Prediction of beef chemical composition by NIR Hyperspectral ... - ATB

Prediction of beef chemical composition by NIR Hyperspectral ... - ATB Prediction of beef chemical composition by NIR Hyperspectral ... - ATB
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707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102(Meadow Meats, Rathdowney, Co. Laois, Ireland). At 24 h post-mortem, three muscles (M.longissimus dorsi (LD), M. semitendinosus (ST) and M. psoas major (PM)) were dissectedfrom each carcass and then sliced to 1-inch thick slices <strong>by</strong> a mechanical slicer. The sliceswere labelled and vacuum packed and stored at 4°C until the next day when qualityparameters were measured. Moisture and fat contents were analysed using the Smart Trac(CEM Corporation, North Carolina, USA), and protein content was measured using a LECOFP-428 Nitrogen Determinator (LECO Instruments Ltd., UK). After <strong>chemical</strong> measurements,the samples were minced and imaged again in the hyperspectral system.The configuration <strong>of</strong> the developed hyperspectral imaging system is explained in details inElMasry et al. (2011). In practise, <strong>beef</strong> sample was placed on the conveying stage to bescanned line <strong>by</strong> line using 10 ms exposure time to build a hyperspectral image (R 0 ) which isthen corrected against dark and white references.The average spectrum <strong>of</strong> each sample was extracted <strong>by</strong> segmentation to locate the leanparts <strong>of</strong> the <strong>beef</strong> sample as the main region <strong>of</strong> interest (ROI). Only one average spectrumwas used to represent each sample and the same routine was repeated for all hyperspectralimages <strong>of</strong> <strong>beef</strong> samples. Predictive partial least squares (PLS) regression models weredeveloped for each constituent so that these attributes can be predicted in the future directlyfrom the measured spectra. The accuracy and the predictive capabilities <strong>of</strong> the model wereevaluated based on coefficient <strong>of</strong> determination in calibration (determination in cross-validation (and the root mean square error <strong>by</strong> cross-validation (RMSECV).3. Results and Discussion3.1. Spectral features2RC), coefficient <strong>of</strong>2RCV), the root mean square error <strong>of</strong> calibration (RMSEC)The hyperspectral image described as I(x,y,λ) can be viewed either as a separate spatialsub-image I(x,y) at each wavelength (λ) as shown in Figure 1a, or as a spectrum I(λ) at anypixel (x,y) as shown in Figure 1b. The peak at 974 nm was apparent in the <strong>beef</strong> sample dueto the water absorption bands related to O–H stretching second overtones, whereas asecond peak at 1211 nm was due to the fat absorption related to C–H stretching secondovertone.The performance <strong>of</strong> the developed PLS regression models for predicting the major <strong>chemical</strong><strong>composition</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>beef</strong> samples in calibration and leave-one-out cross-validation wasreasonably good.

103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127FIGURE 1 (a) Assortment <strong>of</strong> some <strong>NIR</strong> sub-images at wavelengths indicated, (b) Spectral3.2. <strong>Prediction</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>chemical</strong> constituentsfeatures <strong>of</strong> the examined muscles.Table 1 shows the main statistical parameters resulted from each model in cross validationand prediction samples. The results indicated that the PLSR models were very efficient inpredicting these <strong>chemical</strong> constituents with a determination coefficient (2Rcv) <strong>of</strong> 0.91, 0.89and 0.91 using 9, 8, 10 factors for fat, moisture and protein respectively. When the modelused in predicting these constituents in the samples <strong>of</strong> a prediction set, the model gave goodprediction ability with determination coefficient (2Rp) <strong>of</strong> 0.89, 0.86 and 0.75 for water, fat andprotein, respectively. However, the predictability <strong>of</strong> protein content might be considereduncertain as the value <strong>of</strong>2RP(0.75) is rather small and the number <strong>of</strong> latent factors washigher compared with the other two constituents. The lack <strong>of</strong> a strong predictability forprotein in meat suing spectral analyses is not new, and several authors have reported similarresults (Alomar 2003).It was very advantageous to select significant variables during a multivariate regression inorder to improve the predictive ability <strong>of</strong> the model and to augment the processing speed.These feature-related wavelengths identified from the PLSR’s weighted regressioncoefficients <strong>of</strong> each constituent indicated that eight wavelengths (934, 1048, 1108, 1155,1185, 1212, 1265, 1379 nm) were defined as the most relevant wavelengths in predictingwater contents. Similarly, seven wavelengths (934, 978, 1078, 1138, 1215, 1289, 1413 nm)were selected for fat and ten wavelengths (924, 937, 1018, 1048, 1108, 1141, 1182, 1221,1615, and 1665 nm) were selected for efficient prediction <strong>of</strong> protein. The results shown inTable 1 revealed that the predictability <strong>of</strong> these models is still good indicating the robustness

128129130131132133134135<strong>of</strong> the developed models. Water, fat and protein were predicted with determinationcoefficient (2Rp) <strong>of</strong> 0.89, 0.84 and 0.86 with standard error <strong>of</strong> prediction (SEP) <strong>of</strong> 0.46, 0.65and 0.29%, respectively. More importantly, the protein model was much better comparedwith that developed with the full spectral range.TABLE 1 Performance <strong>of</strong> the developed PLSR model in predicting water, fat and proteincontents in <strong>beef</strong> samples using the full spectral range and the selected feature-relatedwavelengths.No <strong>of</strong>Cross-validation<strong>Prediction</strong>ConstituentwavelengthsLFsR 2 cv SECV(%) R 2 p SEP(%)WaterFatProtein(1) 237 9 0.91 0.48 0.89 0.47(2) 8 6 0.89 0.51 0.89 0.46(1) 237 8 0.89 0.65 0.86 0.62(2) 7 6 0.88 0.66 0.84 0.65(1) 237 10 0.91 0.27 0.75 0.39(2) 10 9 0.88 0.31 0.86 0.29136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152(1) Models developed using the full spectral range (237 wavelengths)(2) Models developed using the selected feature-related wavelengths (8, 7 and 10wavelengths for water, fat and protein content, respectively).AcknowledgementsFunding <strong>by</strong> the Irish Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Fisheries and Food through FoodInstitutional Research Measure (FIRM) strategic research initiative is acknowledged.4. ReferencesElMasry, G., Sun, D.-W., Allen, P. (2011). Non-destructive determination <strong>of</strong> water-holdingcapacity in fresh <strong>beef</strong> <strong>by</strong> using <strong>NIR</strong> hyperspectral imaging. Food Research International,44 (9): 2624-2633.Prieto, N., Roehe, R., Lavín, P., Batten, G. & Andrés, S. (2009). Application <strong>of</strong> near infraredreflectance spectroscopy to predict meat and meat products quality: A review. MeatScience, 83 (2), 175-186.Wold, J. P., Johansen, Ib-R., Haugholt, K, H., Tschudi, J., Thielemann, J., Segtnan, V,H.,Narum, B. & Wold, E. (2006). Non-destructive tranreflectance near infrared

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