interface, tool bars, and pull-down menus is described. Duringthe lab sessions, participants practice what they have learned. The course is modular, allowing it to beadapted to the specific needs of each customer.General InformationCourse Code: DN101Length: 1 Day (typical)AudienceThis course is designed for those who willuse the DNA to operate the power system,including:• Operators/Dispatchers• Operations EngineersPrerequisitesParticipants must have a working knowledgeof:• Personal computers,• Microsoft Windows user interface,• Internet Explorer user interface, and• Distribution system operations principles.GoalsThe goals of the training are adjusted duringthe tailoring of the course, but typically includebeing able to:• Navigate efficiently through the DNA displays.• Monitor and interpret the data providedby DNA.• Recognize the situations in which usingDNA may be beneficial.• Initiate a Volt/VAR Control (VVC) analysis.• Initiate a Optimal Feeder Reconfiguration(OFR) analysis.• Recognize the location of a fault.• Initiate a Fault Isolation and Service Restoration(FISR) analysis.• Run a proposed switching order.TopicsThe topics will vary with the requirements ofthe project, so this is a sample of the topicsthat might be covered in the Operator/Dispatcher course.• Overview of the Distribution Network Applicationset of functions• Display Navigation− Display Selection• Responding to Faults− Monitoring Alarms− Locating the Faulty Equipment− Running a FISR Analysis− Checking a Switching Order− Executing a Switching Order• Responding to Power System Violations− Monitoring State Estimation Results− Running a VVC Analysis− Running an OFR Analysis03/06/12Course Descriptions - 51 - Siemens Energy, Inc.Energy Automation

Distribution Network ApplicationsDNA Data Modeling and Data ValidationThis course is a combination of lecture, demo and hands-on exercises. It covers the data requirementsfor the distribution network applications and the use of the Data Validation tool.General InformationCourse Code: DN010Length: 2 DaysAudienceThis course is designed for those responsiblefor preparing and validating distributionsystem data, including:• Database Administrator/EngineerPrerequisites• Windows usage skills• DNA system overview• Basic knowledge of power systemequipment and characteristics, and thepurpose of such devices as switchingdevices, capacitors, and transformers.Topics• Overview of data needed for DNA• Data Attribute Explanations− Device-Specific Attributes− Lab 1 - Specifying Attributes• Data Validation− Running Data Validation− Lab 2 - Examining a Clean Report− Interpreting Error Messages− Lab 3 - Recognizing Errors− Correcting the Data− Lab 4 - Correcting DNA DataGoalsUpon completion of this course, the studentsshall be able to:• List the data required by the DNA.• Collect and prepare data for the importprocess.• Enter and modify data using IMM.03/06/12Course Descriptions - 50 - <strong>Siemens</strong> Energy, Inc.Energy Automation

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