2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net

2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net

2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net


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CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF EXOCRINE PANCREATICINSUFFICIENCY IN A GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGCLINICAL REPORT1 2 3V. Dhanesh , Usha Narayana pillai ,S.Yogeshpriya ,4 5Roshna Rasheed Kutty and S.Ajith KumarDepartment of Clinical Veterinary Medicine,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences , MannuthyINTRODUCTION:Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is theinability to digest food properly due to the lack ofdigestive enzyme made by the pancreas. animal willshow clinical sign if there is greater than 85 percentloss of the pancreatic acinar which has ability tosecrete digestive enzyme and it is clinicallycharacterized by loss of weight , pica, coprophagia,poor quality hair coat etc. Consistency of the facesbecomes oily, smooth, and soft. Perineal region willbe oily stained because of steatorrhea.ray film test and history the case was clinicallydiagnosed as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.J. Ind. Vet. Assoc., Kerala. 10 (1)CASE HISTOY AND CLINICALINVESTIGATIONA three year old GSD was presented in theuniversity hospital Mannuthy with a history of foulsmelling diarrhea of three month duration. Theanimal was treated with anthelmintics and Sulfa TMPcombination (Septran) by local veterinarian. Ownerreported that there is considerable weight loss eventhough the animal was take normal quantity of food.On examination, physiological parameters like0temperature((103 F) , heart rate (108 beats / min),pulse rate (107/min) and mucous membrane (paleroseate) were found to be normal consistency of thefecal sample was found to be oily and semisolidstandard parasitological examination was done andno ova of parasitic important could be detected. Butlarge number fat globules were present in the sample.No change could be detected in Haemogram. Fecalsample was positive for X- ray film test. Based on X-1. 3, 4- P.G Scholar, 2. Associate Professor , 5.Professor andHeadTREATMENT AND DISCUSSIONTreatment was carried out with Tab. Enzarforte, 1 tab twice daily along with this Tab. Flagyl400 mg, 1 tab twice daily and Tab. Rantac 150 mg, ½tab twice daily. Advised the owner to review the caseafter 10 days. Owner reported that animal is showingmuch improvement in the condition. Consistency ofthe feces becomes normal without any foul smell.In dog Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency ismainly due to pancreatic acinar atrophy and in cat itis due to destruction of the acinar tissue associatedwith subclinical or chronic pancreatitis. (Nelson et.al 2003). Pancreatic enzyme had a antibacterialproperty and in Exocrine pancreatic insufficiencylead to over growth of different type of bacteria insmall intestine. Over growth of the bacteria will leadto changes in the small intestine like villous atrophy,alteration in the mucosal enzymatic activity etc.Bacterial count in the small intestine will be more54

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