2010 BC Guide in Determining Fitness to Drive

2010 BC Guide in Determining Fitness to Drive 2010 BC Guide in Determining Fitness to Drive

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Policy rationaleA key consideration when determining whether or not a restriction orcondition is appropriate is whether an individual is likely to comply withthe restriction or condition. Because restrictions or conditions are onlyimposed if required for driver fitness, if a case manager or adjudicatordecides that an individual is not likely to comply with the condition orrestriction, the individual is not fit to drive.One key factor for determining whether an individual is likely to complywith restrictions or conditions is the individual’s level of insight. This isbecause individuals with good insight are more likely to be diligent abouttheir treatment regime, to seek medical attention when needed, and toavoid driving when their condition is likely to impair their functionalability to drive.7.11 Determining re-assessment intervalsDefinitionsRe-assessmentis the process of screening, assessment and determination for an individualwith a previously reported medical condition. Re-assessment is initiatedwhen a request for a driver’s medical examination or an EVF is sent to anindividual at the expiration of an OSMV-scheduled re-assessment interval.66

Policy7.11.1 If a case manager or adjudicator determines that an individual is fitto drive, or downgrades a commercial licence, the case manager oradjudicator will also determine whether re-assessment is requiredat a future date and, if so, what the re-assessment interval shouldbe.7.11.2 Generally, re-assessment will be required if:(a) the individual has a medical condition that is progressive(b) the driver fitness determination is based upon the effectivenessof a prescribed treatment regime and it is unknown whether thetreatment regime is likely to continue to be effective(c) the driver fitness determination is based upon the effectivenessof a prescribed treatment regime and it is unknown whether theindividual is likely to comply with the treatment regime(d) the medical condition results in episodic impairment, the driverfitness determination is based upon an individual having aperiod of stability without an episodic event, and it is unknownwhether the medical condition is likely to continue to be stable(e) the medical condition results in an episodic impairment, thedriver fitness determination is based upon a pattern of episodes,e.g. nocturnal seizures or auras, and it is unknown whether thepattern of episodes is likely to continue(f) it is recommended by a physician, and/or(g) the re-assessment interval guidelines for the medical conditionindicate that re-assessment is required.7.11.3 To determine whether re-assessment is required and, if so, theappropriate interval, the case manager or adjudicator will consider:(a) the re-assessment interval guidelines outlined in the relevantmedical condition chapter(s)(b) the date of onset, diagnosis and/or treatment of the medicalcondition, if known(c) the severity of the medical condition(d) whether the condition is stable and, if so, the period of stability(e) whether the condition is progressive and, if so, the rate ofprogression67

Policy7.11.1 If a case manager or adjudica<strong>to</strong>r determ<strong>in</strong>es that an <strong>in</strong>dividual is fit<strong>to</strong> drive, or downgrades a commercial licence, the case manager oradjudica<strong>to</strong>r will also determ<strong>in</strong>e whether re-assessment is requiredat a future date and, if so, what the re-assessment <strong>in</strong>terval shouldbe.7.11.2 Generally, re-assessment will be required if:(a) the <strong>in</strong>dividual has a medical condition that is progressive(b) the driver fitness determ<strong>in</strong>ation is based upon the effectivenessof a prescribed treatment regime and it is unknown whether thetreatment regime is likely <strong>to</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>ue <strong>to</strong> be effective(c) the driver fitness determ<strong>in</strong>ation is based upon the effectivenessof a prescribed treatment regime and it is unknown whether the<strong>in</strong>dividual is likely <strong>to</strong> comply with the treatment regime(d) the medical condition results <strong>in</strong> episodic impairment, the driverfitness determ<strong>in</strong>ation is based upon an <strong>in</strong>dividual hav<strong>in</strong>g aperiod of stability without an episodic event, and it is unknownwhether the medical condition is likely <strong>to</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>ue <strong>to</strong> be stable(e) the medical condition results <strong>in</strong> an episodic impairment, thedriver fitness determ<strong>in</strong>ation is based upon a pattern of episodes,e.g. nocturnal seizures or auras, and it is unknown whether thepattern of episodes is likely <strong>to</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>ue(f) it is recommended by a physician, and/or(g) the re-assessment <strong>in</strong>terval guidel<strong>in</strong>es for the medical condition<strong>in</strong>dicate that re-assessment is required.7.11.3 To determ<strong>in</strong>e whether re-assessment is required and, if so, theappropriate <strong>in</strong>terval, the case manager or adjudica<strong>to</strong>r will consider:(a) the re-assessment <strong>in</strong>terval guidel<strong>in</strong>es outl<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the relevantmedical condition chapter(s)(b) the date of onset, diagnosis and/or treatment of the medicalcondition, if known(c) the severity of the medical condition(d) whether the condition is stable and, if so, the period of stability(e) whether the condition is progressive and, if so, the rate ofprogression67

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