Cardan Shafts for Industrial Applications - Dana

Cardan Shafts for Industrial Applications - Dana Cardan Shafts for Industrial Applications - Dana


Technical instructions for application2. The universal shaftThe rotation angle difference ϕ Kor the gimbal error of a deflecteduniversal joint can be offset undercertain installation conditionswith a second universal joint.The constructive solutions are thefollowing:1. The deflection angles of bothjoints must be equal (i.e., b 1 = b 2)Two arrangements are possible:1a) Z-deflection1b) W- or M-deflectionb 1b 2b 1b 22. The two joints must have akinematic angular relationshipof 90° (p/2), (i.e., the yokes ofthe connecting shaft are in oneplane).For a more intensive study ofuniversal shaft kinematics, pleaserefer to the VDI-recommendation2722 and to the relevant technicalliterature.Operating anglesThe most common arrangementsare the Z- and W-deflections. Tobegin, consider the system inwhich the shafts to be connectedare in the same plane.Z-arrangementb 1b 2W-arrangementb 1 b 2Maximum permissible angledifferenceThe condition b 1 = b 2 is one ofthe essential requirements for auniform output speed conditionand cannot always be fulfilled.Therefore, designers and engineerswill often ask for the permissibledifference between thedeflection angles of both joints.The deflection angles for hightorqueand high-speed machinedrives should be equal. If not, thedifference should be limited to1° to 1,5°.38

Technical instructions for applicationGreater differences of about3° to 5° are acceptable withoutdisadvantages in low-speedapplications. For applicationswith varying deflection conditions,it is important to obtainuniformity, if possible over thecomplete deflection range.Deflection in two planes meansthat the deflection is both horizontaland vertical. The combinationof two identical typesof deflection (Z/Z or W/W) andidentical deflection angles ensureuniformity. For a combination ofZ- and W-deflection, the inneryokes must be offset. Pleaseconsult with Dana applicationengineers to determine the properamount of angular offset.Determination of the maximumpermissible operating deflectionangleDepending on the cardan shaftseries, the maximum deflectionangle per joint is b = 5° to 44°.Due to the kinematic conditionsof the cardan joint, as describedbefore, the deflection angle mustbe limited in relation to the speed.Calculations and observations ofmany applications have shownthat certain mass accelerationtorques of the center part mustnot be exceeded in order toguarantee smooth running of thedrive systems. This accelerationtorque depends on theProduct of speed and deflectionangle D = n .and the moment of inertia of themiddle part of the shaft. Theparameter D is proportional tothe angular acceleration of thecardan shaft center part ε 2 .ε2 ~ D = n . bn = Operating speed [rpm]b = Deflection angle of joint [

Technical instructions <strong>for</strong> application2. The universal shaftThe rotation angle difference ϕ Kor the gimbal error of a deflecteduniversal joint can be offset undercertain installation conditionswith a second universal joint.The constructive solutions are thefollowing:1. The deflection angles of bothjoints must be equal (i.e., b 1 = b 2)Two arrangements are possible:1a) Z-deflection1b) W- or M-deflectionb 1b 2b 1b 22. The two joints must have akinematic angular relationshipof 90° (p/2), (i.e., the yokes ofthe connecting shaft are in oneplane).For a more intensive study ofuniversal shaft kinematics, pleaserefer to the VDI-recommendation2722 and to the relevant technicalliterature.Operating anglesThe most common arrangementsare the Z- and W-deflections. Tobegin, consider the system inwhich the shafts to be connectedare in the same plane.Z-arrangementb 1b 2W-arrangementb 1 b 2Maximum permissible angledifferenceThe condition b 1 = b 2 is one ofthe essential requirements <strong>for</strong> auni<strong>for</strong>m output speed conditionand cannot always be fulfilled.There<strong>for</strong>e, designers and engineerswill often ask <strong>for</strong> the permissibledifference between thedeflection angles of both joints.The deflection angles <strong>for</strong> hightorqueand high-speed machinedrives should be equal. If not, thedifference should be limited to1° to 1,5°.38

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