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RESEARCH ARTICLEJ. Ind. Vet. Assoc., Kerala. 10 (1)Davidson (2003) and Kutzler and Yeager (2005).Hematuria which was observed in 20 per cent of theaffected animals may be a result of irritation causedby excess ammonia production in the bladder dueto retained urine (Johnson and Archibald, 1974).The common abnormalities on physicalexamination noted in the present study werepyrexia (33.3 per cent), dehydration (33.3 per cent),poor body condition (26.7 per cent) and caudalabdominal pain (6.7 percent). Cornell (1997),Davidson (2003), Parry (2007) and Smith (2008)described that signs like fever and cachexia arecommonly seen in infections of the prostate gland(Prostatitis/Abscess). Caudal abdominal pain(Kutzler and Yeager, 2005; Holt, 2007) is acharacteristic sign in acute inflammatory conditionof the prostate, shining a light on the fact that rest ofthe inflammatory conditions of the prostate couldbe of a chronic nature. Dehydration was one of thesigns in this study, as also noted by Parry (2006),can be attributed to the reflection of the systemicdisturbances like pyrexia and uneasiness caused bypain results in anorexia.REFERENCESCornell, K. K., Waters, D. J., Cooley, D. M., Pauli,B., Harvey, H. J., Hall, G., Render, J., Hendrick,M., Sweet, D. and Stoica, G., 1997. Canineprostate carcinoma; clinicopathologicalfindings in 168 cases. In: Proceedings, Ann.Meeting, Am. Coll. Vet. Radiol. pp.86.Davidson, J.R., 2003. Prostatic diseases of the dog,Waltham Focus, 13: 2, 4-10.Hoeffer, R.E., Dykes, N.L., and Greiner, T.P., 1977.J.Am.Anim.Hosp.Assoc., 13: 98.Holt, P.E., 2007. Prostate disease, In: SEVC(Southern European Veterinary Conference)Proceedings, (Eds). International VeterinaryInformation Service, Ithaca NY.Hornbuckle, W.E., MacCoy, D.M., Allan, G.A. andGunther,R., 1978. Prostatic disease in the dog.Cornell Vet , 68:284.Johnson, D.E. and Archibald, J., 1974. Male genitalsystem in canine surgery, American VetPublications, California, pp. 729.Krawiec, D.R. and Heflin, D., 1992. Study ofprostatic diseases in dogs: 177 cases (1981-1986). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 200:1119.Kutzler, M. and Yeager, A., 2005. ProstaticDiseases. In: (ed): Ettinger, Feldman Textbookof Veterinary Internal Medicine. 6th Edition,Elsevier Inc., p. 1809- 1819.Parry, N. M. A., 2006. Inflammatory diseases of thecanine prostate gland, UK Vet, 11: 8, 1-4.Parry, N. M. A., 2007. The canine prostate gland:Part 1:Non-inflammatory diseases, UK Vet, 12:1, 1-5.Read, R. A. and Bryden, S., 1995. Urethralbleeding as a presenting sign of benignprostatic hyperplasia in the dog: a retrospectivestudy (1979-1993). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc,31:261.Reihmann H., Bruskewitz R.C., 1993. Benignprostatic hyperplasia: manifestations andintervention. In: Lepor H, Lawson R, K. (eds):Prostate Diseases. Philadelphia, WB SaundersCo.108.Smith, J., 2008. Canine prostatic disease: A reviewof anatomy, pathology, diagnosis, andtreatment, Theriogenology, doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.04.039.26

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