性学觕述 - 复旦大学文史研究院

性学觕述 - 复旦大学文史研究院

性学觕述 - 复旦大学文史研究院


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26 1(2007) :6476S tudies in the H istory of N atural Sciences Vol. 26No. 1 (2007) (,200433) , ,,,, N092 R2092 A100020224 (2007) 0120064213,,,,,17,20,,,,,,40 915,,, ,; ,,:,,,,,[ 1 ] , ,,, : 2006207212; : 2006210226: , 1975,,

1: 65 [ 24 ] , [ 4, 5 ] ,( Giulio A leni, 15821649) ,,1 ( Plato, B. C. 427347),,(A ristotle, B. C.384322),,( Theology),13, ( Thomas Aquinas,12251274),, (Summ a Theologica), 16,,( St.Igna2cio de Loyola,14911556),, , [ 6 ] 17,,1582(B rescia) , [ 7 ] 1610, 1649,40,, , ,,,, [ 8 ] , 6,( theology),,,,,,,,, ( [ 9 ] , 635),, ,,, , ( [ 9 ] , 634) , ,, ,,:,:,,,,, ( [ 10 ] ,) ,, ,

66 26 , 8,1623, 1646,6 (D e A nim a) , ( Pa rva N aturalia) , [ 11 ] , [ 12 ] ,, ,,(Claudius Galeno, 138201),16 ,,2 ,, ,2. 1 3 ,:,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,;,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ( [ 10 ] ,3, 177180), , , ( [ 1 ] ,2, 6) (H ippocrates, B. C.460377),

1: 67 ,,( [ 13 ] ,262263) ,:;,,, ( [ 12 ] , 99) , ,,,, ,,, ,( [ 10 ] ,8,337338 349353 365379) 2. 2 3 ,:,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,;,,;,;, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, , ,, ,,,,, ,,, ( [ 10 ] ,3,181184) ,( Empedocles,492432) , 4,4, [ 14 ] (M ichel Ruggieri, 15431607) (1584) 4 [ 15 ] , (MatteoR icci, 15521610) ,, [ 16 ] , , [ 17 ] ,, 4:,;,,;,;,( [ 13 ] , 216

68 26 224) ,, [ 18 ] ,,(Vesalius, 15141564),,, , :, ,, ,,;,,;,;,,,[ 19 ] :,,,,,,, ( [ 8 ] , 126127), , , ,,,, 2. 3 ;4 ,, 5,,,, , , 5( Five Senses),,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , (1603) ( 1605) ,,

1: 69 ::,;,;,;,;, ,, , ,, :,,,, :,;,;,;,,;, ,, ,, , , [ 20 ] 21 ,:,,, ,,, , [ 19 ] : , ( [ 10 ] ,4, 187) ,,(Raimundo del Valle,16131683) :,,,,, ,,, ,,,, , 4:,,,,;,,;, ( [ 10 ] ,4, 189) 4, , , ,,, 2. 4,,, [ 21 ] , , ,, ,,[ 20 ]

70 26 ,( [ 1 ] ,2 9) , ,,, , :, ,,, [ 22 ] , 11 ,,,, ,, , , : ,,,,, , , , , ( [ 10 ] ,5, 227),,,,,,,,,, ( [ 10 ] ,5, 229),, ,,,,,,, ( [ 10 ] ,5, 230),,,, ,,,, , ( [ 10 ] ,5, 238239) , ,;, , ,,;, ,, :,,,,,,,,,?,, : ,,, ,,,,,? ,,,,,,

1: 71,, ,,,;,,,,,,,,,? ,,,?,,,?,? ,, ,,,? ( [ 10 ] ,7, 295299),,,, ,2. 5 ,, , (1) ,,,,,,1819(2) ,,, ,;,(3) ,,,,;, , 3 , [ 23 ] ,; , ,[ 23 ]

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1: 73?[ 28 ] ,( [ 29 ] ,) , :,,, ,:, ? ,,,, ,,,:,,,,,, , ,, ,,,, , ,,, ,,,,, :,, , ,,,,,, :,, ,,,, ( [ 10 ] ,1, 104) , ,, ,,,? , , :,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,[ 28 ],,,[ 27 ] , 136139

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76 26 A len iπs X ingxue C ushu and M odels of In troduction & Influenceof W estern M ed ic ine in Ch inaDONG Shaoxin( Post D octor of Fudan U niversity, Shanghai 200433, China)AbstractA leniπs X ingxue Cushu is a Chinese translation of A ristotleπs D e A nim a, buttheir content is quite different from each other. In X ingxue Cushu, there are lots of medicalknowledge of European M iddle Ages, which do not exist in D e A nim a. W estern medicine wasintroduced into China through X ingxue, which is an important model of W estern science andtechnology sp read into China, and in fact W estern medicine introduced into China throughX ingxue has more influences than that through those translations ofW estern anatomy. This arti2cle, through the case of X ingxue Cushu, discusses the models of the introduction of W esternmedicine into China and its influences, opening out the p rocesses of W estern medicine sp rea2ding into China through the X ingxue of Catholic Theology and its influences in China throughthe X ingxue of L ixue.Key wordsX ingxue Cushu, late M ing & early Q ing, W estern medicine, model of intro2duction, model of influence:

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