2010 BC Guide in Determining Fitness to Drive

2010 BC Guide in Determining Fitness to Drive 2010 BC Guide in Determining Fitness to Drive

from pssg.gov.bc.ca More from this publisher

GUIDELINES16.6 Private and commercial drivers with recurrent episodes that occur withwarning symptomsApplicationAssessment guidelinesFitness guidelinesThese guidelines apply to private and commercial drivers with avestibular disorder who have recurrent episodes of vestibulardysfunction that occur with warning symptoms. This may includeindividuals with: benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) Meniere’s disease vestibular neuronitis (labyrinthitis) migraines, or psychogenic vertigo/anxiety (hyperventilation syndrome).If further information regarding an individual’s medical condition isrequired, OSMV will request: a Driver’s Medical Examination Report, or additional information from the treating physician.Individuals may drive if: the warning symptoms are of sufficient duration, and not incapacitating,such that a driver would have the time and capability to pull off theroad.Drivers that experience an episode of vestibular dysfunction may notresume driving until all symptoms associated with the episode havestopped.OSMV determinationguidelinesConditionsRestrictionsOSMV may find individuals fit to drive if: the warning symptoms are of sufficient duration, and not incapacitating,such that a driver would have the time and capability to pull off theroad.Drivers that experience an episode of vestibular dysfunction may notresume driving until all symptoms associated with the episode havestopped.OSMV will impose the following condition on an individual who isfound fit to drive: if you experience an episode of vestibular dysfunction, you mustnot resume driving until all symptoms associated with the episodehave stopped.No restrictions are required.154

Re-assessmentguidelinesPolicy rationaleNo re-assessment, other than routine commercial or age-relatedassessment, is required.The risk from an episodic vestibular dysfunction can be mitigatedwhere the episode is consistently preceded by warning symptoms thatare not incapacitating and which last long enough for a driver tosafely stop their driving until the episode is over.155

Re-assessmentguidel<strong>in</strong>esPolicy rationaleNo re-assessment, other than rout<strong>in</strong>e commercial or age-relatedassessment, is required.The risk from an episodic vestibular dysfunction can be mitigatedwhere the episode is consistently preceded by warn<strong>in</strong>g symp<strong>to</strong>ms thatare not <strong>in</strong>capacitat<strong>in</strong>g and which last long enough for a driver <strong>to</strong>safely s<strong>to</strong>p their driv<strong>in</strong>g until the episode is over.155

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