Učna sprehajalna pot Rača v občini Moravče - Zavod RS za varstvo ...

Učna sprehajalna pot Rača v občini Moravče - Zavod RS za varstvo ...

Učna sprehajalna pot Rača v občini Moravče - Zavod RS za varstvo ...


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LEGENDA \LEGENDNaravna <strong>za</strong>nimivost\Natural heritageRa;a\Ra;aCesta\RoadKulturna dedi[;ina\Cultural heritageU;no-<strong>sprehajalna</strong> <strong>pot</strong> Ra;a\Ra;a trailInformativna tabla\The explanatory boardCerkev \ChurchMlin\MillVodniki\Guide booksVersko znamenje\CrucifixGozd\WoodTuristi;na ponudba\Tourist destination

<strong>Zavod</strong> Republike Slovenije <strong>za</strong> <strong>varstvo</strong> narave,Obmo;na enota KranjInstitute of the Republic of Sloveniafor Nature Conservation,Regional Unit Kranj<strong>Zavod</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>varstvo</strong>kulturne dedi[;ine Slovenije,Obmo;na enota KranjInstitute for the Protectionof Cultural Heritage of Slovenia,Regional Office KranjPROJEKT JE PODPRLA>Kne/evina MonacoPROJECT FINANCIALLY ENABLED BY>Principality of Monaco

5Ka<strong>za</strong>loIndexTEXT>Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for NatureConservation, Regional Unit KranjMaja BROZOVI:, Bsc Geographer and Sociologist ofcultureNata[a GORJANC, Bsc BiologistAle[ OCVIRK, Bsc in ForestrySonja ROZMAN BIZJAK, Bsc BiologistTadeja {UBIC, Bsc GeologistInstitute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage ofSlovenia, Regional Office KranjMaja AVGU{TIN, Bsc Art historianMojca TERCELJ OTOREPEC, Bsc Ethnologist andSociologist of cultureFIGURES\PHOTOS>Archives of the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia forNature Conservation, Regional Unit Kranjauthors> Maja BROZOVI:, Nata[a GORJANC,Ale[ OCVIRK, Sonja ROZMAN BIZJAK, Tadeja {UBICArchives of the Institute for the Protection of CulturalHeritage of Slovenia, Regional Office Kranjauthors> Maja AVGU{TIN, Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECBirdLife Internationalauthors> Peter BUCHNER, Dietmar NILLEDUCATIVE TRAIL MAP AND LOGO>University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Art, Department ofGeographySimon KU{AR, MSc GeographerARTLINE d.o.o., Menge[TRANSLATION AND LANGUAGE EDITING>Henrik CIGLI:PUBLISHED BY>Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for NatureConservation, Regional Unit KranjPROJECT FINANCIALLY ENABLED BY>Principality of MonacoDESIGN>Evita LUKE?, architect and designerPRINT>RIBI: Martin, s. p., LjubljanaEDITO<strong>RS</strong>>Maja BROZOVI:, Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPEC, Tadeja {UBICJUNE 2005AVTORJI BESEDIL><strong>Zavod</strong> Republike Slovenije <strong>za</strong> <strong>varstvo</strong> narave,Obmo;na enota KranjMaja BROZOVI:, univ. dipl. geog. in soc. kult.Nata[a GORJANC, univ. dipl. biol.Ale[ OCVIRK, univ. dipl. in/. gozd.Sonja ROZMAN BIZJAK, univ. dipl. biol.Tadeja {UBIC, univ. dipl. in/. geol.<strong>Zavod</strong> <strong>za</strong> <strong>varstvo</strong> kulturne dedi[;ine Slovenije,Obmo;na enota KranjMaja AVGU{TIN, univ. dipl. umet. zgod.Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPEC, univ. dipl. etn. in soc. kult.AVTORJI FOTOGRAFIJ>Arhiv <strong>Zavod</strong>a Republike Slovenije <strong>za</strong> <strong>varstvo</strong> narave,Obmo;na enota Kranjavtorji> Maja BROZOVI:, Nata[a GORJANC, Ale[ OCVIRK,Sonja ROZMAN BIZJAK, Tadeja {UBICArhiv <strong>Zavod</strong>a <strong>za</strong> <strong>varstvo</strong> kulturne dedi[;ine Slovenije,Obmo;na enota Kranjavtorici> Maja AVGU{TIN, Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECDru[tvo <strong>za</strong> opazovanje in prou;evanje ptic Slovenijeavtorja> Peter BUCHNER, Dietmar NILLAVTOR KARTE IN LOGOTIPA U:NE POTI>Univer<strong>za</strong> v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek <strong>za</strong>geografijoMag. Simon KU{AR, univ. dipl. geog.ARTLINE d.o.o., Menge[AVTOR PREVODA V ANGLE{KI JEZIK IN LEKTOR>Henrik CIGLI:IZDAL><strong>Zavod</strong> Republike Slovenije <strong>za</strong> <strong>varstvo</strong> narave,Obmo;na enota KranjPROJEKT JE PODPRLA>Kne/evina MonacoOBLIKOVANJE>Evita LUKE?, arhitektka in oblikovalkaTISK>RIBI: Martin, s. p., LjubljanaUREDILI>Maja BROZOVI:, Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPEC, Tadeja {UBICJUNIJ 2005Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECKra[ce 7Maja AVGU{TINRazpelo v Kra[cah 10Tadeja {UBICKamnine ob Ra;i 12Maja BROZOVI:Ra;a in njen tok 16Nata[a GORJANC?ivljenjski prostori ali habitati ob Ra;i 19Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECMecetov mlin in peri[;e podKra[cami 21Maja BROZOVI:Majcetova jama 24Ale[ OCVIRKGozd ob Ra;i 26Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECMohorjev mlin s peri[;em 30Tadeja {UBICKamnine pri Mohorjevem mlinu 33Maja BROZOVI:, Nata[a GORJANCKra[ki izvir 34Nata[a GORJANCPtice ob Ra;i 36Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECVehov;ev mlin pod Stegnami priVrhpolju 38Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECKi/ev mlin pod Sv. Andrejem 40Maja BROZOVI:Suha dolina 42Maja BROZOVI:Kra[ki izvir – vodna jama pod cerkvijosv. Andreja 42Maja AVGU{TINCerkev sv. Andreja, Dole pri Kra[cah 45Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECLesena doma;ija – po doma;ePri Lesjak, Sv. Andrej 1 50Tadeja {UBICKamnine v okolici Sv. Andreja 51Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECKozolci 52Sonja ROZMAN BIZJAKStari sadovnjaki 56Viri in literatura 60Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECKra[ce 7Maja AVGU{TINThe Kra[ce crucifixes 10Tadeja {UBICRocks along the Ra;a stream 12Maja BROZOVI:Ra;a and its course 16Nata[a GORJANCHabitats along the Ra;a stream 19Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECMecetov mill and laundry s<strong>pot</strong> belowKra[ce 21Maja BROZOVI:Majcetova cave 24Ale[ OCVIRKThe woodland along the Ra;a stream 26Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECMohorjev mill with the laundry s<strong>pot</strong> 30Tadeja {UBICRock at Mohorjev mill 33Maja BROZOVI:, Nata[a GORJANCKarst spring 34Nata[a GORJANCBirds along the Ra;a stream 36Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECVehov;ev mill below Stegne nearVrhpolje 38Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECKi/ev mill below Sv. Andrej 40Maja BROZOVI:Suha dolina (Dry Valley) 42Maja BROZOVI:Karst spring – water cave below theChurch of sv. Andrej 42Maja AVGU{TINChurch of sv. Andrej, Dole near Kra[ce 45Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECWooden homestead – »Pri Lesjak«,Sv. Andrej 1 50Tadeja {UBICRock in the surroundings of Sv. Andrej 51Mojca TERCELJ OTOREPECHayracks 52Sonja ROZMAN BIZJAKTraditional orchards 56Literature 60

67Kra[ceKrašce so gručasto naselje, ki je nastalona blago vzpetem valovitem gričuseverno nad dolino Rače. Izvorimena je pripisati kraški pokrajini, kijo spoznamo predvsem po odkritikamnini.Kra[ceKrašce is a densely packed villageon a gently rising undulating hillabove the Rača stream. Its name is tobe attributed to the karst countryside,revealing itself particularly by its barerock.Golica nad Mecetovimmlinom.Outcrop under Mecetovmill.Golica nad Mecetovimmlinom.Outcrop under Mecetovmill.

89Manganovi dendriti.Manganic dendrites.In the road cuttings below Sv. Andrejand Krašce, dark grey to black manganicdendrites occur in pieces of yellowishgrey limestone. These areramified and moss-like formsof manganic oxide discharged frommanganic solutions. These interestingforms are also called fake fossils orpseudofossils.The heritage of settlement culture inthe area shows that the locals madeuse of those building materials, whichthey could find in their immediatevicinity – in nature.The original houses and homesteadswere probably built of stone andwood. Later on, when brickworks beganto operate below Krašce, brickswere also used. The heritage of the locals’way of life still bears witness tothe name of the village of Krašce. Allolder houses, homesteads and farmswere built of stone and covered withroofing made of wood, which was obtainedfrom the forests nearby andowned by the locals. As an examplelet us mention Javorn’kova houseKrašce 6, and house Krašce 14.V usekih pod Sv. Andrejem in podKrašcami so v kosih rumenkastosivegaapnenca temnosivi do črni manganovidendriti. To so vejnate in mahupodobne oblike manganovega oksida,ki se je izločil iz manganovih raztopin.Dendritom pravimo tudi lažnifosili ali psevdofosili.Tudi dediščina stanovanjske kulturekaže na to, da so ljudje <strong>za</strong> graditevsvojih domov uporabljali material,ki so ga našli v neposredni bližini,v naravi. Prvotne hiše domačije inkmetije so verjetno gradili iz kamnain lesa; pozneje, ko se je pod Krašcepreselila opekarna, tudi iz opeke.Dediščina načina življenja ljudi šedanes priča o imenu naselja Krašce.Vse starejše hiše, domačije in kmetijeso sezidane iz kamna, krite pa z ostrešjemiz lesa, ki je bil v bližini in vlasti domačinov. Kot primer naj navedemoJavorn’kovo hišo, Krašce 6,in hišo Krašce 14. Tudi vhodi v hišein domačije so izdelani iz domačihmaterialov, peščenjakov, ki so jihspretni kamnoseki znali vključitiv življenje ljudi. Govorimo o portalih,Kamnita hi[a Kra[ce 6, po doma;ePr’ Javorn’k v prenovi.Stone house Kra[ce 6, locally knownas Pr’ Javorn’k in restoration.Primerek s kamnom zidane hi[es kukrlom in kamnitim portalom,Kra[ce 14.Stone house with peephole andstone porch, Kra[ce 14.Pr’ Javorn’k – notranjost hi[e.Pr’ Javorn’k – insideof the house.The entrances to the houses andhomesteads, too, were built of domesticmaterials, i.e. sandstones, whichthe skilful stonecutters were able tointegrate into the people’s life. Theseare porches that carried all kinds ofwooden doors, which used to invite,

1011and still do, the passers-by to drop in.The densely packed village of Krašceconsists of several individually standinghouses, homesteads and farms aswell as buildings constructed after1970. Its characteristic marks are thesmall chapel standing at the s<strong>pot</strong>where the side road leading to the villageleaves the main road, waysideshrines along the Rača nature trail,and double hayracks (toplars).ki so nosili takšna ali drugačna lesenavrata, ki so vabila in še vabijo na obisk.Naselje Krašce je gručaste tlorisne <strong>za</strong>snove,ki ga sestavljajo posameznehiše, domačije in kmetije ter novejšestavbe, zgrajene po letu 1970. Naseljeprepoznamo po strnjeni pozidavi; kapeliciob uvozu z glavne ceste v vas;po znamenjih, ki jih srečujemo obučno-sprehajalni <strong>pot</strong>i; in po dvojnihkozolcih ali toplarjih.The Kra[ce crucifixesRazpelo v Kra[cahIn the Moravško area, crucifixes constitutethat part of cultural heritage,which speaks of the local carvers andevents that leaved such a strong markon the people that they erected themin remembrance and as a reminderfor something not happening again.Quite often, however, crucifixes alsoappeared at crossroads or as landmarks.Although they are of now specialhistorical value, they are anonymousrepresentatives of settlementhistory and culture of certain places.In the past, only wooden corpuses(Christ’s body in the shape of a statueon the cross) appeared on wooden crucifixes.Owing to their exposure tothe natural elements, many of themwent to ruin and were eventually replacedwith new ones. Often, thewooden corpus was substituted bymetal and plaster casts, which ofcourse no longer contained the »life«that the master carver was able to instilinto the wooden statue. In theMoravško area, the crucifixes are mostRazpela na Moravškem so tisti del kulturnedediščine, ki govori o domačihrezbarjih in dogodkih, ki so na ljudehpustili tak pečat, da so jih postavili v<strong>za</strong>hvalo, spomin ali opomin, da senekaj ne bi več zgodilo. Velikokrat paso se razpela pojavljala tudi ob raz<strong>pot</strong>jihali kot mejniki. Nimajo posebneumetnostno-zgodovinske vrednosti,a so anonimni predstavniki bivanjskozgodovinskedediščine kraja.Na lesenih razpelih je bilo v preteklostiopaziti izključno lesene korpuse(Kristusovo telo v obliki kipa na križu).Zaradi velike izpostavljenosti vremenskimvplivom so mnogi od križev propadliin so jih kasneje <strong>za</strong>menjali znovimi. Velikokrat so leseni korpus<strong>za</strong>menjali kovinski in mavčni odlitki,ki v sebi nimajo več tistega »življenja«,ki ga je mojster rezbar znal vdihnitilesenemu.Na Moravškem so razpela največkratkrita s polkrožno ali dvokapno pločevinastostreho. Mnoga razpela imajoimena, in sicer po domačih imenihKorpus pri Mecetovem mlinu.Corpus at Mecetov mill.hiš. Mnogi vaščani še danes vedo,<strong>za</strong>kaj je bilo kakšno postavljeno.Križ ob hiši Krašce 7 sredi vasiKrašce je povsem nov. Razpelo,ki danes ni več ohranjeno, naj bi biliv preteklosti na tem mestu postavilikot mejnik. Skrbni lastnik je naistem mestu, kjer je stalo staro,leta 1997 postavil novo.Gre <strong>za</strong> lesen križ z mavčnim odlitkomKristusovega korpusa, nad katerimse pne polkrožna pločevinasta streha.Razpelo ob hi[i Kra[ce.Crucifix at a Kra[ce house.often covered by semicircular or tingable roofs. Many of them have theirown names, mainly after homesteadsas known by the locals. The majorityof the latter still do not know, however,why certain crucifixes were erected.The cross standing at Krašce 7 in themiddle of the village is almost new.The crucifix, which has not been preserved,was presumably erected as alandmark, and on the same s<strong>pot</strong> wherethe old crucifix used to stand, its ownerset up a new one in 1997. This isa wooden cross with a plaster castof Christ’s body with a semicirculartin roof above it.

Rocks along the Ra;astreamThe Moravče valley is part of the Moravčesyncline, which belongs to thePosavje folds.It extends to Moravče and is filledwith Tertiary sediments.These are predominantly Miocenemarlaceous clays, sands and sandstones.The layers under the rock consistmostly of the Upper Triassic andEarly Jurassic limestones, dolomizedlimestones and dolomites, which canbe followed on the syncline’s wings.Further towards the west, the carbonaterock is bare on the steep banksin the gorge below Krašce, on thekarst rise with the little Church ofsv. Andrej, and on the karstified edgebelow Vrhpolje. This type of rock canbe followed above the left bank of theRača stream and further towardsKatarija, Cicelj and Trojica. Towardsthe north it continues towards Doleand Prikrnica. In the west, the streamcut its bed into the erosive patches ofthe Late Cretaceous flysch and rudistlimestones. The Rača leaves the valleyon thick alluvial deposits of the Quaternaryclay, gravel, sand, and silt.The oldest rocks along our naturetrail are Late Triassic and Early Jurassiclimestones, which were formedon the extensive submarine plain ofthe Tethys Sea some 210 million yearsago. From this shallow sea, groups ofislands eventually rose, with lagoonspredominating in the coastal zone.The climate was warm. The warmcoastal sea was inhabited by up to12Kamnine ob Ra;iMoravška dolina je del laške sinklinale,ki pripada Posavskim gubam.Sega do Moravč in je <strong>za</strong>polnjena s terciarnimisedimenti.To so večinoma miocenske lapornegline, peski in peščenjaki. Talninotvorijo zgornjetriasni in spodnjejurskiapnenci, dolomitizirani apnenci indolomiti, ki jih sledimo na krilih sinklinale.Dalje proti <strong>za</strong>hodu so karbonatnekamnine razgaljene na strmihbregovih v soteski pod Krašcami, nakraški vzpetini s cerkvico sv. Andrejain na <strong>za</strong>kraselem robu pod Vrhpoljem.Take kamnine sledimo nad levim bregomRače dalje proti Katariji, Cicljuin Trojici. Proti severu se nadaljujejoproti Dolam in Prikrnici. Na <strong>za</strong>hoduje Rača vre<strong>za</strong>la strugo v erozijske krpezgornjekrednih flišnih plasti in rudistnihapnencev. Dolino <strong>za</strong>pušča na debelihnanosih kvartarne gline, proda,peska in melja.Najstarejše kamnine na naši učni <strong>pot</strong>iso zgornjetriasni in spodnjejurski apnenci.Nastajali so na obsežni podmorskiravnici Tetidinega morja pred približno210 milijoni let. Iz plitvega morjaso se dvigale skupine otokov, v obalnempasu so prevladovale lagune.Podnebje je bilo toplo. V toplem priobalnemmorju so živele megalodontidneškoljke, velike tudi do 20 cm.V triasnih kamninah osamelega moravškegakrasa so to najznačilnejše okamnine.Zasledimo jih na <strong>za</strong>kraselih, delomaz mahom poraščenih kosih apnenca,ki jim pravimo tudi golice ali iz-13VEK\ERAKENOZOIK (Kz) –Novi Zemljin vek\CENOZOIC xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxMEZOZOIK (Mz) –Srednji Zemljin vek\MESOZOIC xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxPALEOZOIK (Pz) –Stari Zemljin vek\PALAEOZOIC xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxPREDKAMBRIJ\PRECAMBRIANPERIODA \PERIODKvartar (Q)\Quaternary xxxxxxxTerciar (Tc)\Tertiary xxxxxxKreda (K)\Cretaceous xxxxJura (J)\Jurassic xxxxTrias (T)\Triassic xxxxEPOHA \EPOCHZgornji\UpperSrednji\XxxxxSpodnji\XxxxxSTOPNJA \STAGEHolocen\HolocenePleistocen\PleistocenePliocen\PlioceneMiocen\MioceneOligocen\OligoceneEocen\EocenePaleocen\PalaeoceneZgornja\UpperSpodnja\XxxxxSpodnja\XxxxxSrednja\XxxxxSpodnja\Xxxxx Malm\XxxxxxDogger\XxxxxxLias\XxxxxxSTAROST\AGEmilijoni let \million years0.011.8651352022505404600Geolo[ka ;asovna lestvica.Geologic Timescale.Razgaljena apnen;evastena.A bare limestone wall.

1415PERIODA \PERIODKvartar (Q)\Quaternary xxxxxxxEPOHA \EPOCHHolocen\HoloceneLEGENDA\LEGENDSIMBOLI\SIMBOLSalOPIS LITOSTRATIGRAFSKIHENOT\XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAluvij v splo[nem\Alluvium in generalTerciar (Tc)\Tertiary xxxxxxMiocen\MioceneM 1 2Pesek, melj, prod, glina, pe[;enjakz vlo/ki laporja\Sand, silt, gravel, clay, sandstonewith interbed of marlM 1Glina, pesek, melj, pe[;enjak inprod\Clay, sand, silt, sandstone andgravelKreda (K)\Cretaceous xxxxZgornja\UpperK 2Fli[> apnenec, lapor, pe[;enjak,bre;a\Flysch> limestone, marl,sandstone, brecciaK 2Rudistni apnenec\Rudist limestoneJura (J) in Trias (T)\Jurassic xxxx andTriassic xxxxLias in zgornji trias\Lias and UpperTriassicT, JApnenec\LimestoneGeolo[ka zgradba[ir[ega obmo;ja ob Ra;i.Geological structureof the wider area alongthe Ra;a stream.Prirejeno po Osnovni geolo[ki karti SFRJ, list Ljubljana, Zvezni geolo[ki<strong>za</strong>vod, Beograd, 1983, M 1 >100.000\Arranged by Geology of the sheet Ljubljana, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Beograd, 1983, M 1 >100.000Geolo[ki stolpec plasti ob Ra;i.Geologic column of beds of Ra;a.LEGENDA \LEGENDalM 1 2M 1K2K2T, JAluvij v splo[nem\Alluvium in generalPesek, melj, prod, glina, pe[;enjakz vlo/ki laporja\Sand, silt, gravel, clay, sandstonewith interbed of marlGlina, pesek, melj, pe[;enjak in prod\Clay, sand, silt, sandstone and gravelFli[> apnenec, lapor, pe[;enjak, bre;a\Flysch> limestone, marl, sandstone, brecciaRudistni apnenec\Rudist limestoneApnenec\Limestone25gGeolo[ke meje\Geologic boundariesVpad plasti\Dip of bedMikrof0sili\MicrofosilsOpu[;en glinokop\Abandoned clay pitPrelom\FaultKamnine ob u;ni <strong>pot</strong>i ob Ra;i.Rock along the Ra;a nature trail.danki. Najlaže jih najdemo, ko jepokrajina razgaljena, brez snega, grmovjein drevje pa brez listja. Značilnihsrčastih presekov megalodontodnihškoljk v svetlosivem apnencu skoraj nemoremo zgrešiti. Med okamninami najdemotudi polžke. Največkrat pa okamneloživljenje pona<strong>za</strong>rjajo le odlomkirazličnih lupin morskih mehkužcev.20 cm large megalodont bivalves.In the Triassic rock of the isolatedMoravče karst, these are the mostcharacteristic fossils. They can befound on karstified pieces of limestonepartially overgrown withmoss, especially when the countrysideis bare, without snow, and whentrees and bushes are leafless.We will find it almost impossible tooverlook the characteristic heartshapedcross-sections of megalodontbivalves in light grey limestone.Among the fossils, marine gastropodscan also be found, although most oftenthe petrified life is representedmerely by fragments of various shellsof marine molluscs.

Ra;a and its course16Ra;a in njen tok17Rača was given its name after crayfish,but nowadays only an occasionalMallard can be found on it. We will besurprised by the stream’s lively course,which reflects the area’s diverse geologicalpast. The stream has two sources.In the karst spring of ČešnjiškaRača, water reaches the surface fromthe karst hinterland of Javoršica.The other upper catchment of theRača stream will be found at Rudnik.The beds of both tributaries were cutinto the soft Tertiary layers. In watertightlimestones and clays, thereare several springs. Along the confluence,the Rača stream meandersslowly along the clayey wet plain.On our nature trail we will meet theRača je dobila ime po <strong>pot</strong>očnih rakih,danes pa bomo tu mogoče srečali racomlakarico. Preseneti nas njen razgibanitok, ki se odseva v pestri geološkipreteklosti. Ima dva izvira. Na kraškemizviru Češnjiške Rače pritečejo na danvode s kraškega <strong>za</strong>ledja Javoršice. Drugopovirje Rače je pri Rudniku. Strugiobeh pritokov sta vre<strong>za</strong>ni v mehke terciarneplasti. V vododržnih peščenjakihin ilovicah je več izvirov. Po sotočjupočasi vijuga sem ter tja. Ravninaob njej je ilovnata in vlažna.Na učno-sprehajalni <strong>pot</strong>i se z Račosrečamo v njenem srednjem delu toka.Med Selom in Stegnami je vmezozojskem apnencu vre<strong>za</strong>la ozkosotesko, ki jo opazimo, ko prečkamoDolina Ra;e.The Ra;a valley.

1819?ivljenjski prostori alihabitati ob Ra;iHabitats along the Ra;astreamRača in its middle course. BetweenSelo and Stegne it cut a narrow gorgein Mesozoic limestone. We willcatch sight of it when crossing thestream at Mecetov mill.Here, we will find no arable land orhuman settlements, the only exceptionbeing the old abandoned, crumblingmills and sawmills. In its furthercourse, the Rača valley widens. Characteristichere is its shallow and meanderingbed overgrown with riparianvegetation. In this part, the stream oftenbursts its banks, which is the reasonwhy wetlands have been formedin the wider parts of the valley.On its way, the Rača flows throughnumerous meanders, hardly accessiblegorges and, again, through widerparts of the valley, where its coursecalms down and spills across the surroundingplains. The same as theRača changes its face along our trail,so the very different riparian habitatsalternate along it.Ravninska struga Ra;e.The lowland Ra;a bed.rečico pri Mecetovem mlinu.Tu ni ne obdelovalnih površin ne naselij,izjema so bili stari mlini in žage,ki so opuščeni in jih najeda zob časa.V nadaljevanju toka se dolina Račerazširi. Zanjo je značilna z obrežnovegetacijo obrasla plitka in vijugavastruga. V tem delu rečica pogostoprestopa bregove in poplavlja, nadolinskih razširitvah so <strong>za</strong>to nastalamokrišča.Rača se na svoji <strong>pot</strong>i vije v številnih<strong>za</strong>vitih okljukih, čez težko prehodnesoteske, in se na dolinskih razširitvah,kjer umiri svoj tok, razlije na obvodnihravnicah. Kot spreminja Rača svojobraz ob naši <strong>pot</strong>i, tako se ob njej vrsterazlični obvodni življenjski prostori.Vodotok v zgornjem delu je naravnoohranjen. Tu najdemo številne različneobvodne in vodne življenjskeprostore ali habitate, ki dajejo <strong>za</strong>vetjemnogim različnim vrstam rastlin inživali. Vzdolžno se v toku reke menjavajopredeli s hitrim pretokom inpredeli s počasnim pretokom. Razlikeso tudi v pretoku od površine do dna.Hitrost pretoka pada z globino. Zaradivečjih skal in prodnikov na dnu je tokvrtinčast. Rečni tok vpliva z odnašanjemin odlaganjem rečnega materialana zgradbo rečnega korita. Z občasnimpoplavljanjem in erozijskimi procesivpliva tudi na obliko in vegetacijskosestavo obrežja. Tako se ustvarjajoštevilni manjši in večji življenjskiprostori, ki spodbujajo rastlinsko inživalsko pestrost ob vodotoku.V toku domujejo ribe, pod kamnise skrivajo redki <strong>pot</strong>očni raki, na muljastemdnu in obrežnih naplavinahnajdemo celo sladkovodno školjko<strong>pot</strong>očnega škržka.Po prodnatem dnu in večjih kamnihin med vodno obrastjo in rastlinjemse <strong>za</strong>držujejo vodni polžki, pijavke, vrtinčarji,postranice in ličinke številnihžuželčjih vrst, katerih razvoj je ve<strong>za</strong>nna vodo in obrežno rastlinstvo. Vsi tiorganizmi predstavljajo bolj neuglednoin povprečnemu opazovalcu skorajnevidno živalsko druščino, medkatero se na koncu zvrstijo še enoceličniorganizmi in bakterije. Ti bodonekoč to odmrlo druščino in celočloveško nesnago, razgradili in miner-In its upper course, the Rača has beenwell preserved. Here, we will find numerousand diverse riparian and waterhabitats, giving shelter to many differentplant and animal species. Longitudinally,sections with quick flow ratesand sections with slow flow rates alternatein its course. There are, however,differences in its flow rates at differentdepths as well: the speed of the currentdecreases with its depth. Due tothe presence of larger rocks and boulderson the bottom, the current swirls.By carrying away and depositing theriver material, the current has a strongimpact on the structure of its bed.With occasional flooding and erosionprocesses it also affects the shape andvegetation structure of its banks. Thusnumerous smaller and larger habitatsare created, which stimulate plant andanimal diversity along the stream. Thewater itself is inhabited by fishes, underthe stones the rare crayfish arehiding, whereas on the silty bottomand alluvial deposits the shell of thefreshwater Painter’s Mussel (Unio pictorum)can even be found.On shingly bottom, larger stones andin water epigrowth and plants we maycatch sight of water snails, leeches,flatworms, amphipods, and larvae ofseveral insect species whose developmentis closely associated with waterand riparian vegetation. All these organismsconstitute a more or less insignificantand to average observers almostinvisible animal »company«, in

2021Mecetov mlin in peri[;epod Kra[camiMecetov mill and laundrys<strong>pot</strong> below Kra[cewhich one-celled organisms and bacteriaare lined up in the end. One daythese organisms and bacteria will decomposeand mineralise this dyingaway company and even human filthand create nutrients for a new life cycle.Thus water plants (macrophytes)and algae spread on the bottom richwith minerals as food for plant-eatingwater animals and at the same timecreate shelters for various creatures tohide from predators. Of particular significanceare riparian plants, whichwith their role of linking the water andthe land in fact enable the great diversityof plant and animal species here.A number of different species can befound on gravel banks, alluvial floodplainwoodlands and in the areas richwith riparian vegetation and riverinewillow scrub. In this almost impassablegreenery, shelter is also found byamphibians, such as frogs and salamanders,and numerous bird species.{koljka <strong>pot</strong>o;ni [kr/ek.Painter’s Mussel.alizirali ter ustvarili hranila <strong>za</strong> novživljenjski krog. Tako se na mineralnobogatem dnu razrašča vodno rastlinje(makrofiti) in alge, ki predstavljajohrano rastlinojedim vodnim živalimin hkrati tudi skrivališče pred plenilci.Poseben pomen ima obrežnorastlinje, ki ima povezovalno vlogomed vodo in kopnim, <strong>za</strong>to tu najdemoveliko raznolikost živalskih in rastlinskihvrst. Veliko različnih vrst je naprodiščih, poplavnih lokah in na območjihz bogatim obvodnim rastlinjemin obrečnim vrbovjem. V tem,pogosto skoraj neprehodnem zelenem»šavju« najdejo svoje <strong>za</strong>vetišče tudidvoživke kot so žabe in močerad terštevilne vrste ptic.Pod naseljem Krašce se skozi gozdno<strong>pot</strong>, ki se blago spušča proti Rači,srečamo z enim izmed pomnikov življenjain dela ljudi v ne še tako zelo oddaljenizgodovini, z razvalinami Mecetovegavodnega mlina. Domačijo jesestavljala kamnita stanovanjska stavba,obrtni del, kjer so bile mlevne naprave,ograjen vrt, gospodarsko poslopje,kozolec na kozla (na psa pravijoponekod na Slovenskem), mlinščica inperišče. Domačija z mlinom, po domačePri Mecet, je bila po zgodovinskihvirih prvotno last tuštanjskegagraščaka, a je že v 18. stoletju <strong>za</strong>menjalalastnika. Konec 19. stoletja ga jeprevzel Andrej Kovič – Mecetov,pozneje je vse skupaj kupil Molkoviz Zgornjega Tuštanja (Stražar 1979 :555–556). Prvotno je imel tri vodnaWhile following the forest path, whichdescends gently towards the village ofKrašce, we will come across one of thereminders of the way of life and workin the not so distant past, the ruins ofMecetov watermill. The homesteadused to consist of a stone residentialhouse, industrial part with milling appliances,enclosed garden, outbuilding,goat-type of hayrack (dog hayrack –kozolec na psa – is also known inSlovenia), millrace and laundry s<strong>pot</strong>.According to the available historicalsources, the homestead known as PriMecet by the locals and the mill wereoriginally owned by the Tuštanj Lord ofthe Castle who, however, eventuallysold it on in the 18 th century. At theend of the 19 th century, it was boughtRazvaline Mecetovega mlina pod Kra[cami.Ruins of Mecetov mill below Kra[ce.

2223by Andrej Kovič – Mecetov, who in turnsold it to Molkov from Zgornji Tuštanj(Stražar 1979 : pp. 555–556). Originally,the mill had three wheels, but theowner later replaced them with a largesingle wheel with buckets. The millfunctioned until 1962, while today theruins remain there as heritage of thelife and work of the former millersalong the Rača stream.Of the former way of the locals’ life wewill also be reminded by the concretetrough on the right bank of the stream,which is not a watering place for domesticanimals as most of you mightthink. This is the through with washboardsor the so-called laundry s<strong>pot</strong>,where housewives from the neighbouringhomesteads used to rinse their linen,which they had previously washed»manually« at home. The laundry s<strong>pot</strong>is a monument to those that you, thetrekkers, could not have known but arestill alive today. The local housewivesused to carry their washing to be rinsedat the stream at least twice a week.They were standing at the trough, rinsingthe washing in the swift-runningRače stream. The laundry s<strong>pot</strong> wasabandoned when waterworks appearedin the area and, of course, washing machineswith it, although there werewomen who continued to rinse theirwashing in the stream.kolesa, ki jih je lastnik leta 1936 <strong>za</strong>menjalz enim večjim na lopatice.Mlin je obratoval do leta 1962. Razvalinadanes ostaja kot dediščina načinadela in življenja mlinarjev ob Rači.Kot pomnik nekdanjega načina življenjaokoliških ljudi nas nase opozoriše betonsko korito na desnem bregu,ki ni napajališče <strong>za</strong> živino, kot bimnogi morda pomislili. To je betonskokorito s perilniki ali perišče, kamorso hodile gospodinje z okoliškihdomačij in hiš izpirat doma »na roke«(ročno) oprano perilo. Pomnik je spomeniktistim, ki jih pohodniki nistepoznali, a živijo še danes.V <strong>pot</strong>oku so gospodinje izpirale »žehto«vsaj dvakrat tedensko. Stale so ob korituin izpirale perilo v tekoči vodi <strong>pot</strong>okaRače. Perilo so nosile v pletenihkoših, nekatere tudi v lesenih škafihna glavi. Perišče je bilo opuščeno, koso na tem območju zgradili vodovod inso se ljudje oskrbeli s pralnimi stroji,pa vendar so nekatere gospodinje šenekaj let hodile izpirat perilo k <strong>pot</strong>oku.Peri[;e ob Ra;i pri Mecetovem vodnem mlinu.Laundry s<strong>pot</strong> along the Ra;a stream at Mecetov mill.

Majcetova cave24Majcetova jama25Just before the gorge narrows at theabandoned Mecetov mill below Krašce,the entrance to the Majcetova caveopens up in the distinct left terraceabove the Rača stream. It was namedafter the owner of the land along Mecetovmill. The cave was created alongthe tectonic fault, which is quiteclearly visible in its ceiling.The spaciousentrance narrows quickly andcontinues with almost impassablepassages to our eyes hidden undergroundworld. Just a tip: explore thissecret underworld only with a torchand, please, take any eventual rubbishaway with you in your knapsack!Preden se soteska pod Krašcami pri<strong>za</strong>puščenem Mecetovem mlinu zoži,se odpira v izraziti levi terasi nadRačo vhod v Majcetovo jamo.Ime je dobila po lastniku sveta obMecetovem mlinu. Jama je nastalaob tektonski prelomnici, ki je dobrovidna na stropu.Prostoren vhod sehitro zoži in nadaljuje v neprehodnihrovih v očem <strong>za</strong>kriti podzemni svet.Še na<strong>pot</strong>ek: raziskujmo skrivnostnisvet podzemlja le z baterijo in odnesimovse smeti na<strong>za</strong>j v nahrbtniku!Vhod v Majcetovo jamo.Entrance to Majcetova cave.

2627The woodland along theRa;a streamThe woodland has been preserved immediatelyalong the stream and on itssteep slopes with unfavourable farmingconditions.Above the Rača valley predominatemeadows and fields, while the land ishere and there overgrown with smallwoodland groves. Forest associationsalong the Rača stream are similar tothose elsewhere in the Moravško area.In the lowest-lying tracts of land, theassociation of Oak and Hornbeam prevails,while on the higher-lying roundishascents mainly the association ofBeech and Deer Fern, which is placesreplaced by Goldteller (Hacquetia),can be found.The border between the woodlandalong the Rača and arable land,constitutes of a very diverse woodlandedge, which is mostly graded, whilein some other places it has been levelled,due to annual mowing, into auniform edge. The woodland edgeis home to several light-loving tree andshrub species, such as Common Maple,Field Maple, Bird Cherry, Lime,Rowan, Aspen, Hornbeam (which isindeed more a shadow-loving species),Hazel, Black Elder, and to many otherplant species.The predominant tree on the woodlandedge is Hornbeam, whichto a great extent also forms the foreststands along the Rača stream.The woodland edge has been given avery special appearance by occasionalAspen, which with its round and glit-Gozd ob Ra;iGozd ob <strong>pot</strong>oku Rača se je ohranil neposrednoob strugi in na strmih brežinah,kjer razmere <strong>za</strong> kmetijstvo nisougodne.Nad dolino Rače prevladujejo travnikiin njive, tu in tam pa površine <strong>za</strong>raščagozd v obliki manjših <strong>za</strong>plat. Gozdnezdružbe ob Rači so podobne kot drugjena Moravškem. Na najnižjih legahprevladuje združba hrasta in belegagabra, na višjih, <strong>za</strong>obljenih vzpetinahpa združba bukve in rebrenjače, ki joponekod <strong>za</strong>menjuje navadno tevje.Mejo med gozdom ob Rači in kmetijskimipovršinami <strong>za</strong>polnjuje pestergozdni rob, ki je večinoma grajenstopničasto, ponekod pa je <strong>za</strong>radi vsakoletnekošnje izravnan v enoličen rob.Gozdni rob gradijo svetloljubne drevesnein grmovne vrste, kot so maklenali poljski javor, divja češnja, lipa,jerebika, trepetlika, beli gaber, ki ježe bolj sencoljubna vrsta, navadna leska,črni bezeg in še mnoge druge.Na gozdnem robu prevladuje beli gaber,ki v večji meri gradi tudi gozdnesestoje ob <strong>pot</strong>oku Rača. Posebno <strong>za</strong>nimivvidez gozdnega roba ponekod dajetrepetlika, ki s svojimi okroglimiin tudi svetlečimi se listi »trepeta« žev lahnem pišu. Na gozdnem robu jemoč najti tudi robinijo, ki pa je priseljenaoziroma ni samonikla drevesnavrsta, je pa še posebej privlačnaspomladi, ko belo <strong>za</strong>cveti.Hrastov in gabrov gozd ob Rači v večjimeri gradi beli gaber, posamično paso primešani hrasti (graden in dob),navaden kostanj in rdeči bor. Na levemGozdni rob.The woodland edge.Robinija.Robinia.Trepetlika.Aspen.Beli gaber.Hornbeam.tering leaves trembles even in thelightest breeze. Here, a Robiniacan also be found: This nonindigenousspecies has been introduced here, butis particularly attractive in springwhen flowering brilliant white.Oak and Hornbeam forest along the

Rača is composed mostly of Hornbeamtrees, with individual oak trees (DurmastOak and Pedunculate Oak),Spanish Chestnuts and Scotch Pinesamong them. On the left bank, theabove species are joined by Beech aswell as Norway Spruce, which inplaces constitutes monotonous sprucestands. On the same bank, the Beechis present with individual larger trees,which call attention to once immensebut eventually cut out Beech forests.Immediately along the Rača stream,Alder, Ash and a few Willow speciescan be found, although not in stands.Particularly salient is the plantationof Robinia and Willow at Mohorjevmill on the right bank of the stream.According to the above-stated treestructure, the woodland is indeed fairlydiverse although probably changeda great deal. With deforestation, cuttingof separate trees (for wood andheating purposes) and woodlandmowing for fodder, people affected itsstructure and species composition.Once double-layered Oak and Hornbeamforest has been recently replacedby predominantly Hornbeamwoodland; in certain places this is ofcoppice origin as a result of the formerstump-cutting. Owing to thestrong human pressures and steepslopes, this forest is insignificantfrom the economic point of view. Itdoes have, however, an important hydrologicalfunction as well as functionof conserving its biodiversity andnatural values.The Rača educational nature trailleads us through an interest forest,28Robinija.Robinia.bregu se naštetim vrstam pridružujetabukev in smreka, ki ponekod gradimonotone smrekove sestoje. Bukev sena levem bregu pojavlja s posamičnimivečjimi drevesi. Ti opo<strong>za</strong>rjajo nanekdaj mogočnejše bukove gozdove, kipa so bili izsekani. Neposredno ob <strong>pot</strong>okuje moč najti črno jelšo, veliki jesenin več vrst vrb, vendar ne v sestojih.Še posebno pozornost zbuja nasadrobinij in vrb na desnem breguRače, pri Mohorjevemu mlinu.Po našteti drevesni sestavi je gozddokaj pester, kljub temu pa je verjetnoprecej spremenjen. Ljudje so s krčenjemgozdov, s posekom posameznihdreves (<strong>za</strong> les in kurjavo) in s steljarjenjemvplivali na njihovo strukturoin sestavo drevesnih vrst v njih.Nekdaj dvoslojne gozdove hrastov inbelega gabra je danes <strong>za</strong>menjal predvsemgozd belega garba, ki je nadoločenih delih panjevskega nastanka29<strong>za</strong>radi sečnje na panj v preteklosti. Zaradimočnega človekovega vpliva instrme brežine ta gozd z gospodarskegavidika ni pomemben. Ima pa pomembnohidrološko funkcijo in funkcijo varovanjabiotske raznovrstnosti in varstvanaravnih vrednot.Učno-<strong>sprehajalna</strong> <strong>pot</strong> Rača nas vodiskozi <strong>za</strong>nimiv gozd, ki obdaja <strong>pot</strong>okRačo kot osrednji motiv te <strong>pot</strong>i. Zaradistrmih brežin se ob vodi niso razvilivečji kompleksi jelševja in tudi jesenovja,gre bolj <strong>za</strong> posamezna drevesa tehvrst. Beli gaber sega vse do struge Rače.Tako lahko rečemo, da je <strong>pot</strong> v gozduspeljana pod »gabrovo streho«.Tudidel <strong>pot</strong>i, ki <strong>pot</strong>eka ob robu gozda, jepredvsem v senci dreves belega gabra.Na <strong>pot</strong>i nas vseskozi spremlja beli gaber– drevo z opaznim <strong>za</strong>sukanim inžlebastim deblom, ki je na omejenemobmočju najuspešneje kljubovalo človekovemuvplivu in naravnim dejavnikom.Beli gaber – gabrova streha.Hornbeam’s roof.which surrounds the Rača stream asa central motif of this trail. Due tothe steep slopes, no large complexesof Alder and Ash trees have developedalong the stream. There are only singulartrees of these two species,whereas the Hornbeam extends rightto the Rača bed. Thus we can say thatin the forest the trail has been led underthe »Hornbeam’s roof«.Eventhat part of the trail, which runsalong the forest edge, is situatedmainly in the Hornbeam’s shade.On our path, we are therefore constantlyaccompanied by Hornbeam,the tree with visibly twisted andgrooved trunk, which has in this limitedarea most successfully defied thehuman impact and natural factors.

Mohorjev mill with thelaundry s<strong>pot</strong>Among the locals, Mohorjev mill is betterknown as Francin mill. This, too, isa watermill, with concrete troughs servingfor the supply of water from theRača stream leading to it.In frontof the sluice gate, there is a reservoiror a dam.And the origin of the name Francinmill? This mill stood as early as in1826, when it belonged to the Mohorhomestead at Dvorje. The other betterknown name, however, concernsFrances Cerar from the Finžgarhomestead at Selo, who managed themill from 1916 onwards as widow.From the accounts by the present ow-Mohorjev mlin in jez, iz katerega so napeljane betonskerake <strong>za</strong> dovod vode k mlinu.Mohorjev mill and dam, from which concrete troughswere led to supply the mill with the necessary water.30Mohorjev mlin s peri[;emMohorjev mlin domačini bolj poznajokot Francin mlin. Tudi v tem primerugre <strong>za</strong> vodni mlin, do katerega so napeljanebetonske rake kot dovod pogonskemoči iz <strong>pot</strong>oka Rače.Pred <strong>za</strong>pornicoje vodni zbiralnik ali jez.Od kod ime Francin mlin? Ta mlin jestal že leta 1826, pripadal je Mohorjevidomačiji iz Dvorij. Drugo bolj znanoime je pove<strong>za</strong>no s Frančiško Cerar,doma iz Finžgarjeve domačije s Sela,ki ga je od leta 1916 vodila kot vdova.Po pripovedovanju današnjih lastnikovLebarjevih in Cerarjevih s Sela priMoravčah smo izvedeli, da so tri vodnakolesa na korce poganjala prvotnimlevni napravi v obliki dveh kamnovs štirimi stopami. Družina je tu živelado leta 1979. Mlinarica Ivana je pove-31dala, da je bil pred drugo svetovno vojnostanovanjski del mlina izdelan izlesenih brun, obrtni del pa zidan izkamna. Danes je stavba v celoti zidana,obrtnidel je delno podrt, notranjaoprema na »štajnpodnu« (podestu,kjer sta stala kamna) je še delno ohranjena,stope pa so v zelo slabem stanju.Stanovanjski del stavbe je sestavljalaveža s »hišo« (osrednjim dnevnim prostorom),kuhinjo in kamro. Danes tuobratuje mala hidroelektrarna.Ob mlinščici <strong>za</strong>hodno od mlina je šedanes ohranjeno perišče s perilniki.Prvotno je bilo kamnito, leta 1962 paso napravili betonsko. Pečarjeva Slavkaz Dol pri Krašcah se spominja, da jeod leta 1954, ko se je sem primožila,hodila izpirat »žehto« k <strong>pot</strong>oku Rača.Ker je bilo do Kiževega mlina podSv. Andrejem bližje, je pogosteje hodiners,i.e. the Lebar and Cerar familiesfrom Selo near Moravče, welearnt that the original milling appliancesin the form of two millstoneswith four stamp mills had been drivenby three water wheels with buckets.The family lived here until 1979.Ivana, the female miller, said that themill’s residential part was built, priorto World War II, of wooden beams,while the industrial part was built ofstone. Today the building is made entirelyof brick and stone;its industrialpart is partially destroyed, the internalequipment on the »steinboden«(the landing on which the two stoneswere situated) has been partially preserved,while the stamp mills are in avery sorry state. The residential partMohorjev mlin.Mohorjev mill.

of the building was composed of »thehouse« (central living room), kitchenand bedroom. Today, a small hydroelectricplant operates here.Along the millrace west of the mill,the laundry s<strong>pot</strong> with washboards hassurvived till this very day.Originallyit was made of stone and remainedsuch until 1962, when a new one wasmade of concrete. Slavka Pečar fromDole near Krašce remembers howfrom 1954 on, when she came herethrough marriage, she regularlyrinsed her washing in the Račastream. But as Kižev mill belowSv. Andrej was nearer, she preferredto rinse her linen there. She washedit at home first, with home-madesoap. This was usually concocted ofsheep suet and alkaline stone, whichshe had cooked for quite some timeon her kitchen-range. When the mixturewas ready, she poured it in smallmoulds, and when the matter hardened,it was ready for washing. As theyhad only rainwater at home, waterhad to be used sparingly. She soakedthe washing in large wooden tubs andwashed it with home-made soap onthe washboard. Then she went torinse it at Kižev mill. In the wintermonths she often went to Franca belowDvorje, for the water was supposedto be warmer there. The Rača’stemperature is constant throughoutthe year, i.e. 8°C in the summer andwinter months. In the winter, however,when air temperature was belowzero, the Rača’s temperature meant,according to the belief of the locals,somewhat warmer water.32la tja. Perilo je oprala najprej doma zdoma narejenim milom. Izdelovala gaje iz ovčjega loja in lužnega kamna, kiga je kar precej dolgo kuhala na štedilniku.Pripravljeno zmes je nalila vmanjše modele. Ko se je snov strdila,je bila pripravljena <strong>za</strong> pranje. Domaso imeli kapnico, <strong>za</strong>to so z vodo moralivarčevati. V večjih lesenih škafih jenamakala perilo, z domačim milomga je oprala s pomočjo »ribežna«. Izpiratga je hodila h Kiževemu mlinu.Pozimi se je pogosto odpravila tudi kFranci pod Dvorje, saj je bila popripovedovanju voda tam toplejša.Temperatura Rače je vse leto enaka,poleti in pozimi 8°. V zimskem času,ko je bila zračna temperatura pod ničstopinj, je temperatura vode v Rači vljudski govorici pomenila toplo vodo.Peri[;e <strong>za</strong>hodno od Mohorjevega mlina.Laundry s<strong>pot</strong> west of Mohorjev mill.33Kamnine pri MohorjevemmlinuNa levem in desnem bregu so razkritisivi gosti apnenci z ohranjenimi okamnelimiostanki morskih organizmov.Rock at Mohorjev millOn the left and right banks of the Račastream one can see uncovered thickgrey limestones with surviving remainsof various marine organisms.Ostanki lupin morskihmehku/cev.Remains of marinemolluscs’ shells in therocky surface.Okamnela pol/ja hi[ica,velikost 14 mm.Petrified sea snail,14 mm in size.

Karst spring34Kra[ki izvir35At the junction of the rising karstground with the Rače valley, or at thejunction of the impermeable rock withpermeable, karst springs occur. Atthe s<strong>pot</strong> where underground water reachesthe surface, a spring is formed.The spring west of Mohorjev mill is visitedby the locals for supplies of freshwater and is used by them as an inexhaustiblesource of drinking water duringdroughts. Its temperature is constant,which speaks of the fact that itruns underground, for the karst underworldis not influenced by the naturalelements from the surface and aboveit (e. g. winds, sun). In the past, whenMohorjev mill was still functioning,people had to break ice on the Račastream, which froze in places east ofthe mill. Here, where the river watermixes with the water that reaches thesurface from the karst hinterland ofJavoršica, the Rača never freezes.There are several springs between Mohorjevand Vehovčev mills, dependingon the Rača stream’s water-level.During and after heavy rainfall, watervirtually gushes from the springs southabove the Rača valley. During mediumRača’s flow rates, springs can be noticedimmediately above the stream.During droughts, on the other hand,one can watch, if attentive enough,bubbles rising from the stream’s bottom.Here, a very abundant populationof Hauffenia erythropomatiacave snailand numerous tiny amphipods(Gammarus sp.)can befound. As the area in the middle of theNa stiku vzpetega kraškega sveta z dolinoRače oziroma na stiku neprepustnihkamnin s prepustnimi se pojavljajo kraškiizviri. Tam, kjer podzemna vodaprivre na površje zemlje, nastane izvir.K izviru <strong>za</strong>hodno od Mohorjevega mlinadomačini hodijo po vodo in jo uporabljajoob suši kot pitno vodo, ki nikoline presahne. Ima stalno temperaturo,kar je dokaz <strong>za</strong> podzemeljsko pretakanje,saj v kraškem podzemlju ni vplivas površja (npr. vetrovi, sončno obsevanje)in so temperature stalne. V preteklosti,ko je Mohorjev mlin še deloval,so morali razbijati led na Rači, ki jevzhodno od izvira <strong>za</strong>mrznila. Tu, kjerse rečna voda meša z vodo, ki se precejana površje s kraškega <strong>za</strong>ledja Javoršice,pa Rača nikoli ne <strong>za</strong>mrzne.Izvirov med Mohorjevim in Vehovčevimmlinom je več, odvisno od višinevode v Rači. Ob in po obilnih padavinahvoda vre iz izvirov južno naddolino Rače. Ob srednjih pretokih opazimoizvire tik nad Račo. Ob suši pa jeob pozornem opazovanju možno opazovatimehurčke, ki izvirajo z dna Rače.Tu najdemo bogato populacijo jamskegapolža Hauffenia erythropomatiain številne majhne postranice (Gammarussp.). Ker območje sredi gozdain ob veliki vodi še posebej rado ostanedlje časa poplavljeno, se tu bogato razraščavlagoljubno rastlinje (kalužnice,preslice, kislice, <strong>pot</strong>očna sretena, spominčiceitd.). Še posebej opazni so velikilisti odcvetelega navadnega repuha.Kraški izviri so zelo občutljivi <strong>za</strong> onesnaženje,kot so gnojenje travnikov,Izvir pri Mohorjevem mlinu.Spring at Mohorjev mill.Jamski pol/ (Hauffeniaerythropomatia).Cave snail.Postranica(Gammaruspulex).Amphipod .spuščanje kanali<strong>za</strong>cijskih odplak, obnjih so pogosto nedovoljena divja odlagališčaodpadkov embalaže motorniholj, kemikalij, akumulatorjev, pločevinein drugih nevarnih odpadkov. Voda, kise pretaka po podzemlju, nima samočistilnihlastnosti kot površinska voda, kiteče po produ, gruščnatem in kamnitemdnu, poraslem z vodnim rastlinjem,in kjer je to gradivo nekakšen filter<strong>za</strong> njeno očiščenje (samočiščenje).Ker so mnogi izviri vir pitne vode, bijih morali bolj varovati.Izvir pri Mohorjevem mlinu.Spring at Mohorjev mill.forest and during high waters tends tobe inundated for quite some time, hygrophilousplants thrive here (MarshMarigold, Horsetail, Common Sorrel,Globe Daisy, Forget-Me-Not, etc.). Particularlynoticeable are the large leavesof the no longer flowering Butterbur.Karst springs are most sensitive to pollution,such as fertilisation of meadowsand discharge of sewage. Veryproblematic are illegal refuse dumps,where plastic packing materials,chemicals, batteries, plate scrap andother dangerous waste is deposited.The water running underground hasno such self-purifying characteristicsas surface waters running over graveland rocky bottom overgrown with waterplants, which constitute a kind offilter for its purification (self-purification).Considering that many of thesprings are sources of drinking water,more should be done to protect them.

Birds along the Ra;astreamWhen following the Rača nature trail,you need no radio with you. If you arenot too loud, you can listen to harmonioussinging by a large bird choircomposed of at least 42 different vocals(as was the number of birds establishedduring the survey madealong the Rača trail). But the great diversityof the Rača area does not meanthat you will see all these birds in thesame place. While following the trailthrough different habitat types, thebirds’ melodies will change as well.In the villages and surrounding orchardsyou can listen to the callingof small birds, such as S<strong>pot</strong>ted Flycatcher,Black Redstart, Pied Wagtail,Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Serin, Houseand Tree Sparrows, Barn Swallow,Great and Blue Tits, Starling and theendangered Redstart, while in thegrove you will be able to listen to themelodies sung by the Robin, Blackbird,Song Thrush, Blackcap, Chaffinchand, along the Rača itself, MarshWarbler.The wet meadows with sedges, thestream and willow scrub are home tothe Mallard, Grey Heron searching forfish and frogs, tiny Marsh Warblers,Blackcap, Hooded Crow, Magpie,Yellowhammer, Red-backed Shrike,Common Buz<strong>za</strong>rd and Common Kestrelpreying on rodents.Between Dole and Krašce, the Račameanders through the gorge with itsbeech forest and then past meadows,orchards and the village of Dvorje. In36Ptice ob Ra;iNa učni <strong>pot</strong>i ob Rači ne boste <strong>pot</strong>rebovaliradia. Če ne boste preglasni, bostelahko prisluhnili ubranemu petju številnegaptičjega pevskega zbora, ki gasestavlja najmanj 42 različnih vokalov(toliko različnih vrst ptic je bilo popisanihob učni <strong>pot</strong>i). Vendar, tako kot jepester svet ob Rači, tudi vseh vrst ptičevne boste srečali na enem kraju.Med sprehodom skozi različne habitatnetipe se menjavajo tudi ptičji napevi.V vaseh in okoliških sadovnjakihlahko prisluhnemo oglašanju sivegamuharja, šmarnice, bele pastirice, zelenca,liščka, grlička, domačega inpoljskega vrabca, lastovk, velike sinicein plavčka, škorca ter ogroženegapogorelčka, v logu pa taščice, kosa,cikovta, črnoglavke, ščinkavca in obRači tudi močvirske trsnice.Močvirnati travniki s šašjem, <strong>pot</strong>okomin vrbovjem so življenjski prostor mlakarice,sive čaplje, ki opre<strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong> ribamiin žabami, drobne močvirske trstnice,črnoglavke, sive vrane, srake, rumenegastrnada, rjavega srakoperja ter kanjein postovke, ki lovita glodalce.Med Dolami in Krašcami Rača vijuga vsoteski skozi bukov gozd ter mimo travnikov,sadovnjakov in vasi Dvorje. V gozdulahko slišimo kanjo, ki kroži nadRačo, goloba grivarja, velikega detla, kiz glasnim trkanjem po trhlem lesu skrbi<strong>za</strong> tolkala, drobnega stržka, taščico,kosa, cikovta, črnoglavko, vrbjega kovačka,rumenoglavega kraljička, meniščka,veliko in močvirsko sinico, brgle<strong>za</strong>in ščinkavca, <strong>za</strong>gotovo pa nemoremo preslišati vreščeče šoje.37Pozorni obiskovalci bodo na travnikihin v sadovnjaku morda videli gibčno vijeglavko,velikega detla in zeleno žolno,kmečko lastovko, ki v zraku z velikohitrostjo in spretnostjo lovi žuželke,stržka, taščico, kosa, cikovta, črnoglavko,vrbjega kovačka, plavčka in velikosinico, brgle<strong>za</strong>, rjavega srakoperja, šojo,škorca, ščinkavca, rumenega strnada,belo pastirico in kobilarja. Na robugozda, ob <strong>pot</strong>oku in nizkem barju živitatudi prosnik in močvirska trstnica.Ptice le opazujte in poslušajte. Nevznemirjajte jih in tudi ne iščite njihovihgnezd, da jih bomo ob naslednjemobisku lahko spet občudovali. Za njihovolažje prepoznavanje pa s seboj levzemite priročnik <strong>za</strong> določanje ptičev.Pogorel;ek (Phoenicurusphoenicurus).Redstart.Vijeglavka ( Jynx torquilla).Wryneck.the forest you can listen to the CommonBuz<strong>za</strong>rd circling above the Rača,Woodpigeon, Great S<strong>pot</strong>ted Woodpecker,which with its loud knockingagainst putrid wood has taken care ofpercussions, the tiny Wren, Robin,Blackbird, Song Thrush, Blackcap,Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, Coal Tit, Greatand Marsh Tits, Nuthatch and Chaffinch.You of course cannot overhearthe screeching Jay.In the meadows and orchards, attentivevisitors may catch sight of the litheWryneck as well as Great S<strong>pot</strong>ted andGreen Woodpeckers, Barn Swallowhunting insects in the air with greatspeed and skill, Wren, Robin, Blackbird,Song Thrush, Blackcap, Chiffchaff,Red-backed Shrike, Jay, Starling,Chaffinch, Yellowhammer, Pied Wagtailand Golden Oriole.The forest edge, the area along the Račastream and the fen are also inhabitedby Stonechat and Marsh Warbler.The birds should be only observed andlistened to. Do not disturb them orsearch for their nests, if you wish toadmire them again during your nextvisit. And for their easier identification,take a bird field guide with you.

Vehov;ev mill belowStegne near Vrhpolje38Vehov;ev mlin podStegnami pri Vrhpolju39Vehovčev mill is yet another watermillconsistingof a groundfloor elongatedbuilding with gable roof, livingroom and industrial quarters. Themillrace runs from the Rača streamto the mill along concrete troughs.The original mill, which had one overshotwheel with buckets, was built inthe mid-19 th century. In 1936, its ownersbuilt additional three wheels. In itsinterior, the wooden landing has beenfully preserved, with three pairs ofmillstones and six stamp mills. Its currentowners live at Stegne near Avbelj.Vehovčev mlin je prav tako vodnimlin, ki ga sestavlja pritlična stegnjenastavba z dvokapno streho ter bivalnimin obrtnim delom. Iz <strong>pot</strong>oka Račeje izpeljana mlinščica po betonskih rakahdo mlina. Prvotni mlin je imel enovodno kolo na korce, na zgornjo odlivnovodo, zgrajen je bil sredi 19. stoletja.Leta 1936 so ga lastniki povečali na štirivodna kolesa. V notranjosti je v celotiohranjen lesen podest s tremi parikamnov in šestimi stopami. Sedanji lastnikiživijo v Stegnah, pri Avblju.Vehov;ev mlin podStegnami pri Vrhpolju.Vehov;ev mill belowStegne near Vrhpolje.Vehov;evo vodno kolo.Vehov;ev water wheel.

Ki/ev mill belowSv. AndrejKižev watermill is situated belowthe hamlet of Sv. Andrej along themillrace leading from the Račastream. It consists of a groundfloorelongated building with gable roof, attics,groundfloor living quarters andindustrial part. In the documents, themill is for the first time referred to in1734, when it had three water wheelswith buckets and stamp mills. The interiorof the industrial part has beenpreserved in full. The wooden landingfor millstones (steinboden) and theKi/ev vodni mlin podSv. Andrejem.Ki/ev watermill belowSv. Andrej.40Ki/ev mlin podSv. AndrejemKižev vodni mlin leži pod <strong>za</strong>selkomSv. Andrej ob mlinščici, speljani iz <strong>pot</strong>okaRača. Sestavlja ga pritlična zidanastegnjena stavba z dvokapno streho,podstrešnimi sobami, pritličnimbivalnim in obrtnim delom. V listinahje bil ta mlin prvič omenjen leta 1734,imel je tri vodna kolesa na korce instope. Danes je notranjost obrtnegaprostora z mlinsko opremo v celotiohranjena. Leseni podest <strong>za</strong> mlinskekamne (štajnboden) in trije parimlinskih kamnov s stopami bi lahko41še <strong>za</strong>živeli in z ustreznim programomin vodenjem prika<strong>za</strong>li radovednim obiskovalcemnačin dela mlinarjev v okviruturistične ponudbe. Stanovanjskidel je opuščen, a vzdrževan.Mlinski kanal pri Kiževem mlinu jedanes opuščen, <strong>za</strong>to v kanalu voda <strong>za</strong>stajain se <strong>za</strong>rašča z vodnim rastlinjemin algami. Med to vodno obrastjo imasvoj življenjski prostor pogosta vrstavodnega polža – svitek (Planorbis carinatus),katerega hišica je diskastosploščena in ima na zunanjem navojuznačilno izražen greben. Tu najdemotudi malemu mlakarju sorodno vrstopolža (Lymnaea peregra).three pairs of millstones with stampmills could be made functional again,and with a suitable management programmethe former millers’ work couldbe presented to the inquisitive visitorswithin the local tourist framework.The residential part has been abandoned,but is regularly maintained.The Kižev mill channel, on the otherhand, has not been maintained. Aswater stagnates in it, the channel isbecoming increasingly overgrown withwater plants and algae. Among them,a common water snail has found itshome, i.e. Planorbis carinatus, withdisc-like shell and characteristic ridgeon the outer whorl. Here, the snailLymnaea peregracan also be found.Vodni pol/ (Lymnaea peregra).Water snail.Mlinski red.The watermill orders.Svitek (Planorbis carinatus).Water snail.Ki/ev vodni mlin –notranjost.Ki/ev watermill –its interior.

Suha dolina (Dry Valley)42Suha dolina43Odtis podkve.The impression of the horse shoe.Suha dolina.Suha dolina (Dry Valley).On our way to the Church of sv. Andrej,a small old-time valley will openin front of us, on both sides surroundedby steep woody slopes.We can infer that it was created by aformer watercourse. Today our pathwill be crossed by a stream risingfrom a water cave and running alongthe edge of the southern bank of theformer watercourse and joining theRača at the abandoned Kižev mill.Karst spring – water cavebelow the Church ofsv. AndrejAt the foot of the karst world of Javoršicabetween Češnjice and Zalog,there are a number of springs risingto the surface along the Rača bed orin its immediate vicinity. Some of thesprings occur in karst caves near theRača stream. Such is the spring belowthe Church of sv. Andrej, where resumesits way underground throughNa <strong>pot</strong>i pod cerkvijo sv. Andreja naspreseneti nekdanja dolinica, ki jo zobeh strani obdajajo strma gozdnatapobočja.Sklepamo lahko, da jo je izoblikovalnekdanji vodni tok. Danes nam <strong>pot</strong>prekriža <strong>pot</strong>ok, ki izvira iz vodne jamein teče po robu nekdanje južne brežinenekdanjega vodnega toka in sepri opuščenem Kiževem mlinu izlijev Račo.Kra[ki izvir – vodnajama pod cerkvijosv. AndrejaV vznožju kraškega sveta Javoršice medČešnjicami in Zalogom izvira več studencev,ki pritečejo na dan v strugiRače ali v njeni neposredni bližini.Nekateri izviri se pojavljajo podzemeljskov bližini struge v kraških jamah.Tak je izvir pod cerkvijo sv. Andreja.Izvir se nadaljuje pod zemljo kot neprehodnajama. Ta vodna jama jeKra[ki izvir podsv. Andrejem.Karst spring belowsv. Andrej.značilen kraški izvir, kjer voda tečepo dolgem rovu s sifonom in se sprva<strong>za</strong>drži v majhni kotanjici. Iz nje seprelije v <strong>pot</strong>oček, ki se izliva v Račopri Kiževem mlinu.Ekološke značilnosti izvirov so zelospecifične, <strong>za</strong>to v njih živijo tudi zelospecifične vrste živali in rastlin. Mednajpomembnejša ekološka dejavnika,ki določata njihovo vrstno sestavo, statemperatura vode in količina kisika vvodi. Temperatura izvirske vode jeenaka temperaturi tal, iz katerih priteka.Navadno ustre<strong>za</strong> srednji letni temperaturikraja in je dokaj stalna. Gledevsebnosti kisika pa so kraški izviri mednajbogatejšimi, ker se njihova voda,preden priteče na površje, pretaka poprevotljenem podzemlju in se pri temdobro prezrači. Izvir je hkrati prehodmed podzemnim svetom brez svetlobein osvetljenim svetom površinske vode.Poleg tega je v izviru malo rastlinskehrane. Tu živeče rastlinojede živali soodvisne od redkih razpadajočih ostankovvodnih rastlin in organskega drobirja,ki ga voda nosi s seboj, ali od raanimpassable cave. The water cave belowsv. Andrej is a characteristic karstspring, where the water runs along along passage with siphon and is initiallyrestrained in a small basin: fromthere it flows into a brook that eventuallyjoins the Rača at Kižev mill.As the springs’ ecological characteristicsare very specific, highly specificplant and animal species also live inthem. Among the most important ecologicalfactors, which stipulate speciescomposition, are the temperature ofthe water and the quantity of oxygen init. The temperature of springwater isequal to the temperature of theground, from which it rises and usuallycorresponds to the annual and fairlyconstant temperature of the place. Asfar as oxygen content is concerned,karst springs are certainly among therichest entities, as their water, beforeit reaches the surface, runs along thehollowed-through underground, gettingwell aired on the way. Springs alsoconstitute a kind of transition betweenthe lightless underground world and

the lit world of the surface water. Apartfrom this, vegetable food is scarce inthem. The plant-eating animals thatlive here thus depend on the rare decayingremains of water plants and organicmatter carried by the water with it,or on plant parts that have fallen intothe water purely by chance. The characteristicspring animals (crenobionts)are mostly small and adapted to clean,constantly cold water with enough oxygenand small amount of food. In thespring below the Church of sv. Andrej,one can find flatworms, water mites,beetles, caddis fly larvae, mayflies,stoneflies and flat-winged flies, as wellas amphipods (of the genus Gammarus),which are otherwise smaller inthe springs than in streams. Amphibiantadpoles can also be seen, particularlythe Fire Salamander. As far as snailsare concerned, the spring is inhabitedby the common Ancylus fluviatilis.A special feature here are two cavesnails Paladilhiopsis robiciana andHauffenia erythropomatia with onlytwo known localities in the entire Slovenia.A tiny Red-crusted Pea Mussel (Pisidiumpersonatum) can also be foundhere. Although these molluscs are barelyvisible with the naked eye, as theirshells do not exceed 5 mm, they are importantharbingers of clean water.Jamski pol/(Paladilhiopsisrobiciana).Cave snail.44stlinskih delov, ki so po naključju padliv vodo. Značilne živali izvirov (krenobionti)so večinoma majhna bitja, prilagojenačisti, stalno hladni vodi, v katerije <strong>za</strong>dosti kisika in malo hrane.V izviru pod cerkvijo sv. Andreja najdemovrtinčarje, vodne pršice, hrošče,ličinke mladoletnic, enodnevnic, vrbnicin dvokrilcev pa tudi rake postranice(iz rodu Gammarus), ki so v izvirihnavadno manjši kot v <strong>pot</strong>okih. Vidimolahko tudi paglavce dvoživk, največkratnavadnega močerada. Medpredstavniki polžev najdemo tu precejpogosto vrsto prilepka (Ancylus fluviatilis),posebnost sta dve jamski vrstipolžev Paladilhiopsis robiciana inHauffenia erythropomatia, ki imata vSloveniji le par lokalitet. Najdemo patudi drobno školjko iz rodu grašec (Pisidiumpersonatum). Vsi ti mehkužciso s prostim očesom komaj opazni, sajnjihove hišice ne presegajo 5 mm, sopa pomembni znanilci čiste vode.Prilepek (Ancylusfluviatilis).Snail.Gra[ec (Pisidiumpersonatum).Red-crustedPea Mussel.45Cerkev sv. Andreja,Dole pri Kra[cahCerkev sv. Andreja stoji na valovitemkraškem svetu nad strmo dolino <strong>pot</strong>okaRače. Cerkev je orientirana, kar pomeni,da je prezbiterij postavljen navzhod. Cerkev je bila prvikrat omenjenaleta 1526 ob zbiranju denarja <strong>za</strong>obrambo proti Turkom. Valvasor jo prištevamed moravške podružnice, kotS.Andreae bey S. Andreae.Cerkev naj bi nekdaj obdajal protiturškitabor, o čemer najbolj zgovorno pričasamostojno postavljeni zvonik – nekdanjiobrambni stolp, kjer so še vednoohranjeni ostanki »gornjega« vhoda, indve strelni lini na ključ na vzhodni in<strong>za</strong>hodni strani zvonika. Ima tudi izrednodebele stene, ki so sezidane s kamnitimibloki iz moravškega peščenjaka.Nekdanjo gotsko cerkev, od katere jedanes ohranjen samo mrežasto obokaniprezbiterij, so v 1. polovici 18. stoletjabarokizirali. Današnja cerkev imatorej na vzhodu triosminsko <strong>za</strong>ključenigotski prezbiterij in novo baročnoladjo okroglega tlorisa s kupolo, ki jokrasi lanterna. Proti <strong>za</strong>hodu je ladjapodaljšana. Kljub centralno oblikovaniladji cerkev <strong>za</strong>radi prezbiterija navzhodu in »podaljška« na <strong>za</strong>hodu učinkujelongitudinalno (vzdolžno). Naseverni strani je cerkvi prizidana <strong>za</strong>kristijapravokotnega tlorisa.Baročna ladja je v notranjosti razčlenjenas pilastri, ki vodijo do stranskihkapel. Nad ladjo se pne kupola s svetlobnico.Za eno stopnico više stoji gotskiprezbiterij, ki je poslikan s poznogotskimifreskami. Na severni steniChurch of sv. Andrej,Dole near Kra[ceThe Church of sv. Andrej stands inan undulating karst countryside abovethe steep valley of the Rača stream.The church is oriented, which meansthat its presbytery constitutes the building’seastern side. The church wasmentioned for the first time in 1526,when money was collected for the protectionagainst the Turks. Valvasor,our renowned polymath, referred to itas to Moravško succursal church, i.e.S. Andreae bey S. Andreae.The church was once most probablysurrounded by fortification againstthe Turks, of which speaks the separatelystanding belfry – the former defensivetower, in which remains ofthe »upper« entrance and two embrasureson the belfry’s eastern and westernsides have been preserved. Its extremelythick walls were built of Moravškosandstone blocks.In the first half of the 18 th century,the former Gothic church, of whichonly the reticularly vaulted presbyteryhas survived till this day, was baroquised.The present church thus has,on the eastern side, on the easternside, a poligonally closed Gothic presbyteryand new round Baroque navewith dome adorned with lantern. Thenave was extended towards the west.In spite of the centrally shaped nave,the church appears to be longitudinaldue to the presbytery in the east andthe »extension« in the west. On thenorthern side, rectangular vestry wasadded to the church at a later date.

In its interior, the Baroque nave is dividedinto separate parts with pilastersleading to side chapels. Above the naverises a dome with a lantern. By a stephigher stands a Gothic presbyteryadorned with late Gothic frescoes.On its northern side we can admire theimage of the Enclosed Garden (Hortusconclusus). On the south wall, twosaints are depicted, i.e. Nicholas calmingdown the storm, and St. Martinsharing his coat with a beggar.Under the console on the south wallthere is the coat-of-arms of the Limbars,and judging by the figures ofsv. Jurij (St. George) and sv. Andrej(St. Andrew) between the windows,this church was ordered to be built bythe brothers Jurij and Andrej from thenearby Limberk Castle. On the wallsunder the arcs four scenes from thePassion of Christ are depicted. Thevault is decorated with plant ornamentationwith various saintly and othersymbolic figures in between.The frescoes were painted between1504 and 1505, which is testified byonly recently discovered painter’s signature:Leonardus perfecit millesimoD IIII. At the same time, the painter’sname was identified: Master Leonard,who had been till this discovery provisionallycalled Master of the EnclosedGarden. Master Leonard also paintedthe church at Krtina. His works in factpresents a continuity of two paintingworkshops, i.e. the Master Bolfgang’sand the Master of Mače workshops.Their common characteristics are thepainting technique, figuration, similarchoice of colours, use of graphic46prezbiterija je naslikana podoba Zaprtegavrta (Hortus conclusus). Na južnisteni imamo dvoje svetniških podob,in sicer sv. Miklavž pomiri vihar,sv. Martin pa deli svoj plašč z beračem.Pod konzolo na južni steni jenaslikan tudi grb Limbarskih, insodeč po likih sv. Jurija in sv. Andrejamed okni naj bi bila to cerkev dalazgraditi brata Jurij in Andrej z bližnjegagradu Limberk. V podločnih poljihsten so naslikani še štirje prizori izKristusevega pasijona. Obok jeposlikan z rastlinsko ornamentiko,med katero so vpeti svetniški in drugisimbolični liki.Freske so bile naslikane med letoma1504 in 1505, kar govori pred nedavnimodkrita slikarjeva signatura: Leonardusperfecit millesimo D IIII.Ob odkritju letnice je bilo odkrito tudiime slikarja – Mojster Leonard, ki jebil do te najdbe imenovan z <strong>za</strong>silnimimenom – Mojster <strong>za</strong>prtega vrta. MojsterLeonard je poslikal tudi cerkev vKrtini. S svojimi deli predstavlja kontinuitetodveh slikarskih delavnic, insicer delavnico Mojstra Bolfganga inMaškega mojstra. Družijo jih tehnikaslikanja, oblikovanje figuralike, podobniizbori barv, uporaba grafičnih predlogitd. V naslikani krajini, plastičnooblikovanih telesih apostolov pa lahkože <strong>za</strong>slutimo zgodnje renesančno usmerjenoroko, ki je morda pripadalamlajšemu pomočniku Leonardove delavnice.Ikonografsko naj<strong>za</strong>nimivejša je freskaZaprti vrt, kjer gre <strong>za</strong> alegorično predstavitevMarijinega oznanjenja oz.Kristusove inkarnacije v podobi Lova47Naselje Sv. Andrej.The settlement of Sv. Andrej.Zna;ilne freske v notranjosti cerkvesv. Andreja.The frescoes of the church ofsv. Andrej.Zunanjost cerkve sv. Andreja.The church of sv. Andrej – itsexterior.models, etc. In the painted countrysideand vividly shaped apostles’ bodies wecan conjecture, however, by the EarlyRenaissance directed hand, which perhapsbelonged to a young assistant inMaster Leonard’s workshop.Iconographically most interesting isthe fresco The Enclosed Garden, an allegoricalpresentation on the Annunciationof St. Mary and Christ’s Incarnationin the image of Unicorn Hun-

4849ting. The motif was highly topical in15 th century Europe. The entire imageis supplemented with Mariansymbols taken from The Song of Solomon:»A bolted enclosed garden is mysister, my spouse; a spring locked up,a fountain sealed . . . «, and from thetext Defensorium Frances of Retz.With its symbols, the motif of the EnclosedGarden is a proof of St. Mary’svirginity, while the inscriptions paintednext to the people and animalsspeak of St. Mary’ highest qualities.The entire course of events was set inan enclosed garden surrounded bytowers, which protect St. Mary’s virginity.The fountain as a sealed springsymbolises her preserved virginity.The latter is also presented by theburning bush which, however, neverburns down, the same as did not »burndown« Mary’s virginity, even thoughshe became a mother. In her arms,the Unicorn (the symbol of virginity)finds shelter. It is pursued by angelhunter,blowing a horn and leadingdogs on the leash. Around the corner,there is a lion waiting, etc.The frescoes, which were whitewashedwhen the church was baroquised,were for the first time discovered in1894 by Bishop Jakob Missia during hisvisit of the church. During 1969 and1970 they were uncovered and restoredby experts under supervision of the RegionalInstitute for the Conservation ofMonuments Kranj. With their iconography,design, quality and degree of preservationthey constitute a significantmonument for the entire Slovenia.na enorožca. Motiv je bil izredno aktualenv 15. stoletju v Evropi. Celotnapodoba je dopolnjena še z marijanskimisimboli, vzetimi iz SalamonoveVisoke pesmi: »Ograjen vrt si, <strong>za</strong>pečatenstudenec, sestra moja, itd. « in izteksta Defensorium Frančiška iz Ret<strong>za</strong>.Motiv Zaprtega vrta s svojimi simbolidokazuje Marijino deviškost. Napisi, kijih vidimo naslikane ob osebah in živalih,govorijo o najlepših Marijinih lastnostih.Celotno dogajanje je postavljenov <strong>za</strong>prt vrt, ograjen s stolpi, ki varujejoMarijino devištvo. Vodnjak kot <strong>za</strong>pečatenstudenec simbolizira ohranjenodevištvo. Prav tako devištvo pona<strong>za</strong>rjagrm, ki gori, pa ne zgori, kottudi ni »zgorelo« Marijino devištvo,čeprav je postala mati. Mariji v naročjese je <strong>za</strong>tekel samorog (simbol devištva),ki ga preganja angel lovec, ki trobiv lovski rog in vodi na vrvi pse. Okolivogla že opre<strong>za</strong> lev, itd.Freske, ki so jih ob baroki<strong>za</strong>ciji <strong>za</strong>belili,je ob vizitaciji leta 1894 prvič odkrilškof Jakob Missia. Med letoma1969 in 1970 so jih odkrili in restavriralirestavratorji pod nadzorom <strong>Zavod</strong>a<strong>za</strong> spomeniško <strong>varstvo</strong> Kranj. Freskeso s svojo ikonografijo, oblikovanjem,kakovostjo in stopnjo ohranjenosti pomembenspomenik <strong>za</strong> celoten slovenskiprostor.

Wooden homestead –»Pri Lesjak«,Sv. Andrej 1Opposite the Church of sv. Andrejstands yet another of those recognisablearchitectural achievements in thearea of Moravče – the Lesjak homesteador »Pri Lesjak« as known by thelocals.Its component parts are a woodenstructure built on top of cowsheds andpigsties, gable roof and traditionalpartitioning of the inner quarters. Thebuilding’s lower part, which was builtof stone, was intended for domesticanimals, whereas the upper woodenpart was used for residential purposes.The latter is made up of a hall, »thehouse« (as central residential andworking quarters) with a bedroomand, once in the past, of the so-called»black kitchen« at the end of the hall.The farm building continues northfrom the residential part. This type of50Lesena doma;ija –po doma;e Pri Lesjak,Sv. Andrej 1Prav nasproti cerkve svetega Andrejastoji še eden izmed prepoznavnih stavbnihdosežkov na območju Moravč –Lesjakova domačija.Sestavlja jo lesena vrhhlevna stavbaz dvokapno streho in tradicionalnodelitvijo notranjih prostorov. Zidanispodnji del je bil namenjen živalim,gornji leseni del <strong>za</strong> stanovanje, ki gasestavlja veža, »hiša« (kot osrednjidnevni, bivalni in delovni prostor) skamro in svojčas na koncu veže tudis črno kuhinjo. Gospodarski del se na-Lesjakova doma;ijav Sv. Andreju.Lesjak homesteadat Sv. Andrej.51daljuje severno od stanovanjskega.Tovrstne stavbe, ki so rezultat znanjamojstrov tesarjev, krovcev ter zidarjev,danes varujemo kot kulturno dediščino– dediščino načina življenja kmečkegačloveka na Moravškem.Kamnine v okoliciSv. AndrejaPod Sv. Andrejem in v bližnji okoliciso odkriti izdanki svetlosivega in sivega,tu in tam rdečkastega in rumenkastegaapnenca. Prepredajo gaštevilne kalcitne žile in žilice.V novem useku <strong>pot</strong>i pod cerkvijo jev močno <strong>za</strong>kraselem apnencuvidnamanjša tektonska drsa, nastala <strong>za</strong>radipremika kamnitih skladov ob prelomu.Kamnina je močno spremenjena.Tektonska drsa ob novi <strong>pot</strong>i pod cerkvijo.Smooth tectonic plane along the new road leadingto the church.houses, which speak of the life andwork of the country people in theMoravško area and are the result ofknowledge of master carpenters, roofersand masons, are today protectedas cultural heritage.Rock in the surroundingsof Sv. AndrejBelow Sv. Andrej and in its immediatevicinity one can examine surface rockof light grey and grey, here and thereeven reddish and yellowish limestoneinterwoven with numerous calciteveins and veinlets.In the place below the church, wherea new road was cut into the slope, aminor tectonic smooth plane, whichoriginated due to the shifting of stonebeds, can be seen in highly karstifiedlimestone.Zakrasela golica ob <strong>pot</strong>i k cerkvi sv. Andreja.Karstified bare bank of the road leading to theChurch of sv. Andrej.Lesjakova doma;ijav Sv. Andreju.Lesjak homesteadat Sv. Andrej.

HayracksCharacteristic of the Ljubljana microregion, which in terms of its landscapeincludes the village of Krašce inthe Moravško area, are double hayracks– toplars – these distinct companionsof the rural way of life andwork as well as of numerous secretshidden by cultural history. They arethe result of knowledge of one of theoldest trades – carpentry and masteryin this sphere of work. Carpenterswere true wood experts; they knewprecisely when to cut it down, how toprocess it, and finally how to use it inthe construction of, for example, hayracksor roofs for houses, homesteadsand outbuildings.The characteristic hayrack – kozolec –has always been constructed entirelyof wood and is a material witness toour history and past.We will come across this true work ofart along the Rača nature trail, too, as52KozolciZa ljubljansko regionalno mikro območje,kamor pokrajinsko umeščamonaselje Krašce na Moravškem, so dvojnikozolci – toplarji prav značilnispremljevalci dediščine kmečkega načinaživljenja in dela pa tudi premnogihskrivnosti, ki jih skriva kulturnazgodovina. So rezultat dediščine znanjaene izmed najstarejših obrti – tesarstva(cimpermanstva) in mojstrstva natem področju dela. Tesarji so bili odličnipoznavalci lesa, časa njegovega poseka,njegove obdelave in končne uporabe<strong>za</strong> izdelavo na primer kozolca alistrešne konstrukcije <strong>za</strong> hiše, domačije,gospodarska poslopja in nove stavbe.Kozolec, ki je bil v zgodovini v celotizgrajen iz lesa in je materialna pričazgodovine in sedanjosti, srečamo tudina učno-sprehajalni <strong>pot</strong>i Rača.Je umetnina in dokaz, da so ga še dokonca osemdesetih let 20. stoletja zelospoštovali, saj je bil <strong>za</strong> kmeta »hiša« <strong>za</strong>53sušenje in shranjevanje živinske krmepa tudi parkirišče <strong>za</strong> poljske stroje. Kozolciimajo na različnih koncih Slovenijepokrajinsko različna imena. Takojih na Bohinjskem imenujejo na primerstogovi, na območju Moravč in dela Dolenjskekozouc ali kozuc. Če je dvojen,je toplar. Včasih na travnikih vidimotudi enojne kozolce, ki imajo na enemdelu streho, ki je podaljšana do tal, <strong>za</strong>njeobstaja ime na plašč. Na kozla,na osla, na psa pa so nizki toplarji.Na območju Krašc stojita toplarja,eden s podaljšanimi kraki v obliki dvehnepove<strong>za</strong>nih enojnih kozolcev. Vsak dellesene konstrukcije nosi tudi svoje ime.Temelji, ki so bili prvotno v celoti leseni,pozneje tudi kamniti, se imenujejo»babe«. Pokončni stebri podpirajo celotnokonstrukcijo s streho. Prostormed dvema stebroma se imenuje oknoali štant, ki ga sestavlja različno številoprečnih lat. Na latah je ponekod obešenlesen stol (hlapec), ki so ga uporabljalimed ročnim nalaganjem in <strong>za</strong>-a proof that it had been highly respectedtill the end of the 1980s, when servingits owners as a »house« for dryinghay and storing fodder, and even forparking agricultural machinery underit. In different parts of Slovenia, somevery different terms are used for it. Inthe area of Bohinj, for example, it isknown as stog, in the area of Moravčeand in certain parts of the Dolenjskaregion as kozouc or kozuc. Doublehayracks are called toplars.Sometimes, single hayracks can beseen in the meadows, with roof extendedto the ground on one side. Forthem, very different folk names areused, in Slovenia such as mantle hayrack.Goat hayrack, jackass hayrack,dog hayrack are low type of toplars.In the area of Krašce we can have alook at two toplars, one with extendedarms in the form of two unlinked singlehayracks.Each part of the wooden structurehas, of course, its own (regional)Kozolec na kozla.Example of “goat-type”hayrack.Kozolec na kozla.Example of “goat-type”hayrack.Primerek enojnega kozolcav Kra[cah.Example of the simplehayrack in Kra[ce.

name. The foundations, which wereoriginally entirely wooden and lateron also made of stone, are called babe(hags). The upright pillars support theentire structure, including the roof.The space between two columns iscalled okno (window) or štant (stall),which consists of a different numberof wooden transverse bars. On them, awooden chair, known a farmhand, cansometimes be seen hanging; it wasused for manual loading of not completelydry grass in between the barsin the window. Toplar consisting ofthree pillars on each side is calledfour-windowed hayrack, or hayrackwith two pairs of windows. The upperstorey is made of small beams in theform of a grid, which has, on its frontpart, a door for the loading of drygrass – hay. Its central part is calledbrana (harrow). The reticular structurewas made by carpenters on theground and then put together, pieceby piece, to form a structure withgable roof, as can be today seen alongthe Rača trail (Tercelj Otorepec 2004 :41). Under the brana and end-pillars,the toplar is linked with wooden andoften skilfully carved arms.The same as the hayrack’s constructionalpart, the parts of its roofing havetheir special names and demands, too,of course in total control of the formercarpenters. The roof of a house, kozolecor outbuilding was composed oflongitudinally laid purlins, with rafterstransversally placed on them, whilelaths attached to the rafters were necessaryfor the strengthening of theroof. As the manners of putting roofs54devanjem še ne v celoti posušene travemed late v oknu. Kozolcu toplarju,ki ga sestavljajo po trije stebri na vsakistrani, rečemo toplar na štiri okna, alina dva para oken. Nadstropje je izdelanoiz tramičev v obliki mreže, ki imana čelni strani tudi vrata <strong>za</strong> nalaganjeposušene trave, sena (na Moravškemmrve). Osrednji del se imenuje »brana«.Celotno mrežno konstrukcijo sotesarji izdelali na tleh in jo kos <strong>za</strong> kosomsestavili v stavbo s streho dvokapnico,ki jo danes srečamo na sprehodupo <strong>pot</strong>i ob Rači (Tercelj Otorepec2004 : 41). Pod »brano« in končnimistebri toplar povezujeta še leseni roki,ki sta pogosto umetelno izrezljani.Tako kot konstrukcijski deli kozolcaimajo tudi strešni deli posebna imenain svoje <strong>za</strong>konitosti, ki so jih prav takoobvladovali tesarji. Streho hiše, kozolcaali gospodarskega poslopja sestavljajopodolžne lege ali grede, nanje sopritrjeni prečni trami, škarniki ali podomače špirovci, lesene late, ki so pritrjenena škarnike, pa rabijo <strong>za</strong> učvrstitevkritine. Načini sestavljanja streheso tudi različni, na primer: strehana »škarje«, na trapez, »na osla«, ki jeznačilna <strong>za</strong> nekatere planšarske stavbev Bohinju (Cevc 1993 : 103), ali na»kašto«, tudi značilnost bohinjskihstanov in staj na pašnih planinah. Obučno-sprehajalni <strong>pot</strong>i srečamo tuditoplarje, ki imajo po enega ali dva dodatnaenojna kozolca, prislonjena naosnovno konstrukcijo.Kozolec, enojni ali dvojni, je svojevrstenspomenik dediščine tesarskihznanj, dediščine ustvarjalnosti in likovnegaizražanja teh obrtnikov, ki jih je55vodilo tudi spoštovanje kulture načinadela in kmetovanja. Je spomenik, ki padanes ni del kulturne krajine le <strong>za</strong>to,ker v njej stoji. Je rezultat človeka, ki jenaravno krajino s svojim znanjem prilagodilsvojemu življenju in delu, ji postavilspomenik, z uporabo tega znanjain spoštovanja do nje. Kozolci vseh tipovso bili vseskozi motiv <strong>za</strong> slikarje, grafike,fotografe in izdelovalce miniatur.Kmetu so pomenili pomembno stavbo<strong>za</strong> preživetje živine v zimskem času.Kozolec toplars prislonjenim enojnimkozolcem.The double typeof hayrack with thesimple one.Kozolec toplars podalj[animi kraki,mojstrovina tesarjev,ki je danes le poredkomapoln sena.Kozolec – toplar withextended arms, a truecarpenters’ masterpiece,today very seldom seenfull of hay.together varied a great deal, roofs hadall kinds of names, e.g.: scissor roof,trapezoid roof, jackass roof, which ischaracteristic of some mountain pasturebuildings around Bohinj (Cevc1993 : 103), or »kašta« roof, also typicalof the mountain pasture housesand cattle pens above Bohinj. Alongthe Rača educational nature trail, youcan see toplars with one or two additionalsingle hayracks leaning againstthe basic structure.

5657Single or double kozolec is a uniquemonument of the heritage of carpentryknowledge, creativeness and figurativeexpression by these craftsmen,who were led, in their profession, bygreat respect for culture regarding theway of work and farming – the monument,which today does not constitutepart of the cultural landscape only forthe fact that it stands in it. It is the resultof the people who adapted, withtheir knowledge, the natural landscapeto their lives and work, and thuserected a monument to it with the aidof this knowledge and respect for it.Toplar, kozolec and other types ofhayracks have always been a preciousmotif for painters, graphic artists,photographers and miniature makers,while to the farmers they meant importantedifices for the survival oftheir stock during the winter.Traditional orchardsStari sadovnjakiDetajl roke na kozolcu.Detail of the arm on the hayrack.Orchards have long been part of thetraditional countryside landscape. Oldtrees could thus tell us many interestingstories from farmers’ lives in thepast, stories that took place in the ampleshadow of their crowns.Through history, orchards have developedvery gradually, but reached theirpeak in the last 200 years. The Moravškoarea is one of those well known fortheir rich fruit-growing tradition.Franc Pirz, the father of Slovene fruitgrowingwho in the early 19 th centuryheld the office of a priest at Peče, infact wrote the first instructions forSadovnjaki so že dolgo del tradicionalnepodeželske krajine. Stara sadnadrevesa bi nam lahko povedala veliko<strong>za</strong>nimivih zgodb iz kmečkega življenjav preteklosti, zgodb, ki so se dogajale vbogati senci njihovih krošenj.Skozi zgodovino so se sadovnjaki razvijalipostopoma, največji razmah pa sodosegli v <strong>za</strong>dnjih 200 letih. Z bogatotradicijo sadjarstva se lahko pohvalijotudi na Moravškem. Oče slovenskegasadjarstva, Franc Pirz, ki je v <strong>za</strong>četku19. stoletja župnikoval v Pečah, jespisal prva navodila <strong>za</strong> vzgojo sadnihdreves in mnoge kmete spodbudil k

fruit-tree growers and stimulatedmany farmers to take interest in thisbranch of agriculture. On the basis ofhis rich practical experience he alsowrote one of the first Slovene books onthis subject, entitled Kranjski vertnar(The Carniolan Gardener). In thosetimes, fruit-trees stood primarily inthe immediate vicinity of the peoples’homes and along the roads leading tothe larger towns in the Gorenjska region.Apart from getting people accustomedto fruit-growing, these treesplanted along the roads had a verysimilar role as today’s cat’s eyes alongthe asphalt roads. They showed theroad’s edge to the carters.Old orchards are often called highstemmed-treeor meadow orchards.Their very names tell us that the surfaceunder their crowns was alwaysaccessible and overgrown with grass.Under fruit-trees cattle was grazing,or the fruit-tree meadows were mown.Thus the same surfaces were used notonly as orchards but meadows as well.With small investments, the farms’ incomewas supplemented. At everyhouse, fruit brandy and dried fruitscould be obtained at any time.Traditional orchard is a very interestingecosystem, in fact comparable withwell lit-through deciduous woodlands.Its fruit-trees can be up to 200 yearsold, and even more. As forest and grasslandecosystems interact in this type oforchards, they are known for their exceptionalbiodiversity, since as many as5, 000 different plant and animalspecies can be found in them, as wellas numerous fungus and lichen5859glez itd., večja tudi lesne sove in čuki.Ptice niso edine prebivalke dupel.Uporabljajo jih tudi polhi, kune, podlasice,netopirji, ose, čebele in drugeživali. Če so sadovnjaki v stiku z gozdomin živimi mejami, v bližini pa jevoda, je pestrost vrst še posebej bogata.Žal mnogi stari sadovnjaki izginjajo.Posekajo jih, da travnik pod njimi lažekosijo. Površine s starimi drevesi pozidajo,ponekod, kjer se prebivalstvo izseljuje,jih preraščajo gozdovi. Njihovovlogo pridelave sadja prevzemajo intenzivnisadovnjaki novih, občutljivihsort, ki <strong>pot</strong>rebujejo intenzivno, dragovzdrževanje z rednim <strong>za</strong>tiranjem različnihbolezni.Mnogi stari sadovnjaki na srečo še vednobogatijo podobo vasi. Eden izmednjih je tudi Smrkoljev sadovnjakv Krašcah. Ob njihovi hiši rastejo hruškeprapršnice in črnjevke, jablane bobovec,krivopecelj in voščenka ter orehiin slive.pridelavi sadja. Na podlagi svojih bogatihpraktičnih izkušenj je napisal tudieno prvih slovenskih knjig o sadjarstvuz naslovom Kranjski vertnar. Sadnadrevesa so v tistih časih sadili predvsemv okolici hiš ter ob <strong>pot</strong>eh v večjekraje na Gorenjskem. Poleg navajanjaljudi na sadjerejo so imela drevesa ob<strong>pot</strong>eh v vasi podobno vlogo kot danesmačja očesa ob današnjih asfaltnih<strong>pot</strong>eh. Voznikom so ka<strong>za</strong>la rob vozišča.Starim sadovnjakom pogosto rečemovisokodebelni ali travniški sadovnjaki.Že ime pove, da je bila površinapod krošnjami dostopna in porasla stravo. Pod sadnim drevjem se je paslaživina ali pa so travnike pod sadnimdrevjem kosili. Tako je bila ista površinauporabna tako <strong>za</strong> pridelavo sadjakot travnik. Z majhnimi vlaganji sodopolnjevali dohodek kmetije. Dobersadjevec in krhlje je imela vsaka hiša.Tradicionalen sadovnjak je zelo <strong>za</strong>nimivekosistem, ki bi ga lahko primerjalitudi z redkim svetlim listnatimgozdom. Sadna drevesa lahko dočakajo200 let in več. Ker se v njem mešatagozdni in travniški ekosistem, je <strong>za</strong>njznačilna izjemna pestrost živih bitij,saj lahko v takih sadovnjakih najdemocelo do 5000 različnih vrst rastlin in živalipa tudi mnoge vrste gliv in lišajev.Poleg dreves so med rastlinami najboljopazne različne vrste trav in cvetlic,med živalmi pa ptiči in metulji. Posebnovrednost v sadovnjaku imajo drevesaz dupli, ki jih v debla in debele veje votlihali delno trhlih dreves iztešejo detliin žolne, predvsem pivka. Ko se odselijo,njihova dupla <strong>za</strong>sedejo nekaterevrste sinic, pogorelček, vijeglavka, brspecies.Particularly noticeable amongthe plants are, apart from the treesthemselves, different grass and flowerspecies, as well as numerous birds andbutterflies. Of special value in these orchardsare trees with holes, made intrunks and thick branches of hollow orpartially putrid trees by woodpeckers,especially by the Grey-headed Woodpecker.When they move away, theirholes are occupied by some tit species,Redstart, Wryneck, Nuthatch, etc., thelarger holes even by Tawny and LittleOwls. Birds, however, are not the onlyinhabitants of tree holes. They are alsoused by dormice, martens, weasels,bats, wasps, bees, and other animals.If the orchards are in contact withwoodlands and hedges, and there happensto be water nearby, their biodiversityis even greater.Unfortunately, many traditional orchardsare disappearing rapidly. Theyare usually cut down in order to mitigatemowing of the meadows underthem. Surfaces with old trees are builtup, and in places where their ownersleft for larger towns, they are graduallyovergrown by forests. Thus theirrole of fruit-growing is assumed byintensively-farmed orchards with new,sensible varieties, which are in needof intensive, expensive maintenancewith regular extermination of variousillnesses.Luckily, there are some traditional orchardsthat are still enriching the imageof old villages. One of them is Smrkoljevorchard at Krašce. In it, severalapple and pear varieties are still thriving,as well as nut and plum trees.

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