2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net

2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net

2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net


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CLINICAL REPORTFETAL ANASARCA TWINS WITHHYDROALLANTOIS IN MALABARI DOES2 3Laiju M Philip., M. Ranjith Mohan and P. Francis Bastin .Animal Husbandry Department, KeralaJ. Ind. Vet. Assoc., Kerala. 10 (1)INTRODUCTIONDystocia is considered to be the majorreproductive disorder in does presented to theVeterinary Hospital. The complications includefetal death, fetal mummification and fetalmaceration or developmental abnormalities likefetal monsters, fetal dropsy and ectopic location ofthe fetus. The etiology of most fetal gestationalcomplications except abortions continues to bepoorly understood. Anasarca means generalizededema all over the body. The condition is seencommonly in cattle but may affect sheep,(Roberts,1985), goat (Tamuli et. al.,1987; Sharma et al.,2002; Purohit et. al.,2006) and also rarely reportedin the buffalo (Devanathan et. al., 1990).Hydrallantois is characterized by a larger thannormal accumulation of allantoic fluid during a 5-to 20-day period in the last trimester of pregnancythat occurs mainly in the bovine and rarely in maresand ewes (Milton et al., 1989). Most fetuses ofanimals with hydrallantois may have congenitaldefects, are underdeveloped, or are apparentlynormal but not viable (Milton et al., 1989, andMorin et. al., 1994).The details of surgicalmanagement fetal anasarca twins withhydrallantois in Malabari does are mentioned.MATERIALS AND METHODSA Malabari goat and its dam were presentedat different times to the Veterinary Polyclinic,Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Polyclinic, Mannarkkad(corresponding author: phone 09447996512Email: laijuphilip@rediffmail.com)2Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Dispensary, Karakurissi3Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Polyclinic, MannarkkadMannarkkad with the complaint of difficulty inparturition. Both the goats were presented withabnormally large abdomen. The dam was presentedfor its second kidding and the doe, for the firstkidding. Per vaginal examination of both theanimals revealed fetal anomalies as the cause fordystocia. So it was decided to do surgicalintervention in both the cases. Caesarean sectionwas carried out. The animals were restrained in leftlateral recumbancy. The surgical site was preparedaseptically. Intravenous infusion Ringers Lactatewere started to prevent hypovolumic shock. Localinfiltration anesthesia was done around the surgicalsite with 2 percent lignocaine. Incised the skin andthe fascia. Exteriorized the abnormally sized thinwalled uterus after the separation of the abdominalmuscles. Incision was made on the body of uterus.About six litres of watery and amber colouredallantoic fluid was drained out. Two anasarca kidswere taken out in both the cases after reducing thehydro allantois. The uterus was rinsed with copiousamounts of Normal Saline solution. The incision onthe uterus was closed in Cushing's followed byLambert's pattern of suturing using chromic catgutsize 1/0. The peritoneum and the separatedabdominal muscles were apposed using chromiccatgut size 1 in a simple continuous suture patternfollowed by subcuticular suturing using braidedsilk size 1. The skin was apposed in interruptedhorizontal mattress fashion using nylon. Theanimals were maintained on intravenous fluids forhalf an hour post operatively. Parenteral antibioticsand tetanus toxoid injection were given. Owner wasadvised oral antibiotic therapy for a week. Both theanimals recovered uneventfully.52

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