2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net

2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net

2012 Jiva April Cover 220 GSM Art Card Glossy ... - Jivaonline.net


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RESEARCH ARTICLEANALYSIS OF SOCIO-PERSONAL PROFILE OF LIVESTOCK-BASED SELF HELP GROUP MEMBERS OF THRISSUR DISTRICT*1 2 3Anu George , P.J.Rajkamal and Jiji.R.SCollege of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Kerala*Part of M.V.Sc thesis submitted by the first author to Kerala Agricultural UniversityABSTRACTThe personal, socio-economic and socio-psychological characteristics of selected livestock basedSelf Help Group (SHG) members were analysed in the study. Majority of the respondents were middle aged (86percent), females (81 percent) and had formal education of 5-8 years (77 percent). Livestock rearing was themajor occupation for most of the SHG members (72 percent) and majority had an income of less than 5000 perannum (62 percent). Maximum number of the respondents owned less than four animals (44 percent). Nonehad more than one hectare of land. Family size of most of the respondents was less than five (72 percent). Morethan half of the respondents had less than five years of experience in livestock farming (58 percent).More thanthree-forth had less than 5 years of experience as SHG members (81 percent). Majority of the respondents werein the medium category with regard to the socio psychological variables such as economic motivation (71percent), social participation (68percent), achievement motivation (65 percent) and cosmopoliteness (57percent).Maximum number of respondents (43 percent) had medium level of risk orientation.J. Ind. Vet. Assoc., Kerala. 10 (1)INTRODUCTIONSelf Help Group (SHG) is a small group ofrural people, usually 10-20 in number, gatheredvoluntarily to undertake some common incomegenerating activities through mutual trust and mutualhelp (Arunkumar, 2005). Its formation in each blockpanchayat is envisaged through SwarnajayanthiGrama Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), a centrallysponsored, comprehensive rural developmentprogramme of Ministry of Rural Development.Under SGSY, assistance is given to poor families,living below poverty line, for taking up selfemployment. The beneficiaries are calledSwarozgaris.SGSY promotes group approach morethan individual approach and majority of the funds1 2 3PhD Scholar, Professor and Head and Associate ProfessorDepartment of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extensionare given for SHGs. The major objective of SHGs ispoverty eradication and their formation is facilitatedby non-government organisations also. Furthermore,the poverty eradication mission of Keralagovernment, Kudumbasree is also organizingwomen SHGs including that of livestock basedSHGs.In each block, 4-5 key income generatingactivities are identified based on the local resources,occupational skills of the people and availability ofthe markets. For successful self employment, it isnecessary to take up the right activity. Training willbe provided to the group members for microenterprise development. Also income generatingassets and inputs will be provided to the groupsthrough a package of assistance in the form ofsubsidy and bank loan. In Kerala, SHGs are gainingmore impetus nowadays and many are takinglivestock rearing as the key activity.38

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